Oceans will be drastically different by 2100

Do I have to revive the old EVIL NOAA plan to kill baby oysters with 2000ppm of CO2? You know the one where they couldn't believe that the critters did better at lower AND MUCH HIGHER concentrations of CO2 than todays 400ppm levels?

THere are a lot of assumptions here. Some of which have already been corrected.. And the IMPACT on different biozones is JUST BEGINNING to be tested.. Meanwhile --- Please proceed to panic and enjoy the speculation...

So you haven't got squat. Got it.

Let's review.. What flacaltenn has told you....

1) DESPITE speculation to the contrary, you cannot harm baby oysters with EXTRAORDINATELY massive doses of CO2.. Why don't we test MORE species before we panic and start LISTING THE VICTIMS??

2) There are NATURAL VARIATIONS of PH in the MOST CRITICAL areas of ocean habitat (like estuaries and coral reefs) that EXCEED the 0.2 pH change that this and other studies have postulated. Don't you think before we SPECULATE on each sq meter of ocean in 2100 (like is shown in those charts you tossed up) -- that we ought to GO SURVEY a couple ocean biospheres and UNDERSTAND the daily, seasonal, annual variations that alread exist before WE PANIC??

3) The nominal pH of pure fresh glacial melt is 7.0.. Using the tortured mathematics of AGW hype ----- that is 7000% MORE ACIDIC then seawater !!!!!

We should IMMEDIATELY halt the rain, hurricanes and other polluting fresh water runoff before this terror accumulates !!! Dontcha think? ESPECIALLY if the oceans rise BY FEET of this acidic hell like you predict...

4) This is the 2nd attention grabbing hype piece to be launched from this podunk Geography dept at Univ of Hawaii in one WEEK.. They have WAAAAAAY too much govt funding and arrogance to be grabbing headlines for these rehashes of tales of global woe.

So no .. I got nothing... :bang3:
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So you haven't got squat. Got it.

Let's review.. What flacaltenn has told you....

If you insist

1) DESPITE speculation to the contrary, you cannot harm baby oysters with EXTRAORDINATELY massive doses of CO2.. Why don't we test MORE species before we panic and start LISTING THE VICTIMS??

Thousands of species have been tested (check the References) You are being foolish to even suggest such a thing. Or dishonest. As an overview:

Impacts on oceanic calcifying organisms
Although the natural absorption of CO2 by the world's oceans helps mitigate the climatic effects of anthropogenic emissions of CO2, it is believed that the resulting decrease in pH will have negative consequences, primarily for oceanic calcifying organisms. These span the food chain from autotrophs to heterotrophs and include organisms such as coccolithophores, corals, foraminifera, echinoderms, crustaceans and molluscs.[43] As described above, under normal conditions, calcite and aragonite are stable in surface waters since the carbonate ion is at supersaturating concentrations. However, as ocean pH falls, the concentration of carbonate ions required for saturation to occur increases, and when carbonate becomes undersaturated, structures made of calcium carbonate are vulnerable to dissolution. Therefore, even if there is no change in the rate of calcification, the rate of dissolution of calcareous material increases.[44]

Research has already found that corals,[45][46][47] coccolithophore algae,[48][49][50][51] coralline algae,[52] foraminifera,[53] shellfish[54] and pteropods[9][55] experience reduced calcification or enhanced dissolution when exposed to elevated CO2.

The Royal Society published a comprehensive overview of ocean acidification, and its potential consequences, in June 2005.[21] However, some studies have found different response to ocean acidification, with coccolithophore calcification and photosynthesis both increasing under elevated atmospheric pCO2,[56][57][58] an equal decline in primary production and calcification in response to elevated CO2[59] or the direction of the response varying between species.[60] A study in 2008 examining a sediment core from the North Atlantic found that while the species composition of coccolithophorids has remained unchanged for the industrial period 1780 to 2004, the calcification of coccoliths has increased by up to 40% during the same time.[58] And another study in 2010 from Stony Brook University drew a dismal conclusion that while some areas are overharvested and other fishing grounds are being restored, because of ocean acidification it may be impossible to bring back many previous shellfish populations.[61] While the full ecological consequences of these changes in calcification are still uncertain, it appears likely that many calcifying species will be adversely affected.

