Obama's Treasonous and Impeachable Offense

WTF? Bush set up the kill team to get Osama BEFORE Obama was in office???No,
No, dumbass. Bush put the team together and set up the process of finding UBL. Obama had no part in that.

As I said, Obama is such an incompetent F* Up that he couldn't find the 'mastermind' behind the Benghazi attack, the guy who was giving interviews to reporters over in the ME, for an entire year!

It Took 645 Days to Arrest Benghazi Terrorist, 16 Days to Arrest Filmmaker - Breitbart
The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

No, he’s clinging bitterly to the policy of never giving Obama credit for anything….ever. Never before in history of the nation did one group make it their policy to totally stonewall the sitting President like this.

I don’t often resort to the race card for being the reason but when you cannot give credit to the sitting President where it has traditionally been given…what other reason is there?

I don't give white W credit for Hussein or black Obama for Osama. I credit the military for both. The race card is being played by you, bitch

So by the same token, Hitler never killed a jew at Auschwitz? I’m just trying to figure out how much insanity God put into one person….

That's just stupid. You're flipping taking credit for the hard work of the military in a legitimate operation and ordering the military to murder their own people. That is a non-sequitur.
No. Obama never took personal credit for killing OBL. You’ve issued your opinion only. It’s invalid. I’m frankly surprised you tried such a lame attempt.

You say he deserves no credit because he wasn’t pulling the trigger. By the same token, if Adolph wasn’t turning the valves releasing the cyanide into the showers, does he deserve credit?

You can argue one or the other but you can’t have it both ways.

Then there's your calling me a racist for holding white W and black Obama to the same standard.

This isn't your day to be talking about anyone else's sanity

Here you go putting words into my mouth. I do accuse you of holding this ridiculous party line of never giving Obama credit for anything. I stated that is the one reason (aside from obvious ones) I say a lot of the animosity is based on race because traditionally, the President gets blame for what goes wrong and credit for what goes right in his administration on national matters. If education does better, he gets credit. If it plummets…he gets blame. Stock market rises or falls, he gets credit/blame. Traditionally It comes with the job.

Only after Obama is elected and the GOP is seen as old, aloof, not trustworthy, and above all else, mean-spirited, do we see the break with centuries of tradition to where the President still gets full blame for everything but no credit.

There is no other legitimate reason than the right wing simply despising the man; not the office.
Of course they do, and they received all that when Bush set up the team and process FOR Obama before he left office. His process worked.

WTF? Bush set up the kill team to get Osama BEFORE Obama was in office??? But Obama was president when it happened and thinks to Bush, Obama had Osama killed.

And you wonder why I think you are fucking nuts.

Yeah Wilbur….remember in Conservistan, you can’t blame Bush for anything that happened after he left office but Bush can claim credit for things that took place after he left office.

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

As a business man, I know to give credit to the people who do the real work in my organizations. Only bad leaders take the credit from them for personal glory. Obama did nothing to get Osama, it was our military that got him. Ditto W and Hussein, but W didn't run out and do what the attention whore Obama did and try to take the credit, he thanked the military for it

Please show one quote where Obama took personal credit for it. Quote Obama, not someone else, please.

I’ll save you some time…there are none.

Obama spiked the ball killing the opportunity for intelligence, clearly he was taking credit in doing that or he'd have listened to the military and held off announcing it

Opinion. Weak effort. Try again.

Of course it is, it directly contradicts your blind worship of the black President.

He defied the military in announcing it immediately, clearly that was for the credit and immediate gratification, there is no other explanation, particularly with the military asking him to hold off announcing it. Wasn't going to happen with an available microphone

There’s the race card. And the idiotic allegation of “blind worship” of a black President. He he he….all too easy.

I still don’t see the quote of him taking personal credit for the kill of OBL. Another failure. Try again.

