obama's Park Service To Arrest 90 Year Old WWII Vets

TD is correct. The House is doing exactly what we hired them to do.

It's their DUTY to stop funding an executive who has overstepped it's authority.

Go ahead and call them nuts, but your calling Thomas Jefferson, Madison and the rest of the founding Fathers nuts also. I'll take that crowd over yours any day.

Sorry. You don't get them as your crowd. They'd laugh at you just like I do. They'd bitch slap a weasel like Cruz before he opened his lying trap.

Is this before or after you called them terrorists?

Yeah! I did that! Sure.

You are one tricky-slicky nutter, ain't ya?
That is what they are.

TD is correct. The House is doing exactly what we hired them to do.

It's their DUTY to stop funding an executive who has overstepped it's authority.

Go ahead and call them nuts, but your calling Thomas Jefferson, Madison and the rest of the founding Fathers nuts also. I'll take that crowd over yours any day.

Sorry. You don't get them as your crowd. They'd laugh at you just like I do. They'd bitch slap a weasel like Cruz before he opened his lying trap.

Girly laugh all you want! The only way they come to your side would be to smack some sense into your pinhead.
These Vets survived Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge, Japanese and German POW camps. You think a few fat assed progressives are gonna stop them????


so true. hey pop, haven't seen you in a while
How has he over stepped his authority?

Stop with the drama queen shit calling fellow Americans who were elected to oppose Obamacare "domestic terrorists".

That is what they are.

TD is correct. The House is doing exactly what we hired them to do.

It's their DUTY to stop funding an executive who has overstepped it's authority.

Go ahead and call them nuts, but your calling Thomas Jefferson, Madison and the rest of the founding Fathers nuts also. I'll take that crowd over yours any day.
How has he over stepped his authority?

That is what they are.

TD is correct. The House is doing exactly what we hired them to do.

It's their DUTY to stop funding an executive who has overstepped it's authority.

Go ahead and call them nuts, but your calling Thomas Jefferson, Madison and the rest of the founding Fathers nuts also. I'll take that crowd over yours any day.

Disregarding parts of the law he wants. Extending timeframes for some and not all. That's a start, and enough
That really does not explain how he violates his authority.
Where does it say in the Constitution how that is over stepping his authority?

How has he over stepped his authority?

TD is correct. The House is doing exactly what we hired them to do.

It's their DUTY to stop funding an executive who has overstepped it's authority.

Go ahead and call them nuts, but your calling Thomas Jefferson, Madison and the rest of the founding Fathers nuts also. I'll take that crowd over yours any day.

Disregarding parts of the law he wants. Extending timeframes for some and not all. That's a start, and enough
That really does not explain how he violates his authority.
Where does it say in the Constitution how that is over stepping his authority?

How has he over stepped his authority?

Disregarding parts of the law he wants. Extending timeframes for some and not all. That's a start, and enough

He took an oath to uphold the law, not modify it as he wishes. We elected an Executive, not a King.
That really does not explain how he violates his authority.
Where does it say in the Constitution how that is over stepping his authority?

Disregarding parts of the law he wants. Extending timeframes for some and not all. That's a start, and enough

He took an oath to uphold the law, not modify it as he wishes. We elected an Executive, not a King.

My father lived the last 50 years of his life with a disfigured face and a pronounced limp. He would have been grateful for the kind words....and the silly bravado you have assigned to our living WWII vets. He was a silent but proud vet.

But when you say stupid shit like this.....you nullify any of those positives. You become a tool...a joke....a fool. Why do that?
That really does not explain how he violates his authority.
Where does it say in the Constitution how that is over stepping his authority?

He took an oath to uphold the law, not modify it as he wishes. We elected an Executive, not a King.

My father lived the last 50 years of his life with a disfigured face and a pronounced limp. He would have been grateful for the kind words....and the silly bravado you have assigned to our living WWII vets. He was a silent but proud vet.

But when you say stupid shit like this.....you nullify any of those positives. You become a tool...a joke....a fool. Why do that?

Your father would slap you silly if he were still alive and we both know it.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck has routinely side-stepped or even completely ignored the law on dozens of occasions.

The problem is, there's nothing that can be done short of Impeachment and, believe me when I tell you, that is more likely than you think.