When exposed in experiments to pH reduced by 0.2 to 0.4, larvae of a temperate brittlestar, a relative of the common sea star, fewer than 0.1 percent survived more than eight days.[36] There is also a suggestion that a decline in the coccolithophores may have secondary effects on climate, contributing to global warming by decreasing the Earth's albedo via their effects on oceanic cloud cover.[62]

The fluid in the internal compartments where corals grow their exoskeleton is also extremely important for calcification growth. When the saturation rate of aragonite in the external seawater is at ambient levels, the corals will grow their aragonite crystals rapidly in their internal compartments, hence their exoskeleton grows rapidly. If the level of aragonite in the external seawater is lower than the ambient level, the corals have to work harder to maintain the right balance in the internal compartment. When that happens, the process of growing the crystals slows down, and this slows down the rate of how much their exoskeleton is growing. Depending on how much aragonite is in the surrounding water, the corals may even stop growing because the levels of aragonite are too low to pump in to the internal compartment. They could even dissolve faster than they can make the crystals to their skeleton, depending on the aragonite levels in the surrounding water.[63]
Ocean acidification may also force some organisms to reallocate resources away from productive endpoints such as growth in order to maintain calcification.[64]

Other biological impacts
Aside from the slowing and/or reversing of calcification, organisms may suffer other adverse effects, either indirectly through negative impacts on food resources,[21] or directly as reproductive or physiological effects. For example, the elevated oceanic levels of CO2 may produce CO2-induced acidification of body fluids, known as hypercapnia. Also, increasing ocean acidity is believed to have a range of direct consequences. For example, increasing acidity has been observed to: reduce metabolic rates in jumbo squid;[7] depress the immune responses of blue mussels;[8] and make it harder for juvenile clownfish to tell apart the smells of non-predators and predators,[65] or hear the sounds of their predators.[66] This is possibly because ocean acidification may alter the acoustic properties of seawater, allowing sound to propagate further, and increasing ocean noise. This impacts all animals that use sound for echolocation or communication.[67] A study performed by PLOS ONE concluded that Atlantic longfin squid eggs took longer to hatch in acidified water. Additionally, the squid statolith, an internal structure that helps them sense movement, was smaller and malformed in the squid placed in sea water with a lower pH.[68]

However, as with calcification, as yet there is not a full understanding of these processes in marine organisms or ecosystems.[69]
Shelled plankton species may flourish in altered oceans.[70]

Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should all read this article. There are several more issues to ocean acidification than the few discussed here.

2) There are NATURAL VARIATIONS of PH in the MOST CRITICAL areas of ocean habitat (like estuaries and coral reefs) that EXCEED the 0.2 pH change that this and other studies have postulated. Don't you think before we SPECULATE on each sq meter of ocean in 2100 (like is shown in those charts you tossed up) -- that we ought to GO SURVEY a couple ocean biospheres and UNDERSTAND the daily, seasonal, annual variations that alread exist before WE PANIC??

You really need to get a grip on your ego. With almost every post you publish here we get the included message that FlaCalTenn knows better. Do you actually think that the world's marine scientists have never considered studying the regional, latitudinal, depth and "daily, seasonal and annual variations" in pH? And what happens to those variation if you shift the average global value down by some amount? They all shift. I hope you see the parallels with global temperature and global sea levels. All have localized variations. That doesn't make the global change acceptable. It makes it locally worse.

3) The nominal pH of pure fresh glacial melt is 7.0.. Using the tortured mathematics of AGW hype ----- that is 7000% MORE ACIDIC then seawater !!!!!
In terms of hydrogen ion concentration it would have 10 ^(8.179-7) or 10^1.179 or ~15 times the level. You might call that 1500% if you felt like it, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. But just as a by the way, what happens to virtually every single marine species, of any family, if you drop them into a tank of pure water?

