Obligation to "society"

Me and Wry have a debate on this(in one way or another) tomorrow night. Everyone check it out!
I have been hearing a lot from the sheep lately that we have some sort of obligation to society as a whole.

Well do we really?

I am forced to pay taxes far over the actual value of government services I receive isn't that enough?

What else am I obligated to do for "society"?

Am I responsible for the safety of other peoples' children?
Am I responsible for the bills and livelihood of other people?

Just what does this obligation entail?

Shouldn't it be enough that I live my life without impeding anyone else from doing the same?

It's in the Constitution.

There's a lot of stuff in the Constitution that people want to sidestep. The second amendment for one. And the reason they give is "to protect society" even though they cannot not provide one shred of evidence that law abiding people who own guns are a threat to society.

You live in a country you had no hand in starting..and have no "obligation" to continue living in if you find the conditions that reprehensible.

But I have a hand in governing if we are to believe the Constitution.

You can find a land bereft of civilization, and start over.

So society equals civilization in your dictionary? I am very civilized in that I treat everyone civilly.

Or..if you are feeling the need for bloody revolution, you can do that too. Be warned, however, that the latter has dire consequences, even for those who are successful.

Yeah here we go again with the ovine logic. If you don't agree with everything the government does then you must want anarchy and revolution.
Yep. As long as you don't imped others by word or deed. Seem to be a rather pitiful life though.

Sure, that is your right. I'm not judging you, I simply wouldn't want you as a neighbor.

I wish you would learn to use the quote function.
I like the way I do it.

And you have no idea how I gt along with my neighbors.
Never said I did.

In fact I'll probably be spending hours plowing out my neighbors and friends this weekend because we're supposed to be getting 2 feet of snow.
That's nice, but not a duty or an obligation unless you have a contract with them.

But do I have an obligation to plow out everyone in town?
If and only if you have a contract with everyone in town, or the local government.

Do I have an obligation to protect your kids from harm if you won't?

And I live my life by the mind your own business philosophy so I do not ever try to impede another as long as what they do has no effect on me.
That's fine.

I simply disagree. You see there is such a thing as Normative Ethics which is essentially is a way to arrive at moral standards that regulate right and wrong conduct. In a sense, it is a search for an ideal litmus test of proper behavior. The Golden Rule is a classic example of a normative principle:

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]

If I do not want my neighbor to steal from me, then it is wrong for me to steal from her. If I would want people to feed me if I was starving, then I should help feed starving people.

That is no different than they way I treat people. I want them to leave me alone and respect my rights and my privacy and that is how I treat them.

But it's you progressives that want to butt in to every aspect of my life from what I eat to how many guns I have. So please follow your own advice and treat me the way I treat you and leave me be.

The way the Callous Conservatives look at life is antithetical to the Golden Rule. It is (as I've posted before) "I've got mine, screw the rest of you"; and most recently this set seems concerned with three things: Me, Myself and I. I'm not that way and that's not how I raised my kids.

I've never said "screw you" to anyone who has asked me for help. But I draw the line at people thinking they are entitled to my help and or the fruits of my labor simply because they live in the same country as I
Human beings grew larger brains by being social animals.

It is much a part of being human to care for others in the pack as it is to be smart.

maybe you are lacking some human qualities if you hate to care for others so much

Its called being a sociopath

You shouldn't use the term "pack" when referring to humans because you would not want to live by pack behavior.
people who dont want to help others have mental problems.

IT is normal for humans to desire to help other humans.

Its not our fault you are an incomplete human who cant seem to understand the need for compassion for others
The social contract has socially constructed obligations to individuals and in exchange for that some agreed upon responsibilities to society.

Please itemize those responsibilities.

They change over time since everything is socially constructed, human beings change their mind, opinions and wants, desires and as such they influence those changes in the socially constructed agreement that makes a society, an amendment would be an example of change.
people who dont want to help others have mental problems.

IT is normal for humans to desire to help other humans.

Its not our fault you are an incomplete human who cant seem to understand the need for compassion for others

Where did I say I don't help others?

Did you miss the part about me plowing out my neighbors and friends. The last time the government fucked up and people were without power for weeks around here as soon as I got my power back I let someone use my generator.

But people are not entitled to my help or my money or my time just because they say they are part of "society"
"Society" doesn't even exist, in the corporeal sense...I cannot borrow from you a bucket of "society", with the promise that I'll pay you back with a barrel of it at the end of the month...It is a fiction, a straw man....As such, it is completely subjective.

Anyone telling you that you have any debt/obligation to that which does not exist is a thug and a tyrant.

Your premise is invalid (actually absurd), your conclusion is absurd and ridiculous.

Society is relative to social constructions and so the ideals of a society in and of itself have no real reality except what human beings place on it.

I am thinking that's what he meant by corporeal sense but I may be wrong.

Odd-dude is locked into Objectivism and has read only the books of Ayn Rand and his thesaurus, or so it seems.

Without posting an acadmemic defintion of society suffice it to say most of us understand the American Society is much different than the society in China or India and less so but still different than England. The meaning of a word is in its use, not to what it references or how it is defined in the dictionary.

Odd-dude uses a reference in his use of he word Society, "there is no body". And yet society exists.

Odd-dude should have a dinner party and invite his friends and relatives. He should serve roasted dog, post a picture of the dog he 'rescued' from the pound and let everyone know the dog was going to die the next day anyone. He will learn that society does speak rather quickly I would think.
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I have been hearing a lot from the sheep lately that we have some sort of obligation to society as a whole.

Well do we really?

I am forced to pay taxes far over the actual value of government services I receive isn't that enough?

What else am I obligated to do for "society"?

Am I responsible for the safety of other peoples' children?
Am I responsible for the bills and livelihood of other people?

Just what does this obligation entail?

Shouldn't it be enough that I live my life without impeding anyone else from doing the same?

you seem pretty unhappy with society requring you to help others
I have been hearing a lot from the sheep lately that we have some sort of obligation to society as a whole.

Well do we really?

I am forced to pay taxes far over the actual value of government services I receive isn't that enough?

What else am I obligated to do for "society"?

Am I responsible for the safety of other peoples' children?
Am I responsible for the bills and livelihood of other people?

Just what does this obligation entail?

Shouldn't it be enough that I live my life without impeding anyone else from doing the same?

you seem pretty unhappy with society requring you to help others

Why should he be happy to be paying for all your crack and vodka?
I have been hearing a lot from the sheep lately that we have some sort of obligation to society as a whole.

Well do we really?

I am forced to pay taxes far over the actual value of government services I receive isn't that enough?

What else am I obligated to do for "society"?

Am I responsible for the safety of other peoples' children?
Am I responsible for the bills and livelihood of other people?

Just what does this obligation entail?

Shouldn't it be enough that I live my life without impeding anyone else from doing the same?

you seem pretty unhappy with society requring you to help others


I am not "required" to do anything for anyone if I choose not to.
then leave the country if the rest of us decide to help each other.

No one is forcing you to stay
The American peopole have voted FOR these programs to help each other.

join us or leave

Your choice.

I know you have said before the the majority NEVER NEVER gets anything right.

why would you stay in a democracy then?
The American peopole have voted FOR these programs to help each other.

join us or leave

Your choice.

I know you have said before the the majority NEVER NEVER gets anything right.

why would you stay in a democracy then?

Where did I even mention any "program"?

I don't think you're even reading the same thread as the rest of us.
The American peopole have voted FOR these programs to help each other.

join us or leave

Your choice.

I know you have said before the the majority NEVER NEVER gets anything right.

why would you stay in a democracy then?

So the american people did vote for handouts? What a moron

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