OBOMINATION: Gas Price Record Worsens: 1,245 Days Above $3 a Gallon...

Here on planet Reality, petroleum of crude oil is up under Obama to the highest its been in almost 30 years.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

And you have to ask if it has anything to do with Obama and the US at all.


Chinese oil consumption is up year on year. They're using 3 times more oil than in 2000. This oil comes from somewhere.
There's something called supply and demand.


and for the US


US imports from Saudi Arabia are up.


Chinese imports are up massively. And you expect the prices to stay low.

Also you have the instability in Iraq and Libya not helping things. The US went in there to get oil prices down, but it takes time, and doesn't work when China is also consuming a ton of oil.

And you blame Obama. What for? He's not in charge of oil prices, or Saudi Arabia or China.

Another nice convenient flip-flop. Cuz we know you wingnuts weren't all about blaming the BOOOOOSH for high Gas Prices back in the day. Nope, no way. Never happened. ;)
President Barack Obama's reluctance to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, despite widespread popular support for the project, is not only hindering America's energy independence but driving up the price of gas for American consumers.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Experts: Obama's Wavering on Keystone XL Keeping Gas Prices High
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

:nono: Tsk tsk H. You of all people know Keystone has jack shit to do with "energy independence". Or driving up prices.

Newsmax? Really? :rofl:
Here on planet Reality, petroleum of crude oil is up under Obama to the highest its been in almost 30 years.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

And you have to ask if it has anything to do with Obama and the US at all.


Chinese oil consumption is up year on year. They're using 3 times more oil than in 2000. This oil comes from somewhere.
There's something called supply and demand.


and for the US


US imports from Saudi Arabia are up.


Chinese imports are up massively. And you expect the prices to stay low.

Also you have the instability in Iraq and Libya not helping things. The US went in there to get oil prices down, but it takes time, and doesn't work when China is also consuming a ton of oil.

And you blame Obama. What for? He's not in charge of oil prices, or Saudi Arabia or China.

Another nice convenient flip-flop. Cuz we know you wingnuts weren't all about blaming the BOOOOOSH for high Gas Prices back in the day. Nope, no way. Never happened. ;)

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lol!1 leftard has his charts.............................................

then there's reality

record welfare and food stamps is your legacy
Was about $1.69 a gallon when Obama took office. Been right at $4.00 a gallon where I live for the last four years.

Gas prices increase to above 3.00 in 2007. The only significant drop was when we started losing half a million jobs a month, and people stopped driving, creating a glut of refined gas, that dropped the price. As the economy improved gas price rose.

Another nice convenient flip-flop. Cuz we know you wingnuts weren't all about blaming the BOOOOOSH for high Gas Prices back in the day. Nope, no way. Never happened. ;)

The invasion of Iraq had an impact on oil prices.


OPEC was trying to create a situation for higher oil prices. Taking Iraq out reduced production of oil, hence you take out the supply, prices rise.

However, the whole upwards motion of oil prices didn't have that much to do with Bush. Oil production in Iraq is probably higher than under Saddam in 2003 by now. But prices are still higher.
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Some people have an argument, and other people just like to talk carp. Which are you pogo?

In that case I'm the fallacy hunter with Failitician playing the part of the low hanging fruit. Typecast, I know.

It's a little strange that you cut out the post to which I responded:
Another nice convenient flip-flop. Cuz we know you wingnuts weren't all about blaming the BOOOOOSH for high Gas Prices back in the day. Nope, no way. Never happened. ;)

-- which demonstrates that the fallacy I called out was an attempt to counter YOUR point, which I then countered with the strawman.

You're welcome.
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Obama inflation, no one else to blame it on, Obama owns it and it's going to only get worse.
Inflation is the most cruel form of tax, and it is a tax! Inflation hurts the ones on a fixed income worse than any other group, the elderly, the disabled, the poor, especially the poor children, and it's all because of Obama and his spending, printing money, and quantum Easing.
Hey people! It'snot just oil! Bought any groceries lately?

Bush is not the President!! Obama is, and has been for over six years! it's his!!
Hey people! It'snot just oil! Bought any groceries lately?

Bush is not the President!! Obama is, and has been for over six years! it's his!!

Hey -- you're right. Grocery prices never went up before 2009!! Gas prices never did either! All my life everything cost the same, and now THIS!?

Thanks O'bama! :mad:
Hey people! It'snot just oil! Bought any groceries lately?

Bush is not the President!! Obama is, and has been for over six years! it's his!!

Hey -- you're right. Grocery prices never went up before 2009!! Gas prices never did either! All my life everything cost the same, and now THIS!?

Thanks O'bama! :mad:

Hey people! It'snot just oil! Bought any groceries lately?

Bush is not the President!! Obama is, and has been for over six years! it's his!!

Hey -- you're right. Grocery prices never went up before 2009!! Gas prices never did either! All my life everything cost the same, and now THIS!?

Thanks O'bama! :mad:

you're paying more for food and gas under obama; than you did under bush and yes; things like QE contribute to price in flation.
you couldnt tell a leftard bush didnt control gas and oil prices when bush was president; or at the very least his policies werent the cause the prices got so high

now the crybaby Left sings a different tune for their Dear Leader\

idiots and hypocrites
you couldnt tell a leftard bush didnt control gas and oil prices when bush was president; or at the very least his policies werent the cause the prices got so high

now the crybaby Left sings a different tune for their Dear Leader\

idiots and hypocrites

Bush didn't. Because it's never worked that way. O'bama doesn't; Bush didn't; Clinton didn't; Bush didn't... etc etc etc.

You wanna rent that Strawman? I'm not sure Failitiican's done wid it.
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Some people have an argument, and other people just like to talk carp. Which are you pogo?

In that case I'm the fallacy hunter with Failitician playing the part of the low hanging fruit. Typecast, I know.

It's a little strange that you cut out the post to which I responded:
Another nice convenient flip-flop. Cuz we know you wingnuts weren't all about blaming the BOOOOOSH for high Gas Prices back in the day. Nope, no way. Never happened. ;)

-- which demonstrates that the fallacy I called out was an attempt to counter YOUR point, which I then countered with the strawman.

You're welcome.

What exactly is the point you're trying to make? I don't think there is one, you're just f-ing around.

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