They die.

We should IMMEDIATELY halt the rain, hurricanes and other polluting fresh water runoff before this terror accumulates !!! Dontcha think? ESPECIALLY if the oceans rise BY FEET of this acidic hell like you predict...

Is this supposed to make us all feel better?

4) This is the 2nd attention grabbing hype piece to be launched from this podunk Geography dept at Univ of Hawaii in one WEEK.. They have WAAAAAAY too much govt funding and arrogance to be grabbing headlines for these rehashes of tales of global woe.

You're one to be talking about arrogance. The authors of that study hailed from many of the world's premiere institutions for marine studies.

So no .. I got nothing.

We already knew that.


01) Caldeira, K.; Wickett, M. E. (2003). "Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH". Nature 425 (6956): 365–365. Bibcode:2001AGUFMOS11C0385C. doi:10.1038/425365a. PMID 14508477.
02) Millero, Frank J. (1995). "Thermodynamics of the carbon dioxide system in the oceans". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59 (4): 661–677. Bibcode:1995GeCoA..59..661M. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(94)00354-O.
03) Feely, R. A.; et al. (July 2004). "Impact of Anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3 System in the Oceans". Science. 305(5682): 362–366. Bibcode:2004Sci...305..362F. doi:10.1126/science.1097329. PMID 15256664.
04) Jacobson, M. Z. (2005). "Studying ocean acidification with conservative, stable numerical schemes for nonequilibrium air-ocean exchange and ocean equilibrium chemistry". Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 110: D07302. Bibcode:2005JGRD..11007302J. doi:10.1029/2004JD005220.
05) Hall-Spencer, J. M.; Rodolfo-Metalpa, R.; Martin, S.; et al. (July 2008). "Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification". Nature 454 (7200): 96–9. Bibcode:2008Natur.454...96H. doi:10.1038/nature07051. PMID 18536730.
06) Report of the Ocean Acidification and Oxygen Working Group, International Council for Science's Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR) Biological Observatories Workshop
07) Rosa, R.; Seibel, B. (2008). "Synergistic effects of climate-related variables suggest future physiological impairment in a top oceanic predator". P.N.A.S. 105(52): 20776–20780. Bibcode:2008PNAS..10520776R. doi:10.1073/pnas.0806886105.
08) Bibby, R.; et al. (2008). "Effects of ocean acidification on the immune response of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis". Aquatic Biology 2: 67–74.
09) Orr, James C.; et al. (2005). "Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms.". Nature 437 (7059): 681–686. Bibcode:2005Natur.437..681O. doi:10.1038/nature04095. PMID 16193043. Archived from the original on 2008-06-25.
10) Cornelia Dean (January 30, 2009). "Rising Acidity Is Threatening Food Web of Oceans, Science Panel Says". New York Times.
11) Robert E. Service (13 July 2012). "Rising Acidity Brings and Ocean Of Trouble". Science 337: 146–148. Bibcode:2012Sci...337..146S.
12) IAP (June 2009), Interacademy Panel (IAP) Member Academies Statement on Ocean Acidification, Secretariat: TWAS (the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World), Trieste, Italy.
13) "carbon cycle". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 11 Feb 2010.
14) Raven, J. A.; Falkowski, P. G. (1999). "Oceanic sinks for atmospheric CO2". Plant, Cell & Environment 22 (6): 741–755. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3040.1999.00419.x.
15) Cramer, W.; et al. (2001). "Global response of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function to CO2 and climate change: results from six dynamic global vegetation models". Global Change Biology 7 (4): 357–373. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2486.2001.00383.x.
16) Kump, Lee R.; Kasting, James F.; Crane, Robert G. (2003). The Earth System (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. pp. 162–164. ISBN 0-613-91814-2.
17) Key, R. M.; Kozyr, A.; Sabine, C. L.; Lee, K.; Wanninkhof, R.; Bullister, J.; Feely, R. A.; Millero, F.; Mordy, C. and Peng, T.-H. (2004). "A global ocean carbon climatology: Results from GLODAP". Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (4): GB4031. Bibcode:2004GBioC..18.4031K. doi:10.1029/2004GB002247.
18) "Ocean acidification and the Southern Ocean" by the Australian Antarctic Division of the Australian Government
19) EPA weighs action on ocean acidification post at official blog of EPOCA, the European Project on Ocean Acidification
20) Review of Past IPCC Emissions Scenarios, IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (ISBN 0521804930).
21) Raven, J. A. et al. (2005). Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Royal Society, London, UK.
22) Anderson, Kevin; Bows, Alice (2011). "Beyond 'dangerous' climate change: emission scenarios for a new world". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Retrieved 2011-05-22.
