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Obama's record

Yeah it's called "Voted In By The Stupids". Hit songs iare "Higher Taxes Fewer Jobs". "Whiner in Chief". and the all time cult hit "Gitmo's Here to Stay".

Those are the hits of the Bush Administration.

My fave is "Whiner in Chief"

Leave it to you, the board bore to be unable to come up with an original come-back-

Liberal losers can always be identified by their lack of creativity~

Oblame'a IS the one and the only WIC...but hey, Sallow, he's YOUR WIC right? Because you were one of the stupid who voted for him...twice :rofl:

Liberals lack creativity? Hilarious.
What do conservatives believe in? Go down the list and it's a laugh riot. Since they are so good at "making up reality", I guess they are very creative.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Senate GOP blocks 9/11 first responders health plan bill

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill - CBS News

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps /school lunches for children

OK, so now tell us what Republicans are doing FOR the country. Tell us how they are helping America and not just business.



Thought so.
George should have taken a page out of Barry's playbook...instead of working so hard...go play some golf...invite some championship sports teams over to the White House to party with...and if anyone asks what you're doing...tell them that you're "leading from behind".
Those are the hits of the Bush Administration.

My fave is "Whiner in Chief"

Leave it to you, the board bore to be unable to come up with an original come-back-

Liberal losers can always be identified by their lack of creativity~

Oblame'a IS the one and the only WIC...but hey, Sallow, he's YOUR WIC right? Because you were one of the stupid who voted for him...twice :rofl:

Liberals lack creativity? Hilarious.
What do conservatives believe in? Go down the list and it's a laugh riot. Since they are so good at "making up reality", I guess they are very creative.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Senate GOP blocks 9/11 first responders health plan bill

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill - CBS News

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps /school lunches for children

OK, so now tell us what Republicans are doing FOR the country. Tell us how they are helping America and not just business.



Thought so.

Here's a concept that seems to confuse you knee jerk liberals, Deanie...

Being fiscally conservative quite often means saying NO to spending. It's the thing responsible parents do when a family is way over their budget. Irresponsible parents just continue to pile up debt because they don't have the self control to say NO.

When Republicans block spending by Democrats you see it as them being "meanies". You're like the little kid at the grocery store checkout line who pitches a fit because your mommy won't let you have that candy bar you want. Good parents say no a lot. Bad ones never say it.
It's not easy Presiding over 57 states.
Give the guy a break.
You're so stupid. Didn't you hear Obama say "I've been to 57 states, 2 more to go, and they won't let me go to Hawaii"? That makes 60, and if our Messiah says there are 60 states, then there are 60 states, Damnit.

exactly, his job was 20% harder than bush's
I guess it depend on what side you are on.

But it looks like he had been successful in coming real close to achieving his goal to "fundamentally changing America"
I don't think Barry really cares what's good for the country. He's got an agenda and he's going to push it come hell or high water. When he took over millions of Americans were out of work. So what was his emphasis? What did he spend the majority of his time on? The passage of a health care bill that moved us closer to a government run system. It's telling that passage of ObamaCare wasn't something that the majority of Americans wanted...that much was obvious be the voters reaction to two years of progressives running the country when the voters went to the polls in 2010. Jobs and the economy were the two biggest concerns of the American people. Those who had been out of work for long periods of time were desperate. Put yourself in their place and imagine what it must have felt like when instead of concentrating on the economy and the creation of jobs...working in a bi-partisan fashion with Republicans to make that happen...your President instead pushed legislation that would slow down the economy and hurt job creation.

We've got record numbers of people on food stamps. We've got more people on long term unemployment than any time since the Great Depression. The number of people who have simply given up and stopped looking for work or have taken a part time job just to have a little money coming in is staggering. So we're in year 5 of the Obama Administration...would anyone like to tell me what Barack Obama's plan is going forward to create jobs and stimulate the economy? I don't think you can because to be quite frank...I don't think he HAS one. His strategy now seems to be to have the Fed keep doing quantitative easing until he leaves office and someone else has to deal with the mess that he's left behind while he hits the golf course full time on our dime.
Leave it to you, the board bore to be unable to come up with an original come-back-

Liberal losers can always be identified by their lack of creativity~

Oblame'a IS the one and the only WIC...but hey, Sallow, he's YOUR WIC right? Because you were one of the stupid who voted for him...twice :rofl:

Liberals lack creativity? Hilarious.
What do conservatives believe in? Go down the list and it's a laugh riot. Since they are so good at "making up reality", I guess they are very creative.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Senate GOP blocks 9/11 first responders health plan bill

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill - CBS News

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps /school lunches for children

OK, so now tell us what Republicans are doing FOR the country. Tell us how they are helping America and not just business.



Thought so.

Here's a concept that seems to confuse you knee jerk liberals, Deanie...

Being fiscally conservative quite often means saying NO to spending. It's the thing responsible parents do when a family is way over their budget. Irresponsible parents just continue to pile up debt because they don't have the self control to say NO.

When Republicans block spending by Democrats you see it as them being "meanies". You're like the little kid at the grocery store checkout line who pitches a fit because your mommy won't let you have that candy bar you want. Good parents say no a lot. Bad ones never say it.

And yet it was Republicans using reconciliation TWICE for the largest deficit creating tax cuts in history during a time of TWO, count 'em, TWO unfunded wars.

And this is "fiscal conservationism" and you have the nerve and sheer gall to talk with such condescension? You are so pathetic and it's tragic you are too stupid to know it.
Liberals lack creativity? Hilarious.
What do conservatives believe in? Go down the list and it's a laugh riot. Since they are so good at "making up reality", I guess they are very creative.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Senate GOP blocks 9/11 first responders health plan bill

Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill - CBS News

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps /school lunches for children

OK, so now tell us what Republicans are doing FOR the country. Tell us how they are helping America and not just business.



