Obvious Global Warming

All of the global warming data is faked. The sun is going dark. There are few to no sunspots. This means cooling, a lot of it, massive cooling. It means cooling that will make the polar bomb look like a spring day.

There is no way around this. All the faked and manipulated data in the world can't overcome the hard astrophysical facts. The solar system is entering a period of minima. In the minima in the 1600s the River Thames froze solid enough to walk on. The reason why the data is faked is because millions, billions and possibly trillions of dollars are tied up in faked carbon credits and research into invisible cloth for the King's clothes. This minima is expected to last 70 years so put on a sweater. It's likely to be a bit chilly for a long time.
The Climate Change Cultists are just impervious to actual evidence and rational thought.
Only old rocks would claim Trump to be an old senile fool..

This fuck head old rocks picture is in the dictionary for being a:

  1. having an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.
    "a narcissistic actress"
    synonyms: vain, self-loving, self-admiring,
    1. having an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.
      "a narcissistic actress"
      synonyms: vain, self-loving, self-admiring, self-absorbed, self-obsessed, conceited, self-centered, self-regarding, egotistic, egotistical, egoistic;
      informalfull of oneself
      "she was never happy in the narcissistic life that her press agent and manager had crafted for her"
      • relating to narcissism.
        "narcissistic personality disorder"
    -absorbed, self-obsessed, conceited, self-centered, self-regarding, egotistic, egotistical, egoistic;
    informalfull of oneself
    "she was never happy in the narcissistic life that her press agent and manager had crafted for her"
    • relating to narcissism.
      "narcissistic personality disorder"
Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:
And so are us independents.

Thank you.

If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.


Be specific CRY baby..

How much does man contribute







Tell us old hippie fool?

How much?
About 110%. Yes, I am serious. By the Milankovic Cycles, we should be cooling. If you are to believe the deniers here, we are headed into a Maunder Minimum. Yet we continue warming. So, not only are we responsible for how much it has warmed, but also for the amount that it has not cooled.
And so are us independents.

Thank you.

If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.


Be specific CRY baby..

How much does man contribute







Tell us old hippie fool?

How much?
About 110%. Yes, I am serious. By the Milankovic Cycles, we should be cooling. If you are to believe the deniers here, we are headed into a Maunder Minimum. Yet we continue warming. So, not only are we responsible for how much it has warmed, but also for the amount that it has not cooled.

Not sure where you live, but it's cold as shit tonight! Global warming, my ass, bitch. You're fulla shit.

Cut down some trees and plant some grass, that will alleviate it. :)

Lol ..
Because they are fucking subsidized, take off the subsidys and let them compete on their own ..

Both wind and solar are cheaper than fossil fuels at present, and that is without subsidies.

Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels: How Do They Compare? | EnergySage

The best way to compare solar energy and fossil fuels without subsidies is to examine global energy prices. Consider this: global coal prices have historically averaged $0.06 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). Until the past decade, no alternative energy resource came close to rivaling that price. Fossil fuel steam averages around $0.05 cents/kWh and small scale natural gas can go as low as $0.03 cents/kWh. It’s no wonder that the world was shocked in 2016 when a major commercial solar installation bid the lowest price for PV to date at $0.029 cents per kWh – effectively leveling the playing field between solar and fossil fuels’ cheapest offerings.


As a result, the discussion of whether solar is cheaper than coal has already become an outdated debate. Today, energy companies are developing solar PV projects that can deliver energy at half the cost of coal, and that’s without factoring in the costly negative impacts of coal – such as heavy carbon pollution, strip mining, and mountaintop removal.

Get out of here, once again we are swimming in our eye balls with coal and natural gas..

Old rocks the battery technology is not here.

And use common sense battery technology is damn antique 1800 technology..

It's not a fuel...
If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.


Be specific CRY baby..

How much does man contribute







Tell us old hippie fool?

How much?
About 110%. Yes, I am serious. By the Milankovic Cycles, we should be cooling. If you are to believe the deniers here, we are headed into a Maunder Minimum. Yet we continue warming. So, not only are we responsible for how much it has warmed, but also for the amount that it has not cooled.

Not sure where you live, but it's cold as shit tonight! Global warming, my ass, bitch. You're fulla shit.

Cut down some trees and plant some grass, that will alleviate it. :)
And so are us independents.

Thank you.

If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.


