Obese passenger

I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

Now here is a surprise! The guy is a first class piece of shit who needs to stop whining.
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

Perhaps if we think of obesity as a medical and psychological problem we'd have a bit more compassion for people like this. I'm surprised at people's reactions to this, or actually no, not surprised. Disappointed.

Point well taken; we the populace are all being poisoned by our food mongers as much as they can get away with, that's clear.

This particular letter/issue though is between the airline and the passenger who was crushed in its seat; doesn't really involve the obese passenger. IOW the letter writer's problem is with the airline not accommodating -- not with the obesity of the passenger.
I'm compassionate to a point, but at the end of the day the problem (with the exception of a very limited number or people) is that ham-beasts eat too much, eat shitty food, and don't get enough exercise. Regardless of what psych issues they have, it ultimately comes down to a conscious decision to put food into mouth. The problem for me is that A) my taxes and insurance rates go up to cover their Type II Diabetes care, heart attacks, disability payments, Scooters, and so on. Then we get to the part where I can't sit in an airplane seat without being crushed by a Half-Ton of Person who can't actually bath themselves and I get to suffer their stench as a result.

The morbid obese are just nasty to look at, horrifying to smell, overflow their seats, and hit me in the wallet because of their choices in life.
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Sociologist's say that as societies tolerate things like homosexuality and gay marriage, things they previously would condemn and denounce are no longer available to them for doing so, so they find new groups to denounce. I wonder then as the world moves from denouncing homosexuality and related issues, people are starting to look for new scapegoats. Like obese people.
Except that homosexuals and blacks are born that way and don't cost me money just because they are homosexuals or black. Fatties get that way simply by action and that action costs us financially just because of the medical expenses they incur as a result of their over-eating and under-exercising.

Scapegoating requires an innocent party to be blames. Fatties aren't innocent when they cause themselves to be fatties by their very choices.
I'm compassionate to a point, but at the end of the day the problem (with the exception of a very limited number or people) is that ham-beasts eat too much, eat shitty food, and don't get enough exercise. Regardless of what psych issues they have, it ultimately comes down to a conscious decision to put food into mouth. The problem for me is that A) my taxes and insurance rates go up to cover their Type II Diabetes care, heart attacks, disability payments, Scooters, and so on. Then we get to the part where I can't sit in an airplane seat without being crushed by a Half-Ton of Person who can't actually bath themselves and I get to suffer their stench as a result.

The morbid obese are just nasty to look at, horrifying to smell, overflow their seats, and hit me in the wallet because of their choices in life.

LOL @hambeast
Sociologist's say that as societies tolerate things like homosexuality and gay marriage, things they previously would condemn and denounce are no longer available to them for doing so, so they find new groups to denounce. I wonder then as the world moves from denouncing homosexuality and related issues, people are starting to look for new scapegoats. Like obese people.

That theory seems to assume some kind of enemy/scapegoat is always necessary. Not sure I'm buying that.

More likely, I suspect, is that as we immerse in solitary electronic cubicles of television and now internet, that isolation shielding us from actual human interaction simultaneously degrades our capacity for compassion and increases a detached callousness, hence we get both the regular flame wars here and the third-party denigration of, in this case, obese people (or elsewhere gays/blacks/whites/yellows/browns/Democrats/Republicans/Europeans/Muslims/Jews/Chrstians/the poor/the rich/the young/the old/name your target group of whom the persecutor in his solitary isolation doesn't actually know any).

Even to the point where we're attacking the obese here even though the conflict was between the airline and Rich Wisken.
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

Now here is a surprise! The guy is a first class piece of shit who needs to stop whining.

Says the guy who started a whine thread about his landlord and who plans on ripping him off.

If he had said that stuff to the actual obese passenger, that would be cruel. As it is, he's just blowing off steam at the airline. In my opinion. :lol:

My thoughts exactly. I'm sure the letter writing was cathartic. As long as the angry passenger didn't abuse the obese guy then I don't see any problem in terms of socially acceptable behavior. After all, most of us do the same kind of ranting on USMBC.

Why is it socially unacceptable to tell a land whale to take a bath and scrub in between the fat rolls, but the mass of flesh can pile on someone trying to sit in the next seat and assault the noses of a cabinful of people with their putrid stench and not get called on it?

Well, there are a number of reasons for not being rude. One reason is that one of the possible side effects of chemotherapy is a rancid odor coming from the patient. The other reason has more to do with being an adult.
Serious question ... how to obese people actually fit into an airplane seat? I have a relative who must weigh 400lbs. She travels a lot for work and I honestly don't know how she physically fits into the seat. :confused: Do the arms of the seats go up so there's more room? (I haven't flown in 26 years).
I support this bloke. Who cares about the fat bastard? He should have been moved to another seat so this bloke, who expected extra leg room, could actually get what he paid for!
Maybe the fat bastard will read his letter, feel bad, and lose weight?

Now here is a surprise! The guy is a first class piece of shit who needs to stop whining.

Says the guy who started a whine thread about his landlord and who plans on ripping him off.


Shove it up your ass dickhead. I will do as I please when I please how I please mmk dick face? Don't start your shit with me boy.Doesn't surprise me some fucking capitalist swine sides with a slumlord not taking care of his property. Fuck off son.
Now here is a surprise! The guy is a first class piece of shit who needs to stop whining.

