Obvious Global Warming

Say what dumb ass democrats have been doing it for ever

You ever hear of the Chicago democratic machine ignoramus? God damn fool the Chicago democratic machine is what won JFK presidency

Hillary and Obama tried to go national with it

Cook County Democratic Party - Wikipedia

The Cook County Democratic Party is a political party which represents voters in 50 wards in the city of Chicago and 30 suburban townships of Cook County. The organization has dominated Chicago politics (and consequently, Illinois politics) since the 1930s. It relies on a tight organizational structure of ward and township committeemen to elect candidates. At the height of its influence under Richard J. Daleyin the 1960s, it was one of the most powerful political machines in American history. Party members have been convicted of public corruption. By the beginning of the 21st century the party had largely ceased to function as a machine due to the decline of political patronage following the issuing of the Shakman Decrees. The current Chairman is Joseph Berrios.

So does Chicago popular vote for Mayor go to Republicans, but by some "gerrymandered" system the Mayor goes to the Democrats?

Chicago is not gerrymandered for election of the mayor as everyone in the city votes for one person. Democrats just outnumber Republicans by a large margin. When it comes to representatives in city state and local governments, they can be gerrymandered.
That's my point regarding that. I am being facetious with Bear513's statements that Illinois is an example of Democratic gerrymandering.

No it's not. Illinois just overwhelmingly votes Democratic.

In many Republican areas however, and in the US writ-large, Republicans LOSE the popular vote but still win majorities in the representative chambers. (Whether state or Congressional House).

You are a fucking tard..dont tell me about my home state asshole

View attachment 169689
Land doesn't vote, people do.

Yup people vote for free stuff in the cities..

Men vote for freedom in the country.

And when this happened 2 billion years ago, whose fault was it? Why is it man caused now?

You do know all those solar panels don't last forever, right? They aren't magical. They make electricity by sacrificing themselves with light. After a short period of time, they stop working as efficiently and eventually stop working altogether. Then they must be replaced.
Old Shit, you laugh at all the actual facts like that means something other than you are a blithering, drooling old fool.

Get a grip, bubba before they decide to make you into Soylant Green, lol.
Actual facts like solar panels dont last but 20 years and are extremely expensive to replace?

And they put out very little for how much they cost. One wind turbine is equal to acres and acres of these solar panels. Solar is cute, but not feasible.
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Actual facts like solar panels dont last but 20 years and are extremely expensive to replace?

The funniest thing is with solar panels you never get your money back.

This is interesting....

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract? - Lawyers.com

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract?
Asked on Jul 23rd, 2014 on Contracts - California
More details to this question:
We are about to purchase a home with a solar system attached to the roof. The sellers want to transfer the now 19 year solar contract in our name. My husband does not want the solar system. It causes very high levels of dirty electricity and studies have connected it to serious health problems. Solarcity - the provider is saying that we cannot break the contract due to federal rebates Solarcity received and that the only way to have the system removed is to buyout the remainder of the contract of 19 years. Namely, $17,441. It just seems ridiculous that as a new homeowner we have no choice to back out of this contract. Any advice is appreciated.
Actual facts like solar panels dont last but 20 years and are extremely expensive to replace?

The funniest thing is with solar panels you never get your money back.

This is interesting....

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract? - Lawyers.com

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract?
Asked on Jul 23rd, 2014 on Contracts - California
More details to this question:
We are about to purchase a home with a solar system attached to the roof. The sellers want to transfer the now 19 year solar contract in our name. My husband does not want the solar system. It causes very high levels of dirty electricity and studies have connected it to serious health problems. Solarcity - the provider is saying that we cannot break the contract due to federal rebates Solarcity received and that the only way to have the system removed is to buyout the remainder of the contract of 19 years. Namely, $17,441. It just seems ridiculous that as a new homeowner we have no choice to back out of this contract. Any advice is appreciated.
i wonder if they sent more rescue ships to the south pole
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

He won because common sense data proves and demonstrates Global Warming?

Say WUT?
Too Funny:

Arbitrary base line created without the knowledge of the real natural variation rates and widths is used to create an anomaly map from arbitrary data sets which have been arbitrarily averaged and adjusted to meet some arbitrary criteria. then the adjusted data is averaged again to create the new base line. Talk about a circular logic fallacy...

How much arbitrary and made up data will make any data set, even one that might have some credibility before adjustments, totally useless?

Your arbitrary model is bull shit and is about as credible as the idiots who made up the program..
Actual facts like solar panels dont last but 20 years and are extremely expensive to replace?

The funniest thing is with solar panels you never get your money back.

This is interesting....

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract? - Lawyers.com

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract?
Asked on Jul 23rd, 2014 on Contracts - California
More details to this question:
We are about to purchase a home with a solar system attached to the roof. The sellers want to transfer the now 19 year solar contract in our name. My husband does not want the solar system. It causes very high levels of dirty electricity and studies have connected it to serious health problems. Solarcity - the provider is saying that we cannot break the contract due to federal rebates Solarcity received and that the only way to have the system removed is to buyout the remainder of the contract of 19 years. Namely, $17,441. It just seems ridiculous that as a new homeowner we have no choice to back out of this contract. Any advice is appreciated.
i wonder if they sent more rescue ships to the south pole

Don't quote me faggot until you remove that creepy ass aviator...
Yep, like I said, they don't last long.

