Obvious Global Warming

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

Global Warming is defined as "human caused

Lmfao what a moron ..




Damn you stupid..

View attachment 169672

The IPCC quite plainly uses "Climate Change" to refer to natural changes in Climate and Global Warming as referred to anthropogenic changes.


And fuck the IPCC

United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:

"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.

It's an obvious hostage situation.

To achieve western level prosperity, the 3rd world threatens to use mature technology such as Coal fired power plants. But that holds a gun to the world's head.

Hence this whole redistribution trap. Pay them to skip the cheap mature technology and move to the more expensive newer technology.

That may be solved by the fact Solar/Wind is becoming so inexpensive now anyway.

Inexpensive what kind of propaganda is this are you talking about? it's subsidized in the United States

Germany electrical rates are two times to there times higher then the USA ..

German household power prices at record high -Verivox

The run-away expansion of wind turbines and solar panels has made German prices the highest in Europe since 2013, not just because of surcharges but because more volatile green power capacity also necessitates new transmission grids and higher costs to manage them.
Easily fixed.

Less than a month after Tesla Inc. unveiled a new backup power system in South Australia, the world's largest lithium-ion battery is already being put to the test.

It appears to be far exceeding expectations. In the last three weeks alone, the Hornsdale Power Reserve has smoothed out at least two major energy outages, responding even more quickly than the coal-fired backups that were supposed to provide emergency power.

Tesla's battery last week kicked in just 0.14 seconds after one of Australia's biggest plants, the Loy Yang facility in the neighboring state of Victoria, suffered a sudden, unexplained drop in output, according to the International Business Times. The week before that, another failure at Loy Yang prompted the Hornsdale battery to respond in as little as four seconds — or less, according to some estimates — beating other plants to the punch. State officials have called the response time "a record," according to local media.

The effectiveness of Tesla's battery is being closely watched in a region that is in the grips of an energy crisis. The price of electricity is soaring in Australia, particularly in the state of South Australia, where a 2016 outage led 1.7 million residents to lose power in a blackout. Storms and heat waves have caused additional outages, and many Australians are bracing for more with the onset of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.

Hey, have you ever realized in all their C02-absorbing plant studies they never include grass?

Know why? Grass filters C02 @ 450% of the highest plant they list.

So yeah, a grass field of 5 acres with 5 bovines on it filters 400%+ more CO2 and methane than the cows produce.

Plus, we get beef!

Global warming was a scam to pick taxpayer's pockets. That is all.
Stupid fuck, have you ever realized that they measure the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, not where it comes from or where it is going.


While grass may absorb a lot of CO2 while growing, it is making zero difference in the amount that is continually increasing due to the use of fossil fuels.

You retard once again Nassa C02 satellite proves it's coming from the southern hemisphere in deforestation..and burning wood to heat their mud huts and they are dying in the hundreds of thousands a year due to smoke inhalation..

Why do you hate poor people in africa?
Global Warming is defined as "human caused

Lmfao what a moron ..




Damn you stupid..

View attachment 169672

The IPCC quite plainly uses "Climate Change" to refer to natural changes in Climate and Global Warming as referred to anthropogenic changes.


And fuck the IPCC

United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:

"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.

It's an obvious hostage situation.

To achieve western level prosperity, the 3rd world threatens to use mature technology such as Coal fired power plants. But that holds a gun to the world's head.

Hence this whole redistribution trap. Pay them to skip the cheap mature technology and move to the more expensive newer technology.

That may be solved by the fact Solar/Wind is becoming so inexpensive now anyway.

Inexpensive what kind of propaganda is this are you talking about? it's subsidized in the United States

Germany electrical rates are two times to there times higher then the USA ..

German household power prices at record high -Verivox

The run-away expansion of wind turbines and solar panels has made German prices the highest in Europe since 2013, not just because of surcharges but because more volatile green power capacity also necessitates new transmission grids and higher costs to manage them.
Easily fixed.

Less than a month after Tesla Inc. unveiled a new backup power system in South Australia, the world's largest lithium-ion battery is already being put to the test.

