obama's Park Service To Arrest 90 Year Old WWII Vets

Great: Obama?s Parks Service Plans to Arrest 90-Year-Old WWII Vets for Daring to Visit Open-Air Memorial | Jammie Wearing Fools

I hope so. God, I hope so. Please, please do it.

He says they are considering going ahead with the trip even if the government is still on shutdown, but when he called the parks service, he was told they would face arrest. “I said, are you kidding me? You’re going to arrest a 90/91-year-old veteran from seeing his memorial? If it wasn’t for them it wouldn’t be there. She said, ‘That’s correct sir.’”

When Armstrong asked for her name, he says she did not give it to him and then promptly hung up the phone.

Why do you hope so? Got a problem with vets?

As with much else in life, irony escapes you, doesn't it?

I said, "Please, please do" because I knew they wouldn't'

dimocraps are gutless scumbags. Always have been, always will be.

They ain't gonna arrest anybody.

I still hope they do. I hope when I'm that age that I can get the gutless, back-stabbing, treasonous, traitorous scumbags to arrest me for visiting the Vietnam Memorial during a gubmint shutdown.
Veto anything that does not fund the entire government. No negotiations with domestic terrorists.

Stop with the drama queen shit calling fellow Americans who were elected to oppose Obamacare "domestic terrorists".

That is what they are.

Because Moon is a dishonest scrunt who is here only to inflame and taunt.

He is the textbook definition of a "Troll"

When proven wrong you again resort to insults. I thank you for the fact that truth hurts your ego.Ed.

Those aren't insults, douchebag.

They are merely observations.
Despite the soon to be short lived gloating by Moon..

The story is true.

jammiewearing supplied a source link within the article and apparently Moon didn't look for it..

Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown : News : NorthwestOhio.com

TOLEDO -- In and around the Glass City, effects of the government shutdown can be seen at our museums, monuments, and national parks. The gates are closed and locked, denying access completely to the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.

Transportation Safety Administration employees were still working at Toledo Express Airport on Monday, but when WNWO called the TSA to find out if they would be affected, there was a message that said the public relations representative did not have access to her voicemail or email due to the government shutdown.

A letter from Rep. Marcy Kaptur's (D-OH 9) office reads,"...only services deemed essential for the safety of human life and protection of property will be continued."

Yet, for a group of World War II veterans visiting the national memorial in Washington D.C., an all expense paid trip which is called an "Honor Flight," the shutdown was not stopping them from seeing the tribute that was inspired by them.

"It just goes to show you why we won World War II," says Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio President Lee Armstrong.

Many elderly veterans, some in wheelchairs, broke through the barriers set up around the memorial, as police, park service employees, and tourists looked on. "The Germans and the Japanese couldn't contain us. They weren't going to let barriers contain them today. They wanted to see their memorial," says Armstrong.

Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio has a trip scheduled to depart from Toledo next Wednesday, October 9.

"We will make the call this Friday to determine if the flight is still a go, or if we will have to re-schedule," Armstrong explains.

He says they are considering going ahead with the trip even if the government is still on shutdown, but when he called the parks service, he was told they would face arrest. "I said, are you kidding me? You're going to arrest a 90/91-year-old veteran from seeing his memorial? If it wasn't for them it wouldn't be there. She said, 'That's correct sir.'"

When Armstrong asked for her name, he says she did not give it to him and then promptly hung up the phone.

99% of veterans on Honor Flights have never had the opportunity to see the memorial that is devoted to their service.

Through October, the are over 35,000 veterans scheduled to visit the site, more than 900 in the next five days alone.

It may all be waiting in limbo if the government can't complete their job.

Another liar:

WWII Vets storm DC memorial, despite shutdown
WBIR-TV *- 16 minutes ago
The US Park Service opened the area to the veterans

Incredible that the Repubs threaten to shut down the govt if they don't get their way. They blackmail the American people and when their ransom demands aren't met, they actually do shut down the govt.

And, the rw's say Obama did this?????????????????????

The slime teepoters are actually using vets in wheelchairs for their photo ops. The very same slimy Rs want to cut benefits to vets and their families.

And, the rw's agree with this.
The Monument is open 24/7/365.

the Scumbag in Chief went out of his way to close something that is never closed.

You douchebags on the left refuse to recognize that...

Hate.... It's all you got

Barry-cades confirmed: Park Service says Obama admin ordered closure of World War II Memorial | Twitchy

Stephen Hayes ✔ [MENTION=27821]Stephen[/MENTION]fhayes

At the WWII Memorial, Carol Johnson w/the Park Service says they were told to close the site by White House's Office of Management & Budget.

9:44 AM - 2 Oct 2013

413 Retweets 40 favorites

Kathleen McKinley [MENTION=11635]Kat[/MENTION]McKinley

There it is. The White House Office of Management & Budget ordered the closing of the WWII Memorial. Disgusting.

BuzzFeedBenny ✔ [MENTION=40188]Benny[/MENTION]johnson

Park ranger "We were instructed to do this by OMB"

9:40 AM - 2 Oct 2013

Let the Vets In @LettheVetsIn

Spokesman for @nps says they were told to barricade the #WWIIMemorial by the White House OMB. #LetTheVetsIn

Christine~Soccer Mom [MENTION=22258]Cat[/MENTION]holicMomVA

In case you're not hip to DC Alphabet Soup: Office of Management and Budget | The White House #fb RT [MENTION=40188]Benny[/MENTION]johnson: Park ranger "We were instructed to do this by OMB"
Got any proof that Oblama actually ordered this?

If not Obama himself, then someone who works for/with him did.

