Obese passenger

Serious question ... how to obese people actually fit into an airplane seat? I have a relative who must weigh 400lbs. She travels a lot for work and I honestly don't know how she physically fits into the seat. :confused: Do the arms of the seats go up so there's more room? (I haven't flown in 26 years).

the arms go up...but not in exit rows.
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

Gracie, how many calories is all that? If you don't eat enough cals your body thinks its 'starving' and hangs on to the fat. If you're stalled try zig-zagging your cals. Ex; eat 1500 cals day 1, 1900 cals day 2, 1300 cals day 3, 1450 day 4, 1300 day 5, 1650 day 6, 1500 day 7.

Do you have access to a pool? Water exercises don't put any stress on the body and may be doable even with the RA.

I haven't done the count but I think it is about 1200 calories or less a day. I know my body thinks it is starving so it is hoarding the fat. I try to make it not think that but it is stubborn, lol. WISH I had a pool. I have the pacific ocean but it is too damn cold and I could never pull a wetsuit up due to limitations on bending my wrists. It sucks.
I posted a new thread about a cleansing juice I was reading about. Might give that a try. See if it can kick start the calorie burning again.

I'm gonna google what I eat and see what my calorie intake is. And yes, I eat the same thing, every day. After experimentation, it's the only thing I can digest without RA flareups or colitis probs.

Sigh. I wasn't supposed to fall apart until I was at least 75 or 80. I wanted a harley when I turned 70. That was the plan, anyway. Not any more. My hips scream at just thinking about it.

Anyway...enough about me. back on topic....

Until folks stop flying and taking a train instead or a boat...the airlines are gonna continue to pack you in tighter and tighter..and charge you more and more.
I have the pacific ocean but it is too damn cold

People don't realize how cold that sucker is. They see shows like Baywatch and I guess they think it's like a bath. It's not.

I was always used to the Gulf of Mexico and you'd just run out in it no problem. Sometimes the water was actually hot. I tried that my first visit to the Pacific....ran out about knee deep and turned around immediately and ran back to shore kind of whimpering like a little girl...lol
Colder than a well diggers ass, lemme tell ya! The ONLY ocean I will swim in is the hawaiian islands. But..I would have to fly there. And I don't wanna fly anywhere at the moment.

Anywho...I looked up my calorie intake. I get 1167 calories a day. According the chart I looked at, for my age, height, I should have 1273 calories a day to lose one pound a week. Well..I have been on this "diet" for 3 frigging years and I haven't budged after the mass loss from 210 to 180. I did get down to 170 during the cancer thing but gained 10 back. I was so bummed, but I figured what the hell...10 lbs is no biggie. And I am fine the way I am right now but I want to lose that extra 10 lbs..maybe 15 because the less weight on my knees and ankles, the less RA pain.
Consider the possibility that the verbally abused individual had also paid extra for a seat with extra room.

Perhaps the verbal diarrhea suffer should have been given back his $25 but denied any alcohol service as he was obviously unstable. I hate to think what might have happened had the staff plied him with booze by way of compensation!

The airline should never have seated another passenger next to the overweight man. You should expect a comfortable flight - not to be squashed between two tons of flab.

What evidence, other than this rant, do you have that the man was obese?
Hmm. Good question QW. I never really considered that angle. Maybe the writer just wanted to get money back and thought that as reason enough.

An unpleasant flight can easily put the nicest person in a foul mood. However, one man went to the extreme, personally attacking the obese man who he was seated next to in a hateful letter to Australian airline Jetstar.

Airline passenger Rich Wisken reportedly wrote on a blog that he paid an extra $25 for an exit row seat, hoping to have some extra leg room. He was unpleasantly surprised to be seated next to an overweight man, who he refers to in the letter as a “fleshy boulder” who smelled like “blue cheese” and a “Mumbai slum.”

Wisken says he tried to get a new seat, but was unsuccessful.

“I made my way back to Jabba the Hutt (the blob creature in Star Wars) and spent the remainder of the flight smothered in side-boob and cellulite, taking shallow breaths to avoid noxious gas poisoning,” he wrote in the letter to Jetstar.

Later in the letter, Wisken also complained that two days later his flight to Melbourne was cancelled, as was a rescheduled flight. The man’s third attempted flight was reportedly delayed for two hours.

Jetstar responded by sending him a $100 voucher as compensation, according to the Daily Telegraph.

While many frequent fliers will certainly be able to sympathize with a bad traveling experience, others will certainly agree that no human being — including the most obese among us — deserves to be degraded the way Wisken degrades the obese man in the letter.

Read the entire letter below:

Dear Jetstar…

Do you like riddles? I do, that’s why I’m starting this letter with one. What weighs more than a Suzuki Swift, less than a Hummer and smells like the decaying anus of a deceased homeless man? No idea? How about, what measures food portions in kilograms and has the personal hygiene of a French prostitute? Still nothing? Right, one more try. What’s fat as f***, stinks like s**t and should be forced to purchase two seats on a Jetstar flight? That’s right, it’s the man I sat next to under on my flight from Perth to Sydney yesterday.

As I boarded the plane, I mentally high-fived myself for paying the additional $25 for an emergency seat. I was imagining all that extra room, when I was suddenly distracted by what appeared to be an infant hippopotamus located halfway down the aisle.

As I got closer, I was relieved to see that it wasn’t a dangerous semi-aquatic African mammal, but a morbidly obese human being. However, this relief was short-lived when I realised that my seat was located somewhere underneath him.
Soon after I managed to burrow into my seat, I caught what was to be the first of numerous fetid whiffs of body odour. His scent possessed hints of blue cheese and Mumbai slum, with nuances of sweaty flesh and human faeces sprayed with cologne – Eau No.