Wind farms can last a 100 years or more, while you're replacing solar panels every 20 years or so.
Average 50kw wind turbine lasts but 10 years in moderate wind areas and just 5 years in wind zone 5 areas before major repairs and rebuilding must be done.

5 of the 7 major wind farms in zone 5, here in Wyoming, are high maintenance and if the calculations are correct, they will never pay for themselves before they have to be fully replaced.

35 of 190 turbines in the local wind field have had to have major main bearing and turret bearing replacements along with major structural repairs and they are just 3 years old.. Two of them collapsed this last month and are now being dismantled.
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Actual facts like solar panels dont last but 20 years and are extremely expensive to replace?

The funniest thing is with solar panels you never get your money back.

This is interesting....

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract? - Lawyers.com

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract?
Asked on Jul 23rd, 2014 on Contracts - California
More details to this question:
We are about to purchase a home with a solar system attached to the roof. The sellers want to transfer the now 19 year solar contract in our name. My husband does not want the solar system. It causes very high levels of dirty electricity and studies have connected it to serious health problems. Solarcity - the provider is saying that we cannot break the contract due to federal rebates Solarcity received and that the only way to have the system removed is to buyout the remainder of the contract of 19 years. Namely, $17,441. It just seems ridiculous that as a new homeowner we have no choice to back out of this contract. Any advice is appreciated.
i wonder if they sent more rescue ships to the south pole

Don't quote me faggot until you remove that creepy ass aviator...

It is called an avatar. I thought I covered that already. Maybe not enough.
Actual facts like solar panels dont last but 20 years and are extremely expensive to replace?

The funniest thing is with solar panels you never get your money back.

This is interesting....

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract? - Lawyers.com

Is there any way to get out of a 20 year solar system contract?
Asked on Jul 23rd, 2014 on Contracts - California
More details to this question:
We are about to purchase a home with a solar system attached to the roof. The sellers want to transfer the now 19 year solar contract in our name. My husband does not want the solar system. It causes very high levels of dirty electricity and studies have connected it to serious health problems. Solarcity - the provider is saying that we cannot break the contract due to federal rebates Solarcity received and that the only way to have the system removed is to buyout the remainder of the contract of 19 years. Namely, $17,441. It just seems ridiculous that as a new homeowner we have no choice to back out of this contract. Any advice is appreciated.
i wonder if they sent more rescue ships to the south pole

Don't quote me faggot until you remove that creepy ass aviator...

It is called an avatar. I thought I covered that already. Maybe not enough.

It's called it doesn't matter to me aviator boy
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Ok. I'll get Uncle Trump on the phone and ask him to re-join the Paris Climate Accord and shut down the Keystone Pipeline.

Only kidding :lmao:
Oil Price is ^^^UP 50%^^^ since Trump was elected!

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Democrats in Maryland are racist for gerrumandering the districts so that only "1" Republican represents the State?

Racist! Racist! Racist!

Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:
And so are us independents.

Thank you.

If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.
I never said we weren't contributing to any rise.

And we can continue to wring our hands.

I've asked before and ask again.

What are we going to do about it?

Are you going to stop driving? Turn off your computers? Turn off your A.C, and heat?

Or do you want everyone else to make that sacrifice?
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Ok. I'll get Uncle Trump on the phone and ask him to re-join the Paris Climate Accord and shut down the Keystone Pipeline.

Only kidding :lmao:
Oil Price is ^^^UP 50%^^^ since Trump was elected!

Nothing to do with Trump. Obama sold off a large portion of our strategic oil reserves when he was in office and in case you missed it, we are in the grip of some pretty cold weather right now. Being threatened with a nuclear attack from a certain North Korean shithead might have something to do with it too.

Oil prices up on geopolitical risk and inventory declines
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Ok. I'll get Uncle Trump on the phone and ask him to re-join the Paris Climate Accord and shut down the Keystone Pipeline.

Only kidding :lmao:
Oil Price is ^^^UP 50%^^^ since Trump was elected!

Nothing to do with Trump. Obama sold off a large portion of our strategic oil reserves when he was in office and in case you missed it, we are in the grip of some pretty cold weather right now. Being threatened with a nuclear attack from a certain North Korean shithead might have something to do with it too.

Oil prices up on geopolitical risk and inventory declines

Ah, the good things that happen are all Trump, the bad things are someone else.

Yeah, I've had asshole bosses like that before.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.





Now who am I going to believe, you or my lying eyeballs. LOL You fellows always flap yap without even looking at the evidence. You accept whatever the treasonous fat senile old orange clown states.

Yes. I see it now. It is colder at the north and south poles and warmer along the equator. Yes. Who woulda thunk. That could be a problem.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.





Now who am I going to believe, you or my lying eyeballs. LOL You fellows always flap yap without even looking at the evidence. You accept whatever the treasonous fat senile old orange clown states.

So now you post cartoons?
No, dumb bitch, I post the work of scientists with their organizational source clearly visible. Not the garbage that you regurgitate from an obese junkie on the AM radio, or the fake British Lord you people worship.

I see, you post the work of scientists with their organizational source clearly visible, the kind of scientists who were busted a few years back fudging the data and who have everything to gain in making drama out of the climate? I mean, they are just as unimpeachable a source of atmospheric data as the DOJ and FBI, the top experts in law enforcement were in catching, prosecuting and protecting the country from people who handle our national security and interests as loosely as I do a bubble gum wrapper.

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