Obama's speech at the UN

another worthless addition.

i don't bully noobs normally, as i am seeing myself quite nooby,

but you can go fuck yourself.
Bully me - come on. Fuck you, jillian, barrack, michelle, and all you other anti American
socialist loving traitors :badgrin:

the spot for ridiculous clown is filled.
but your israel flag sure is a selling point.

so glad that it wasn't a mexican flag, shlomo.
Fuck Mexico too - shoot them as they attempt to invade! Your the clown!
I'm sure the dead ambassador would have prefered some protection and his life.

Might be nice if his security team had real bullets doncha think??

Would real bullets have made the situation better?

Kent State had real bullets

Yep and those protests stopped like THAT!!!!!!!!!!! I'm from Columbus and my dad a professor at OSU thought stuff was gonna go down at OSU, but he said once Kent St happend the protests stopped REAL fast
I'm sure the dead ambassador would have prefered some protection and his life.

Might be nice if his security team had real bullets doncha think??

Would real bullets have made the situation better?

Kent State had real bullets

Yep and those protests stopped like THAT!!!!!!!!!!! I'm from Columbus and my dad a professor at OSU thought stuff was gonna go down at OSU, but he said once Kent St happend the protests stopped REAL fast

wow, you are an expert on north africa.

i am in awe.
I'm sure the dead ambassador would have prefered some protection and his life.

Might be nice if his security team had real bullets doncha think??

Our ambassador did not have a "security team" it was two Navy Seals that volunteered to help out. What is astounding in all of this is that Obama went into the unknown--remote youtube video again in this speech. Obama still will not ADMIT that the attack on the Libyan consulate that housed our ambassador was an orchestrated planned terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11.

And it was Obama that through incompetence did not order heightened security at our two most recent Muslim hot spots in the middle east knowing full well that these countries were full of Islamic Extremists.

We were lied to by this administration--our ambassador was tortured--and sodomized before he was dragged through the streets by these terrorists. We have been continually told by this administration that the "video" was the cause of this violence. Yet we have our state department finally admitting it was a planned attack for 9/11--Obama is still talking about some youtube video. He mentioned the video today--10 times during his speech at the UN.

The White House, after insisting for eight days that the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was a "spontaneous" act, conceded Thursday that it was "self evident" that it was an act of terror.

"It is, I think, self evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack," White House Spokesman Jay Carney said. "Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials. That is self evident."
White House Admits Libya Attack was Terrorism - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

The blog-sphere is buzzing with a shocking unconfirmed report, originating from Lebanese based news website Tayyar, that Christopher Stevens, the US Ambassador to Libya was allegedly raped and dragged through the streets before he was murdered by Muslim extremists on September 11th.

The report originally cited the AFP news agency, however after AFP issued a denial saying “That report falsely quoted our news agency”, the website apologized, but said its still stands behind the report.

The report claims that “The U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before being killed by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi”, the report also claims that Libyan security forces may have leaked the location of the safe house to the rioters.
Report: US Ambassador Stevens Raped and Dragged in Street (WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS) | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

"A terrorist will always seek the path of least resistance"--and they found that path through a very naive and incompetent President-in-Barack Obama.


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood.
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I think the video was relevant to the embassy attacks and killings in that the terrorists used it to help stir the protests and then hide behind the chaos. The people were protesting yet one more thing they hate about the US and it was used as a cover for the terrorists. If Ambassador Stevens thought he needed more protection, I'm sure he would have requested it. Also, a big part of security is dependent on the local governments wherever the embassies are located AND embassies are not armed to the hilt with heavy weaponry in part because the reason for the embassies is to be diplomatic representatives of this country (or whatever country) and a heavy show of weapons would contradict that impression.

I do think that we shouldn't have been there in the first place and while it is a noble cause, I think we should abandon trying to spread democracy in a region that doesn't want it. If we pull out and it gets really bad, then they can beg us to come back and maybe we can respond with a lot more force than we have in the past -- a LOT more!

What makes you think the ambassador didn't have any concerns about security and didn't voice those concerns? CNN found his diary in the consulate, which the President has yet to secure. In that diary, the ambassador expressed his belief that he was on an al-Qaeda affiliate's hit list. So we know he did have concerns. Members of Congress are requesting that the State Department release the diplomatic communiqués between Washington and our diplomatic mission in Libya for the last few months.

