Obese passenger

Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

I can sympathize.

I'm 6'3" and when I "retired" back in 1998, I retired with 14 hernias, a bad back, bad knees, a bad shoulder, and nerve damage in my hands and legs.

I managed to keep my weight gain down a measly pound a month. Which I was pretty proud of.. except that after 10 years, that's an additional 120lbs I'm now lugging around.

Breakfast is fruit, lunch is more fruit and a sandwich, and supper is what ever .. tonight it was grilled chicken breasts and broccoli.

Sure I splurge on occasion, a couple slices of pizza or a slice of pie or even a nice juicy burger and fries... But that splurge is once a month at most.

When I had to fly home for my brother's funeral, I spent most of the flight sitting sideways so that I wouldn't bother the person next to me.

A most miserable way to spend three hours.

I will also say this, I have to wonder exactly how honest he was in describing his row mate.. Seems to me he was more interested in crafting a "pretty" picture than being honest.
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

I can sympathize.

I'm 6'3" and when I "retired" back in 1998, I retired with 14 hernias, a bad back, bad knees, a bad shoulder, and nerve damage in my hands and legs.

I managed to keep my weight gain down a measly pound a month. Which I was pretty proud of.. except that after 10 years, that's an additional 120lbs I'm now lugging around.

Breakfast is fruit, lunch is more fruit and a sandwich, and supper is what ever .. tonight it was grilled chicken breasts and broccoli.

Sure I splurge on occasion, a couple slices of pizza or a slice of pie or even a nice juicy burger and fries... But that splurge is once a month at most.

When I had to fly home for my brother's funeral, I spent most of the flight sitting sideways so that I wouldn't bother the person next to me.

A most miserable way to spend three hours.

I will also say this, I have to wonder exactly how honest he was in describing his row mate.. Seems to me he was more interested in crafting a "pretty" picture than being honest.

What evidence do you have that he was being dishonest?
i understand and sympathize with how the guy feels. Ive been there done that....

The ways i see it...if you take up the space of two seats....then you should be required to pay for tow seats...... it is unfair for others to take up space that I have paid for. Nothing is more annoying then when the person sitting next to you is pushing into your seat and up against you. I made the mistake of wearing just a cami on a flight... and the guy next to me....eewwww... his skin was touching mine. He should have been made to pay for two seats.

What's a 'cami'?


i understand and sympathize with how the guy feels. Ive been there done that....

The ways i see it...if you take up the space of two seats....then you should be required to pay for tow seats...... it is unfair for others to take up space that I have paid for. Nothing is more annoying then when the person sitting next to you is pushing into your seat and up against you. I made the mistake of wearing just a cami on a flight... and the guy next to me....eewwww... his skin was touching mine. He should have been made to pay for two seats.

Actually ........... that was me :D
Couldn't help myself.
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

I can sympathize.

I'm 6'3" and when I "retired" back in 1998, I retired with 14 hernias, a bad back, bad knees, a bad shoulder, and nerve damage in my hands and legs.

I managed to keep my weight gain down a measly pound a month. Which I was pretty proud of.. except that after 10 years, that's an additional 120lbs I'm now lugging around.

Breakfast is fruit, lunch is more fruit and a sandwich, and supper is what ever .. tonight it was grilled chicken breasts and broccoli.

Sure I splurge on occasion, a couple slices of pizza or a slice of pie or even a nice juicy burger and fries... But that splurge is once a month at most.

When I had to fly home for my brother's funeral, I spent most of the flight sitting sideways so that I wouldn't bother the person next to me.

A most miserable way to spend three hours.

I will also say this, I have to wonder exactly how honest he was in describing his row mate.. Seems to me he was more interested in crafting a "pretty" picture than being honest.

What evidence do you have that he was being dishonest?

Anyone who found so many faults with so many flights in trying to get a free flight is more than likely going to emboss the details.
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

I can sympathize.

I'm 6'3" and when I "retired" back in 1998, I retired with 14 hernias, a bad back, bad knees, a bad shoulder, and nerve damage in my hands and legs.

I managed to keep my weight gain down a measly pound a month. Which I was pretty proud of.. except that after 10 years, that's an additional 120lbs I'm now lugging around.

Breakfast is fruit, lunch is more fruit and a sandwich, and supper is what ever .. tonight it was grilled chicken breasts and broccoli.

Sure I splurge on occasion, a couple slices of pizza or a slice of pie or even a nice juicy burger and fries... But that splurge is once a month at most.

When I had to fly home for my brother's funeral, I spent most of the flight sitting sideways so that I wouldn't bother the person next to me.

A most miserable way to spend three hours.

I will also say this, I have to wonder exactly how honest he was in describing his row mate.. Seems to me he was more interested in crafting a "pretty" picture than being honest.

I just wrote down EVERYTHING I eat and sometimes eat and went to google to find the calories. OMG. Honey? OMG.

I eat like you do, OS. Once in awhile I will "splurge" and have a small vanilla milkshake I make here at home in my magic bullet. But...um...I think I will have to stop that particular splurge, lol. YOWIE on the calories!

Tomorrow I am going to call some local motels and see if I can find a swimming pool they will let me use once a week during slow times. I miss swimming.
I can sympathize.

I'm 6'3" and when I "retired" back in 1998, I retired with 14 hernias, a bad back, bad knees, a bad shoulder, and nerve damage in my hands and legs.

I managed to keep my weight gain down a measly pound a month. Which I was pretty proud of.. except that after 10 years, that's an additional 120lbs I'm now lugging around.

Breakfast is fruit, lunch is more fruit and a sandwich, and supper is what ever .. tonight it was grilled chicken breasts and broccoli.

