Obamas USA: Men can use girls locker rooms; But bans USMC uniform from graduation bc "rules are rul"

How are these two things even related?

And what does Obama have to do with it?

The fact you have to ask shows your ignorance.

You started the thread with lies. Obama did not write the Constitution, did not pass any laws, did not disallow the wearing of a uniform.

YOU are a liar.

"They cite "protocol" as why the Marine can't wear her uniform to graduation."

Read the article.

He dictated the tranny rule. By threat of withdrawing funds.

No, he did not. Obama "dictated" nothing. OTOH, the US Constitution does. Deal with it.

Quit lying.

Nonetheless, the two are not related in any way.

And, candycorn nailed it.

If she were black, you would be yammering about how she should follow the rules, just like everyone else.

You lying hypocrites never change.

Where does it mention trannies?
You started the thread with lies. Obama did not write the Constitution, did not pass any laws, did not disallow the wearing of a uniform.YOU are a liar.
And speaking of lying:
  1. The OP did not claim Obama wrote the Constitution.
  2. The OP did not claim that Obama passed any laws.
  3. The OP did not claim that Obama disallowed the wearing of a uniform.
He said "In Obama's USA".

So you lied. The question is, whether you even realize it.

Do you?

Actually he said “Only in the new Obamerica could this happen.” right? Meaning that something like this NEVER happened before—a school board not allowing someone to take part in a school activity because they violated the rules. Institutions make controversial rulings all the time…schools have been enforcing dress codes with varying amounts of controversy since they have had schools…there was a time when girls couldn’t play football or baseball or boys couldn’t be cheerleaders etc…. Each ruling has been greeted with people who have bitched and moaned about it.

So you lied.

The question is, whether you even realize it.
Nice try. Kind of.

I wonder if I'll get a response.

Not holding my breath.

I wonder if you’ll admit you lied.

I won’t hold my breath either.

Okay, so you appear to be absolutely convinced that Luddly was being accurate with those three sentences. That the OP said Obama wrote the Constitution, that Obama passed laws, and that Obama disallowed the wearing of the uniform.

Okay. Got it.

The psychology of hardcore partisan ideology remains absolutely fascinating to me. I appreciate the input.
No Mac. That's just how the hive mind thinks and reacts.
Pvt. Howerton stated that she wishes to put this incident behind her to start her career in Marines. I wish her the best of luck in the future.
Of course, that won't stop the perpetually outraged from using this story to whine about unrelated issues.

Controversy flares over McHenry West High School Marine graduate's attire | Northwest Herald

She took the high road and I wish her all the best

A few states have enacted legislation that allows students in her position to wear there uniform at graduation. Perhaps as a result of this story Illinois will do the same.

I don't see a problem with it but with that said they said she could have worn it under her gown so I'm not seeing the issue

My daughter just graduated from college last week. Under her cap and gown, she wore her Army dress blue uniform. After the diplomas were handed out, she removed her cap and gown and was administered the oath of office of an Army Second Lieutenant by her commander. She and the other new Army 2LT received a standing ovation from the faculty, graduates and the entire arena, which was filled to the rafters.

This story is much ado about nothing. She should have done the same with her uniform under the cap and gown.
  • Thanks
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And speaking of lying:
  1. The OP did not claim Obama wrote the Constitution.
  2. The OP did not claim that Obama passed any laws.
  3. The OP did not claim that Obama disallowed the wearing of a uniform.
He said "In Obama's USA".

So you lied. The question is, whether you even realize it.

Do you?

Actually he said “Only in the new Obamerica could this happen.” right? Meaning that something like this NEVER happened before—a school board not allowing someone to take part in a school activity because they violated the rules. Institutions make controversial rulings all the time…schools have been enforcing dress codes with varying amounts of controversy since they have had schools…there was a time when girls couldn’t play football or baseball or boys couldn’t be cheerleaders etc…. Each ruling has been greeted with people who have bitched and moaned about it.

So you lied.

The question is, whether you even realize it.
Nice try. Kind of.

I wonder if I'll get a response.

Not holding my breath.

I wonder if you’ll admit you lied.

I won’t hold my breath either.

Okay, so you appear to be absolutely convinced that Luddly was being accurate with those three sentences. That the OP said Obama wrote the Constitution, that Obama passed laws, and that Obama disallowed the wearing of the uniform.

Okay. Got it.

The psychology of hardcore partisan ideology remains absolutely fascinating to me. I appreciate the input.
No Mac. That's just how the hive mind thinks and reacts.
I know the routine: Deflect and attack.

I've learned to just remind myself it's a good sign.
Pvt. Howerton stated that she wishes to put this incident behind her to start her career in Marines. I wish her the best of luck in the future.
Of course, that won't stop the perpetually outraged from using this story to whine about unrelated issues.

Controversy flares over McHenry West High School Marine graduate's attire | Northwest Herald

She took the high road and I wish her all the best

A few states have enacted legislation that allows students in her position to wear there uniform at graduation. Perhaps as a result of this story Illinois will do the same.

I don't see a problem with it but with that said they said she could have worn it under her gown so I'm not seeing the issue

My daughter just graduated from college last week. Under her cap and gown, she wore her Army dress blue uniform. After the diplomas were handed out, she removed her cap and gown and was administered the oath of office of an Army Second Lieutenant by her commander. She and the other new Army 2LT received a standing ovation from the faculty, graduates and the entire arena, which was filled to the rafters.

