Obama's Solution To Inversion Deals? No Surprise, Authoritarian Leftism


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Inversion deals for those who don't know the term are when US companies buy smaller foreign companies and move their headquarters overseas, such as the Burger King deal. The reason they do this is taxes. Not US taxes, foreign taxes. Here are some of the benefits.

1) Foreign countries over the last couple decades have streamlined and flattened taxes to attract businesses, even socialist Canada and Europe, while the US has not.

2) Foreign countries do not charge their companies taxes on their overseas operations. The US does. Think about how stupid that is to disadvantage our own companies like that.

3) Foreign countries do not charge taxes for repatriating money from overseas. This is linked to bullet two. Think about the implication of this. Don't we want companies to bring money home? Yet we tax companies up to 35% when they do. Would you prefer to have $1 invested overseas or $0.65 invested in the US? When Bush lowered the repatriation rate for one year to 5%, tax receipts in dollars for repatriating ballooned. Companies simply do not bring money home, the cost is too high. So, government doesn't get the taxes and the money does not come back to our economy.

4) Foreign governments do not handicap their companies doing business in foreign governments like we do. Our government endlessly investigates and punishes our companies for practices that are completely legal, standard and compliant in other countries because they violate US law we are applying overseas. This one isn't really driving them overseas, but it's a clear benefit to doing so.

Here is not a benefit of inversion deals

- Taxes on US operations - Liberals keep making it sound like it lowers taxes on US operations, it doesn't.

A rational solution?

- Level the playing field. Ideal would be to out-capitalist the socialist countries that are more business friendly than we are, but at least for God sakes make it even. Don't punish us to remain.

The Obama solution? Don't do anything to make it attractive to stay, just try to punish companies that leave. Authoritarian leftism.

- In his first term, he ramped up regulations on companies that acquired similar sized companies for inversion deals, which was the norm at that time.

- Companies reacted by finding a loophole that bypassed the regulation and started acquiring smaller companies. Note, we always find a way around government, you can't stop us from being rational. You need to make it rational to stay, not just punish us for leaving.

- So now, they applied regulations to try to stop companies from doing the inversion deals with smaller companies. All they are doing is trying to reduce the benefit. Remember from above how US companies don't repatriate money? They are making it harder to do an inversion deal and move money into the US. We shot one foot, now we want to shoot the other.

Companies will as we always do continue to find ways around authoritarian leftist solutions. Authoritarian leftists will go down with their socialist ship and not fix it. Remember how they keep money out of the US, get almost no tax revenue for it, yet vehemently demand we continue the tax. Authoritarian leftism is about government control.
Sounds like Fair Trade and simpler tax codes to me to attract trade.

I agree.

and how are you doing this Saturday Kaz.........Hope all is well.............

Obama has no authority to simplify the tax code. He must persuade the Congress to pass a bill to do that.
The solution is so damn simple it's astounding how dumb the liberals are. Either that or they can't stand the idea of giving up their crack......er, other peoples money
Sounds like Fair Trade and simpler tax codes to me to attract trade.

I agree.

and how are you doing this Saturday Kaz.........Hope all is well.............

Obama has no authority to simplify the tax code. He must persuade the Congress to pass a bill to do that.

No shit. What's your point?

My point is if Congress wrote a bill to simplify the tax code, Obama would probably veto it.
Sounds like Fair Trade and simpler tax codes to me to attract trade.

I agree.

and how are you doing this Saturday Kaz.........Hope all is well.............

Obama has no authority to simplify the tax code. He must persuade the Congress to pass a bill to do that.

No shit. What's your point?

My point is if Congress wrote a bill to simplify the tax code, Obama would probably veto it.

Ah, I agree with that. I was confused by how you put it.
Foreign countries have a VAT tax that we don't have. That source of revenue, that we don't have, makes it easy for them to keep corporate income taxes lower.

Careful what you wish for.
Anyone want to explain how some very profitable companies end up paying practically nothing in taxes? Seems like I hear a lot about it and yet hear also about our horribly steep taxes. Do some just have better tax preparers?
Inversion deals for those who don't know the term are when US companies buy smaller foreign companies and move their headquarters overseas, such as the Burger King deal. The reason they do this is taxes. Not US taxes, foreign taxes. Here are some of the benefits.

1) Foreign countries over the last couple decades have streamlined and flattened taxes to attract businesses, even socialist Canada and Europe, while the US has not.

2) Foreign countries do not charge their companies taxes on their overseas operations. The US does. Think about how stupid that is to disadvantage our own companies like that.

