Obama's New Foreign Policy


May 23, 2014
The Iranian nuclear give away was the first step in the new Obama foreign policy initiative. It is a stepped program that adheres to the following principles:
Never negotiate from a position of strength by having sanctions on rouge actors.
Under no circumstances consult your allies.
The United States is an evil nation.
Lets pretend there is no danger in the world.
Everytime you can weaken America's global power...do so.
So what if North Korea lied to us in the past...Iran would never do that.
Say, whats that mushroom cloud over Tel Alviv?
The Iranian nuclear give away was the first step in the new Obama foreign policy initiative. It is a stepped program that adheres to the following principles:
Never negotiate from a position of strength by having sanctions on rouge actors.
Under no circumstances consult your allies.
The United States is an evil nation.
Lets pretend there is no danger in the world.
Everytime you can weaken America's global power...do so.
So what if North Korea lied to us in the past...Iran would never do that.
Say, whats that mushroom cloud over Tel Alviv?
Always kiss the mooosluts ass is his montra.
The Iranian nuclear give away was the first step in the new Obama foreign policy initiative. It is a stepped program that adheres to the following principles:
Never negotiate from a position of strength by having sanctions on rouge actors.
Under no circumstances consult your allies.
The United States is an evil nation.
Lets pretend there is no danger in the world.
Everytime you can weaken America's global power...do so.
So what if North Korea lied to us in the past...Iran would never do that.
Say, whats that mushroom cloud over Tel Alviv?

You are an idiot...the deal is between Iran and the P5+1 (the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China, facilitated by the European Union)
The Iranian nuclear give away was the first step in the new Obama foreign policy initiative. It is a stepped program that adheres to the following principles:
Never negotiate from a position of strength by having sanctions on rouge actors.
Under no circumstances consult your allies.
The United States is an evil nation.
Lets pretend there is no danger in the world.
Everytime you can weaken America's global power...do so.
So what if North Korea lied to us in the past...Iran would never do that.
Say, whats that mushroom cloud over Tel Alviv?

You are an idiot...the deal is between Iran and the P5+1 (the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China, facilitated by the European Union)
And it's 100% stupid. Who was the driving force? Obama administration. He is a disgrace to the United States.

Weeeeeeee! In Obama's world everybody loves everybody else. Let's have ice cream and party games with the Iranians. Weeeeeee! Oh that silly Hitler!

Weeeeeeee! In Obama's world everybody loves everybody else. Let's have ice cream and party games with the Iranians. Weeeeeee! Oh that silly Hitler!

Out to prove you are an idiot? You are a HUGE success...

What do you right wing turds have as a solution...

The Iranian nuclear give away was the first step in the new Obama foreign policy initiative. It is a stepped program that adheres to the following principles:
Never negotiate from a position of strength by having sanctions on rouge actors.
Under no circumstances consult your allies.
The United States is an evil nation.
Lets pretend there is no danger in the world.
Everytime you can weaken America's global power...do so.
So what if North Korea lied to us in the past...Iran would never do that.
Say, whats that mushroom cloud over Tel Alviv?

You are an idiot...the deal is between Iran and the P5+1 (the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China, facilitated by the European Union)
No, you, obuthole, and your fellow libtards are idiots.
The Iranian nuclear give away was the first step in the new Obama foreign policy initiative. It is a stepped program that adheres to the following principles:
Never negotiate from a position of strength by having sanctions on rouge actors.
Under no circumstances consult your allies.
The United States is an evil nation.
Lets pretend there is no danger in the world.
Everytime you can weaken America's global power...do so.
So what if North Korea lied to us in the past...Iran would never do that.
Say, whats that mushroom cloud over Tel Alviv?

You are an idiot...the deal is between Iran and the P5+1 (the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China, facilitated by the European Union)
No, you, obuthole, and your fellow libtards are idiots.

Such an intellectual reply...

What next? I know you are but what am I?
What in your opinion is the worst foreign policy mistake of all time by an American President? I have posted some candidates:
A.) Madison goes to war with Britain in 1812.
B.) Wilson caves at Versailles, allows Britain and France to punish Germany.
C.) LBJ forces U.S. to take charge of war in South Vietnam.
D.) GW Bush and neo-cons practice regime change in Iraq.
E.) Obama gives Iran a nuclear weapon.

Weeeeeeee! In Obama's world everybody loves everybody else. Let's have ice cream and party games with the Iranians. Weeeeeee! Oh that silly Hitler!

Out to prove you are an idiot? You are a HUGE success...
Military action is always an option...kissing ass to a state sponsor of terrorism is not.
What do you right wing turds have as a solution...

The Iranian nuclear give away was the first step in the new Obama foreign policy initiative. It is a stepped program that adheres to the following principles:
Never negotiate from a position of strength by having sanctions on rouge actors.
Under no circumstances consult your allies.
The United States is an evil nation.
Lets pretend there is no danger in the world.
Everytime you can weaken America's global power...do so.
So what if North Korea lied to us in the past...Iran would never do that.
Say, whats that mushroom cloud over Tel Alviv?

You are an idiot...the deal is between Iran and the P5+1 (the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China, facilitated by the European Union)
No, you, obuthole, and your fellow libtards are idiots.

Such an intellectual reply...

What next? I know you are but what am I?
Your unintelligible reply just proved you an idio, idiot.

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