(When you’re in a hole, the first rule is to stop digging)
Natl Border Patrol Council VP: Immigration Laws Being 'Carved Out,' Agents 'Basically' 'Letting Everyone We Catch Out' - Breitbart

Providing for this nation's national security is the 1st and foremost responsibility of the federal government, and President Obama has intentionally been undermining and taking action to do the complete opposite.

Obama refuses to secure the border, even as specOps troops are training to thwart dirty-bomb carrying invaders and USBPAs are even carrying radiation detectors as they patrol our borders.

He has engaged in Human Trafficking while protecting Human Traffickers ('Human Trafficker finally arrested after being detained 24th time').

He has been found in Contempt of court' for refusing to divulge the locations of illegals he has scattered across the nation without 1st informing local / state authorities and agencies.

He refuses to keep violent illegals jailed or to deport the,. refuses to end federal-law violating Sanctuary Cities who provide safe havens for these violent illegals and gang members.

He and his administration armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of weapons, resulting in the murders of over 500 people - t include 2 US citizens: 1 US BPA and the other a member of the US military killed in Tn by a terrorist with one of those guns Obama gave to Mexican Drug Cartels

He refused to sign Kate's Law that would protect American citizens

He has given visas to terrorists, allowing them to come into the US and kill 12 Americans, demonstrating his background check system does not work but STILL wants to bring in another 100,000+ Non-Christian military-aged men-only from a religion/civil-war-torn nation noted for its terrorism and hatred for the US and everything it stands for...despite the continuing mounting death toll of Americans being killed and victimized by Illegals

Just recently an illegal was arrested for raping a child - that is on OBAMA'S hands!

Out own 'troops / law enforcers on the ground are screaming about how Obama has made this nation so extremely vulnerable and how Obama and his administration is directly responsible for the murders and crimes being perpetrated against American citizens by the criminals / illegals Obama is AIDING. On his hands are the blood of all those people murdered by his weapons given to criminals / murderers during Fast and Furious. On his hands is the blood of all the Americans who have died as a result of HIS refusal to secure the border and protect Americans. On his hands is the blood of 12 citizens who were murdered by the terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa and welcomed into the country, as he MOCKED Americans for their concern for our national security and their safety!

This THREAT to our nation's security should have been Impeached long ago!

He should be dragged out on the street in front of the WH, forced to publicly apologize to every American victimized by illegals and to every family member of those murdered by his precious illegals...right before he is publicly caned, Impeached, and sent to prison for an 'aiding and abetting' criminal charge for EVER crime perpetrated against a US citizen during his administration.

Mexico's money should be frozen here in the US. A huge check should be written from those accounts to those victimized and to the families of those killed by Illegals. Money should be used form those accounts to then secure the border - build the wall and do whatever needs to be done...and then and ONLY then should their remaining money be returned to them

It's time M*ersF*ers like this POS in the WH start adhering to his oath of office, tot make our national security, this nation, and our citizens higher priorities than illegals and terrorists - those who do not respect this nation, our people, our laws, and those who want to kill us. It should start with Impeaching that SOB who has violated the Constitution and our laws to push his own personal CRIMINAL agenda!

There are perfectly good explanations for all of these events.

See, that settles it. You are too quick to prejudge.
Yeah Wilbur….remember in Conservistan, you can’t blame Bush for anything that happened after he left office but Bush can claim credit for things that took place after he left office.
I'm not TRYING to give Bush credit for anything, just trying to stop the lies about how Obama did something he did not do. There's a difference.

Libs like to blame everything Obama does wrong on Bush, who hasn't been President in nearly a decade, yet doesn't want anyone to mention the man when they mention him while correcting Liberal lies.

In the end, UBL was a symbolic victory just as 'he who will not be mentioned' said it would be Terrorists and terrorism are worse now that they were when Bush left. The evidence is in numerous terrorist attacks on US soil, Obama handing out visas to terrorist so they can kill Americans, terrorists owning their own nations now because Obama used our military to help them get those nations, etc...

