Occupy Wall Street Portland Sings F**K the USA

Hi Trav. The Mrs. getting a little haggard for your taste these day? Black roots, chicklet teeth, and dark circles under the eyes not so attractive now?
Alcohol ages and I bet she looks 80 by now, if her liver holds out, that is. Or she doesn't catch some nasty STD.

I think she is close to 80...

I think she is like 65-70.

Well WE all knew that! It is YOU who has always been after her like a bitch in heat!
5 more posts and you can add color to your mean pic, you can do it.

I bet you own a lot of Kintucky wildcat gear.

so says the KINtucky hick with 21K posts.

I understand these are your internet girlfriends and you need to look tough to them for some cybersex later tonight around 3am.

I didn't realize people in KINtucky could spell douchebag, you must be French or something....probably New Orleans migrant family roots.
Who are you trying to impress, tough guy? Because, you know, it's just not working.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to laugh in your face again, and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about it.

Hi Trav. The Mrs. getting a little haggard for your taste these day? Black roots, chicklet teeth, and dark circles under the eyes not so attractive now?
Alcohol ages and I bet she looks 80 by now, if her liver holds out, that is. Or she doesn't catch some nasty STD.

I think she is close to 80...

I think she is like 65-70.
Based on what she has said to me and others, she is in her early 50s.

But, she drinks like a fish.
My brother dives a fire bird with T tops....

I had one back in the day...

Nice car but he smashes it with every chance....
Ohhhh, he pulls out his internet badge. :eusa_liar:

Sorry that only comes with 25K posts.

Keep it going, hick.

I wasn't talking to you bartman.:cuckoo:

You did get to add 1 post to your total.
Y'know, I've been called many things online, but "bartman" has to be the most astoundingly lame variation of my username. EVER.

Face it, kid...you suck at the internet. :rofl:
From the sophisticated Camaro-drivng tough guy in Florida?

Yeah, it really sucks compared to your trailer park life.

So what are your college degrees?

Ohhhh, he pulls out his internet badge. :eusa_liar:

Sorry that only comes with 25K posts.

Keep it going, hick.

Y'know, I've been called many things online, but "bartman" has to be the most astoundingly lame variation of my username. EVER.

Face it, kid...you suck at the internet. :rofl:
From the sophisticated Camaro-drivng tough guy in Florida?


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