Obvious Global Warming

People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

It's clear you are the dip shit....

How so?

The argument is humans are causing climate change, not that climate changes.

You dumb fuck the earth has been warming since there was a God damn mile high glacier in Chicago..

The argument is how much is man contributing and how much is natural variation
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

By whom? I thought it was bovine-caused? :eek:
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

It's clear you are the dip shit....

How so?

The argument is humans are causing climate change, not that climate changes.

You dumb fuck the earth has been warming since there was a God damn mile high glacier in Chicago..

The argument is how much is man contributing and how much is natural variation

The Earth is naturally entering a cooling phase, per the malenkovic cycle and the maunder minimum.

Yet it continues to warm, fancy that.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

Global warming is not the reason for terrorism in the mideast, either. :eek:

Shocker, I know.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.
Why are you anti science and don't even know what the definition of what a pedophile is?

Please, continue to defend pedophilia. That worked for the GOP who supported a PEDOphile so well the first round in Alabama.

You said "In your strongest racist state..."

Just what country are you from? Russia? China? Cuba? Venezuela? North Korea?

Is Alabama not the most racist state? It's 100% white GOP who supported a PEDO. Well minus one Democratic Senator now.

Yet the state is almost 50% black.

Where are all the black Alabama politicians?
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

I'll reiterate: What difference does it make?

Do you have any idea how many environmental rules Donald Trump has nullified in only one year?

60 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

The climate doesn't care what Trump does.

Really? Then by extension, modus ponens, the climate doesn't care about coal fired plants, volcanoes, fuel efficient cars, etc., and all of this environmental crap is for nothing. Thanks for finally clearing that up.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

Global Warming is defined as "human caused

Lmfao what a moron ..




Damn you stupid..

View attachment 169672

The IPCC quite plainly uses "Climate Change" to refer to natural changes in Climate and Global Warming as referred to anthropogenic changes.


And fuck the IPCC

United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:

"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

Global Warming is defined as "human caused

Lmfao what a moron ..




Damn you stupid..

View attachment 169672

The IPCC quite plainly uses "Climate Change" to refer to natural changes in Climate and Global Warming as referred to anthropogenic changes.


And fuck the IPCC

United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:

"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.

It's an obvious hostage situation.

To achieve western level prosperity, the 3rd world threatens to use mature technology such as Coal fired power plants. But that holds a gun to the world's head.

Hence this whole redistribution trap. Pay them to skip the cheap mature technology and move to the more expensive newer technology.

That may be solved by the fact Solar/Wind is becoming so inexpensive now anyway.
Please, continue to defend pedophilia. That worked for the GOP who supported a PEDOphile so well the first round in Alabama.

You said "In your strongest racist state..."

Just what country are you from? Russia? China? Cuba? Venezuela? North Korea?

Is Alabama not the most racist state? It's 100% white GOP who supported a PEDO. Well minus one Democratic Senator now.

Yet the state is almost 50% black.

Where are all the black Alabama politicians?
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

I'll reiterate: What difference does it make?

Do you have any idea how many environmental rules Donald Trump has nullified in only one year?

60 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

The climate doesn't care what Trump does.

Really? Then by extension, modus ponens, the climate doesn't care about coal fired plants, volcanoes, fuel efficient cars, etc., and all of this environmental crap is for nothing. Thanks for finally clearing that up.

It simply reacts to atmospheric chemistry.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.

Hey, have you ever realized in all their C02-absorbing plant studies they never include grass?

Know why? Grass filters C02 @ 450% of the highest plant they list.

So yeah, a grass field of 5 acres with 5 bovines on it filters 400%+ more CO2 and methane than the cows produce.

Plus, we get beef!

Global warming was a scam to pick taxpayer's pockets. That is all.
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.

Hey, have you ever realized in all their C02-absorbing plant studies they never include grass?

Know why? Grass filters C02 @ 450% of the highest plant they list.

So yeah, a grass field of 5 acres with 5 bovines on it filters 400%+ more CO2 and methane than the cows produce.

Plus, we get beef!

Global warming was a scam to pick taxpayer's pockets. That is all.

No, because that's all cyclical, it's not a sink.
What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

And so?

