Obama's Treasonous and Impeachable Offense

The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

As a business man, I know to give credit to the people who do the real work in my organizations. Only bad leaders take the credit from them for personal glory. Obama did nothing to get Osama, it was our military that got him. Ditto W and Hussein, but W didn't run out and do what the attention whore Obama did and try to take the credit, he thanked the military for it

Please show one quote where Obama took personal credit for it. Quote Obama, not someone else, please.

I’ll save you some time…there are none.
The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

No, he’s clinging bitterly to the policy of never giving Obama credit for anything….ever. Never before in history of the nation did one group make it their policy to totally stonewall the sitting President like this.

I don’t often resort to the race card for being the reason but when you cannot give credit to the sitting President where it has traditionally been given…what other reason is there?

I don't give white W credit for Hussein or black Obama for Osama. I credit the military for both. The race card is being played by you, bitch
U righties spend all day bashing the government , that it's corrupt bla bla bla .

Your President before las was a pathological lying sociopathic sexual deviant who spent the better part of his career sexually harassing, assaulting, raping and having affairs with women, was the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court - over sexual harassment, a case in which he was disbarred - and was Impeached in the house.

Your current President has refused to enforce the law, has violated both Constitution and Law, has used the IRS to harass citizens who oppose his agenda, armed / supplied / trained / protected and aided Mexican Drug Cartels and Terrorists has won the Nobel Peace Prize only to drag the US into the middle of 2 (TWO) civil wars between terrorists and dictators with the intention of helping the terrorists - to include the perpetrators of 2 terrorist attacks on the US, 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - take over their own countries, WITHPUT approval from Congress...and that is still leaving out a lot...

Your current leading party nominee started off her career by being let gto from the Watergate commission for unethical behavior and has since left a fiery trail of unethical, immoral, self-serving, criminal, lying national-security threatening, and incompetent behavior that led, among other things, to 4 Americans needlessly being murdered - sacrificed to terrorists in an attempt to keep up the false impression of truth to Obama's 2012 re-election campaign promises: 'Al Qaeida is on the run' and 'the war on terror' is over.

Gee, I wonder why anyone complains about liberals. :p


HRC ahead by 10-15 points in most polls.

GOP losers of 5 of the last 6 national popular votes.

Some way of complaining there skippy.

Epic fail. Try again. :rofl:
The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

As a business man, I know to give credit to the people who do the real work in my organizations. Only bad leaders take the credit from them for personal glory. Obama did nothing to get Osama, it was our military that got him. Ditto W and Hussein, but W didn't run out and do what the attention whore Obama did and try to take the credit, he thanked the military for it

Please show one quote where Obama took personal credit for it. Quote Obama, not someone else, please.

I’ll save you some time…there are none.

Obama spiked the ball killing the opportunity for intelligence, clearly he was taking credit in doing that or he'd have listened to the military and held off announcing it
The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

No, he’s clinging bitterly to the policy of never giving Obama credit for anything….ever. Never before in history of the nation did one group make it their policy to totally stonewall the sitting President like this.

I don’t often resort to the race card for being the reason but when you cannot give credit to the sitting President where it has traditionally been given…what other reason is there?

I don't give white W credit for Hussein or black Obama for Osama. I credit the military for both. The race card is being played by you, bitch

So by the same token, Hitler never killed a jew at Auschwitz? I’m just trying to figure out how much insanity God put into one person….
1. Not all the 'graphs' that can be posted can change the facts mentioned in my 1st post...and I'm not even the ones saying it. Our US BPAs are saying it.

2. No one is going to file any paperwork. There is no way in hell anyone is going to try to Impeach the 1st black President, deserved or not...and I think Obama KNEW this from the 1st day he went into office, which is what has emboldened him to do many of the things he has done.

3. And here I thought I was going to have to go a whole day without seeing someone yell out 'Buuuuuuussssshhhhh'. The man has been out of office almost a decade. That ship sailed....come back and join me talking about the CURRENT President.

Not another single successful terrorist attack on US soil after 9/11/01 under Bush....Comparatively Obama is a HUGE FAILURE.

BUT if you want to go there, briefly....