UBL changed none of that. UBL's death? In the immortal words of Hillary, 'what difference does it make?' In reality, very little.
No Obama never spiked the football or took credit :p

Using Bin Laden to sell Americans on Obama's reelection | Fox News

Predictable: Obama campaign spikes the football on Osama bin Laden

Oh, and we NEVER hear liberals on this board declare 'Oh yeah, well Obama got Usama'.

:rolleyes: :lmao:

Liberals on the board (me included) do not speak for Mr. Obama. I use it to inflame hemorrhoids like you.
Nice personal attack with no acknowledgement that you were WRONG. Obama most certainly DID 'spike the football.
OMG, we better hurry up! If we want to impeach Obama, we gotta do it now before he leaves office!
OMG, we better hurry up! If we want to impeach Obama, we gotta do it now before he leaves office!
Again, another Liberal who does not understand the difference between someone deserving of being Impeached versus Impeaching someone....
Yeah Wilbur….remember in Conservistan, you can’t blame Bush for anything that happened after he left office but Bush can claim credit for things that took place after he left office.
I'm not TRYING to give Bush credit for anything, just trying to stop the lies about how Obama did something he did not do. There's a difference.
Yes, you are.

Libs like to blame everything Obama does wrong on Bush, who hasn't been President in nearly a decade, yet doesn't want anyone to mention the man when they mention him while correcting Liberal lies.

Another "SCANDAL!!!!" up in smoke. No charges for anyone at IRS.

Is It Obama's Fault The White House Security Failed So Badly?

Makes you wonder what we don't know...

And Wrong
Obama's Biggest Failure

In the end, UBL was a symbolic victory just as 'he who will not be mentioned' said it would be Terrorists and terrorism are worse now that they were when Bush left. The evidence is in numerous terrorist attacks on US soil, Obama handing out visas to terrorist so they can kill Americans, terrorists owning their own nations now because Obama used our military to help them get those nations, etc...

UBL changed none of that. UBL's death? In the immortal words of Hillary, 'what difference does it make?' In reality, very little.

A symbol of Bush’s failings and Obama’s successes.

Traditionally, the President has gotten credit for what his Military accomplishes. Why Obama doesn’t in some less intelligent burgs is, I’m sure as easy to see as black and white.
No Obama never spiked the football or took credit :p

Using Bin Laden to sell Americans on Obama's reelection | Fox News

Predictable: Obama campaign spikes the football on Osama bin Laden

Oh, and we NEVER hear liberals on this board declare 'Oh yeah, well Obama got Usama'.

:rolleyes: :lmao:

Liberals on the board (me included) do not speak for Mr. Obama. I use it to inflame hemorrhoids like you.
Nice personal attack with no acknowledgement that you were WRONG. Obama most certainly DID 'spike the football.

Thanks but you make it so easy.

No quote from Obama taking credit for killing OBL yet? Your falling down on the job there mister. I’ve given you an assignment boy. Hop to it.
Candy, you can say 'Wrong' all you want. I posted links about how Obama acted after UBL was taken down. I posted how he pissed away valuable Intel within hours of getting the word the treasure trove of data we recovered. This demonstrated wither 1) his complete inexperience or 2) he treasonously warned Islamic Extremists that we knew were they were and were coming for them.

Spiking the proverbial football doesn't necessarily doing a dance in the end zone. It means getting in front of the cameras and declaring you had just taken down UBL and recovered a lot of Intel, 'like the locations of many other cells and leaders'. Hell, my kids know better than to do that.
I make it easy for like to 'spike the football? If the military finding UBL, him giving the OK to go after him the 3rd time he was asked, the military then conducting the operation, and Obama standing up in front of the cameras to get credit is Obama's biggest accomplishment that is hilarious.

At least Feinstein would be able to find that on Google. :p
The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

No, he’s clinging bitterly to the policy of never giving Obama credit for anything….ever. Never before in history of the nation did one group make it their policy to totally stonewall the sitting President like this.

I don’t often resort to the race card for being the reason but when you cannot give credit to the sitting President where it has traditionally been given…what other reason is there?

