Obese passenger

You'd have to seat this woman in the middle of the aisle or the plane would roll to one side!

Woman Who Breaks Toilets With 7’ Butt Hopes To Inspire Larger Ladies

A woman who has a 7 foot wide butt is speaking out publicly in effort to inspire larger ladies. Sarah Massey, 33 has potentially the largest butt in the world and after many years of teasing and insensitive comments, she is trying to help ladies that may be going through a similar situation.

Saying that her body is the result of a genetic condition, she says she has trouble with ordinary things such as buckling her seat belt, fitting through doors and has even broken a toilet just by sitting on it.

My 7ft Butt
Massey says she has had to deal with comments from others her whole life. “At school I was teased and called Dump Truck Butt by the other kids, but the condition is hereditary – there’s nothing I can do about it.” But after years of abuse, she says, “Everyday I get some kind of comment thrown at me, both good and bad – I used to be ashamed but now I hold my head high.”

She went on to describe that because of her condition she can spend over $500 a month just in clothes alone. She explains, “Because of my size I can’t ever find outfits in normal stores. My top half is a 7XL and my bottom half is 10XL so I have to go to specialists.”

Although, this may not be her biggest worry because she does receive a little over $1000 a month in disability as her weight doesn’t allow her to work.
Clothing isn’t her biggest problems as she explains, “With most doorways I have to go in sideways – I do the little wiggle dance to get through.” Massey went on to mention that she’s even, “broken chairs before and I once broke a toilet bowl I was sat on at the theatre – it was awful.”

Her problems extend into physical pain as the weight of her body takes its toll as well. She conveys that, “Although I love my butt I would like to make it just a little bit smaller. The size that it is causes back problems- even sitting down on a chair can be painful.”

Now although many people find her body in need of a little of work, it isn’t the case with everyone. She runs her own risqué website showing pictures of herself nearly nude. She said, “It began when I took pictures of myself to document my weight loss and a photographer friend put them on Facebook. They got so many likes that he asked if we could do some modeling pictures, then those pictures went viral.”

Now although she receives money from disability and her website because of her weight, she does claim that she would like to lose a little bit of weight. After explaining that her body is the result of genetics, she does admit that may not be the only reason.
She told reporters, “Apart from my younger sister, the women in my family all have large behinds – I only eat between 1,500 and 2,000 calories per day. However do have a problem with portion control and I sometimes get tempted by ice cream – that’s my weakness.”

Hoping to help other women like her, she reiterates that, “I went through a stage of worrying what people think, but now I want to show the world I am proud to be me.” And although she works out publicly in a park with her personal trainer she wants others to know they’re not alone in their struggles.

She claims, “I’m trying to make the most of what I’ve been given and being confident about who I am makes me happy. If I can inspire others to embrace their curves and be proud big, beautiful women, I would be very happy.”

Woman Who Breaks Toilets With 7? Butt Hopes To Inspire Larger Ladies // Mr. Conservative


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Very well written. I especially enjoyed the descriptives of the "flight attendants".

There are few things worse than being stuck next to a pig or a general asshole on a flight. And how does a morbidly obese person get placed in an Exit Row, which I have sat in as I am quite tall and manly, and when asking for the seating was asked by the airline clerk if I have the ability to offer physical aid in the event of an emergency. What's fatty fat fatso going to do? Act as a flotation device? Be a human airbag, like the ones stunt men land on when leaping off a five storey building?
Becomming obese IS a psychological issue, and once in a very great while a medical one as well. No one decides to become fat, they become fat over time because something's wrong psychologically. Maybe they're depressed and take to eating as a pleasuring inducing activity. Maybe they're associating eating with pleasure too much and it's their only avenue for pleasure. Point being, it is very often a symptom of something going on psychologically. Yes, mechanically it's because of eating too much and not then utilizing the calories eaten, but there's an underlying cause for the overeating that should be addressed instead of simply writing people off who suffer this affliction. Doing so would be like ignoring someone with clinical depression advising them to simply snap out of it when it's a chemical imbalance in their brain and not at all their fault.

People's cruelty doesn't surprise me any more. Neither does their ignorance.
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Very well written. I especially enjoyed the descriptives of the "flight attendants".