3) Foreign countries do not charge taxes for repatriating money from overseas. This is linked to bullet two. Think about the implication of this. Don't we want companies to bring money home? Yet we tax companies up to 35% when they do. Would you prefer to have $1 invested overseas or $0.65 invested in the US? When Bush lowered the repatriation rate for one year to 5%, tax receipts in dollars for repatriating ballooned. Companies simply do not bring money home, the cost is too high. So, government doesn't get the taxes and the money does not come back to our economy.

4) Foreign governments do not handicap their companies doing business in foreign governments like we do. Our government endlessly investigates and punishes our companies for practices that are completely legal, standard and compliant in other countries because they violate US law we are applying overseas. This one isn't really driving them overseas, but it's a clear benefit to doing so.

Here is not a benefit of inversion deals

- Taxes on US operations - Liberals keep making it sound like it lowers taxes on US operations, it doesn't.

A rational solution?

- Level the playing field. Ideal would be to out-capitalist the socialist countries that are more business friendly than we are, but at least for God sakes make it even. Don't punish us to remain.

The Obama solution? Don't do anything to make it attractive to stay, just try to punish companies that leave. Authoritarian leftism.

- In his first term, he ramped up regulations on companies that acquired similar sized companies for inversion deals, which was the norm at that time.

- Companies reacted by finding a loophole that bypassed the regulation and started acquiring smaller companies. Note, we always find a way around government, you can't stop us from being rational. You need to make it rational to stay, not just punish us for leaving.

- So now, they applied regulations to try to stop companies from doing the inversion deals with smaller companies. All they are doing is trying to reduce the benefit. Remember from above how US companies don't repatriate money? They are making it harder to do an inversion deal and move money into the US. We shot one foot, now we want to shoot the other.

Companies will as we always do continue to find ways around authoritarian leftist solutions. Authoritarian leftists will go down with their socialist ship and not fix it. Remember how they keep money out of the US, get almost no tax revenue for it, yet vehemently demand we continue the tax. Authoritarian leftism is about government control.

Companies are now citizens. If a citizen moves offshore and takes his money, resources and such offshore and no longer resides in the country, flipping it and its tax system the middle finger, then "he" is no longer is a citizen. Citizen's United means companies enjoy the benefits AND the responsibilities and duties that all other citizens share. Including paying taxes and living an oath to protect this country..including its economy. What could be a more vulnerable component of a country than its economy?
Anyone want to explain how some very profitable companies end up paying practically nothing in taxes? Seems like I hear a lot about it and yet hear also about our horribly steep taxes. Do some just have better tax preparers?

What is the relevance of the question in light of my post on why companies are leaving? Can you put your question in context for the thread?

Also, so you're saying they are stupid? They have an army of finance and accountants, and they are moving, and they don't pay taxes and our tax rates are low? They are moving and there's no benefit? You, posting on a message board figured that out, but they didn't . They actually shift their headquarters to a foreign country, and you figured out they don't benefit from that?
Inversion deals for those who don't know the term are when US companies buy smaller foreign companies and move their headquarters overseas, such as the Burger King deal. The reason they do this is taxes. Not US taxes, foreign taxes. Here are some of the benefits.

1) Foreign countries over the last couple decades have streamlined and flattened taxes to attract businesses, even socialist Canada and Europe, while the US has not.

2) Foreign countries do not charge their companies taxes on their overseas operations. The US does. Think about how stupid that is to disadvantage our own companies like that.

3) Foreign countries do not charge taxes for repatriating money from overseas. This is linked to bullet two. Think about the implication of this. Don't we want companies to bring money home? Yet we tax companies up to 35% when they do. Would you prefer to have $1 invested overseas or $0.65 invested in the US? When Bush lowered the repatriation rate for one year to 5%, tax receipts in dollars for repatriating ballooned. Companies simply do not bring money home, the cost is too high. So, government doesn't get the taxes and the money does not come back to our economy.

4) Foreign governments do not handicap their companies doing business in foreign governments like we do. Our government endlessly investigates and punishes our companies for practices that are completely legal, standard and compliant in other countries because they violate US law we are applying overseas. This one isn't really driving them overseas, but it's a clear benefit to doing so.

Here is not a benefit of inversion deals

- Taxes on US operations - Liberals keep making it sound like it lowers taxes on US operations, it doesn't.

A rational solution?

- Level the playing field. Ideal would be to out-capitalist the socialist countries that are more business friendly than we are, but at least for God sakes make it even. Don't punish us to remain.