23) Turley, C. (2008). "Impacts of changing ocean chemistry in a high-CO2 world". Mineralogical Magazine 72 (1): 359–362. doi:10.1180/minmag.2008.072.1.359.
24) Feely, R. A.; Sabine, C. L.; Hernandez-Ayon, J. M.; Ianson, D.; Hales B. (June 2008). "Evidence for upwelling of corrosive "acidified" water onto the continental shelf". Science 320 (5882): 1490–2. Bibcode:2008Sci...320.1490F. doi:10.1126/science.1155676. PMID 18497259.
25) Wootton, J. T.; Pfister, C. A. and Forester, J. D. (2008). "Dynamic patterns and ecological impacts of declining ocean pH in a high-resolution multi-year dataset". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (48): 18848–18853. Bibcode:2008PNAS..10518848W. doi:10.1073/pnas.0810079105. PMC 2596240. PMID 19033205.
26) "Ocean Growing More Acidic Faster Than Once Thought; Increasing Acidity Threatens Sea Life". Science Daily. 2008-11-26. Retrieved 26 November 2008.
27) UN: Oceans are 30 percent more acidic than before fossil fuels
28) "What is Ocean Acidification". NOAA. Retrieved 24 August 2013.
29) "Rate of ocean acidification the fastest in 65 million years". Physorg.com. 2010-02-14. Retrieved 2013-08-29.
30) [1]
31) Report: Ocean acidification rising at unprecedented rate
32) United States National Research Council, 2010. Ocean Acidification: A National Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Ocean
33) "The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification". JournalistsResource.org, retrieved 14 March 2012
34) Hönisch, Bärbel; Ridgwell, Andy; Schmidt, Daniela N. (2012). "The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification". Science 335 (6072): 1058–1063. Bibcode:2012Sci...335.1058H. doi:10.1126/science.1208277.
35) The Acid Ocean – the Other Problem with CO2 Emission
36) How Acidification Threatens Oceans from the Inside Out
37) Huffington Post, 9 July 2012, "Ocean Acidification Is Climate Change's 'Equally Evil Twin,' NOAA Chief Says," http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/...limate-change_n_1658081.html?utm_hp_ref=green
38) Fiona Harvey, environment correspondent (2013-08-25). "Rising levels of acids in seas may endanger marine life, says study | Environment". The Guardian. Retrieved 2013-08-29.
39) Atkinson, M.J.; Cuet, P. (2008). "Possible effects of ocean acidification on coral reef biogeochemistry: topics for research". Marine Ecology Progress Series 373: 249–256. doi:10.3354/meps07867.
40) Thurman, H.V.; Trujillo, A.P. (2004). Introductory Oceanography. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-143888-0.
41) The Royal Society. Ocean Acidification Due To Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, The Clyvedon Press Ltd. (2005): 11.
42) Marubini, F.; Ferrier-Pagès, C.; Furla, P.; Allemand, D. (2008). "Coral calcification responds to seawater acidification: a working hypothesis towards a physiological mechanism". Coral Reefs 27 (3): 491–499. Bibcode:2008CorRe..27..491M. doi:10.1007/s00338-008-0375-6.
43) National Research Council. "Overview of Climate Changes and Illustrative Impacts." Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to Millennia. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2011. 1. Print.
44) Nienhuis, S.; Palmer, A.; Harley, C. (2010). "Elevated CO2 affects shell dissolution rate but not calcification rate in a marine snail". Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277 (1693): 2553–2558. doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.0206. PMC 2894921. PMID 20392726.
45) Gattuso, J.-P.; Frankignoulle, M.; Bourge, I.; Romaine, S. and Buddemeier, R. W. (1998). "Effect of calcium carbonate saturation of seawater on coral calcification". Global and Planetary Change 18 (1–2): 37–46. Bibcode:1998GPC....18...37G. doi:10.1016/S0921-8181(98)00035-6.
46) Gattuso, J.-P.; Allemand, D.; Frankignoulle, M. (1999). "Photosynthesis and calcification at cellular, organismal and community levels in coral reefs: a review on interactions and control by carbonate chemistry". American Zoologist 39: 160–183.
47) Langdon, C.; Atkinson, M. J. (2005). "Effect of elevated pCO2 on photosynthesis and calcification of corals and interactions with seasonal change in temperature/irradiance and nutrient enrichment". Journal of Geophysical Research 110 (C09S07): C09S07. Bibcode:2005JGRC..11009S07L. doi:10.1029/2004JC002576.
48) Riebesell, Ulf; Zondervan, Ingrid; Rost, Björn; Tortell, Philippe D.; Zeebe, Richard E. and François M. M. Morel (2000). "Reduced calcification of marine plankton in response to increased atmospheric CO2". Nature 407 (6802): 364–367. doi:10.1038/35030078. PMID 11014189.
49) Zondervan, I.; Zeebe, R. E., Rost, B. and Rieblesell, U. (2001). "Decreasing marine biogenic calcification: a negative feedback on rising atmospheric CO2". Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15 (2): 507–516. Bibcode:2001GBioC..15..507Z. doi:10.1029/2000GB001321.