Be specific CRY baby..

How much does man contribute







Tell us old hippie fool?

How much?
About 110%. Yes, I am serious. By the Milankovic Cycles, we should be cooling. If you are to believe the deniers here, we are headed into a Maunder Minimum. Yet we continue warming. So, not only are we responsible for how much it has warmed, but also for the amount that it has not cooled.
So we stopped it, we stopped the milankovic cycle using that logic and it's not a good thing?

I said it before I will say it again a warmer earth brings life a cold dead planet brings death ..
Records were set for cold and snow from Maine to Florida in a hundred year cycle of a 1917-18 cold inclusion. The more we learn about the universe the more we understand that the warmth of a dying star is an anomaly in the Cosmos. The tiny 3rd rock from the Sun is at the mercy of the gigantic nuclear reactor we call the Sun. Ice ages are historic fact and we have a lot more to fear from the absence of warmth from the Sun than manufactured political fear of warming based on a theory created by a failed democrat politician with no background in science.
Wow, professor! Have you passed this very important information along to the global scientific community??? Imagine how surprised they will be to learn there is a star at the center of our solar system! Oh, to see the look on their faces!!

Well the scientist didn't know until recently that clouds cover Greenland now did they?

Ureka!!!!!! Scientist just found out clouds cover Greenland!!!

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

A UCLA-led study reported that melt-prone areas on Greenland's ice sheet use a drainage system of streams and rivers that carry meltwater into the ocean. However, the the study also found that measurements at the ice's edge show that climate models alone can overestimate the volume of meltwater flowing to the ocean because they fail to account for water storage beneath the ice.

There’s been another breakthrough in the study of the Greenland ice sheet, whose increasing melt rate and growing contribution to global sea-level rise has captured the attention and concern of climate scientists in recent years. While changes in air temperature, water temperature and precipitation are known to influence melting events on the ice sheet, a new study has identified another, perhaps less obvious culprit: clouds.

It’s a finding that should be reflected in current climate models to help scientists make more accurate predictions about future Greenland melt — and could become even more important in the coming years if cloud cover over the ice sheet were to increase as a result of climate change.
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, concludes that cloud cover can actually increase the amount of meltwater that runs off the surface of the glacier. Clouds have the effect of trapping heat on Earth; they can cause local temperatures to be warmer, so one would imagine that clouds might increase the amount of ice that actually melts during the day. But it turns out that the influence of cloud cover is strongest after the sun goes down. At night, the clouds actually prevent temperatures from cooling as much as they would on clear nights and keep already-melted ice from refreezing. This liquid water then pools on the surface of the ice and can be lost as runoff.
So what you get out of that is that scientists didn't know that there are occasionally clouds over Greenland? God, you are very stupid, at that.

As the atmosphere and oceans warm, they evaporate more moisture into the atmosphere. Therefore, more clouds. So, over a land mass like Greenland, the clouds hold in the heat at night, and you get a higher average temperature for that 24 hour period. Now Greenland is getting more nights of cloudy weather because of the warming atmosphere and oceans. So you are getting more melt off of Greenland.
Records were set for cold and snow from Maine to Florida in a hundred year cycle of a 1917-18 cold inclusion. The more we learn about the universe the more we understand that the warmth of a dying star is an anomaly in the Cosmos. The tiny 3rd rock from the Sun is at the mercy of the gigantic nuclear reactor we call the Sun. Ice ages are historic fact and we have a lot more to fear from the absence of warmth from the Sun than manufactured political fear of warming based on a theory created by a failed democrat politician with no background in science.
Wow, professor! Have you passed this very important information along to the global scientific community??? Imagine how surprised they will be to learn there is a star at the center of our solar system! Oh, to see the look on their faces!!

Well the scientist didn't know until recently that clouds cover Greenland now did they?

Ureka!!!!!! Scientist just found out clouds cover Greenland!!!

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

Scientists just found an unexpected factor that could be driving Greenland’s ice loss

A UCLA-led study reported that melt-prone areas on Greenland's ice sheet use a drainage system of streams and rivers that carry meltwater into the ocean. However, the the study also found that measurements at the ice's edge show that climate models alone can overestimate the volume of meltwater flowing to the ocean because they fail to account for water storage beneath the ice.