I don't give white W credit for Hussein or black Obama for Osama. I credit the military for both. The race card is being played by you, bitch

So by the same token, Hitler never killed a jew at Auschwitz? I’m just trying to figure out how much insanity God put into one person….

That's just stupid. You're flipping taking credit for the hard work of the military in a legitimate operation and ordering the military to murder their own people. That is a non-sequitur.
No. Obama never took personal credit for killing OBL. You’ve issued your opinion only. It’s invalid. I’m frankly surprised you tried such a lame attempt.

You say he deserves no credit because he wasn’t pulling the trigger. By the same token, if Adolph wasn’t turning the valves releasing the cyanide into the showers, does he deserve credit?

You can argue one or the other but you can’t have it both ways.

Then there's your calling me a racist for holding white W and black Obama to the same standard.

This isn't your day to be talking about anyone else's sanity

Here you go putting words into my mouth. I do accuse you of holding this ridiculous party line of never giving Obama credit for anything. I stated that is the one reason (aside from obvious ones) I say a lot of the animosity is based on race because traditionally, the President gets blame for what goes wrong and credit for what goes right in his administration on national matters. If education does better, he gets credit. If it plummets…he gets blame. Stock market rises or falls, he gets credit/blame. Traditionally It comes with the job.

Only after Obama is elected and the GOP is seen as old, aloof, not trustworthy, and above all else, mean-spirited, do we see the break with centuries of tradition to where the President still gets full blame for everything but no credit.

There is no other legitimate reason than the right wing simply despising the man; not the office.

YOU HAVE GOT to be the most laughable contributor to date!

Where do you think the term "Bush Bashers" came from regarding a President who had to face 4 major events that no president has ever faced in history.
Yet Bush bashers NEVER consider that Bush administration started with the $8 trillion dot.com bust or the recession or that little event 9/11 or anthrax attacks
OR the worst hurricane SEASONS not just hurricanes but year after year of worst hurricanes.
What's Obama faced?
GWB never ever demeaned the military or gave assistance to the enemy as Obama did when Senator he said our military air-raided villages killing civilians"!
GWB NEVER ever wanted businesses to go bankrupt as Obama stupidly advocated when he described coal burning utilities or 1,400 health insurers go out of business.
GWB NEVER encouraged foreign oil production while reducing federal oil leases as did Obama who has signed nearly 50% less then GWB.
GWB never wasted money on frivolous vacations but spent most of his away from the WH at HIS ranch where there weren't hotel bills,flights to Hawaii.

So get out of that stupid meme that Obama is blamed because he's black!
He's blamed because he hates America. He hates whites. He loves muslims. Hell he went to a Muslim school when he growing up in Indonesia.
Let's have a fantasy debate.

I will take the position that Obama was President and CIC at the time the order to kill or capture bin Laden was given.

Easy will take the position that the previous president who shall not be named was responsible for the kill or capture of Osama.bin Laden.

Obama was the President and CIC when Osama was killed.

Bush had the opportunity to be the President and CIC who had Osama killed. But either he fucked it up or the military fucked it up and Osama got away.

Ok. That's my debate. Bush coulda, woulda, shoulda had Osama killed.

Obama did.

One of you assholes said it didn't matter (easy?) whether Osama was killed. Fuck you. It really mattered to the families of victims of 9/11. And it mattered to Americans like me.

People like some of you ODS sufferers? Who knows what your problem is.

We got a president twice legally elected by American citizens. You didn't like it? Though shit. Show some respect and quit WHINING!!!
Of course they do, and they received all that when Bush set up the team and process FOR Obama before he left office. His process worked.

WTF? Bush set up the kill team to get Osama BEFORE Obama was in office??? But Obama was president when it happened and thinks to Bush, Obama had Osama killed.

And you wonder why I think you are fucking nuts.

The military looked for Osama under W and continued under Obama, they both deserve credit or neither. Of course I credit the military, they did a phenomenal job

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