Thought so.

Here's a concept that seems to confuse you knee jerk liberals, Deanie...

Being fiscally conservative quite often means saying NO to spending. It's the thing responsible parents do when a family is way over their budget. Irresponsible parents just continue to pile up debt because they don't have the self control to say NO.

When Republicans block spending by Democrats you see it as them being "meanies". You're like the little kid at the grocery store checkout line who pitches a fit because your mommy won't let you have that candy bar you want. Good parents say no a lot. Bad ones never say it.

And yet it was Republicans using reconciliation TWICE for the largest deficit creating tax cuts in history during a time of TWO, count 'em, TWO unfunded wars.

And this is "fiscal conservationism" and you have the nerve and sheer gall to talk with such condescension? You are so pathetic and it's tragic you are too stupid to know it.

Damn, I destroyed another thread. Oh those facts. Right wingers hate facts.
Deanie...you're about as allergic to "facts" as you are to "reality".

You can't defend this President's record so you attempt to excuse it by trying to blame everything that's wrong with America on conservatives.

This thread will end like all of your others...people will point out the inherent failures of progressive policies over the past five plus years and you'll have no coherent response. Then you'll move on to yet another thread bashing conservatives. It's what you DO!
Success or failure?


dont forget the downgrades to the credit rating

the prezbo mentioned that today

he tried to blame the Republicans for it
Deanie...you're about as allergic to "facts" as you are to "reality".

You can't defend this President's record so you attempt to excuse it by trying to blame everything that's wrong with America on conservatives.

This thread will end like all of your others...people will point out the inherent failures of progressive policies over the past five plus years and you'll have no coherent response. Then you'll move on to yet another thread bashing conservatives. It's what you DO!

Why defend something great? I promote it. Just saving the car industry, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, killing Bin Laden and providing millions of Americans with healthcare will insure that history sees him as a great president.

Are you guys always so fucking dense? So caught up in hate that you can't see what's right in front of you? Or maybe you guys are such monsters, you see Americans suffering as a "good thing"?
Success or failure?


dont forget the downgrades to the credit rating

the prezbo mentioned that today

he tried to blame the Republicans for it

John Boehner: "We got 98% of what we wanted." | RedState

Boehner: I got "98 percent" of what I wanted in debt deal - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Boehner: I got 98 percent of what I wanted - CBS News

Oh these right wing ignorant fucktards. When Republicans get 98% of everything they wanted, you can't blame the downgrade on Obama. Even the credit agency blamed it on Republicans and those fucking morons have convinced themselves "they won"? Jesus Christ.
Success or failure?


dont forget the downgrades to the credit rating

the prezbo mentioned that today

he tried to blame the Republicans for it

John Boehner: "We got 98% of what we wanted." | RedState

Boehner: I got "98 percent" of what I wanted in debt deal - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Boehner: I got 98 percent of what I wanted - CBS News

Oh these right wing ignorant fucktards. When Republicans get 98% of everything they wanted, you can't blame the downgrade on Obama. Even the credit agency blamed it on Republicans and those fucking morons have convinced themselves "they won"? Jesus Christ.

from your link

Really, Mr. Speaker? Are you aware that that moronic comment will be used against every Republican candidate in 2012?

Perhaps it’s time for Mr. Boehner to step aside. If he’s dumb enough to make that comment, he’s not the right guy to be negotiating with Democrats.

I just spoke with a House GOP lawmaker who told me he intends to vote “no” on the compromise. This lawmaker was present on the GOP conference call and quoted Speaker Boehner as saying both “We got 98 percent of what we wanted” and that “The minority leader’s on board,” which prompted this lawmaker to ask: “Really? Nancy’s cool with only 2 percent? She’s that stupid?”

go back and try again

btw there has been more then one credit downgrade since 2011
Deanie...you're about as allergic to "facts" as you are to "reality".

You can't defend this President's record so you attempt to excuse it by trying to blame everything that's wrong with America on conservatives.

This thread will end like all of your others...people will point out the inherent failures of progressive policies over the past five plus years and you'll have no coherent response. Then you'll move on to yet another thread bashing conservatives. It's what you DO!

Why defend something great? I promote it. Just saving the car industry, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, killing Bin Laden and providing millions of Americans with healthcare will insure that history sees him as a great president.

Are you guys always so fucking dense? So caught up in hate that you can't see what's right in front of you? Or maybe you guys are such monsters, you see Americans suffering as a "good thing"?

Funny how Ford managed to save itself without help from Barry. Funny how it was information derived from Bush Administration water boarding that led to the finding of Osama bin Laden. Funny how the providing of healthcare to millions of Americans will be paid for by the levying of the largest single tax on millions of OTHER Americans...thus creating yet another unfunded entitlement that we can't pay for at the same time we already can't pay for the OTHER unfunded entitlements we're obligated for.

You accuse conservatives of being "monsters" because we don't do anything about Americans "suffering" when it's the Obama Administration that has stood by with their thumbs in their asses while a record number of Americans have remained out of work for record amounts of time. You're so caught up in pushing ObamaCare...a badly written piece of legislation that's going to adversely affect 1/6 of our total economy...that you've totally ignored the abysmal record of this administration on jobs and the economy. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern history because of a total lack of understanding of economics and how businesses function. THAT and taking us down the road to government run health care will be his legacy. When the American people finally realize how badly the government runs health care (which shouldn't shock anyone considering how badly they run everything else!!!) then ObamaCare will be laid at the feet of Barack Obama and his reputation post Presidency will be based on the success or failure of it.

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