Considering I was visibly under duress, I found it strange that none of the cabin crew offered me another seat. To be fair, it’s entirely possible that none of them actually saw me. Perhaps this photo will jog their memories.

Pinned to my seat by a fleshy boulder, I started preparing for a 127 Hours-like escape. Thankfully though, the beast moved slightly to his left, which allowed me to stand up, walk to the back of the plane and politely ask the cabin crew to be seated elsewhere. I didn’t catch the names of the three flight attendants, but for the purpose of this letter, I’ll call them: Chatty 1, Chatty 2 and Giggly (I’ve given them all the same surname – Couldnotgiveash***).

After my request, Chatty 1 and Chatty 2 continued their conversation, presumably about how s*** they are at their jobs, and Giggly, well, she just giggled. I then asked if I could sit in one of the six vacant seats at the back of the aircraft, to which Giggly responded, “hehehe, they’re for crew only, hehehe”. I think Giggly may be suffering from some form of mental impairment.

I tried to relocate myself without the assistance of the Couldnotgiveas*** triplets, but unfortunately everyone with a row to themselves was now lying down. It was then I realised that my fate was sealed. I made my way back to Jabba the Hutt and spent the remainder of the flight smothered in side-boob and cellulite, taking shallow breaths to avoid noxious gas poisoning.

Just before landing, I revisited the back of the plane to use the toilet. You could imagine my surprise when I saw both “crew only” rows occupied by non-crew members. I can only assume Giggly let them sit there after she forgot who she was and why she’s flying on a big, shiny metal thing in the sky.

Imagine going out for dinner and a movie, only to have your night ruined by a fat mess who eats half your meal then blocks 50% of the screen. Isn’t that exactly the same as having someone who can’t control their calorie intake occupying half your seat on a flight? Of course it is, so that’s why I’m demanding a full refund of my ticket, including the $25 for an emergency row seat.

I’m also looking to be compensated for the physical pain and mental suffering caused by being enveloped in human blubber for four hours. My lower back is in agony and I had to type this letter one-handed as I’m yet to regain full use of my left side. If I don’t recover completely, I’ll have to say goodbye to my lifelong dream of becoming Air Guitar World Champion. If that occurs, you will pay.

To discuss my generous compensation package, email me at: [email protected], or tweet me at: @RichWisken

No regards,

Rich Wisken.

Man Viciously Degrades the Obese Passenger He Had to Sit Next to, Demands Compensation in Viral Letter to Airline | TheBlaze.com

Give me a break. Mr. Wisken didn't say anything to the obese man. The writer seems to think he was personally insulted. :lol:

If you don't think the obese passenger knew exactly what Mr Wisken though of him, you are either stupid or you think the obese passenger is stupid.
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

I guess I shouldn't have expected something better from a person who thinks every parent of a child with ODD is a bad parent.

Did it not occur to you that the so called "fat bastard" also paid extra money for more room?
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

I guess I shouldn't have expected something better from a person who thinks every parent of a child with ODD is a bad parent.

Did it not occur to you that the so called "fat bastard" also paid extra money for more room?

paying more for a few more inches of leg room.... does not address width of seat room...and how much you spill over said paid for seat into others people seats..
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

I agree.
Unfortunately, most morbidly overweight people are slobs. Some however do have genetic or medical issues. Most of these people are NOT slobs and do whatever they can to make themselves as unobtrusive as possible.
When it comes to air travel, most carriers do require as Southwest calls them "customers of size" to purchase two seats where available if they cannot fit between the armrests.
This is a twofold issue.
1., the passenger must be able to leave his seat in a timely manner in the event of an emergency.
2. intruding on a seat mates space.
In this story though, the airline is completely at fault. The FA's should have accommodated the request to be moved to another seat.
As gar as the letter is concerned, just good well written humor.
The writer of the story is probably a fat fuck himself.
I kinda liked his writing. Very colourful. I'm skeptical at the source, but if true, :thup:

Having had a seat next to that same guy (from which I managed to escape before takeoff) I can sympathize with him too, although anyone who's been on a plane in the last quarter-century knows better than to "expect a comfortable flight", regardless who's next to you. Only relatively recently did airlines start soaking passengers extra money for aisle seats -- where we stand ready to help evacuate people no less -- and they've been crowding the pitch of the seating to the point where it's insanely uncomfortable on a long flight. Good for Rich Wisken for getting at least some compensation from the airline. Greedy bastards.

Fortunately, I've not had the privilege of a fat bastard as a seat mate.
I did once have one, but simply moved to another row where a seat was empty.
i understand and sympathize with how the guy feels. Ive been there done that....

The ways i see it...if you take up the space of two seats....then you should be required to pay for tow seats...... it is unfair for others to take up space that I have paid for. Nothing is more annoying then when the person sitting next to you is pushing into your seat and up against you. I made the mistake of wearing just a cami on a flight... and the guy next to me....eewwww... his skin was touching mine. He should have been made to pay for two seats.

What's a 'cami'?
You know, some airlines require obese people to purchase 2 seats. The sad thing is, those seats don't have to be next to each other. In fact, if the plane is full, they often sell that other seat. Maybe it's time airlines actually made bigger seats. It's pretty bad when the seat on the bus is more comfortable than the seat on the plane.
i understand and sympathize with how the guy feels. Ive been there done that....

The ways i see it...if you take up the space of two seats....then you should be required to pay for tow seats...... it is unfair for others to take up space that I have paid for. Nothing is more annoying then when the person sitting next to you is pushing into your seat and up against you. I made the mistake of wearing just a cami on a flight... and the guy next to me....eewwww... his skin was touching mine. He should have been made to pay for two seats.

What's a 'cami'?


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