obama's monster (blacklivesmatter) strikes again!!! Yeeeah! Brutally beats down white Marine.

You think SNOPES is a credible news source?

It's owned by 2 flaming liberals with absolutely no training or certification in investigative journalism. That would be credible to you, huh? You do realize that Snopes employs not a SINGLE journalist? Not a SINGLE certified or licensed person? It's owned by mom and pop liberals. It's not a news source, and it's not even accurate. If this is your idea of a reliable news source.....

God help us all.

And yet they do a far better job of investigating these things than so-called Journalists. You see, every OTHER story I found googling this was just repeating the same text from Faux News, verbatim. Snopes actually bothered to call the McDonald's owner and the DC Metro Police.

And there's no magic pixie in the sky to help you. Sorry dude.
Just the word of the marine. I don't give a shit if you don't believe FoxNews. Watch your lying
I real news and sTay clueless in that echo chamber.

Ollie North was a Marine
Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine

So we have this guys word these thugs were with "black lives matter", vs no other witnesses saying that and a video with no sound which kind of indicates this was a run of the mill robbery.
Nobody thinks these were BLM leaders. Why do you think the Marine would lie about being asked that question? What about the people accosted at other times when asked about BLM? Remember the invasion of college libraries and cafeterias? It's taking the place of the knockout game with black thugs. Yet you choose to believe the fucking thugs. It's from watching liberal news. They aren't showing you what's happening.
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Nobody thinks these were BLM leaders. Why do you think the Marine would lie about being asked that question?

I could think of a lot of reasons. Maybe because he got a little bit of attention when he appeared in that news photo (five bucks says he's got it framed in his house somewhere) and he decided he liked public attention. Street crime. No one cares. Attacked by BLM! That's a shitload of attention from the Crank Media.

What about the people accosted at other times when asked about BLM?

Which people?

Remember the invasion of college libraries and cafeterias?

You mean the peaceful protests against campus policies? How dare those Darkies think they have First Amendment rights? Next thing you know, they might expect to have second amendment rights to wave around guns without being shot.

It's taking the place of the knockout game with black thugs.

Except the "knockout game' turned out to be a myth generated by the Right Wing Media.

Sorry, Conservative Media: The "Knockout Game" Trend Is a Myth

Yet you choose to believe the fucking thugs. It's from watching liberal news. They aren't showing you what's happening.

I watch a variety of news sources, right and left.

But it isn't a matter of believing the "thugs". We haven't even arrested these guys yet and we don't know what their side of it is, but I doubt they have a good excuse. That said, the police aren't treating this as a hate crime, they are treating it as a robbery.
The gang identified him as a racist. Once identifying a racist, they are entitled to do anything they want.

Apparently. What people don't pay attention to is that these five sacks of shit are what breeds people like me.... the guy who goes armed at almost all tines and lives in a "Condition Orange" state of mind at all times.

I am always at Condition 1 after Vietnam. Take no slaves or quarter given. Shoot first and ask questions later.

You should probably be involuntarily confined to a secere mental health facility for the rest of your life.

And by "secure mental health facility", I mean "padded cell with the door welded closed."
Just tell your wife that you were born to be a chickenshit and it`s not really your fault.

Dear Gods, I truly hope you get mugged the next time you're in a major urban area, or better yet you get to watch a bunch of thugs beat the shit out of your spouse while you stand by impotent to do anything to stop it.

Proper preparation isn't fear and when seconds count the cops are generally dozens of minutes away.

Have a nice day.

Of course. Pray to your dopey god that your fellow man is harmed. That's awesome.

You are afraid. Why not just admit it.

No...he is psychopathic.

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