It appears to be far exceeding expectations. In the last three weeks alone, the Hornsdale Power Reserve has smoothed out at least two major energy outages, responding even more quickly than the coal-fired backups that were supposed to provide emergency power.

Tesla's battery last week kicked in just 0.14 seconds after one of Australia's biggest plants, the Loy Yang facility in the neighboring state of Victoria, suffered a sudden, unexplained drop in output, according to the International Business Times. The week before that, another failure at Loy Yang prompted the Hornsdale battery to respond in as little as four seconds — or less, according to some estimates — beating other plants to the punch. State officials have called the response time "a record," according to local media.

The effectiveness of Tesla's battery is being closely watched in a region that is in the grips of an energy crisis. The price of electricity is soaring in Australia, particularly in the state of South Australia, where a 2016 outage led 1.7 million residents to lose power in a blackout. Storms and heat waves have caused additional outages, and many Australians are bracing for more with the onset of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.


Yea the price of electricity is soaring in Australia because of the fucking Paris accord you numb nuts ..
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

Who recorded those temperatures in the 1850s? Jeremiah Johnson or some other mountain man?
No, you ignorant bastard, the ice in the mountain glaciers.

They have been melting thousands of years before 1850 you fucking idiot

Confusing Greenland warming vs global warming

Really, silly bitch, ever consider reading something on the subject before making a fool of yourself.
What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

Who recorded those temperatures in the 1850s? Jeremiah Johnson or some other mountain man?
No, you ignorant bastard, the ice in the mountain glaciers.

They have been melting thousands of years before 1850 you fucking idiot

Confusing Greenland warming vs global warming

Really, silly bitch, ever consider reading something on the subject before making a fool of yourself.

You always embarrasse your self on here you God damn retard
Sorry crybaby....better go review the discussion. You made a stupid mistake, and it happened because you are rabid (causing you to disagree, without knowing exactly why), ignorant (you clearly knew nothing about the topic), and lazy (you didn't take a few minutes to learn about it or about your own link).

And you do this a LOT.

It's you that needs to review the discussion..

You made the stupid mistake.

Tell me where I was wrong....

You thought it made sense to pump water

up to run it through turbines, dumb ass...
No idiot, you have derailed. Nobody knows what you are crybabying about. You tried to rebut the point of another person with an article that literally confirmed and described his point to a 'T'.

You are either retarded or insane....
You're the fool who tried to argue it produces no electricity....when literally nobody was saying it does. This was pointed out to you. You still argued it. That's stupid.

Pumped storage is nothing but creating a big capacitor to store energy. Of course this produces a net loss. So does charging and discharging any capacitor. Duh. He knows that. I know that. What in bloody hell are you crybabying about?

And how you going to do that in America much less in Indiana, fool?
No, dumb fuck, we are going to use grid scale batteries of the type that Tesla is right now installing around the world.
It's you that needs to review the discussion..

You made the stupid mistake.

Tell me where I was wrong....

You thought it made sense to pump water

up to run it through turbines, dumb ass...
No idiot, you have derailed. Nobody knows what you are crybabying about. You tried to rebut the point of another person with an article that literally confirmed and described his point to a 'T'.

You are either retarded or insane....
You're the fool who tried to argue it produces no electricity....when literally nobody was saying it does. This was pointed out to you. You still argued it. That's stupid.

Pumped storage is nothing but creating a big capacitor to store energy. Of course this produces a net loss. So does charging and discharging any capacitor. Duh. He knows that. I know that. What in bloody hell are you crybabying about?

And how you going to do that in America much less in Indiana, fool?
No, dumb fuck, we are going to use grid scale batteries of the type that Tesla is right now installing around the world.

Are they right next to the pumping oil wells? :rolleyes:
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

You do realize that the data product from "climate reanalysis" is NOT actual weather station readings and notoriously wrong I hope. It's a form of global "spatial fitting" that ASSIGNS temperatures forwards and backwards in time to areas SPARSELY covered by actual readings.

