Obama's uncle gets to stay.

There are many "kind and moral" people here...not legally. Can they stay too?
Don't shoot the messenger. I just post what I find.

Our President's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, first came to our attention during the Senator's remarkable theft of the Presidency in 2008; there was no doubt but that she represented a serious threat to his ambitious ascendancy to the Presidency. You may recall she's the aunt who was in the USA illegally, living in Boston and receiving welfare.


This TV news report interviews her and calls her "fiery." Can you imagine being in Russia illegally for years and years, for instance and having the unmitigated gall to tape a TV interview and act "fiery?" But then again that would never happen as Russia would never allow that sort of thing to occur--you'd be deported or on your way to Siberia in nanoseconds if budget allowed. Some people just disappear, never to be heard of again.

If you want to get angry, really angry, watch this video. Americans were rightfully livid after hearing the story of this unapologetically arrogant woman who blamed our system for giving her so much; a place to live in public housing, $51,000 in disability payments and regular welfare payments of almost $700 per month, not to mention the taxpayer-funded hospital stays and treatments.

But we did nothing and went right ahead voting for her nephew who ignored her publicly while his campaign staff issued reports putting lots of distance between Obama, the rising star and his two feckless relatives.

Barack Hussein Obama's aunt embodies everything that is wrong with America and shows us the way to fixing such things.

People such as her, who don't appreciate the greatness of a country which gives them so much and aren't grateful for all taxpayers do for them, shouldn't receive any assistance at all and should be immediately deported. No other remedy is acceptable. It is the law of our land and there are no exceptions.

While the American people had been constantly reassured Obama never knew that his unfortunate aunt was here illegally and that the two were not close, Ms. Onyango did of course attend both of her nephew's inaugurations for the Senate in 2005 and then as President in 2009.

Ms. Onyango soon turned up represented by an expensive Cleveland immigration attorney when she had frequently chorused she was "broke." Then, the very same judge who had ordered her deported from US soil in 2004 mysteriously ordered that she could stay in America. What the hell's wrong with this picture?

And as some astute reporter discovered, Obama's aunt also made illegal campaign contributions to his Presidential campaign; illegal aliens are strictly forbidden from contributing money to US politicians
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If you like your illegal uncle, you can keep your illegal uncle.
Well as long as you're the president that is.
I just read that obama lied AGAIN. He said he never met his uncle. Seems he lived with him for 3 weeks prior to attending college. So...caught AGAIN in another blatant lie.

I will see if I can find the link to this newest update and the WH scrambling to cover the POTUS' fib.
White House Acknowledges Obama Lived With Uncle After Previously Denying They'd Met

The White House has acknowledged President Barack Obama lived with his uncle, Onyango "Omar" Obama, after previously denying that the two had met.

“The President first met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz said, according to the Boston Globe. “The President did stay with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready. After that, they saw each other once every few months, but after law school they fell out of touch. The President has not seen him in 20 years, has not spoken with him in 10.”

During a deportation hearing this week, Omar Obama contradicted the earlier White House statement, saying the president came to live with him while attending Harvard Law School.

According to the Globe, initial reports that the president had not met his uncle did not come from Obama himself:

On Thursday, a White House official said the press office had not fully researched the relationship between the president and his uncle before telling the Globe that they had no record of the two meeting. This time, the press office asked the president directly, which they had not done in 2011.
Omar Obama's appearance in court was prompted by a 2011 drunken driving arrest, after which he faced deportation. He was granted permission to stay in the United States.

According to the AP, the president's uncle has lived in the United States since the 1960s.
What I can not understand how could it be possible that somebody who entered the country 50 years ago had not legalized himself/herself, when there was an AMNESTY in 1986 :confused:
so carney says that they never asked the president, they just 'scoured the book' obama had written,that the excuse, well of course asking him is just out of the question so...:rolleyes:

you know what? obama seems to have been out of the loop on so much, finding out all sorts of information after scandals break and the like, I guess his sycophants never did ask him, why bother the man? Its only the American people they're talking to, so what if they are wrong? :lol: I mean they could not be bothered telling him hey you're wrong, they cannot keep their plan or doctor, so, this is small potatoes....:doubt:
Obama's Uncle Granted Permission To Remain In U.S.

BOSTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's Kenyan-born uncle has been granted permission to stay in the U.S.

An immigration judge ruled Tuesday that 69-year-old Onyango Obama is a person of "good moral character."

Obama is the half brother of the president's late father. He has lived in the United States since the 1960s. He was ordered to leave the country in 1992, but remained.

Onyango Obama and a longtime friend testified at a hearing that he has lived in the U.S. for 50 years, been a hard worker, paid income tax and been arrested only once.

His immigration status didn't become public until his 2011 drunken driving arrest. At the time, he allegedly told police, "I think I will call the White House."

Obama also has an illegal (aunt) living here. On welfare. Never paid taxes, or so I read somewhere. Something is wrong with this picture.

Your thoughts on this?

links on Obama's aunt?

CLEVELAND -- A U.S. immigration court has granted asylum to President Obama's African aunt, allowing her to stay in the country six years after she was ordered deported, her attorneys announced Monday.

Kenya native Zeituni Onyango, 57, is the half-sister of Obama's late father. The basis for her asylum request was never made public.

Video with picture of auntie, at link:

more: Obama's aunt granted U.S. asylum, 6 years after she was to be deported to Kenya
Funny how this guy has been here illegally for 50 fucking years, and his case just happened to be resolved now that his nephew is president.
Funny how this guy has been here illegally for 50 fucking years, and his case just happened to be resolved now that his nephew is president.

with a big amnesty and numerous mini-amnesties which have been at least 3 times since the 60s.

something is fishy.

One can be dumb, but not that dumb.

Plus he is not obama's uncle, if one talks blood connections.
Obama is clearly the bastard of marshall davis.

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