There’s been another breakthrough in the study of the Greenland ice sheet, whose increasing melt rate and growing contribution to global sea-level rise has captured the attention and concern of climate scientists in recent years. While changes in air temperature, water temperature and precipitation are known to influence melting events on the ice sheet, a new study has identified another, perhaps less obvious culprit: clouds.

It’s a finding that should be reflected in current climate models to help scientists make more accurate predictions about future Greenland melt — and could become even more important in the coming years if cloud cover over the ice sheet were to increase as a result of climate change.
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, concludes that cloud cover can actually increase the amount of meltwater that runs off the surface of the glacier. Clouds have the effect of trapping heat on Earth; they can cause local temperatures to be warmer, so one would imagine that clouds might increase the amount of ice that actually melts during the day. But it turns out that the influence of cloud cover is strongest after the sun goes down. At night, the clouds actually prevent temperatures from cooling as much as they would on clear nights and keep already-melted ice from refreezing. This liquid water then pools on the surface of the ice and can be lost as runoff.
So what you get out of that is that scientists didn't know that there are occasionally clouds over Greenland? God, you are very stupid, at that.

As the atmosphere and oceans warm, they evaporate more moisture into the atmosphere. Therefore, more clouds. So, over a land mass like Greenland, the clouds hold in the heat at night, and you get a higher average temperature for that 24 hour period. Now Greenland is getting more nights of cloudy weather because of the warming atmosphere and oceans. So you are getting more melt off of Greenland.

Arm chair QB are you?

Lol ..
Because they are fucking subsidized, take off the subsidys and let them compete on their own ..

Both wind and solar are cheaper than fossil fuels at present, and that is without subsidies.

Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels: How Do They Compare? | EnergySage

The best way to compare solar energy and fossil fuels without subsidies is to examine global energy prices. Consider this: global coal prices have historically averaged $0.06 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). Until the past decade, no alternative energy resource came close to rivaling that price. Fossil fuel steam averages around $0.05 cents/kWh and small scale natural gas can go as low as $0.03 cents/kWh. It’s no wonder that the world was shocked in 2016 when a major commercial solar installation bid the lowest price for PV to date at $0.029 cents per kWh – effectively leveling the playing field between solar and fossil fuels’ cheapest offerings.


As a result, the discussion of whether solar is cheaper than coal has already become an outdated debate. Today, energy companies are developing solar PV projects that can deliver energy at half the cost of coal, and that’s without factoring in the costly negative impacts of coal – such as heavy carbon pollution, strip mining, and mountaintop removal.

Get out of here, once again we are swimming in our eye balls with coal and natural gas..

Old rocks the battery technology is not here.

And use common sense battery technology is damn antique 1800 technology..

It's not a fuel...
Good God! You just continue to get dumber and dumber. Grid scale storage solves two vexing problems for solar and wind. Intermitancy, the fact that the out put varies according to the vagaries of wind and sunlight exposure. Put a battery at the source, and you have a nice even controlled output, whatever the input is. The other is the fact that often one has to shut the output down for both sources, as the demand online is much less than they are generating. With the batteries, you simply store the energy until it is needed.

Yes, the technology is here. And getting cheaper every day.

Tesla battery packs power the Hawaiian island of Kauai after dark

Tesla just opened a huge solar farm in Hawaii 5:27 PM ET Wed, 8 March 2017 | 00:38

While investors on Wall Street debate whether Tesla's ambitious transformation from electric car maker to sustainable energy company will pay off, its industrial power packs are already having an impact on at least one state.

In Hawaii, the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) is now drawing energy from 272 Tesla power packs to provide electricity after dark. While the island previously relied on solar and other renewable energy during the day, it had no way to store the sun's power after it went down.

Using stored energy from Tesla's power packs is expected to save KIUC 1.6 million gallons of diesel fuel annually, which has traditionally been the way the utility generates power after dark.

Tesla says the power packs will cut KIUC costs per kilowatt hour from 15.5 cents down to 13.9 cents. The 13.9 cents is a

And when this happened 2 billion years ago, whose fault was it? Why is it man caused now?

You do know all those solar panels don't last forever, right? They aren't magical. They make electricity by sacrificing themselves with light. After a short period of time, they stop working as efficiently and eventually stop working altogether. Then they must be replaced.

DOE says the cheapest form of power to build now is Wind followed by Solar. And with Pumped Storage you solve the problem of availability.

Hey Dip Shit....