Last time I had the "climate reanalyzer" shoved in my face -- I pulled up ACTUAL READINGS at weather stations in Siberia that were 4 to 6DegC BELOW the pretty colored graphical product. Produces whatever the "model run" is set to produce with initial conditions and assumptions.
It's you that has proven your self to be stupid....

Plain to see....
Sorry crybaby....better go review the discussion. You made a stupid mistake, and it happened because you are rabid (causing you to disagree, without knowing exactly why), ignorant (you clearly knew nothing about the topic), and lazy (you didn't take a few minutes to learn about it or about your own link).

And you do this a LOT.

It's you that needs to review the discussion..

You made the stupid mistake.

Tell me where I was wrong....

You thought it made sense to pump water

up to run it through turbines, dumb ass...
No idiot, you have derailed. Nobody knows what you are crybabying about. You tried to rebut the point of another person with an article that literally confirmed and described his point to a 'T'.

You are either retarded or insane....
You're the fool who tried to argue it produces no electricity....when literally nobody was saying it does. This was pointed out to you. You still argued it. That's stupid.

Pumped storage is nothing but creating a big capacitor to store energy. Of course this produces a net loss. So does charging and discharging any capacitor. Duh. He knows that. I know that. What in bloody hell are you crybabying about?

You are a fool with a reading comprehension

problem, see page 12, post 115 for proof...

I said it wasn't an efficient means of

producing power dumb ass....

Tell me what # post I said it produces no electricity...

You can't do it because I didn't say it....

Later Butt Hurt...
What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

Who recorded those temperatures in the 1850s? Jeremiah Johnson or some other mountain man?
No, you ignorant bastard, the ice in the mountain glaciers.

They have been melting thousands of years before 1850 you fucking idiot

Confusing Greenland warming vs global warming

Really, silly bitch, ever consider reading something on the subject before making a fool of yourself.

ZomboMeme 04012018213019.jpg
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.

Let me tell you something about these gases from an article I wrote a few years ago:

For those who may not know, the atmosphere really is as follows:

 78% Nitrogen
 21% Oxygen (from Plants mainly, essential for the animal life)

_That is 99% of your total atmosphere right there!_

That only leaves 1% left, as a combination of /trace gases./

 These trace gases can be further broken down into the Noble gases and IR
 storing gases which help to moderate our climate. 

Of that 1% trace gas left over, _9/10ths_ of that is ARGON, a harmless,
inert gas.

 That leaves roughly 0.1%, or about 1/10th of 1/100th of the atmosphere 

The other remaining inert noble gases (combined total of 0.002% total
atmosphere) are Neon, Helium, Krypton, Xenon, and also Hydrogen.

 Of the remaining (combined total less than 1/10th of 1%, or 0.098% of
the atmosphere) atmosphere left over, these are the IR storing components, such as Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and Ozone, /combined/. 

Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

 Water Vapor, essential to life, is by far the largest, at 0.04%
(1/2500th%), and carbon dioxide (plant food, essential to plant life
which sustains us), which is only 0.03%, or about 1/3000th% of the

 Methane, a more powerful IR storing agent than water vapor and CO2
 combined, is at .0002%, and the remaining vestiges (roughly 0.0278% by 
subtraction) are made up of Nitrous Oxide and Ozone combined.

The Earth demonstrates over and over with each cataclysmic imbalance, such as volcanoes, super-volcanoes and other cataclysmic events that it has an enormous capacity to recover and re-balance itself, storing things like methane and CO2 in rock, under the ocean, etc., that despite the most horrific events that formed the Moon, killed the dinosaurs, etc., that the Earth always recovers back to the state that it WANTS to be, bar all and the pitiful amounts of emissions man puts out by comparison are nothing. If man disappeared tomorrow, in a few decades, the Earth would return as if we had never even existed.
Silly ass, not worried about the earth. Worried about a bunch of naked apes.

In the P-T extinction, nothing of any size survived on land, same for the K-T. The first was caused by the biggest known basalt eruption through coal beds, then the outgassing of methane from the oceans. Over 95% of species died. The second, an impact in which nothing bigger than a breadbox survived. 75% wipeout.

Can we create something like the P-T event? I don't know, but it looks like we may find out if ignoramuses like you get your way.
What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.