Most recently the piece of shit unilaterally, and illegally, delayed the Employer Mandate saying that the systems 'just weren't in place.'

I mean WHAT THE FUCK, CHUCK!!! They've had almost four fucking years to get them in place.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck acted without Congressional consent and nowhere in the Law is there a section for allowing ANY president to set aside any part of the law.

You're an idiot. And a dishonest one.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck is a criminal and a wannabe dictator
That really does not explain how he violates his authority.
Where does it say in the Constitution how that is over stepping his authority?

He took an oath to uphold the law, not modify it as he wishes. We elected an Executive, not a King.

My father lived the last 50 years of his life with a disfigured face and a pronounced limp. He would have been grateful for the kind words....and the silly bravado you have assigned to our living WWII vets. He was a silent but proud vet.

But when you say stupid shit like this.....you nullify any of those positives. You become a tool...a joke....a fool. Why do that?

My Father survived Utah beach, his brothers:

1. Survived the Bataan death march, suffered his entire life from it's effects. I know, we helped him survive the effects of that horrible time.

2. 12 months a Japanese prisoner of war

None of them would have been stopped from visiting the monument honoring their friends that never made it off that beach, that march or those camps.

Tool? Project much?
Veto anything that does not fund the entire government. No negotiations with domestic terrorists.

When has Obama vetoed anything? His vow to veto something is probably like his first, second and third red line followed by saying he didn't have a red line.
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Veto anything that does not fund the entire government. No negotiations with domestic terrorists.
"My way or the highway!"-Barack Hussein Obama....King of the World


Obama Vows To Veto GOP Spending Bill That Restores Funding For Veterans’ Benefits…


He wants people to suffer, that much is clear.

Via WhiteHouse.gov:


H.J. Res. 70, 71, 72, 73 and H.R. 3230 – Limited Appropriations Resolutions, 2014 (Rep. Rogers, R-KY)

The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.J. Res. 70, H.J. Res. 71, H.J. Res. 72, H.J. Res. 73, and H.R. 3230, making fiscal year 2014 appropriations for very limited activities. Consideration of appropriations bills in a piecemeal fashion is not a serious or responsible way to run the United States Government. Instead of opening up a few Government functions, the House of Representatives should re-open all of the Government. The harmful impacts of a shutdown extend across Government, affecting services that are critical to small businesses, women, children, seniors, and others across the Nation. The Senate acted in a responsible manner on a short-term funding measure to maintain Government functions and avoid a damaging Government shutdown. The House of Representatives should allow a straight up or down vote on the Senate-passed H.J. Res. 59.

If the President were presented with H.J. Res. 70, H.J. Res. 71, H.J. Res. 72, H.J. Res. 73, and H.R. 3230, he would veto the bills.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

What a scumbag


Sent up a bill that restores ALL Government and Obama will sign it

Is that so hard to understand?
Stop trying to be a goddamned dictator! Is that so hard to understand? Obama is pissed because the House won't give him another blank check to raise the debt beyond what he has already done.

I served 6 years in the OKANG/USAR and the RA. How many years did you serve?

Are we supposed to be impressed?
Hey, if he did serve, he deserves some kudos. That does not preclude him from being an asshole...or supporting the Marxist Asshole in Chief.

Well let's see here. The Vet's are visiting the WWII Memorial, none have been arrested. In fact some of the police helped them move the barricades, more vets are due to visit today. Were the National Parks and Memorials shut down primarily for political impact? Most likely. Would the Pubs do the same thing if the shoes were on the other feet? Most likely.

No. It is considered non-essential. There is no choice. It was not done for political impact.

The CONSTANT effort on the part of "conservatives" to claim that "both sides do it equally" is growing old.

It makes nutters feel better to think it.....but is just ain't true.
Obama spent more of OUR money putting up barricades and taking them down than would have been spent on the personnel that normally watch the activities at the monument. It is an OPEN AIR MONUMENT that people just walk by and observe...in honor of those that served. The very idea that it should be closed to promote Obama's notion that the House is punishing the people is ludicrous.

Obama is transparent in his effort to throw blame on everyone but himself.
He took an oath to uphold the law, not modify it as he wishes. We elected an Executive, not a King.