Pumped Storage uses more energy than

what it produces, it's only good for producing

more revenue by selling more electricity at peak demand

when electricity prices are at their highest.....

Such ignorance, pumped storage simply stores the energy that was produced elsewhere at peak production. It's only as expensive as the watts extracted at the total cost used to store those watts

The ignorance is all yours....

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity - Wikipedia
You fool...your link literally confirms every word he said...you never read a word of it, obviously.

You are the fool....

Read it again dumb ass...

Although the losses of the pumping process makes the plant a net consumer of energy overall, the system increases revenue by selling more electricity during periods of peak demand, when electricity prices are highest.
God, but you are a stupid asshole. If they did not have the pumped storage, they would have to build another generating plant to take care of peak demand. Far more expensive than the storage.

And when this happened 2 billion years ago, whose fault was it? Why is it man caused now?

You do know all those solar panels don't last forever, right? They aren't magical. They make electricity by sacrificing themselves with light. After a short period of time, they stop working as efficiently and eventually stop working altogether. Then they must be replaced.
Most guarantees on solar panels are for 25 years. And that guarantee is that at that time, the panel will still be putting out 80% of the rated power. During that time, the only maintenance is occasional cleaning. And, by that time, they will probably be far cheaper, and twice as efficient as the are now. That is why you are seeing such an increase in utility scale solar installations.
Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:

You can bet their little windmills and solar cells aren't keeping them warm tonight. Those good old coal-fired electrical plants are going full-tilt. As well as wood-fired stoves, and propane gas furnaces.

DOE says the cheapest form of power to build now is Wind followed by Solar. And with Pumped Storage you solve the problem of availability.

Hey Dip Shit....

Pumped Storage uses more energy than

what it produces, it's only good for producing

more revenue by selling more electricity at peak demand

when electricity prices are at their highest.....

Such ignorance, pumped storage simply stores the energy that was produced elsewhere at peak production. It's only as expensive as the watts extracted at the total cost used to store those watts

Where did you go Dip Shit?
I wanted to talk more science....
Fella, you ain't got the where with all between your ears to do that. Here, learn something.

Changing Sun, Changing Climate
Does anyone know what the exact temperature is every place in the Northern Hemisphere at any given moment? How about every moment every where for the last few million years? If we don't know what the weather is how can we know what the climate is or accurately predict what it will be? "Global warming" is an always has been a scam.

View attachment 169688
Ah yes, the lower 48. Less than 2% of the earths surface, and you are stupid enough to claim that represents the whole of the earth?
You fool, that makes no sense. You cant gerrymander a city. Where do you people come from? Freaking convention of stupid around here.. .

Say what dumb ass democrats have been doing it for ever

You ever hear of the Chicago democratic machine ignoramus? God damn fool the Chicago democratic machine is what won JFK presidency

Hillary and Obama tried to go national with it

Cook County Democratic Party - Wikipedia

The Cook County Democratic Party is a political party which represents voters in 50 wards in the city of Chicago and 30 suburban townships of Cook County. The organization has dominated Chicago politics (and consequently, Illinois politics) since the 1930s. It relies on a tight organizational structure of ward and township committeemen to elect candidates. At the height of its influence under Richard J. Daleyin the 1960s, it was one of the most powerful political machines in American history. Party members have been convicted of public corruption. By the beginning of the 21st century the party had largely ceased to function as a machine due to the decline of political patronage following the issuing of the Shakman Decrees. The current Chairman is Joseph Berrios.

So does Chicago popular vote for Mayor go to Republicans, but by some "gerrymandered" system the Mayor goes to the Democrats?

Chicago is not gerrymandered for election of the mayor as everyone in the city votes for one person. Democrats just outnumber Republicans by a large margin. When it comes to representatives in city state and local governments, they can be gerrymandered.
That's my point regarding that. I am being facetious with Bear513's statements that Illinois is an example of Democratic gerrymandering.

No it's not. Illinois just overwhelmingly votes Democratic.

In many Republican areas however, and in the US writ-large, Republicans LOSE the popular vote but still win majorities in the representative chambers. (Whether state or Congressional House).

You are a fucking tard..dont tell me about my home state asshole

View attachment 169689
Land doesn't vote, people do.
Yep, like I said, they don't last long.

Wind farms can last a 100 years or more, while you're replacing solar panels every 20 years or so.

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