Let me tell you something about these gases from an article I wrote a few years ago:

For those who may not know, the atmosphere really is as follows:

 78% Nitrogen
 21% Oxygen (from Plants mainly, essential for the animal life)

_That is 99% of your total atmosphere right there!_

That only leaves 1% left, as a combination of /trace gases./

 These trace gases can be further broken down into the Noble gases and IR
 storing gases which help to moderate our climate. 

Of that 1% trace gas left over, _9/10ths_ of that is ARGON, a harmless,
inert gas.

 That leaves roughly 0.1%, or about 1/10th of 1/100th of the atmosphere 

The other remaining inert noble gases (combined total of 0.002% total
atmosphere) are Neon, Helium, Krypton, Xenon, and also Hydrogen.

 Of the remaining (combined total less than 1/10th of 1%, or 0.098% of
the atmosphere) atmosphere left over, these are the IR storing components, such as Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and Ozone, /combined/. 

Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

 Water Vapor, essential to life, is by far the largest, at 0.04%
(1/2500th%), and carbon dioxide (plant food, essential to plant life
which sustains us), which is only 0.03%, or about 1/3000th% of the

 Methane, a more powerful IR storing agent than water vapor and CO2
 combined, is at .0002%, and the remaining vestiges (roughly 0.0278% by 
subtraction) are made up of Nitrous Oxide and Ozone combined.

The Earth demonstrates over and over with each cataclysmic imbalance, such as volcanoes, super-volcanoes and other cataclysmic events that it has an enormous capacity to recover and re-balance itself, storing things like methane and CO2 in rock, under the ocean, etc., that despite the most horrific events that formed the Moon, killed the dinosaurs, etc., that the Earth always recovers back to the state that it WANTS to be, bar all and the pitiful amounts of emissions man puts out by comparison are nothing. If man disappeared tomorrow, in a few decades, the Earth would return as if we had never even existed.
Silly ass, not worried about the earth. Worried about a bunch of naked apes.

In the P-T extinction, nothing of any size survived on land, same for the K-T. The first was caused by the biggest known basalt eruption through coal beds, then the outgassing of methane from the oceans. Over 95% of species died. The second, an impact in which nothing bigger than a breadbox survived. 75% wipeout.

Can we create something like the P-T event? I don't know, but it looks like we may find out if ignoramuses like you get your way.

Yay, us! :spinner:
Records were set for cold and snow from Maine to Florida in a hundred year cycle of a 1917-18 cold inclusion. The more we learn about the universe the more we understand that the warmth of a dying star is an anomaly in the Cosmos. The tiny 3rd rock from the Sun is at the mercy of the gigantic nuclear reactor we call the Sun. Ice ages are historic fact and we have a lot more to fear from the absence of warmth from the Sun than manufactured political fear of warming based on a theory created by a failed democrat politician with no background in science.
Again, another real dumb fuck. What we are seeing today was predicted by Dr. Francis in 2012.
What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.

Let me tell you something about these gases from an article I wrote a few years ago:

For those who may not know, the atmosphere really is as follows:

 78% Nitrogen
 21% Oxygen (from Plants mainly, essential for the animal life)

_That is 99% of your total atmosphere right there!_

That only leaves 1% left, as a combination of /trace gases./

 These trace gases can be further broken down into the Noble gases and IR
 storing gases which help to moderate our climate. 

Of that 1% trace gas left over, _9/10ths_ of that is ARGON, a harmless,
inert gas.

 That leaves roughly 0.1%, or about 1/10th of 1/100th of the atmosphere 

The other remaining inert noble gases (combined total of 0.002% total
atmosphere) are Neon, Helium, Krypton, Xenon, and also Hydrogen.

 Of the remaining (combined total less than 1/10th of 1%, or 0.098% of
the atmosphere) atmosphere left over, these are the IR storing components, such as Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and Ozone, /combined/. 

Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

 Water Vapor, essential to life, is by far the largest, at 0.04%
(1/2500th%), and carbon dioxide (plant food, essential to plant life
which sustains us), which is only 0.03%, or about 1/3000th% of the

 Methane, a more powerful IR storing agent than water vapor and CO2
 combined, is at .0002%, and the remaining vestiges (roughly 0.0278% by 
subtraction) are made up of Nitrous Oxide and Ozone combined.

The Earth demonstrates over and over with each cataclysmic imbalance, such as volcanoes, super-volcanoes and other cataclysmic events that it has an enormous capacity to recover and re-balance itself, storing things like methane and CO2 in rock, under the ocean, etc., that despite the most horrific events that formed the Moon, killed the dinosaurs, etc., that the Earth always recovers back to the state that it WANTS to be, bar all and the pitiful amounts of emissions man puts out by comparison are nothing. If man disappeared tomorrow, in a few decades, the Earth would return as if we had never even existed.
Silly ass, not worried about the earth. Worried about a bunch of naked apes.

In the P-T extinction, nothing of any size survived on land, same for the K-T. The first was caused by the biggest known basalt eruption through coal beds, then the outgassing of methane from the oceans. Over 95% of species died. The second, an impact in which nothing bigger than a breadbox survived. 75% wipeout.

Can we create something like the P-T event? I don't know, but it looks like we may find out if ignoramuses like you get your way.

You stupid shit, we came along at a perfect time in history, to say we can control the weather is preposterous..

It's like believing in pink elephants that roam the sky..

Stop the God damn the crap will you?
Records were set for cold and snow from Maine to Florida in a hundred year cycle of a 1917-18 cold inclusion. The more we learn about the universe the more we understand that the warmth of a dying star is an anomaly in the Cosmos. The tiny 3rd rock from the Sun is at the mercy of the gigantic nuclear reactor we call the Sun. Ice ages are historic fact and we have a lot more to fear from the absence of warmth from the Sun than manufactured political fear of warming based on a theory created by a failed democrat politician with no background in science.
Again, another real dumb fuck. What we are seeing today was predicted by Dr. Francis in 2012.

Is she your god fruit loop?
Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.
Democrats in Maryland are racist for gerrumandering the districts so that only "1" Republican represents the State?

Racist! Racist! Racist!

Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:
And so are us independents.

Thank you.

If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.
Democrats in Maryland are racist for gerrumandering the districts so that only "1" Republican represents the State?

Racist! Racist! Racist!

Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:
And so are us independents.

Thank you.

If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.

What rapid day warming ?

Ya mean this?

Get a grip old rocks take your meds old fool

images (7).jpeg
Democrats in Maryland are racist for gerrumandering the districts so that only "1" Republican represents the State?

Racist! Racist! Racist!

Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:
And so are us independents.

Thank you.

If you'd vote for someone like Trump you're not an independent you're just a coward.

Shall I call you a MORON?

I'm in Maryland. My vote went to Hillary.

NOOB don't know jack.

Walk softly noob. I was a Democrat my entire life till I joined this board.
Now if you say that we are not causing the present rapid warming, you are a moron.


Be specific CRY baby..

How much does man contribute







Tell us old hippie fool?

How much?

Lol ..
Because they are fucking subsidized, take off the subsidys and let them compete on their own ..

Both wind and solar are cheaper than fossil fuels at present, and that is without subsidies.

Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels: How Do They Compare? | EnergySage

The best way to compare solar energy and fossil fuels without subsidies is to examine global energy prices. Consider this: global coal prices have historically averaged $0.06 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). Until the past decade, no alternative energy resource came close to rivaling that price. Fossil fuel steam averages around $0.05 cents/kWh and small scale natural gas can go as low as $0.03 cents/kWh. It’s no wonder that the world was shocked in 2016 when a major commercial solar installation bid the lowest price for PV to date at $0.029 cents per kWh – effectively leveling the playing field between solar and fossil fuels’ cheapest offerings.


As a result, the discussion of whether solar is cheaper than coal has already become an outdated debate. Today, energy companies are developing solar PV projects that can deliver energy at half the cost of coal, and that’s without factoring in the costly negative impacts of coal – such as heavy carbon pollution, strip mining, and mountaintop removal.

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