The Obama solution? Don't do anything to make it attractive to stay, just try to punish companies that leave. Authoritarian leftism.

- In his first term, he ramped up regulations on companies that acquired similar sized companies for inversion deals, which was the norm at that time.

- Companies reacted by finding a loophole that bypassed the regulation and started acquiring smaller companies. Note, we always find a way around government, you can't stop us from being rational. You need to make it rational to stay, not just punish us for leaving.

- So now, they applied regulations to try to stop companies from doing the inversion deals with smaller companies. All they are doing is trying to reduce the benefit. Remember from above how US companies don't repatriate money? They are making it harder to do an inversion deal and move money into the US. We shot one foot, now we want to shoot the other.

Companies will as we always do continue to find ways around authoritarian leftist solutions. Authoritarian leftists will go down with their socialist ship and not fix it. Remember how they keep money out of the US, get almost no tax revenue for it, yet vehemently demand we continue the tax. Authoritarian leftism is about government control.

Companies are now citizens. If a citizen moves offshore and takes his money, resources and such offshore and no longer resides in the country, flipping it and its tax system the middle finger, then "he" is no longer is a citizen. Citizen's United means companies enjoy the benefits AND the responsibilities and duties that all other citizens share. Including paying taxes and living an oath to protect this country..including its economy. What could be a more vulnerable component of a country than its economy?

Companies are investments by shareholders. I'm not sure what you mean by that they are citizens.. I completely don't get what you are arguing in the context of my OP post. Can you clarify?
Anyone want to explain how some very profitable companies end up paying practically nothing in taxes? Seems like I hear a lot about it and yet hear also about our horribly steep taxes. Do some just have better tax preparers?

What is the relevance of the question in light of my post on why companies are leaving? Can you put your question in context for the thread?

Also, so you're saying they are stupid? They have an army of finance and accountants, and they are moving, and they don't pay taxes and our tax rates are low? They are moving and there's no benefit? You, posting on a message board figured that out, but they didn't . They actually shift their headquarters to a foreign country, and you figured out they don't benefit from that?
Inversion deals for those who don't know the term are when US companies buy smaller foreign companies and move their headquarters overseas, such as the Burger King deal. The reason they do this is taxes. Not US taxes, foreign taxes. Here are some of the benefits.

1) Foreign countries over the last couple decades have streamlined and flattened taxes to attract businesses, even socialist Canada and Europe, while the US has not.

2) Foreign countries do not charge their companies taxes on their overseas operations. The US does. Think about how stupid that is to disadvantage our own companies like that.

3) Foreign countries do not charge taxes for repatriating money from overseas. This is linked to bullet two. Think about the implication of this. Don't we want companies to bring money home? Yet we tax companies up to 35% when they do. Would you prefer to have $1 invested overseas or $0.65 invested in the US? When Bush lowered the repatriation rate for one year to 5%, tax receipts in dollars for repatriating ballooned. Companies simply do not bring money home, the cost is too high. So, government doesn't get the taxes and the money does not come back to our economy.

4) Foreign governments do not handicap their companies doing business in foreign governments like we do. Our government endlessly investigates and punishes our companies for practices that are completely legal, standard and compliant in other countries because they violate US law we are applying overseas. This one isn't really driving them overseas, but it's a clear benefit to doing so.

Here is not a benefit of inversion deals

- Taxes on US operations - Liberals keep making it sound like it lowers taxes on US operations, it doesn't.

A rational solution?

- Level the playing field. Ideal would be to out-capitalist the socialist countries that are more business friendly than we are, but at least for God sakes make it even. Don't punish us to remain.

The Obama solution? Don't do anything to make it attractive to stay, just try to punish companies that leave. Authoritarian leftism.

- In his first term, he ramped up regulations on companies that acquired similar sized companies for inversion deals, which was the norm at that time.

- Companies reacted by finding a loophole that bypassed the regulation and started acquiring smaller companies. Note, we always find a way around government, you can't stop us from being rational. You need to make it rational to stay, not just punish us for leaving.

- So now, they applied regulations to try to stop companies from doing the inversion deals with smaller companies. All they are doing is trying to reduce the benefit. Remember from above how US companies don't repatriate money? They are making it harder to do an inversion deal and move money into the US. We shot one foot, now we want to shoot the other.

Companies will as we always do continue to find ways around authoritarian leftist solutions. Authoritarian leftists will go down with their socialist ship and not fix it. Remember how they keep money out of the US, get almost no tax revenue for it, yet vehemently demand we continue the tax. Authoritarian leftism is about government control.