View attachment 169673
And so your graph ignores the part where the climate forcing factors such as CO2, and Methane have shot through the roof.

Hey, have you ever realized in all their C02-absorbing plant studies they never include grass?

Know why? Grass filters C02 @ 450% of the highest plant they list.

So yeah, a grass field of 5 acres with 5 bovines on it filters 400%+ more CO2 and methane than the cows produce.

Plus, we get beef!

Global warming was a scam to pick taxpayer's pockets. That is all.

No, because that's all cyclical, it's not a sink.

Seems pretty cold tonight to me. Colder than in 20 years.
As a new member you should be made to realize that referring to another member as a pedophile will get you banned.
I thought I was using the traditional moniker for the Republicans, am I wrong?
I tried to be nice and warn you, now reported.
You aren't nice, I'm sure you're a hateful racist who enables other hateful racists to make laws in the US.

I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

Democrats in Maryland are racist for gerrymandering the districts so that only "1" Republican represents the State?

Racist! Racist! Racist!
Last edited:
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

Global Warming is defined as "human caused

Lmfao what a moron ..




Damn you stupid..

View attachment 169672

The IPCC quite plainly uses "Climate Change" to refer to natural changes in Climate and Global Warming as referred to anthropogenic changes.

Well I guess the whack jobs at the IPCC don't
know what a dictionary is....
People say look at the weather in New York, in Mid West! No Global Warming!

Here's the Temperature anomaly (which shows the current temperature deviating from the average).

The only place super cold, are those places, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is much hotter than average winters:

Climate Reanalyzer

What your map shows is that if we take the North American Cold Trough and spread it out everywhere else, it would bring all the other places back down to normal! The only unusual thing here is that for now, all the cold air is too concentrated in one spot.
No it doesn't show that at all lol. Since if you actually did that you'd notice that the average temperature is now about 1C higher than it was in 1850s.

Actually it's something like 4C higher in the Arctic circle and northward.

Who recorded those temperatures in the 1850s? Jeremiah Johnson or some other mountain man?
I thought I was using the traditional moniker for the Republicans, am I wrong?
I tried to be nice and warn you, now reported.
You aren't nice, I'm sure you're a hateful racist who enables other hateful racists to make laws in the US.

I don't know what country you're from, but that's not how it works here..

Sure it is.

A bunch of racists get together, gerrymander districts, and somehow win a majority in congress despite losing the majority vote even when congressional districts are supposed to be equal in population and won by popular vote.

It is painfully obvious you so called GOPs who supported a PEDOphile, are racist, and a minority party of mostly white men over 65 years of age.

In your strongest racist state, Alabama, 60% of people under the age of 35 voted against the racist GOPs.

Democrats in Maryland are racist for gerrumandering the districts so that only "1" Republican represents the State?

Racist! Racist! Racist!

Democrats in Maryland are freezing their asses off tonight!

Guess what? Republicans in Maryland are, too! :eek:
Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

It's clear you are the dip shit....

How so?

The argument is humans are causing climate change, not that climate changes.

You dumb fuck the earth has been warming since there was a God damn mile high glacier in Chicago..

The argument is how much is man contributing and how much is natural variation

The Earth is naturally entering a cooling phase, per the malenkovic cycle and the maunder minimum.

Yet it continues to warm, fancy that.

Fancy this...

Global Warming With the Lid Off

Global Warming With the Lid Off
The emails that reveal an effort to hide the truth about climate science.
Updated Nov. 24, 2009 7:18 a.m. ET
'The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the U.K., I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone. . . . We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind."
So apparently wrote Phil Jones, director of the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) and one of the world's leading climate scientists, in a 2005 email to "Mike." Judging by the email thread, this refers to Michael Mann, director of the Pennsylvania State University's Earth System Science Center. We found this nugget among the more than 3,000 emails and documents released last week after CRU's servers were hacked and messages among some of the world's most influential climatologists were published on the Internet.
The "two MMs" are almost certainly Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, two Canadians who have devoted years to seeking the raw data and codes used in climate graphs and models, then fact-checking the published conclusions—a painstaking task that strikes us as a public and scientific service. Mr. Jones did not return requests for comment and the university said it could not confirm that all the emails were authentic, though it acknowledged its servers were hacked.
Yet even a partial review of the emails is highly illuminating. In them, scientists appear to urge each other to present a "unified" view on the theory of man-made climate change while discussing the importance of the "common cause"; to advise each other on how to smooth over data so as not to compromise the favored hypothesis; to discuss ways to keep opposing views out of leading journals; and to give tips on how to "hide the decline" of temperature in certain inconvenient data.