50) Zondervan, I.; Rost, B. and Rieblesell, U. (2002). "Effect of CO2 concentration on the PIC/POC ratio in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi grown under light limiting conditions and different day lengths". Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 272 (1): 55–70. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(02)00037-0.
51) Delille, B.; Harlay, J., Zondervan, I., Jacquet, S., Chou, L., Wollast, R., Bellerby, R.G.J., Frankignoulle, M., Borges, A.V., Riebesell, U. and Gattuso, J.-P. (2005). "Response of primary production and calcification to changes of pCO2 during experimental blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi". Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (2): GB2023. Bibcode:2005GBioC..19.2023D. doi:10.1029/2004GB002318.
52) Kuffner, I. B.; Andersson, A. J., Jokiel, P. L., Rodgers, K. S. and Mackenzie, F. T. (2007). "Decreased abundance of crustose coralline algae due to ocean acidification". Nature Geoscience 1 (2): 114–117. Bibcode:2008NatGe...1..114K. doi:10.1038/ngeo100.
53) Phillips, Graham; Chris Branagan (2007-09-13). "Ocean Acidification – The BIG global warming story". ABC TV Science: Catalyst (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Retrieved 2007-09-18.
54) Gazeau, F.; Quiblier, C.; Jansen, J. M.; Gattuso, J.-P.; Middelburg, J. J. and Heip, C. H. R. (2007). "Impact of elevated CO2 on shellfish calcification". Geophysical Research Letters 34 (7): L07603. Bibcode:2007GeoRL..3407603G. doi:10.1029/2006GL028554.
55) Comeau, C.; Gorsky, G., Jeffree, R., Teyssié, J.-L. and Gattuso, J.-P. (2009). "Impact of ocean acidification on a key Arctic pelagic mollusc ("Limacina helicina")". Biogeosciences 6 (9): 1877–1882. doi:10.5194/bg-6-1877-2009.
56) Buitenhuis, E. T.; de Baar, H. J. W. and Veldhuis, M. J. W. (1999). "Photosynthesis and calcification by Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) as a function of inorganic carbon species". Journal of Phycology 35 (5): 949–959. doi:10.1046/j.1529-8817.1999.3550949.x.
57) Nimer, N. A.; Merrett, M. J. (1993). "Calcification rate in Emiliania huxleyi Lohmann in response to light, nitrate and availability of inorganic carbon". New Phytologist 123 (4): 673–677. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1993.tb03776.x.
58) Iglesias-Rodriguez, M. D.; Halloran, P. R., Rickaby, R. E. M., Hall, I. R., Colmenero-Hidalgo, E., Gittins, J.R., Green, D.R.H., Tyrrell, T., Gibbs, S.J., von Dassow, P., Rehm, E., Armbrust, E.V. and Boessenkool, K.P. (2008). "Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World". Science 320 (5874): 336–340. Bibcode:2008Sci...320..336I. doi:10.1126/science.1154122. PMID 18420926.
59) Sciandra, A.; Harlay, J., Lefevre, D. et al. (2003). "Response of coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi to elevated partial pressure of CO2 under nitrogen limitation". Marine Ecology Progress Series 261: 111–112. doi:10.3354/meps261111.
60) Langer, G.; Geisen, M., Baumann, K. H. et al. (2006). "Species-specific responses of calcifying algae to changing seawater carbonate chemistry". Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (9): Q09006. Bibcode:2006GGG.....709006L. doi:10.1029/2005GC001227.
61) "Acidification Of Oceans May Contribute To Global Declines Of Shellfish, Study By Stony Brook Scientists Concludes" (Press release). School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University. 27 September 2010. Retrieved 4 June 2012.
62) Ruttiman, J. (2006). "Sick Seas". Nature 442 (7106): 978–980. Bibcode:2006Natur.442..978R. doi:10.1038/442978a. PMID 16943816.
63) Cohen, A.; Holcomb, M. (2009). "Why Corals Care About Ocean Acidification: Uncovering the Mechanism". Oceanography 24: 118–127.
64) Hannah L. Wood, John I. Spicer and Stephen Widdicombe (2008). "Ocean acidification may increase calcification rates, but at a cost". Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275 (1644): 1767–1773. doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0343. PMC 2587798. PMID 18460426.
65) Dixson, D. L.; et al. (2010). "Ocean acidification disrupts the innate ability of fish to detect predator olfactory cues". Ecology Letters 13 (1): 68–75. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01400.x. PMID 19917053.
66) Simpson, S. D.; et al. (2011). "Ocean acidification erodes crucial auditory behaviour in a marine fish". Biology Letters.
67) Acid In The Oceans: A Growing Threat To Sea Life by Richard Harris. All Things Considered, 12 August 2009.
68) Kwok, Roberta. "Ocean acidification could make squid develop abnormally". University of Washington. Retrieved 8/24/2013.
69) "Swiss marine researcher moving in for the krill". The Australian. 2008.
70) Some like it acidic April 17, 2013 Science News