Bush never armed Mexican Drug Cartels, helped terrorists take over their own countries by dragging us into the middle of civil wars to help terrorists without Congressional approval to do so, and never supplied/armed/training/protected terrorists like ISIS.

After Americans were killed on 9/11/01 Bush declared we would find and punish those who killed out people. Obama blamed a fake video and apologized to Muslims and Islamic extremists alike for the video by declaring, 'The future must not belong to those who slander those who slander the prophet of islam'. I am pretty damn sure Ambassador Stevens never slandered the Prophet of Islam, but he was murdered by terrorists. Where was Obama's outrage over the murder of an American Ambassador and 3 other Americans?

THERE WAS NONE! He only had concern for the poor faux offended Muslims. It took him a year to find the scapegoat he finally caught - who he said they could not find - who was giving interviews to world media by a poll somewhere overseas.

After Americans were killed on 9/11/01, Bush’s INS sent letters to the flight schools informing the schools that their fair haired students had their visa’s renewed!!!!

I’m pretty sure it was a mistake but you can never tell with all of the entanglements between the Saudis, oilmen, and Bush’s pappy.

PS: Obama got Osama.


The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

And ? So he gets no credit ?

He gets credit for rushing to a microphone to spike the ball so fast that he killed the value in any intelligence that he gathered. And note I give Obama (Osama) and W (Hussein) the same credit, it was the military that got them, what about you? You give W credit for getting Hussein as you give Obama credit for getting Osama?

Oh I give bush ALL the credit for Saddam and the disaster that was the Iraq war !

As for Bin Ladin . Using your logic the military killed an innocent man . After all Bib Ladin didn't carry out 911 . It was his soildiers who did it! Riiiight?

Clearly you don't give them equal credit. Hussein whether you support the war or not (I don't) or vote for people who supported it (you do), Hussein was a blood thirsty, murdering tyrant. While I do not think we should have invaded, frankly your defending him is sick
The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

As a business man, I know to give credit to the people who do the real work in my organizations. Only bad leaders take the credit from them for personal glory. Obama did nothing to get Osama, it was our military that got him. Ditto W and Hussein, but W didn't run out and do what the attention whore Obama did and try to take the credit, he thanked the military for it

Please show one quote where Obama took personal credit for it. Quote Obama, not someone else, please.

I’ll save you some time…there are none.

Obama spiked the ball killing the opportunity for intelligence, clearly he was taking credit in doing that or he'd have listened to the military and held off announcing it

Opinion. Weak effort. Try again.

'Dude', you got exposed as a liar the other day. I post opinions, and I back them up with reported facts, links, etc. You roll in and attack people with Nothing else. I didn't address you. I didn't target you., I didn't sa anything to you. You, however, not liking what I wrote, singled me out and attacked me. You didn't provide any counter substantive facts, reports, or links. You just verbally attacked me because you didn't LIKE what I had to say, whet the documented, reported, historically accurate things I posed said... you just attacked ME!

That's the big difference, or one of them between us. I don't need to point out how pathetic you are - you do a fine job on your own. And when you attack me without providing anything but your own OPINION and HATE you just make it easier to ignore you.

Have a good weekend.
Opinion. Weak effort. Try again.
Anyone who actually lived through it, saw it personally, doesn't need links and anything more than that. Obama spiked the hell out of the 'football'...and like I said, pissed a lot of good hard-earned Intel away in the process.
The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

No, he’s clinging bitterly to the policy of never giving Obama credit for anything….ever. Never before in history of the nation did one group make it their policy to totally stonewall the sitting President like this.

I don’t often resort to the race card for being the reason but when you cannot give credit to the sitting President where it has traditionally been given…what other reason is there?

I don't give white W credit for Hussein or black Obama for Osama. I credit the military for both. The race card is being played by you, bitch

So by the same token, Hitler never killed a jew at Auschwitz? I’m just trying to figure out how much insanity God put into one person….

That's just stupid. You're flipping taking credit for the hard work of the military in a legitimate operation and ordering the military to murder their own people. That is a non-sequitur.

Then there's your calling me a racist for holding white W and black Obama to the same standard.

This isn't your day to be talking about anyone else's sanity
As a business man, I know to give credit to the people who do the real work in my organizations.