Says the guy who started a whine thread about his landlord and who plans on ripping him off.


Shove it up your ass dickhead. I will do as I please when I please how I please mmk dick face? Don't start your shit with me boy.

Get back to your airplane seat, you fleshy boulder whiner!
Now here is a surprise! The guy is a first class piece of shit who needs to stop whining.

Says the guy who started a whine thread about his landlord and who plans on ripping him off.


Shove it up your ass dickhead. I will do as I please when I please how I please mmk dick face? Don't start your shit with me boy.Doesn't surprise me some fucking capitalist swine sides with a slumlord not taking care of his property. Fuck off son.

Did I say I sided with the landlord? He's an ass. But so are you for ripping him off.
Sociologist's say that as societies tolerate things like homosexuality and gay marriage, things they previously would condemn and denounce are no longer available to them for doing so, so they find new groups to denounce. I wonder then as the world moves from denouncing homosexuality and related issues, people are starting to look for new scapegoats. Like obese people.

That theory seems to assume some kind of enemy/scapegoat is always necessary. Not sure I'm buying that.

More likely, I suspect, is that as we immerse in solitary electronic cubicles of television and now internet, that isolation shielding us from actual human interaction simultaneously degrades our capacity for compassion and increases a detached callousness, hence we get both the regular flame wars here and the third-party denigration of, in this case, obese people (or elsewhere gays/blacks/whites/yellows/browns/Democrats/Republicans/Europeans/Muslims/Jews/Chrstians/the poor/the rich/the young/the old/name your target group of whom the persecutor in his solitary isolation doesn't actually know any).

Even to the point where we're attacking the obese here even though the conflict was between the airline and Rich Wisken.

Them or the other is always necessary. Without 'them' we only have ourselves to blame for our problems. Scapegoats will always exist in every sample of people. We compartmentalize ourselves in groups. Once more than one group exists, whichever group becomes the majority and dominant will blame the subserviant group if it suits them. See it with race, religion, sexuality, etc.

Rather than blame themselves, the Nazis blamed Jews, immigrants, gypsies, intellectuals, and anyone else they could. Republicans in the US today do the same thing blaming immigrants, homosexuals, etc. And Democrats aren't innocent either blaming Republicans. Everybody blames someone else before themselves to the point that it become pathological. They'll do horrible atrocities before ever conceeding their problems come from within, not from without.

Very few groups remain to scapegoat, but overweight folks are one of them unfortunately.
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.
I'm not picking at people who legitimately can't lose the weight because of some medical reason. I was on a med that made me gain a pound a week for three years, so I was 150 pounds too heavy at one point and it wasn't because I was eating wrong or eating too much.

But for every person who is fat because of health issues there are dozens who are fat because they ate shit food and ate too much of it and didn't get off the couch. Those are the people I hate because they allowed it to happen to them and won't do anything about it. Let's face it, that is the majority of fats you run into. And part of being that massive is hygiene issues.
Being obese is from other factors...not just "choosing" to put food in their mouths. I eat, every day: 1 Ensure for the vitamins, 1 thin slice bacon, 1 egg over medium sometimes on top of a tiny potatoe I dice up and cook, no lunch, snacks are a banana or a handful of cool ranch chips (cuz they are gluten free), and I drink a lot of water in between. For dinner, I usually have one corn tortilla with ground turkey and sprinkle of cheese and 1 cup of hot green tea.

I should be like Twiggy. But I am not. I am also not obese but some of you might think I am. I have thyroid probs, rheumatoid arthritis so I can't walk like I used to because my hips give out on me, high blood pressure, am a cancer survivor so far. I WAS at 210 lbs and my height is 5'8". I am now at 180. And no, I did not look huge at 210. Even my doctors gaped at the scales and asked where the hell I was carrying that weight and I said my heart...and my brain. lol. I would like to get down to 170 but that is kinda hard to do when I can lift anything due to my wrists and hands, or walk due to my hips, ankles,knees. The pic I posted of me in the other "fatty" thread was me at 170. For 3 years I have been trying to get 10 friggin pounds off and I can't. I'm stuck.

So...my point is..some people just can't help their weight if they have medical issues..the thyroid being one. And mine is shot to hell and back.

I feel bad for the guy targeted in that jerks complaint. I understand his complaint, but the terms he used were crude and rude to all those who suffer...like I do.

Gracie, how many calories is all that? If you don't eat enough cals your body thinks its 'starving' and hangs on to the fat. If you're stalled try zig-zagging your cals. Ex; eat 1500 cals day 1, 1900 cals day 2, 1300 cals day 3, 1450 day 4, 1300 day 5, 1650 day 6, 1500 day 7.

Do you have access to a pool? Water exercises don't put any stress on the body and may be doable even with the RA.
Now here is a surprise! The guy is a first class piece of shit who needs to stop whining.

Says the guy who started a whine thread about his landlord and who plans on ripping him off.


Shove it up your ass dickhead. I will do as I please when I please how I please mmk dick face? Don't start your shit with me boy.Doesn't surprise me some fucking capitalist swine sides with a slumlord not taking care of his property. Fuck off son.

As a matter of principle I would neg anybody who uses the term "mmkay". But this clown is already at zero.
I like kids and babies on planes. Beats snakes on planes.

ill take the snakes any day of the week....

you can kill the snakes....... put them in the over heads or in a sherpa bag under the seat in front of you....

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