And this, of course, may be added to the considerable lists of research on this topic which poster Old Rocks has posted here before me.
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So you haven't got squat. Got it.

Let's review.. What flacaltenn has told you....

If you insist

Thousands of species have been tested (check the References) You are being foolish to even suggest such a thing. Or dishonest. As an overview:

Impacts on oceanic calcifying organisms
Although the natural absorption of CO2 by the world's oceans helps mitigate the climatic effects of anthropogenic emissions of CO2, it is believed that the resulting decrease in pH will have negative consequences, primarily for oceanic calcifying organisms. These span the food chain from autotrophs to heterotrophs and include organisms such as coccolithophores, corals, foraminifera, echinoderms, crustaceans and molluscs.[43] As described above, under normal conditions, calcite and aragonite are stable in surface waters since the carbonate ion is at supersaturating concentrations. However, as ocean pH falls, the concentration of carbonate ions required for saturation to occur increases, and when carbonate becomes undersaturated, structures made of calcium carbonate are vulnerable to dissolution. Therefore, even if there is no change in the rate of calcification, the rate of dissolution of calcareous material increases.[44]

Research has already found that corals,[45][46][47] coccolithophore algae,[48][49][50][51] coralline algae,[52] foraminifera,[53] shellfish[54] and pteropods[9][55] experience reduced calcification or enhanced dissolution when exposed to elevated CO2.