You a businessman? Ok. I'm an astronaut.
So your workers just show up and do it eh? Whatever "it"is.

They don't get any major goals, instructions, objectives or the approval to move forward on said goals, instructions or objectives from the top dog in the organization?

You full of shit and you know it.

I assure you that they (our special forces) were recognized by the POTUS for their accomplishment. Being a good CIC, he gave credit where it was due.

You should try and learn to do the same.
The military got Obama, just like the military got Hussein. Obama is a politician, he sits behind a desk

The (Any) POTUS also has the position known as Commander in Chief.

You know what they are Commander in Chief of? Our military.

How stupid are you really? You acting or is it real?

As a business man, I know to give credit to the people who do the real work in my organizations. Only bad leaders take the credit from them for personal glory. Obama did nothing to get Osama, it was our military that got him. Ditto W and Hussein, but W didn't run out and do what the attention whore Obama did and try to take the credit, he thanked the military for it

Please show one quote where Obama took personal credit for it. Quote Obama, not someone else, please.

I’ll save you some time…there are none.

Obama spiked the ball killing the opportunity for intelligence, clearly he was taking credit in doing that or he'd have listened to the military and held off announcing it

Opinion. Weak effort. Try again.

Of course it is, it directly contradicts your blind worship of the black President.

He defied the military in announcing it immediately, clearly that was for the credit and immediate gratification, there is no other explanation, particularly with the military asking him to hold off announcing it. Wasn't going to happen with an available microphone
They don't get any major goals, instructions, objectives or the approval to move forward on said goals, instructions or objectives from the top dog in the organization?

Of course they do, and they received all that when Bush set up the team and process FOR Obama before he left office. His process worked.

As I said, since it took Obama 1 year to find a terrorist giving interviews poolside in the ME, he should have called Bush and asked him to come back in and set up the team and process to find that guy for him, too. :p

In both cases, though, Obama gets credit for finally giving the approval to take them both down....that's about it.
As a business man, I know to give credit to the people who do the real work in my organizations.

You a businessman? Ok. I'm an astronaut.
So your workers just show up and do it eh? Whatever "it"is.

They don't get any major goals, instructions, objectives or the approval to move forward on said goals, instructions or objectives from the top dog in the organization?

You full of shit and you know it.

I assure you that they were recognized by the POTUS for their accomplishment. Being a good CIC, he gave credit where it was due.

You should try and learn to do the same.
Strawman, I didn't say any of that. I build up my people by giving them credit for what they accomplish. My job is to lead, and I want credit for that, but if I want people to step up and take ownership, part of my job is to give them too much credit for that, and smart people know what I'm doing. The rest of you I have to tell if I want you to know
Dude', you got exposed as a liar the other day. I post opinions, and I back them up with reported facts, links, etc. You roll in and attack people with Nothing else. I didn't address you. I didn't target you., I didn't sa anything to you. You, however, not liking what I wrote, singled me out and attacked me.

Tissue?? LMAO

(Thx rustic)
t. I build up my people by giving them credit for what they accomplish. My job is to lead, and I want credit for that, but if I want people to step up and take ownership, part of my job is to give them too much credit for that, and smart people know what I'm doing.

Man, you described what the President has done very well.
I'm surprised.
t. I build up my people by giving them credit for what they accomplish. My job is to lead, and I want credit for that, but if I want people to step up and take ownership, part of my job is to give them too much credit for that, and smart people know what I'm doing.

Man, you described what the President has done very well.
I'm surprised.

He praised the military by ignoring their request for more time and running to a microphone, got it
Tissue?? LMAO
Tissue? I'm not the one who just got exposed as a nasty little man who adds nothing substantive to conversations but instead only mocks and attacks people because they don't lie the facts / what is reported.

Need a tissue? Like Obama, you must sincerely be a Narcissist to think anything you could say could effect me. One must actually CARE what another says to be hurt by what they say....You obviously have me mistaken for someone who cares what you say.

Have a great weekend.
Of course they do, and they received all that when Bush set up the team and process FOR Obama before he left office. His process worked.

WTF? Bush set up the kill team to get Osama BEFORE Obama was in office??? But Obama was president when it happened and thinks to Bush, Obama had Osama killed.

And you wonder why I think you are fucking nuts.

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