Companies are now citizens. If a citizen moves offshore and takes his money, resources and such offshore and no longer resides in the country, flipping it and its tax system the middle finger, then "he" is no longer is a citizen. Citizen's United means companies enjoy the benefits AND the responsibilities and duties that all other citizens share. Including paying taxes and living an oath to protect this country..including its economy. What could be a more vulnerable component of a country than its economy?

Companies are investments by shareholders. I'm not sure what you mean by that they are citizens.. I completely don't get what you are arguing in the context of my OP post. Can you clarify?
We should be the ones asking you for clarity here. Corporations took the person-hood question to the SCOTUS and were rewarded with a ruling that states they are entitled to all the rights of a citizen, awesome for them, but it seems that extending the person-hood argument to questions of citizenship or tax liability is just out of line. The question is simple, if a corporation has the rights of a US citizen do they not forfeit those rights upon reforming as a foriegn corporation not subject to US taxation?
Anyone want to explain how some very profitable companies end up paying practically nothing in taxes? Seems like I hear a lot about it and yet hear also about our horribly steep taxes. Do some just have better tax preparers?

What is the relevance of the question in light of my post on why companies are leaving? Can you put your question in context for the thread?

Also, so you're saying they are stupid? They have an army of finance and accountants, and they are moving, and they don't pay taxes and our tax rates are low? They are moving and there's no benefit? You, posting on a message board figured that out, but they didn't . They actually shift their headquarters to a foreign country, and you figured out they don't benefit from that?
Inversion deals for those who don't know the term are when US companies buy smaller foreign companies and move their headquarters overseas, such as the Burger King deal. The reason they do this is taxes. Not US taxes, foreign taxes. Here are some of the benefits.

1) Foreign countries over the last couple decades have streamlined and flattened taxes to attract businesses, even socialist Canada and Europe, while the US has not.

2) Foreign countries do not charge their companies taxes on their overseas operations. The US does. Think about how stupid that is to disadvantage our own companies like that.

3) Foreign countries do not charge taxes for repatriating money from overseas. This is linked to bullet two. Think about the implication of this. Don't we want companies to bring money home? Yet we tax companies up to 35% when they do. Would you prefer to have $1 invested overseas or $0.65 invested in the US? When Bush lowered the repatriation rate for one year to 5%, tax receipts in dollars for repatriating ballooned. Companies simply do not bring money home, the cost is too high. So, government doesn't get the taxes and the money does not come back to our economy.

4) Foreign governments do not handicap their companies doing business in foreign governments like we do. Our government endlessly investigates and punishes our companies for practices that are completely legal, standard and compliant in other countries because they violate US law we are applying overseas. This one isn't really driving them overseas, but it's a clear benefit to doing so.

Here is not a benefit of inversion deals

- Taxes on US operations - Liberals keep making it sound like it lowers taxes on US operations, it doesn't.

A rational solution?

- Level the playing field. Ideal would be to out-capitalist the socialist countries that are more business friendly than we are, but at least for God sakes make it even. Don't punish us to remain.

The Obama solution? Don't do anything to make it attractive to stay, just try to punish companies that leave. Authoritarian leftism.

- In his first term, he ramped up regulations on companies that acquired similar sized companies for inversion deals, which was the norm at that time.

- Companies reacted by finding a loophole that bypassed the regulation and started acquiring smaller companies. Note, we always find a way around government, you can't stop us from being rational. You need to make it rational to stay, not just punish us for leaving.

- So now, they applied regulations to try to stop companies from doing the inversion deals with smaller companies. All they are doing is trying to reduce the benefit. Remember from above how US companies don't repatriate money? They are making it harder to do an inversion deal and move money into the US. We shot one foot, now we want to shoot the other.

Companies will as we always do continue to find ways around authoritarian leftist solutions. Authoritarian leftists will go down with their socialist ship and not fix it. Remember how they keep money out of the US, get almost no tax revenue for it, yet vehemently demand we continue the tax. Authoritarian leftism is about government control.

Companies are now citizens. If a citizen moves offshore and takes his money, resources and such offshore and no longer resides in the country, flipping it and its tax system the middle finger, then "he" is no longer is a citizen. Citizen's United means companies enjoy the benefits AND the responsibilities and duties that all other citizens share. Including paying taxes and living an oath to protect this country..including its economy. What could be a more vulnerable component of a country than its economy?