Moreover, you don't seem to know what's happening in the Libyan streets at all.

The Libyan president, the fledgling government and the vast majority of the Libyan people do want us there, do want democracy, want a secular government and are trying to confront and disarm the extremist militia elements among them. They deserve our help. They've got a real chance.

It was an Islamofascist militia with ties to al-Qaeda that attacked the consulate. A preplanned attack. There was no protest going on there prior to the attack.

A couple days ago, hundreds of Libyan's overran the headquarters of that militia group and drove it out. The Libyans are not protesting in mass against America. That's one of the few Islamic countries that has not been rioting over the video. Instead, the people there are protesting the militia groups.

Behold: the confusion regarding the situation in Libya created by the Administration's attempt to misled the American people about the nature of the assault on the consulate there.

Finally, our embassies in certain parts of the world should be fortresses or we shouldn't have embassies in certain parts of the world. You are mistaken.
I'm sure the dead ambassador would have prefered some protection and his life.

Might be nice if his security team had real bullets doncha think??

Our ambassador did not have a "security team" it was two Navy Seals that volunteered to help out. What is astounding in all of this is that Obama went into the unknown--remote youtube video again in this speech. Obama still will not ADMIT that the attack on the Libyan consulate that housed our ambassador was an orchestrated planned terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11.

And it was Obama that through incompetence did not order heightened security at our two most recent Muslim hot spots in the middle east knowing full well that these countries were full of Islamic Extremists.

We were lied to by this administration--our ambassador was tortured--and sodomized before he was dragged through the streets by these terrorists. We have been continually told by this administration that the "video" was the cause of this violence. Yet we have our state department finally admitting it was a planned attack for 9/11--Obama is still talking about some youtube video. He mentioned the video today--10 times during his speech at the UN.

The White House, after insisting for eight days that the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was a "spontaneous" act, conceded Thursday that it was "self evident" that it was an act of terror.

"It is, I think, self evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack," White House Spokesman Jay Carney said. "Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials. That is self evident."
White House Admits Libya Attack was Terrorism - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

The blog-sphere is buzzing with a shocking unconfirmed report, originating from Lebanese based news website Tayyar, that Christopher Stevens, the US Ambassador to Libya was allegedly raped and dragged through the streets before he was murdered by Muslim extremists on September 11th.

The report originally cited the AFP news agency, however after AFP issued a denial saying “That report falsely quoted our news agency”, the website apologized, but said its still stands behind the report.

The report claims that “The U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before being killed by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi”, the report also claims that Libyan security forces may have leaked the location of the safe house to the rioters.
Report: US Ambassador Stevens Raped and Dragged in Street (WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS) | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

"A terrorist will always seek the path of least resistance"--and they found that path through a very naive and incompetent President-in-Barack Obama.


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood.

Great post. Secretary Clinton did recently acknowledge in a press conference that the assault on the consulate was a pre-planned terrorist attack, contradicting what the White House Press Secretary and Ambassador Rice had been trying to peddle for almost two weeks. Initially, of course, the Administration was intentionally misleading the American people. It tried to get away with it. It's still muddling the matter as much as possible with its on-going narrative about the video and protests. It's the big lie strategy.

See links: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...oreign-policy-mistakes-video.html#post6053435




It's not clear, however, that the ambassador was actually sodomized. See link: http://www.usmessageboard.com/the-r...ens-sodimized-while-dying-25.html#post6037950
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I'm coming to the conclusion that the separation of church and state could be a good thing. I think it would be a mistake to overturn it as it would allow islam to get its fangs into our nation. We must never allow it to do what it has done in the middle east.
In response to the speech, Congressman Allen West dials up the crazy to new levels.

My statement to the United Nations would have been, “The future does not belong to those who attack our Embassies and Consulates and kill our Ambassadors. The Angel of Death in the form of an American Bald Eagle will visit you and wreak havoc and destruction upon your existence”

Naturally, such a display of barking lunacy will cause the Tea Party crowd to love him even more.

The pollyannaish appeasers of Hitler's time said the same sort of things about Churchill.