Sure I splurge on occasion, a couple slices of pizza or a slice of pie or even a nice juicy burger and fries... But that splurge is once a month at most.

When I had to fly home for my brother's funeral, I spent most of the flight sitting sideways so that I wouldn't bother the person next to me.

A most miserable way to spend three hours.

I will also say this, I have to wonder exactly how honest he was in describing his row mate.. Seems to me he was more interested in crafting a "pretty" picture than being honest.

What evidence do you have that he was being dishonest?

Anyone who found so many faults with so many flights in trying to get a free flight is more than likely going to emboss the details.

So..... nothing. K.

If you don't think it's plausible to find that many faults on one flight, I have one word for ya:

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Some airlines require folks over a certain weight to buy two seats for themselves.

So they should.

Perhaps if we think of obesity as a medical and psychological problem we'd have a bit more compassion for people like this. I'm surprised at people's reactions to this, or actually no, not surprised. Disappointed.

Lets be honest. The majority of obese people are obese because they eat too much, and don't exercise. Its that simple.

Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

Some people have medical issues, yes. But the majority of obese people have no medical problem at all, other than the inability to stop shoveling food in their mouths.

I have seen your photo Gracie - you look fine!

I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

I guess I shouldn't have expected something better from a person who thinks every parent of a child with ODD is a bad parent.

Did it not occur to you that the so called "fat bastard" also paid extra money for more room?

Did he pay for width room? I doubt it.

Just imagine if there was an emergency. If he was in the aisle trying to exit the plane, could he move fast enough, or would he hold everyone else up?
I'm surprised at you Noomi.

The guy that wrote that is pond scum.

No he isn't. Fat people are fucking disgusting slobs. The rare glandular issue aside, there is no excuse for morbid obesity other than shear laziness and gluttony. Put down the fucking Twinkie and take a walk around the block a few times.
Consider the possibility that the verbally abused individual had also paid extra for a seat with extra room.

Perhaps the verbal diarrhea suffer should have been given back his $25 but denied any alcohol service as he was obviously unstable. I hate to think what might have happened had the staff plied him with booze by way of compensation!

The airline should never have seated another passenger next to the overweight man. You should expect a comfortable flight - not to be squashed between two tons of flab.

Flying is kind of a miserable experience lately. They cram so many seats on the plane that you can barely walk down the aisle with a carry on. I'm not even talking about what you have to go through to even get on the plane. I find Amtrak more comfortable and fun.

If someone is really obese, they should be made to buy two seats for sure but this guy that wrote the letter seemed pretty bitter from the start. I wouldn't have gone out of my way for that whiney bitch either were I the flight attendant.
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

Perhaps if we think of obesity as a medical and psychological problem we'd have a bit more compassion for people like this. I'm surprised at people's reactions to this, or actually no, not surprised. Disappointed.

You have obviously never been crammed into a middle seat between two 350+ pounders with strict cultural taboos against bathing!
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

Have you talked to your doctor about Synthroid? My mother takes it, it works.

What about swimming for excercise?
I have the pacific ocean but it is too damn cold

People don't realize how cold that sucker is. They see shows like Baywatch and I guess they think it's like a bath. It's not.

I was always used to the Gulf of Mexico and you'd just run out in it no problem. Sometimes the water was actually hot. I tried that my first visit to the Pacific....ran out about knee deep and turned around immediately and ran back to shore kind of whimpering like a little girl...lol

Wimp. :p Try swimming at the coast near Bar Harbor, Maine. :)
I'm surprised at you Noomi.

The guy that wrote that is pond scum.

No he isn't. Fat people are fucking disgusting slobs. The rare glandular issue aside, there is no excuse for morbid obesity other than shear laziness and gluttony. Put down the fucking Twinkie and take a walk around the block a few times.

This dude is 325+lbs, and I'd bet he exercises more than any THREE members here combined.

The complainer believes he has a right to not be subjected to obese people. They offend him. They should be removed because of his rights. He just doesn't realize that everyone else has rights too.
I agree with all of you but I also feel bad for the obese guy. He was stuck too.

I'd rather sit next to an obese person than a kid or a baby. Oy. The thought just makes me shudder.

And yes...if someone is obese, they need to pay a bit more for two seats. Maybe not full price but some kind of reduction. I dunno. The airlines are still packing in people like sardines and they don't even offer food service any more. But as long as people still fly...the airlines will pack them in tighter and charge more for carryon, etc. They do all this because they can.

A-men to both of that.

I wonder if a morbidly obese person is even physically qualified to handle an exit row emergency for that matter.

I think in this instance, we are talking about a morbidly obese person. Normally, obesity is defined as being 20% over your desirable weight. Unfortunately, a great many people, especially in the US, but it is spreading to other countries, are 20% over their desired weight, according to physicians. The description sounds like someone who is morbidly obese. I have had to sit next to people who are quite over weight, but no one whom I would consider morbidly obese. I definitely didn't like it and felt kind of smothered and pushed into a smaller area. Not pleasant at all.

I fly a lot and if I am seated in a situation where I am very unhappy and uncomfortable, I ask if a change can be made. I think it may depend on how you ask. In his letter, the man says there were empty seats, but he was denied them, but that later, he saw other passengers in those seats. Is it possible, based on his rudeness in the letter, this guy has a problem being diplomatic and pleasant, and that the way he asked the cabin attendants for help was the reason they didn't help him?

I agree that his letter is not a problem because he never spoke to the obese passenger in that way, so he's just letting off steam.

And I agree that sitting next to a baby or an obnoxious, noisy, fidgity kid is just as bad as sitting next to someone who is very heavy.

My experience is almost always that if you ask politely, you get your seat changed. Sometimes/often another passenger will switch with you.
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