If Obama didn't approve of it, he could have rescinded that order already.. He's done a "great" job writing EO's in the past overturning laws he doesn't like.
True, but he is letting others handle the situation here so he can work on foreign relations with Asian nations.
I don't agree with what they did. But it is no reason to use unreliable sources to lie to advanced a rhetoric of propaganda.
Got any proof that Oblama actually ordered this?

If not Obama himself, then someone who works for/with him did.

If Obama didn't approve of it, he could have rescinded that order already.. He's done a "great" job writing EO's in the past overturning laws he doesn't like.

I just posted a link DIRECTLY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE where the scumbag in chief personally promised to veto Veterans Benefits Legislation.

Is there any doubt in anybody's minds that the same piece of shit ordered the Memorials CLOSED.

Which they NEVER are. Closed, that is.

It would be like...... I dunno...... I can't think of an analogy that's quite as stupid......

It's like closing your front yard. Like putting up a fence to keep the neighbor's cats out because -- I don't know.

So you spend ten grand to close something that's never been closed before. For no reason other than spite.

Even that's not a fair analogy because I hate cats and I wouldn't want them around anyway... But I respect Veterans. It would be like taking the car keys away from the most devoted, loving, loyal and beautiful wife on Earth because your Boss cut your pay.

THAT is the sickness of dimocraps.

dimocraps are some sick muthas

But I'll tell you who is sitting back and watching all this unfold without saying a word about it. They're taking it in. They ain't stupid....

I'm talking about the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force.

And they ain't blind.

They know that they'll be Veterans some day, too.

Something the average dimocrap turdball doesn't understand is the connection, the brotherhood.

Maybe someday they will
Obama Vows To Veto GOP Spending Bill That Restores Funding For Veterans’ Benefits…


He wants people to suffer, that much is clear.

Via WhiteHouse.gov:


H.J. Res. 70, 71, 72, 73 and H.R. 3230 – Limited Appropriations Resolutions, 2014 (Rep. Rogers, R-KY)

The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.J. Res. 70, H.J. Res. 71, H.J. Res. 72, H.J. Res. 73, and H.R. 3230, making fiscal year 2014 appropriations for very limited activities. Consideration of appropriations bills in a piecemeal fashion is not a serious or responsible way to run the United States Government. Instead of opening up a few Government functions, the House of Representatives should re-open all of the Government. The harmful impacts of a shutdown extend across Government, affecting services that are critical to small businesses, women, children, seniors, and others across the Nation. The Senate acted in a responsible manner on a short-term funding measure to maintain Government functions and avoid a damaging Government shutdown. The House of Representatives should allow a straight up or down vote on the Senate-passed H.J. Res. 59.

If the President were presented with H.J. Res. 70, H.J. Res. 71, H.J. Res. 72, H.J. Res. 73, and H.R. 3230, he would veto the bills.

- See more at: http://weaselzippers.net/#sthash.4c6ID6bT.dpuf

What a scumbag


Sent up a bill that restores ALL Government and Obama will sign it

Is that so hard to understand?
Well let's see here. The Vet's are visiting the WWII Memorial, none have been arrested. In fact some of the police helped them move the barricades, more vets are due to visit today. Were the National Parks and Memorials shut down primarily for political impact? Most likely. Would the Pubs do the same thing if the shoes were on the other feet? Most likely.
From Ace.

Good stuff:

Compare and Contrast

The "barricade" at the WWI memorial is just a single six-foot length of fence, barricading nothing at all, and a sign:


Now let's look at the WWII memorial.


Wow, it's almost like Fort Knox, if Fort Knox is where we guarded our precious stores of grass and concrete.

What's the difference?

Simple, really: There are Honor Flights of vets scheduled to see the latter but not the former.

Thus this isn't about "maintenance" or "saving money" or CPR, as the Park Service claimed yesterday. (Edge, like the dimocraps they are..... They lied like motherfuckers) (That they had staff trained in CPR administration, who were not actually at the site, but I guess theoretically if someone stopped breathing they could take a cab and get there in 20 minutes or something.)

This is about the fact that a lot of people are coming to see the WWII Memorial, and the Administration wishes to hurt them.

Very few people are coming to see the WWI Memorial (sadly), and thus suddenly these worries about "CPR" and "maintenance" (of concrete) and "funding" no longer apply.

By the way, let's look at the funding for the WWII Memorial.

The National World War II Memorial was funded almost entirely by private contributions, as specified in Public Law 103-32. The campaign received more than $197 million in cash and pledges. Support came from hundreds of thousands of individual Americans, hundreds of corporations and foundations, veterans groups, dozens of civic, fraternal and professional organizations, states and one territory, and students in 1,200 schools across the country.

Donated and pledged funds were used to cover the total project costs of approximately $182 million. These costs include site selection and design, construction and sculpture, a National Park Service maintenance fee required by the Commemorative Works Act, groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies, fund raising, and the 11-year administrative costs of the project from its inception in 1993 through completion in 2004.

Remaining funds are held on deposit with the U.S. Treasury in a National WWII Memorial Trust Fund. The funds will be used by the American Battle Monuments Commission solely to benefit the World War II Memorial.

Hey Barack Obama -- you didn't fucking build that. Someone else did, and someone else is paying for its upkeep.
And again proof has been shown that the barricades are gone and the memorial is open and the elderly vets are there and are being allowed to be there.
"... as police, park service employees, and tourists looked on. "

Looks like someone was really stupid on the phone or someone is lying.

But to blame the President?

LO,L well that's just about as dumb as it gets.

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