I was wondering when someone might zero in on the most dangerously stupid and cowardly platitude of them all—surrounded as it is by a dozen or so nauseating references to the irrelevancy that is this previously obscure video. Now, granted, the diseased stench of the following, its utter depravity, really, will fly right over the head of the morally and intellectually bankrupt and, therefore, desensitized leftist, just like it flies over mamooth's pointed head, but ya got to love the irony that a leftist ninny stumbled upon it first, albeit, by way of the esteemed Congressman's allusion to it.

The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam. —Barack Obama, September 25, 2012, U.N. Address​

Obama's statement stuns the moral and patriotic sensibilities of the American conservative on a number of levels, but more stunning still is the thought that Obama might actually believe that sentiments like this serve to mollify the mindless savage of the Muslim streets, believe that they are not regarded with derision and contempt by the likes of President Morsi (political head of the largest hate group in the world, i.e., the Muslim Brotherhood) and Wipe-Israel-Off-the-Face-of-the-Earth Ahmadinejad who have been cynically ginny up the mindless savage of the Muslim streets for years. This is just the sort of statement that emboldens evil. To the Muslim rabble is translates as a statement of fact . . . if you get my meaning; to the elites of Islamofascism it appears to be a show of fear.

Apparently Obama just reads whatever's put in front him.

We need not respect the judgment of a barking lunatic like mamooth. He, she or it, after all, is cut from the same cloth as those creatures who bent down and kissed the ass of Hitler those many years ago. The mindless sheep, the sieg-heiling zombies of mamooth's ilk will always be with us, forever ridiculing righteous moral outrage as their puppet masters slaughter the innocent. On the other hand, mamooth might just be one of those proverbial fools who refuses to recognize clear and present dangers. Despite all the warning signs, the flashing lights, evil is just a word to them until its filthy paws are rapped around their throats. Oops. Too late. Now we do have to fight a long and bloody war.

Allow me to restate, i.e., Americanize, Obama's womanish gibberish as well: The future must not belong to those who would suppress inalienable humans rights, including the right to think or say whatever the hell one pleases about that depraved and barbaric "prophet" of the religion from hell; instead, it belongs to the defenders of liberty and decency who will hunt your fascist ass down and send you to hell should you violate our sovereignty in any way, shape or form.
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It's The Future MUST NOT belong to those who slander the prophet of islam speech.

It was a good campaign speech. Worthy of the DNC convention.

Yes, it sounded like our President just told the ME, that the USA would abide by islamic law. He should be impeached for not defending our nation.

Course that's not what Obama said, Hannity dupes. What a disgraceful bunch of liars...Pub dupes!!

Dude, the President did say that:

The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam. —Barak Obama, September 25, 2012, U.N. Address​

obama said the future does not belong to those who would slander the prophet mohommed of Islam - Bing
I'm sure the dead ambassador would have prefered some protection and his life.

Might be nice if his security team had real bullets doncha think??

He knew the score going down there.

He was an extremely brave and heroic American.
Yes he was. And I was interested today to learn that he was a Native American. Not that it matters in the long run, I suppose, but it was kind of cool.
Whatever he does, you can bet that it is for purely political, and idelogical purposes. His speech is the same - he, and mchelle never loved this country; they are fakes!

And how horrifying that he would spread America's politics and ideals.

We all know you hate blacks, Stuphie.

Imagine...an uppity negro talking like that at the UN. He has a lot of nerve.

If a "white" President had handed Iraq back to islamic terrorists, was in the process of handing Afganistan back to islamic terrorists, and had gotten an ambassador brutally murdered and 20 other embassies attacked, would you be criticizing him?

You are pathetic libs with nothing left to defend your choice of liberal, except the fact that he is BLACK (and only half black at that). We don't care what color he is, we care that he is doing a PISS POOR job, and all you can talk about is his skin color. Just PATHETIC.

Why aren't you over there keeping the Muslims safe from terrorists?
Anyone that believes in freedom should never allow islam to get into power over them.

Or any religion.

right it was the movies fault all orchestrated on 9/11.... president part campaigner full time.
just go on the view to hide and run away just an assault/murdered in Libya on Americans.
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We should ban all religoin from our government, schools and public places. We must do this to protect our selves from being overtaken by religions like islam.
Obama cares more about Muslims than you American people

He goes in front of them and puts down our country's freedoms and you people cheer

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