There are few things worse than being stuck next to a pig or a general asshole on a flight. And how does a morbidly obese person get placed in an Exit Row, which I have sat in as I am quite tall and manly, and when asking for the seating was asked by the airline clerk if I have the ability to offer physical aid in the event of an emergency. What's fatty fat fatso going to do? Act as a flotation device? Be a human airbag, like the ones stunt men land on when leaping off a five storey building?

I do not imagine Vince Wilfork would have any trouble with offering physical aid in an emergency...but I certainly wouldn't want to be seated next to him (6'2", 325lbs) on a flight!
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?


The man paid extra for the comfort which the airline had to provide.

Fat people can be very smelly as they perspire more and very often can not take proper care of themselves due to the excessive tissue and the pockets of which they do not see - so it is left uncleaned.

It is time to get at the airlines from the thin ones - it is a violation of the rights of the normal passengers if the airline accommodates the fatsos on the expense of the normal ones.

ENOUGH. Thin people can sue, too.
Becomming obese IS a psychological issue, and once in a very great while a medical one as well. No one decides to become fat, they become fat over time because something's wrong psychologically. Maybe they're depressed and take to eating as a pleasuring inducing activity. Maybe they're associating eating with pleasure too much and it's their only avenue for pleasure. Point being, it is very often a symptom of something going on psychologically. Yes, mechanically it's because of eating too much and not then utilizing the calories eaten, but there's an underlying cause for the overeating that should be addressed instead of simply writing people off who suffer this affliction. Doing so would be like ignoring someone with clinical depression advising them to simply snap out of it when it's a chemical imbalance in their brain and not at all their fault.

People's cruelty doesn't surprise me any more. Neither does their ignorance.

no one becomes a whale overnight.

there is time to stop - if one chooses to.
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

you NEVER get to a whale size by thyroid problems and not able to walk or exercise because of the arthritis.
We are not talking here about overweight people and anybody up to 250 lbs will fit in the airplane seat and not interfere with the others plus will be able to take proper care of themselves.

But if you get over certain limit - you can't move. So you can not bathe appropriately.
And you do not get to that amount by the disease ONLY.

There are overweight people in the poor countries - because of the diseases.

But you will NEVER see a whale in a country where there is not enough food or the food is expensive. NEVER EVER.
Overweight - yes. Morbidly obese - NO.
There is also one airline offering (at extra cost) guaranteed child-free flights. But only within Europe.

I would take infants, children, snakes, dogs, cats, anybody small in the place of a fatso any second.

Crying children do not bother me at all.
Smelly neighbor - does. A LOT.
I'm gonna google what I eat and see what my calorie intake is. And yes, I eat the same thing, every day. After experimentation, it's the only thing I can digest without RA flareups or colitis probs.

Sigh. I wasn't supposed to fall apart until I was at least 75 or 80. I wanted a harley when I turned 70. That was the plan, anyway. Not any more. My hips scream at just thinking about it.

Anyway...enough about me. back on topic....

Until folks stop flying and taking a train instead or a boat...the airlines are gonna continue to pack you in tighter and tighter..and charge you more and more.

it is not caloric intake only. If you take certain medications they will interfere with it.

Anybody on corticosteroids has their metabolism screwed.
Plus if you are hypothyroid - you may need a higher dose of the replacement medication than prescribed, even if your hormonal levels are acceptable.
those are just two examples from the top of my head, there are numerous others.
I'm going to start an airline for the ostracized. Ostracize Air. It's going to be for people who are obese, smokers, catholics, small black grandchild of Mitt Romney, Carrot Top and Jesus. I believe in the sanctity of respect and maturity. I would like to create an airline where people can travel without being ridiculed and judged. My airline would allow the scapegoats and persecuted and anybody who minds his own business. Except for Muslims of course.
I'm surprised at you Noomi.

The guy that wrote that is pond scum.

No he isn't. Fat people are fucking disgusting slobs. The rare glandular issue aside, there is no excuse for morbid obesity other than shear laziness and gluttony. Put down the fucking Twinkie and take a walk around the block a few times.

This dude is 325+lbs, and I'd bet he exercises more than any THREE members here combined.


