Obama's New Tax Hikes Aid the Middle Class?

Pretty insulting to hear my President tell me that the only way I can succeed is if he takes some of that success away from someone else
That would be true if all those in the "someone else" category earned their incomes without resorting to bribing politicians for favorable tax and trade policies. Obama is rolling back capital gains tax rates to about where they were under Reagan. What could be more Fair?
Just because it's Reagan's and I'm a republican, that makes it alright? Is there a post of mine, somewhere, that says Reagan's tax rates were ideal?
When you get done doing that, maybe you could explain the new math where raising CG taxes equals "rolling back"
Pretty insulting to hear my President tell me that the only way I can succeed is if he takes some of that success away from someone else
Show us where he said that.
Reading is fun.
"Tax hike to benefit middle class"
Raising tax for wealthy will help middle class

Personally I don't want/need their help.

And, if I did, would it make sense to take money away from the people hiring?
1) If I'm going to be punished for my success in investing, why would I want to invest again? Who is Obama to put his hands in my pocket?
Because you didn't acquire your success without relying on Government to create the infrastructure you sponged off of. If you're an investor which institution did the most to spike the Dow's 126% rise during Obama's Administration?
1) If I'm going to be punished for my success in investing, why would I want to invest again? Who is Obama to put his hands in my pocket?
Because you didn't acquire your success without relying on Government to create the infrastructure you sponged off of. If you're an investor which institution did the most to spike the Dow's 126% rise during Obama's Administration?
Oh. I get it.
I didn't build that is now I didn't earn that.
My income taxes supported the infrastructure I sponged off. Now I have some money left.
I should be allowed to invest it without penalty
1) If I'm going to be punished for my success in investing, why would I want to invest again? Who is Obama to put his hands in my pocket?
Because you didn't acquire your success without relying on Government to create the infrastructure you sponged off of. If you're an investor which institution did the most to spike the Dow's 126% rise during Obama's Administration?

Really, How did they make it before there was roads? and you talk of a sponger maybe you need to look in a mirror. You are a true government tool
Oh. I get it.
I didn't build that is now I didn't earn that.
My income taxes supported the infrastructure I sponged off. Now I have some money left.
I should be allowed to invest it without penalty
Are you calling for a 0% CG tax rate?
Maybe you think government should pay you for your investments?
1) If I'm going to be punished for my success in investing, why would I want to invest again? Who is Obama to put his hands in my pocket?
Because you didn't acquire your success without relying on Government to create the infrastructure you sponged off of. If you're an investor which institution did the most to spike the Dow's 126% rise during Obama's Administration?

And the wealthy pay more in taxes...so whats your problem?
I would say those who pay no taxes are the one's benefiting from our hard work in the form of public transportation,roads,welfare,snap and a million other ways.
How much is enough?
Pubs are dedicated to lower taxes for all taxpayers.

There's room for bipartisan agreement.

Pubs are dedicated to lower taxes for all taxpayers.

There's room for bipartisan agreement.

Hes eliminating ways for the lower class to rise to the top. Including African Americans, You can bet Obama made a lot of money off his investments, and none of those tax hikes will hurt him and his friends in Washington
Pubs are dedicated to lower taxes for all taxpayers.

There's room for bipartisan agreement.

Pubs are dedicated to lower taxes for all taxpayers.

There's room for bipartisan agreement.

Hes eliminating ways for the lower class to rise to the top. Including African Americans, You can bet Obama made a lot of money off his investments, and none of those tax hikes will hurt him and his friends in Washington

Exactly, this is just more class warfare and games being played, so they can get back some of the votes they lost under HIS REGIME. He's such a snake
One opinion:

How does the GOP fight a populist, tax the rich proposal?
posted at 10:01 am on January 19, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

President Obama and is Democrat allies are back to their usual Eat the Rich strategy, one which will be on display at the State of the Union. Noah talked about this last night and left some interesting questions on the table.

Even though some of these tax increases will do the middle class no favors, it is not clear they will be rejected by a majority of the public. Pollsters increasingly find that the Democratic Party’s message of economic populism is resonating with a public that has not seen their incomes increase in years.

This is a message which hasn’t been lost on the President’s team, as they are clearly moving forward full steam ahead.

Senior White House officials say President Obama will use his state of the union to float several new economic ideas, including tax hikes on capital gains and wealthy inheritances, and new fees on the largest financial firms to pay for more middle class-friendly tax credits and cuts.

The price tag to the wealthiest Americans and those large financial institutions? According to senior White House officials it could be $320 billion over 10 years.

The president will propose raising the capital gains rate to 28 percent, up from 15 percent, which is the maximum most taxpayers pay now.

Let’s just get one thing out of the way up front. This dog and pony show has zero to do with policy and everything to do with politics. Obama already knows that not one of these proposals will ever make it within smelling distance of the floor for a vote in either chamber. What’s being done here is essentially a hand-off of the baton to Hillary Clinton and all of the Democrat hopefuls with an eye toward the next election. This doesn’t make it a stupid idea for the President. He doesn’t need to jack up the tax rates to be successful. He just needs to make the Republicans refuse to jack up the tax rates.

This populist message is referred to as “populist” for a reason. People with less wealth are often hard pressed to resist feeling a bit of jealousy toward those who are more successful. Even if draining all the wealth from the wealthy won’t make any significant difference in their own lives, there is a nasty siren call associated with the idea of taking the fat cats down a peg or two.

ALL of it here:
How does the GOP fight a populist tax the rich proposal Hot Air
Oh. I get it.
I didn't build that is now I didn't earn that.
My income taxes supported the infrastructure I sponged off. Now I have some money left.
I should be allowed to invest it without penalty
Are you calling for a 0% CG tax rate?
Maybe you think government should pay you for your investments?
All or nothing straw, George?

Never said 0%, but why not?
Or, at least, can it be less than income tax?
Obama=sees himself as Robin Hood

Steal from some to give to others

I hope people see through this little gimmick and just remember how he LIED when he sold you, OscamCare
Robin Hood stole from the tax collectors and returned the money to the people. obumble is Robin Hood in reverse. Steal from the people to give to the government tax collectors.
This is the one Obama proposal Republicans should pass. With a simple rider eliminating all the taxes cleverly concealed within Obamacare. THEN watch Him veto His own piece of handiwork.
Pretty insulting to hear my President tell me that the only way I can succeed is if he takes some of that success away from someone else
Show us where he said that.
Reading is fun.
"Tax hike to benefit middle class"
Raising tax for wealthy will help middle class

Personally I don't want/need their help.

And, if I did, would it make sense to take money away from the people hiring?
You cannot show the uber wealthy will stop hiring because of a tax hike.

Grow up.
I would say we all benefit from public transportation,roads,welfare,snap and a million other ways.
Obama's new tax hikes are another Obama Unicorn Myth. The only person they are intended to help is Obama as he joneses on the media cycle.

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