Companies are investments by shareholders. I'm not sure what you mean by that they are citizens.. I completely don't get what you are arguing in the context of my OP post. Can you clarify?
We should be the ones asking you for clarity here. Corporations took the person-hood question to the SCOTUS and were rewarded with a ruling that states they are entitled to all the rights of a citizen, awesome for them, but it seems that extending the person-hood argument to questions of citizenship or tax liability is just out of line. The question is simple, if a corporation has the rights of a US citizen do they not forfeit those rights upon reforming as a foriegn corporation not subject to US taxation?

What do you mean you should be asking me for clarity? That makes no sense, you raised corporations being citizens, not me. How am I supposed to explain what you are talking about? I am saying is you look at my first post, what does being a "citizen" have to do with inversion? You're going to have to explain your own point, not ask me to do it. Sorry.

BTW, if my corporation is a citizen, doesn't it get to vote? Why don't I have protection from illegal searches? Why don't they need to show probable cause and get a warrant? I was audited by North Carolina a couple weeks ago. Just a routine audit, my number came up. But they gave my books a full anal probe. No probable cause, no warrant, not even a suspicion. They just did it because they can.

I am a citizen, I don't know what you're talking about when you say my corporation is. And I have no idea how that related to the thread.
Anyone want to explain how some very profitable companies end up paying practically nothing in taxes? Seems like I hear a lot about it and yet hear also about our horribly steep taxes. Do some just have better tax preparers?

What is the relevance of the question in light of my post on why companies are leaving? Can you put your question in context for the thread?

Also, so you're saying they are stupid? They have an army of finance and accountants, and they are moving, and they don't pay taxes and our tax rates are low? They are moving and there's no benefit? You, posting on a message board figured that out, but they didn't . They actually shift their headquarters to a foreign country, and you figured out they don't benefit from that?
Inversion deals for those who don't know the term are when US companies buy smaller foreign companies and move their headquarters overseas, such as the Burger King deal. The reason they do this is taxes. Not US taxes, foreign taxes. Here are some of the benefits.

1) Foreign countries over the last couple decades have streamlined and flattened taxes to attract businesses, even socialist Canada and Europe, while the US has not.

2) Foreign countries do not charge their companies taxes on their overseas operations. The US does. Think about how stupid that is to disadvantage our own companies like that.

3) Foreign countries do not charge taxes for repatriating money from overseas. This is linked to bullet two. Think about the implication of this. Don't we want companies to bring money home? Yet we tax companies up to 35% when they do. Would you prefer to have $1 invested overseas or $0.65 invested in the US? When Bush lowered the repatriation rate for one year to 5%, tax receipts in dollars for repatriating ballooned. Companies simply do not bring money home, the cost is too high. So, government doesn't get the taxes and the money does not come back to our economy.

4) Foreign governments do not handicap their companies doing business in foreign governments like we do. Our government endlessly investigates and punishes our companies for practices that are completely legal, standard and compliant in other countries because they violate US law we are applying overseas. This one isn't really driving them overseas, but it's a clear benefit to doing so.

Here is not a benefit of inversion deals

- Taxes on US operations - Liberals keep making it sound like it lowers taxes on US operations, it doesn't.

A rational solution?

- Level the playing field. Ideal would be to out-capitalist the socialist countries that are more business friendly than we are, but at least for God sakes make it even. Don't punish us to remain.

The Obama solution? Don't do anything to make it attractive to stay, just try to punish companies that leave. Authoritarian leftism.

- In his first term, he ramped up regulations on companies that acquired similar sized companies for inversion deals, which was the norm at that time.

- Companies reacted by finding a loophole that bypassed the regulation and started acquiring smaller companies. Note, we always find a way around government, you can't stop us from being rational. You need to make it rational to stay, not just punish us for leaving.

- So now, they applied regulations to try to stop companies from doing the inversion deals with smaller companies. All they are doing is trying to reduce the benefit. Remember from above how US companies don't repatriate money? They are making it harder to do an inversion deal and move money into the US. We shot one foot, now we want to shoot the other.

Companies will as we always do continue to find ways around authoritarian leftist solutions. Authoritarian leftists will go down with their socialist ship and not fix it. Remember how they keep money out of the US, get almost no tax revenue for it, yet vehemently demand we continue the tax. Authoritarian leftism is about government control.

Companies are now citizens. If a citizen moves offshore and takes his money, resources and such offshore and no longer resides in the country, flipping it and its tax system the middle finger, then "he" is no longer is a citizen. Citizen's United means companies enjoy the benefits AND the responsibilities and duties that all other citizens share. Including paying taxes and living an oath to protect this country..including its economy. What could be a more vulnerable component of a country than its economy?

