Obama's Mother Denied ??? Another Lie ???

Go read it maybe you'll learn something I doubt it but hey we tried

Retell Politics: Story About Obama's Mother Gets Another Look : It's All Politics : NPR

Finally to get disability claim its next to impossible with a insurance company ... social security disability insurance takes a document from your doctor saying your disabled and showing them why you're disabled ... it takes them 90 days time before they even look at your case ... after that 90 days and they say you're in or you're not...now, after they say you're in you have to wait 6 months before you get your first SSDI check ... you Also can't have and income coming of any kind ... so tell us how would you argue your case with and insurance company when you're lying in a hospital bed, wondering how are you going to pay for it... because we all know that 9 mounts is way to long for any one to get a disability claim to pay for their every day needs .... in my opinion, obama's mothers case, how would you like to argue with the insurer to get disability when you're sitting in the hospital ... you know you have children and responsibilities that have to be met, tell us here how would you feel about doing that your self... as for what you all are talking about here go and read the truth... for once in your life

Obama would allude to his mother's experience, albeit in abbreviated form, when making the case for health care reform. Though he often suggested that she was denied health coverage because of a pre-existing condition

From your link , sorry...you lose.
The Lies that Sold Obamacare | National Review Online

This loser appears to use his mother for his own gains.

From the article:

Obama says in 2008:

For my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies because they’re saying that this may be a preexisting condition and they don’t have to pay her treatment, there’s something fundamentally wrong about that.


There would be, if it had been true. But when New York Times reporter Janny Scott researched the issue for her biography of the president’s mother, she discovered letters proving beyond a doubt that CIGNA never denied Dunham coverage for her disease. The dispute was over a disability plan that would have paid some of Dunham’s other expenses.
The White House did not deny Scott’s account, but shrugged it off as something that had happened long ago. Not so long that it couldn’t be milked one last time, though, for a 2012 campaign film. In The Road We’ve Traveled, the message remained unchanged — a greedy insurance company had cut off Stanley Ann Dunham at her moment of maximum vulnerability and cost her her life.


Besides being a failure...he is a fraud.

Not too many people get denied coverage for cancer. Personally I didn't believe it when I heard it.

Also disability typically does not cover someone with a disease. You can get separate cancer disability insurance for yourself just in case, but most disability policies just cover injury and accident.
Your attempt at justification is laughable.

Read the OP with your brain turned on.

His claim was about pre-existing conditions.

This is way too funny.

Dunham had filed the disability claim to help pay for those additional expenses. The company denied the claim because her doctor had suspected uterine cancer during an office visit 2 ½ months before Dunham had started the job with Development Alternatives, though Dunham said the doctor had not discussed the possibility with cancer with her. Dunham requested a review from CIGNA, saying she was turning the case over to “my son and attorney Barack Obama.”

?The Road We?ve Traveled:? A misleading account of Obama?s mother and her insurance dispute - The Washington Post


Another American who's life was cut short.

Tell about your outrage about Benghazi again?

its funny here she tries to apply for disability and was denied because the insurance company believed she had this as a preexisting condition ... the deal with her cancer but they won't help her financially cause they believe its preexisting condition ... funny how that is here we are arguing over health care ...what was said, what wasn't said ... but we here we had a woman, who was in the hospital, arguing with an insurance company over insurance matters at the worst time in her life... that's what obama was saying ... why should you have to argue preexisting condition ... we don't have to now ... thanks to the Affordable Care Act ... the point here about lying??? go back to the speeches themselves ... see what both of them said said and not some right wing blogger

Here is what the article stated....moron.

There would be, if it had been true. But when New York Times reporter Janny Scott researched the issue for her biography of the president’s mother, she discovered letters proving beyond a doubt that CIGNA never denied Dunham coverage for her disease. The dispute was over a disability plan that would have paid some of Dunham’s other expenses.
Papas told the Times. "The president has told this story based on his recollection of events that took place more than 15 years ago."
That's about the most blatant example of political spin I've ever seen. In other words, Obama isn't responsible if it lacks accuracy due to time and memory. It was only his mom, he can't remember every single detail.

what's blatant example of political spin is your inability to understand what's being said and what was actually said... what''s was said by Obama about his mothers stay in the hospital was this... he was upset that she had to argue with a health care provider about policy ... he clearly said she was arguing about the preexisting clause ... something he had remove from all health care plans ... today she wouldn't have had that problem ...they claimed she was aware of her cancer ... she claimed she wasn't aware of her cancer that she got before her health care plan ... they claim she was ... that's what he was talking about in his speech, not her getting coverage for the cancer as the writer stated, which was a distortion on writers part ... coverage for disability which was part of her health care plan, that they denied you doltz... he never said for her illness

Total horsecrap. Read the story idiot....then get back to us. And take your braindead buddies Shallow and RighoffthecliffWinger with you.

Another American who's life was cut short.

Tell about your outrage about Benghazi again?

its funny here she tries to apply for disability and was denied because the insurance company believed she had this as a preexisting condition ... the deal with her cancer but they won't help her financially cause they believe its preexisting condition ... funny how that is here we are arguing over health care ...what was said, what wasn't said ... but we here we had a woman, who was in the hospital, arguing with an insurance company over insurance matters at the worst time in her life... that's what obama was saying ... why should you have to argue preexisting condition ... we don't have to now ... thanks to the Affordable Care Act ... the point here about lying??? go back to the speeches themselves ... see what both of them said said and not some right wing blogger

Here is what the article stated....moron.

There would be, if it had been true. But when New York Times reporter Janny Scott researched the issue for her biography of the president’s mother, she discovered letters proving beyond a doubt that CIGNA never denied Dunham coverage for her disease. The dispute was over a disability plan that would have paid some of Dunham’s other expenses.

Yes, but the fake story has so much more punch! Think of it as a book that was turned into a movie.


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The Lies that Sold Obamacare | National Review Online

This loser appears to use his mother for his own gains.

From the article:

Obama says in 2008:

For my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies because they’re saying that this may be a preexisting condition and they don’t have to pay her treatment, there’s something fundamentally wrong about that.


There would be, if it had been true. But when New York Times reporter Janny Scott researched the issue for her biography of the president’s mother, she discovered letters proving beyond a doubt that CIGNA never denied Dunham coverage for her disease. The dispute was over a disability plan that would have paid some of Dunham’s other expenses.
The White House did not deny Scott’s account, but shrugged it off as something that had happened long ago. Not so long that it couldn’t be milked one last time, though, for a 2012 campaign film. In The Road We’ve Traveled, the message remained unchanged — a greedy insurance company had cut off Stanley Ann Dunham at her moment of maximum vulnerability and cost her her life.


Besides being a failure...he is a fraud.


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