A satellite image of Tropical Storm Ida. Some climate researchers claim that an increase in tropical storms is proof of anthropogenic climate change. Associated Press
Some of those mentioned in the emails have responded to our requests for comment by saying they must first chat with their lawyers. Others have offered legal threats and personal invective. Still others have said nothing at all. Those who have responded have insisted that the emails reveal nothing more than trivial data discrepancies and procedural debates.
Yet all of these nonresponses manage to underscore what may be the most revealing truth: That these scientists feel the public doesn't have a right to know the basis for their climate-change predictions, even as their governments prepare staggeringly expensive legislation in response to them.
Consider the following note that appears to have been sent by Mr. Jones to Mr. Mann in May 2008: "Mike, Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise. . . . Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same?" AR4 is shorthand for the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change's (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, presented in 2007 as the consensus view on how bad man-made climate change has supposedly become.
Read a Selection of the Emails
Climate Science and Candor
In another email that seems to have been sent in September 2007 to Eugene Wahl of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Paleoclimatology Program and to Caspar Ammann of the National Center for Atmospheric Research's Climate and Global Dynamics Division, Mr. Jones writes: "[T]ry and change the Received date! Don't give those skeptics something to amuse themselves with."
When deleting, doctoring or withholding information didn't work, Mr. Jones suggested an alternative in an August 2008 email to Gavin Schmidt of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, copied to Mr. Mann. "The FOI [Freedom of Information] line we're all using is this," he wrote. "IPCC is exempt from any countries FOI—the skeptics have been told this. Even though we . . . possibly hold relevant info the IPCC is not part of our remit (mission statement, aims etc) therefore we don't have an obligation to pass it on."
It also seems Mr. Mann and his friends weren't averse to blacklisting scientists who disputed some of their contentions, or journals that published their work. "I think we have to stop considering 'Climate Research' as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal," goes one email, apparently written by Mr. Mann to several recipients in March 2003. "Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal."
Mr. Mann's main beef was that the journal had published several articles challenging aspects of the anthropogenic theory of global warming.
For the record, when we've asked Mr. Mann in the past about the charge that he and his colleagues suppress opposing views, he has said he "won't dignify that question with a response." Regarding our most recent queries about the hacked emails, he says he "did not manipulate any data in any conceivable way," but he otherwise refuses to answer specific questions. For the record, too, our purpose isn't to gainsay the probity of Mr. Mann's work, much less his right to remain silent.
However, we do now have hundreds of emails that give every appearance of testifying to concerted and coordinated efforts by leading climatologists to fit the data to their conclusions while attempting to silence and discredit their critics. In the department of inconvenient truths, this one surely deserves a closer look by the media, the U.S. Congress and other investigative bodies.
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Last edited:
Hey dip shit..

The climate has been changing on

our planet since it was a rock...

Bite on this...

Global Warming is defined as "human caused". So who is the dip shit?

Global Warming is defined as "human caused

Lmfao what a moron ..




Damn you stupid..

View attachment 169672

The IPCC quite plainly uses "Climate Change" to refer to natural changes in Climate and Global Warming as referred to anthropogenic changes.


And fuck the IPCC

United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:

"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.

It's an obvious hostage situation.

To achieve western level prosperity, the 3rd world threatens to use mature technology such as Coal fired power plants. But that holds a gun to the world's head.

Hence this whole redistribution trap. Pay them to skip the cheap mature technology and move to the more expensive newer technology.

That may be solved by the fact Solar/Wind is becoming so inexpensive now anyway.

Inexpensive what kind of propaganda is this are you talking about? it's subsidized in the United States

Germany electrical rates are two times to there times higher then the USA ..

German household power prices at record high -Verivox

The run-away expansion of wind turbines and solar panels has made German prices the highest in Europe since 2013, not just because of surcharges but because more volatile green power capacity also necessitates new transmission grids and higher costs to manage them.
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