Obama's Shadow Government? He's acting like he's still in office

Obama is looked at as a rock star around the world

Reminding them that we are all not crazy
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Obama has years of experience dealing with the hateful rubes of the right who have briefly taken control of the nation. I doubt any advice was given on improving the relationship with Trump, but just on how to tolerate and manipulate the crass buffoon.

The Fundamental Transformation of The Fundamental Transformation of America.

Stop throwing the term "hate" when it comes to Obama. Anyone who disagrees with his policies and you people whip out the hate and race stickers.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Obama has years of experience dealing with the hateful rubes of the right who have briefly taken control of the nation. I doubt any advice was given on improving the relationship with Trump, but just on how to tolerate and manipulate the crass buffoon.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Obama has years of experience dealing with the hateful rubes of the right who have briefly taken control of the nation. I doubt any advice was given on improving the relationship with Trump, but just on how to tolerate and manipulate the crass buffoon.

Manipulating people is how the left tries to control things. Obama is not there to help Trump or the U.S. He is there to continue his radical agenda. Period.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Obama has years of experience dealing with the hateful rubes of the right who have briefly taken control of the nation. I doubt any advice was given on improving the relationship with Trump, but just on how to tolerate and manipulate the crass buffoon.
Yes. As in, if Dump decides Seoul is expendable, here's what you could do distract or placate the dumb idiot.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Obama has years of experience dealing with the hateful rubes of the right who have briefly taken control of the nation. I doubt any advice was given on improving the relationship with Trump, but just on how to tolerate and manipulate the crass buffoon.

Manipulating people is how the left tries to control things. Obama is not there to help Trump or the U.S. He is there to continue his radical agenda. Period.
Exactly. He is there to undermine the trump administration. Which violates the law.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Obama has years of experience dealing with the hateful rubes of the right who have briefly taken control of the nation. I doubt any advice was given on improving the relationship with Trump, but just on how to tolerate and manipulate the crass buffoon.

Manipulating people is how the left tries to control things. Obama is not there to help Trump or the U.S. He is there to continue his radical agenda. Period.
Exactly. He is there to undermine the trump administration. Which violates the law.
^^^ :crybaby:

Good grief :rolleyes:
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Obama has years of experience dealing with the hateful rubes of the right who have briefly taken control of the nation. I doubt any advice was given on improving the relationship with Trump, but just on how to tolerate and manipulate the crass buffoon.

oshitscum is NOT the president, and has NO business whatsoever speaking about our governments interaction with any part of the world He is violating the law by doing so without the express permission of the US government. The South Korean government has NO business even requesting a meeting with the pile of dogshit.
He's looking for a country to be in an alliance with him. Topple Trump and install him as permanent president.

South Korea can't even defend itself from North Korea without American help. What would make anyone think they could defeat the US army on Obama's behalf? Oh yeah, you're "tipsy".

Try adjusting your tin foil hat. The reception may be better.
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Trumpbots are pissed because world leaders won't even speak to Trump. Remember Brussels? After NATO leaders finished laughing at his speech, they all stood around chatting and not one of them even spoke to Dumb Donald.

Great Britain has rescinded his invitation for a state visit. Canadians are urging Trudeau not to invite him to Canada beyond the G20 Summit next year.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Putin treats him this week. And how obsequious Trump will be to his hero.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Considering his efforts to undermine the Trump administration, I don't think he can be trusted to "help" Trump with anything.

"Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday for 40 minutes.

The Korea Herald reported that Moon spoke about his recent meetings with President Trump in Washington and asked Obama for his advice on how to improve that relationship.

The meeting came after Obama spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference and the Fourth Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta. There he attacked Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change accord.

“In Paris, we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history about climate change, an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership can still give our children a fighting chance,” Obama said in Indonesia."

Shadow President? Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump

Maybe he thinks he is President for Life.
Was he using a visit to South Korea to try to get a visit with Kim in North Korea. An obama/Kim Jong Un alliance to bring down Trump's presidency is right up his alley.

The man has no business meeting with any leaders. He no longer sets US policy. He must have SOME reason for being in Korea.
He was invited to speak at the Asian Leadership Conference.
Was he using a visit to South Korea to try to get a visit with Kim in North Korea. An obama/Kim Jong Un alliance to bring down Trump's presidency is right up his alley.

The man has no business meeting with any leaders. He no longer sets US policy. He must have SOME reason for being in Korea.
He was probably just getting some bulgogi and kimchi. Trump steps on his own dick so much that foreign leaders don't need any help.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Considering his efforts to undermine the Trump administration, I don't think he can be trusted to "help" Trump with anything.

"Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday for 40 minutes.

The Korea Herald reported that Moon spoke about his recent meetings with President Trump in Washington and asked Obama for his advice on how to improve that relationship.

The meeting came after Obama spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference and the Fourth Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta. There he attacked Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change accord.

“In Paris, we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history about climate change, an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership can still give our children a fighting chance,” Obama said in Indonesia."

Shadow President? Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump

Maybe he thinks he is President for Life.

He will represent our country for the rest of his life

I doubt if Trump will be much in demand
Trumpbots are pissed because world leaders won't even speak to Trump. Remember Brussels? After NATO leaders finished laughing at his speech, they all stood around chatting and not one of them even spoke to Dumb Donald.

Great Britain has rescinded his invitation for a state visit. Canadians are urging Trudeau not to invite him to Canada beyond the G20 Summit next year.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Putin treats him this week. And how obsequious Trump will be to his hero.
I'm sure better than this.

Stupid bitch, and dumbass Obama let her do it.
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Considering his efforts to undermine the Trump administration, I don't think he can be trusted to "help" Trump with anything.

"Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday for 40 minutes.

The Korea Herald reported that Moon spoke about his recent meetings with President Trump in Washington and asked Obama for his advice on how to improve that relationship.

The meeting came after Obama spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference and the Fourth Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta. There he attacked Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change accord.

“In Paris, we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history about climate change, an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership can still give our children a fighting chance,” Obama said in Indonesia."

Shadow President? Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump
Lock him up...:iagree:

Logan Act

The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization.

Congress established the Logan Act in 1799, less than one year after passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which authorized the arrest and deportation of Aliens and prohibited written communication defamatory to the U.S. government. The 1799 act was named after Dr. George Logan. A prominent Republican and Quaker from Pennsylvania, Logan did not draft or introduce the legislation that bears his name, but was involved in the political climate that precipitated it.

Logan Act
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Considering his efforts to undermine the Trump administration, I don't think he can be trusted to "help" Trump with anything.

"Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday for 40 minutes.

The Korea Herald reported that Moon spoke about his recent meetings with President Trump in Washington and asked Obama for his advice on how to improve that relationship.

The meeting came after Obama spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference and the Fourth Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta. There he attacked Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change accord.

“In Paris, we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history about climate change, an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership can still give our children a fighting chance,” Obama said in Indonesia."

Shadow President? Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump
Lock him up...:iagree:

Logan Act

The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization.

Congress established the Logan Act in 1799, less than one year after passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which authorized the arrest and deportation of Aliens and prohibited written communication defamatory to the U.S. government. The 1799 act was named after Dr. George Logan. A prominent Republican and Quaker from Pennsylvania, Logan did not draft or introduce the legislation that bears his name, but was involved in the political climate that precipitated it.

Logan Act
No one is negotiating with foreign governments asshole, unless you are thinking if Trump prior to his inauguration
Meeting with a world leader to bash Trump over the Paris agreement, which breaks a long tradition of bashing other presidents. Of course, he spent 8 years bashing Bush so no surprise that he'll bash any Republican. Then giving advice on how the S. Korean president can improve his relationship with Trump. Obama knows nothing about getting along with Trump or other Republicans.

Considering his efforts to undermine the Trump administration, I don't think he can be trusted to "help" Trump with anything.

"Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday for 40 minutes.

The Korea Herald reported that Moon spoke about his recent meetings with President Trump in Washington and asked Obama for his advice on how to improve that relationship.

The meeting came after Obama spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference and the Fourth Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta. There he attacked Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change accord.

“In Paris, we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history about climate change, an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership can still give our children a fighting chance,” Obama said in Indonesia."

Shadow President? Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump
Lock him up...:iagree:

Logan Act

The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization.

Congress established the Logan Act in 1799, less than one year after passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which authorized the arrest and deportation of Aliens and prohibited written communication defamatory to the U.S. government. The 1799 act was named after Dr. George Logan. A prominent Republican and Quaker from Pennsylvania, Logan did not draft or introduce the legislation that bears his name, but was involved in the political climate that precipitated it.

Logan Act

Good Post!

Now why was Trump sending representatives to meet with the Russians before he was President

Crooked Donnie!
Was he using a visit to South Korea to try to get a visit with Kim in North Korea. An obama/Kim Jong Un alliance to bring down Trump's presidency is right up his alley.

The man has no business meeting with any leaders. He no longer sets US policy. He must have SOME reason for being in Korea.
He was invited to speak at the Asian Leadership Conference.
He's not a leader. He was there looking for an intro to Kim Jong Un.

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