This story is much ado about nothing. She should have done the same with her uniform under the cap and gown.
your daughter was dressed for the occasuon - her comissioning. this kid wants to wear the uniform because they signed their name to enlistment papers at a completely unrelated time and place.

this is no different than if an athlete who chose to play at a university wanted to show up in their athletic uniform
Illinois high school refuses to let Marine walk for graduation over dress code | Fox News

Only in the new Obamerica could this happen. A high school graduation. One student finished her course work early so she could enlist in the Marines. And she returned to walk with her class at graduation.....in uniform. But....school denied her. "Rules" they claim.

But.....at that same graduation....had a 4t year old hairy man named Rick wanted to stroll into the girls locker room to piss and shower he can and Obama would cut funding if the school denied him.
It is fascinating to watch how you construct your rube goldberg analogies.
Everyday this POS shows who he really is and what he stands for...or against. Sadly, he is STILL representing this country.. :(
They cite "protocol" as why the Marine can't wear her uniform to graduation. SURE....if she needs to take a piss at graduation and a perverted hairy fat ass MAN comes in and starts washing his balls in the sink.....THAT'S OK....forget the PROTOCOL of men uses the men's room and women use the women's room. We can ignore THAT protocol.

But a Marine wear her uniform at graduation? No. We must respect protocol and rules now.

Yay for Obamerica.
Show us evidence of that school district allowing a "perverted hairy fat ass MAN" to come in and start "washing his balls in the sink".
How are these two things even related?

And what does Obama have to do with it?

Because of this

They cite "protocol" as why the Marine can't wear her uniform to graduation. SURE....if she needs to take a piss at graduation and a perverted hairy fat ass MAN comes in and starts washing his balls in the sink.....THAT'S OK....forget the PROTOCOL of men uses the men's room and women use the women's room. We can ignore THAT protocol.

But a Marine wear her uniform at graduation? No. We must respect protocol and rules now.

Yay for Obamerica.

You started the thread with lies. Obama did not write the Constitution, did not pass any laws, did not disallow the wearing of a uniform.YOU are a liar.
And speaking of lying:
  1. The OP did not claim Obama wrote the Constitution.
  2. The OP did not claim that Obama passed any laws.
  3. The OP did not claim that Obama disallowed the wearing of a uniform.
He said "In Obama's USA".

So you lied. The question is, whether you even realize it.

Do you?

Actually he said “Only in the new Obamerica could this happen.” right? Meaning that something like this NEVER happened before—a school board not allowing someone to take part in a school activity because they violated the rules. Institutions make controversial rulings all the time…schools have been enforcing dress codes with varying amounts of controversy since they have had schools…there was a time when girls couldn’t play football or baseball or boys couldn’t be cheerleaders etc…. Each ruling has been greeted with people who have bitched and moaned about it.

So you lied.

The question is, whether you even realize it.
It is a first ever president, on his own demanding schools to let men into girls locker rooms. Or get their federal funding cut.
on his own demanding schools to let men into girls locker rooms.

Trannies arent men lol
Were did I say trannies? I said men, because not matter what they think they are they will be a man.

I know but this law has to do with trannies. Not allowing just guys and girls to use any bathroom they want against all.
And who will be making the decision if they are a tranny or not?
on his own demanding schools to let men into girls locker rooms.

Trannies arent men lol
Were did I say trannies? I said men, because not matter what they think they are they will be a man.

I know but this law has to do with trannies. Not allowing just guys and girls to use any bathroom they want against all.
And who will be making the decision if they are a tranny or not?

Everyone will. Including you. So if you see a dude walking into a bathroom and he tells you he feels like a girl, you can say you feel like a ass kicker and nothing stops you from doing so.

See? Its easy when you consider personal responsibility into the equation.
How are these two things even related?

And what does Obama have to do with it?

Here's what Obama has to do with it.

He , and his have created an atmosphere that fosters moronic decisions like this. Did he make this particular decision? Of course not. Would he endorse this particular decision? I think probably not. But that's not the point. The point is that when you go so far to be politically correct, that emboldens those who are truly loony to go even further.

Just like with the school lunch mess. Does anyone think the Obamas , and other supporters, meant for school officials to be rooting through sack lunches brought from home? Well, a few morons do, but most people realize that those things are being done by idiots locally , but those idiots for some reason believe they have the authority to do so, and that belief comes from above.

Now, I fully realize that you aren't likely to come back with a reasonable response, so I'll save you some time and tell you I won't read your typical type response, come back with something reasonable and we can further the discussion , however.
on his own demanding schools to let men into girls locker rooms.

Trannies arent men lol
Were did I say trannies? I said men, because not matter what they think they are they will be a man.

I know but this law has to do with trannies. Not allowing just guys and girls to use any bathroom they want against all.
And who will be making the decision if they are a tranny or not?

Everyone will. Including you. So if you see a dude walking into a bathroom and he tells you he feels like a girl, you can say you feel like a ass kicker and nothing stops you from doing so.

See? Its easy when you consider personal responsibility into the equation.
Yeah then he drags me to court for a hate criime.

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