Companies are investments by shareholders. I'm not sure what you mean by that they are citizens.. I completely don't get what you are arguing in the context of my OP post. Can you clarify?
We should be the ones asking you for clarity here. Corporations took the person-hood question to the SCOTUS and were rewarded with a ruling that states they are entitled to all the rights of a citizen, awesome for them, but it seems that extending the person-hood argument to questions of citizenship or tax liability is just out of line. The question is simple, if a corporation has the rights of a US citizen do they not forfeit those rights upon reforming as a foriegn corporation not subject to US taxation?

What do you mean you should be asking me for clarity? That makes no sense, you raised corporations being citizens, not me. How am I supposed to explain what you are talking about? I am saying is you look at my first post, what does being a "citizen" have to do with inversion? You're going to have to explain your own point, not ask me to do it. Sorry.

BTW, if my corporation is a citizen, doesn't it get to vote? Why don't I have protection from illegal searches? Why don't they need to show probable cause and get a warrant? I was audited by North Carolina a couple weeks ago. Just a routine audit, my number came up. But they gave my books a full anal probe. No probable cause, no warrant, not even a suspicion. They just did it because they can.

I am a citizen, I don't know what you're talking about when you say my corporation is. And I have no idea how that related to the thread.
Corporations (the big ones, not your little one) are practically above the law, is that right? Of course not. Yet when a law or policy is made to address this inability to hold corporations responsible for their actions then people like you come out of the woodwork to cry foul. You do not get to have your cake and eat it too but here you are complaining that corporations bigger than you will ever be are being held accountable for tax dodges you have no access to.
So conservatives are simultaneously outraged that 47% of American households pay no income tax while at the same time conservatives want to see as many US corporations as possible pay no income tax.

I am a citizen, I don't know what you're talking about when you say my corporation is. And I have no idea how that related to the thread.
Corporations (the big ones, not your little one) are practically above the law, is that right? Of course not. Yet when a law or policy is made to address this inability to hold corporations responsible for their actions then people like you come out of the woodwork to cry foul. You do not get to have your cake and eat it too but here you are complaining that corporations bigger than you will ever be are being held accountable for tax dodges you have no access to.

First of all, you don't remotely understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism. They are in fact contradictory. I spent most of my career in senior management and consulting for senior management for "the big ones, not {my} little one." So I know them pretty well too.

My post didn't take a position on your wealth envy or anti-capitalist Marxist rhetorical views. It said it's in our interest to try to keep them by leveling the playing field regarding tax rates and structures. If we don't, they will continue to leave. Trust me, I do this for a living. There are ways around every government rule you can create to force us to implement social policy and bleed us dry rather than create jobs. You can't stop us. You can slow us down, that's it.

So what are you saying we should do regarding the thread? You're on board with Obama, make em pay and slow them down but let them go? Or is there a better path?
I am a citizen, I don't know what you're talking about when you say my corporation is. And I have no idea how that related to the thread.
Corporations (the big ones, not your little one) are practically above the law, is that right? Of course not. Yet when a law or policy is made to address this inability to hold corporations responsible for their actions then people like you come out of the woodwork to cry foul. You do not get to have your cake and eat it too but here you are complaining that corporations bigger than you will ever be are being held accountable for tax dodges you have no access to.

First of all, you don't remotely understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism. They are in fact contradictory. I spent most of my career in senior management and consulting for senior management for "the big ones, not {my} little one." So I know them pretty well too.

My post didn't take a position on your wealth envy or anti-capitalist Marxist rhetorical views. It said it's in our interest to try to keep them by leveling the playing field regarding tax rates and structures. If we don't, they will continue to leave. Trust me, I do this for a living. There are ways around every government rule you can create to force us to implement social policy and bleed us dry rather than create jobs. You can't stop us. You can slow us down, that's it.

So what are you saying we should do regarding the thread? You're on board with Obama, make em pay and slow them down but let them go? Or is there a better path?

Nope, the carrot has failed, time for the stick. Amazing how conservatives are supposed to be patriots but when it comes to business it's America last. I am not a Marxist, I believe in free enterprise, but what we have now is a perversion of capitalism where ONLY the well being of the stockholders may be considered when making business decisions regardless of the damage it may cause the economy. Capitalism is not serving us as well as it once did and it is not Marxism to point it out. If current policy is allowing corporations to damage our economy and tax base with no downside for them then it's time to change that by whatever means we have available.

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