My father lived the last 50 years of his life with a disfigured face and a pronounced limp. He would have been grateful for the kind words....and the silly bravado you have assigned to our living WWII vets. He was a silent but proud vet.

But when you say stupid shit like this.....you nullify any of those positives. You become a tool...a joke....a fool. Why do that?

Your father would slap you silly if he were still alive and we both know it.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck has routinely side-stepped or even completely ignored the law on dozens of occasions.

The problem is, there's nothing that can be done short of Impeachment and, believe me when I tell you, that is more likely than you think.

Most recently the piece of shit unilaterally, and illegally, delayed the Employer Mandate saying that the systems 'just weren't in place.'

I mean WHAT THE FUCK, CHUCK!!! They've had almost four fucking years to get them in place.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck acted without Congressional consent and nowhere in the Law is there a section for allowing ANY president to set aside any part of the law.

You're an idiot. And a dishonest one.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck is a criminal and a wannabe dictator

I expect the employer mandate to be removed altogether using regular legislative procedure. It is a minor part of the law and hardly necessary for it to succeed.

You nutjobs are freaking out about this because you are stupid. The implementation of laws is often subject to executive action. It ain't new. But you are stupid.

My father did slap me silly.....many times. Part of growing up in my family. But he wouldn't have given a dummy like you the time of day.
Obama's America..
he promised to Transform it....this is what you voted for?

shameful with a vengeance

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In a perfect world the Park Service slut who informed the inquirer over the phone while also refusing to give her name that 90 year old WWII veterans would be arrested if they attempted to visit the memorial they earned 70 years ago with their very own blood sweat and tears next week, would have her head mounted on a highway mile marker some where, but its not a perfect world when you have Lois Lerner types popping up everywhere in a supposedly representative government.
Meanwhile you have a United States president who offered to get down on his hands and knees and fellate Vladimir Putin while surrendering this country's most closely held state secrets and superior bargaining positions "Dimitri, tell Vladimir to wait until after the election when I'll have more flexibility" Mr Obama is also now currently sidling up to Iran's Rouhani and affectionately rubbing his testicles on Mr Rouhani's backside in anticipation of getting something despicably treasonable in motion with that country as well. Mr Obama is a man who will leave no stone unturned in his efforts to surrender the United States vital interests to those nations that despise the United States, while plotting, planning and colluding to kill its citizens and soldiers and denigrate its prestige amongst the other nations of the world, but when it comes to negotiating or dealing with this nation's long time friends and citizens with contrary beliefs, Obama spares no efforts in vehemently flinging poo and other of his bodily wastes in their faces at every opportunity.
Apparently Obama's efforts at inflicting pain on the electorate by simply pulling the citizenry's fingernails out of their fingers during the sequester by canceling the WhiteHouse tours didn't achieve the desired effect and he's currently taking his cue from his Christian slaughtering barbaric Muslim Brethren in Nairobi last week and embarked on pulling the citizenry's fingers entirely off their hands along with their testicles from their groins and eyes out their skulls with any pair of pliers conveniently available. Earning that Comrade Cucksocker Obama appelation with every breath he takes.
Just as Dr Ben Carson received a visit from the IRS after his remarks during the National Prayer Breakfast, the WWII vets are liable to find "Do Not Treat" ordered written into their medical records by unknowns in the VA after their efforts at the WWII Memorial yesterday and today. Narcissists don't tolerate being stood up to very well, if at all.
Obama is hateful and despicable human being

what is the first thing he does from the sequester, close off your white house...Now with the this, the first things he goes after is our WAR MEMORIALS and our VETERANS

I can't believe you put this man in our lives...

hes not going to arrest them, :rolleyes: BUT park officials shutting down an outdoor, freely accessible open air static exhibit ( see pic) is horrible optics etc...what a gaffe.

True, but he is letting others handle the situation here so he can work on foreign relations with Asian nations.
I don't agree with what they did. But it is no reason to use unreliable sources to lie to advanced a rhetoric of propaganda.

While the House and the Senate were working on budgets and CR's, or at least the House was, Obama spent the day on the Golf course. He could have been making some phone calls or even getting read for his Asian trip, but then he wouldn't get to smooze with his millionaire campaign donors on the golf course.

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