I wonder what his daily caloric intake is. I'm betting somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000.
I'm going to start an airline for the ostracized. Ostracize Air. It's going to be for people who are obese, smokers, catholics, small black grandchild of Mitt Romney, Carrot Top and Jesus. I believe in the sanctity of respect and maturity. I would like to create an airline where people can travel without being ridiculed and judged. My airline would allow the scapegoats and persecuted and anybody who minds his own business. Except for Muslims of course.

LOL..... :lol:
I'm going to start an airline for the ostracized. Ostracize Air. It's going to be for people who are obese, smokers, catholics, small black grandchild of Mitt Romney, Carrot Top and Jesus. I believe in the sanctity of respect and maturity. I would like to create an airline where people can travel without being ridiculed and judged. My airline would allow the scapegoats and persecuted and anybody who minds his own business. Except for Muslims of course.

I suggest you hire NovaSteve for a pilot. Make it interesting.

Eichmann can be a fight attendant.
I'm surprised at you Noomi.

The guy that wrote that is pond scum.

No he isn't. Fat people are fucking disgusting slobs. The rare glandular issue aside, there is no excuse for morbid obesity other than shear laziness and gluttony. Put down the fucking Twinkie and take a walk around the block a few times.

This dude is 325+lbs, and I'd bet he exercises more than any THREE members here combined.


Irrelevant if he's feeding his face with far more empty calories than all that activity can burn off. Michael Phelps would eat 6,000 calories a day when he was training for the Olympics and yet he was ripped and lean.
Some airlines require folks over a certain weight to buy two seats for themselves.

So they should.

Perhaps if we think of obesity as a medical and psychological problem we'd have a bit more compassion for people like this. I'm surprised at people's reactions to this, or actually no, not surprised. Disappointed.

Lets be honest. The majority of obese people are obese because they eat too much, and don't exercise. Its that simple.

Some people have medical issues, yes. But the majority of obese people have no medical problem at all, other than the inability to stop shoveling food in their mouths.

I have seen your photo Gracie - you look fine!

I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

I guess I shouldn't have expected something better from a person who thinks every parent of a child with ODD is a bad parent.

Did it not occur to you that the so called "fat bastard" also paid extra money for more room?

Did he pay for width room? I doubt it.

Just imagine if there was an emergency. If he was in the aisle trying to exit the plane, could he move fast enough, or would he hold everyone else up?

He was in the exit row. His job was to open the door and get out. My guess is, you want a big strong person to open that door, not a skinny person with no muscles. If the airlines didn't think he could do that job, they wouldn't have put him there. And no, it doesn't matter how much you pay to sit in the exit row, if you can't do that job, you can't sit there.

But keep trying to think of as many reasons as you can to hate on a guy you've never met and know nothing about.
The complainer believes he has a right to not be subjected to obese people. They offend him. They should be removed because of his rights. He just doesn't realize that everyone else has rights too.

No, he believes he has the right to a sittable seat. He said nothing about having anyone "removed". Nice try at a free ticket to Paranoiaville but that flight's been cancelled.
The irrate passenger deserves some credit as he did show restraint during the flight when he did not engage in conflict with the larger sized passenger. However, the larger sized passenger could not be blamed for what happened. He has every right to fly, and even if he were to agree to pay extra for two seats, the airline would likely not accommodate his request.

The airline was clearly at fault here. When seeing what was unfolding, why did the flight attendents not move either of the two passengers to the back where there was ample room?
I believe we're dealing with a personality type that would refuse to move to another seat despite it being more comfortable. He paid his $25 and irrationally let stupidity trump comfort. OTO, the heavier passenger asked for the seat to have at least a little comfort and would have been miserable elsewhere. Unless, of course, there were two adjacent empty seats. Not likely these days.
I'm surprised at you Noomi.

The guy that wrote that is pond scum.

No, he's not. He's an unhappy customer trying to make a point about the product he purchased. Somebody else used half of the seat he paid for, and the crew made no efforts to remedy the situation.
I'm surprised at you Noomi.

The guy that wrote that is pond scum.

No, he's not. He's an unhappy customer trying to make a point about the product he purchased. Somebody else used half of the seat he paid for, and the crew made no efforts to remedy the situation.

Obviously he didn't use 1/2 the guys seat or he never would have been able to sit in it at all. Plus, the armrest wouldn't have gone down between them and the airplane never would have taken off if that were the case. Especially considering this is the exit row we are talking about.

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