The Royal Society published a comprehensive overview of ocean acidification, and its potential consequences, in June 2005.[21] However, some studies have found different response to ocean acidification, with coccolithophore calcification and photosynthesis both increasing under elevated atmospheric pCO2,[56][57][58] an equal decline in primary production and calcification in response to elevated CO2[59] or the direction of the response varying between species.[60] A study in 2008 examining a sediment core from the North Atlantic found that while the species composition of coccolithophorids has remained unchanged for the industrial period 1780 to 2004, the calcification of coccoliths has increased by up to 40% during the same time.[58] And another study in 2010 from Stony Brook University drew a dismal conclusion that while some areas are overharvested and other fishing grounds are being restored, because of ocean acidification it may be impossible to bring back many previous shellfish populations.[61] While the full ecological consequences of these changes in calcification are still uncertain, it appears likely that many calcifying species will be adversely affected.

When exposed in experiments to pH reduced by 0.2 to 0.4, larvae of a temperate brittlestar, a relative of the common sea star, fewer than 0.1 percent survived more than eight days.[36] There is also a suggestion that a decline in the coccolithophores may have secondary effects on climate, contributing to global warming by decreasing the Earth's albedo via their effects on oceanic cloud cover.[62]

The fluid in the internal compartments where corals grow their exoskeleton is also extremely important for calcification growth. When the saturation rate of aragonite in the external seawater is at ambient levels, the corals will grow their aragonite crystals rapidly in their internal compartments, hence their exoskeleton grows rapidly. If the level of aragonite in the external seawater is lower than the ambient level, the corals have to work harder to maintain the right balance in the internal compartment. When that happens, the process of growing the crystals slows down, and this slows down the rate of how much their exoskeleton is growing. Depending on how much aragonite is in the surrounding water, the corals may even stop growing because the levels of aragonite are too low to pump in to the internal compartment. They could even dissolve faster than they can make the crystals to their skeleton, depending on the aragonite levels in the surrounding water.[63]
Ocean acidification may also force some organisms to reallocate resources away from productive endpoints such as growth in order to maintain calcification.[64]

Other biological impacts
Aside from the slowing and/or reversing of calcification, organisms may suffer other adverse effects, either indirectly through negative impacts on food resources,[21] or directly as reproductive or physiological effects. For example, the elevated oceanic levels of CO2 may produce CO2-induced acidification of body fluids, known as hypercapnia. Also, increasing ocean acidity is believed to have a range of direct consequences. For example, increasing acidity has been observed to: reduce metabolic rates in jumbo squid;[7] depress the immune responses of blue mussels;[8] and make it harder for juvenile clownfish to tell apart the smells of non-predators and predators,[65] or hear the sounds of their predators.[66] This is possibly because ocean acidification may alter the acoustic properties of seawater, allowing sound to propagate further, and increasing ocean noise. This impacts all animals that use sound for echolocation or communication.[67] A study performed by PLOS ONE concluded that Atlantic longfin squid eggs took longer to hatch in acidified water. Additionally, the squid statolith, an internal structure that helps them sense movement, was smaller and malformed in the squid placed in sea water with a lower pH.[68]

However, as with calcification, as yet there is not a full understanding of these processes in marine organisms or ecosystems.[69]
Shelled plankton species may flourish in altered oceans.[70]

Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should all read this article. There are several more issues to ocean acidification than the few discussed here.

You really need to get a grip on your ego. With almost every post you publish here we get the included message that FlaCalTenn knows better. Do you actually think that the world's marine scientists have never considered studying the regional, latitudinal, depth and "daily, seasonal and annual variations" in pH? And what happens to those variation if you shift the average global value down by some amount? They all shift. I hope you see the parallels with global temperature and global sea levels. All have localized variations. That doesn't make the global change acceptable. It makes it locally worse.

In terms of hydrogen ion concentration it would have 10 ^(8.179-7) or 10^1.179 or ~15 times the level. You might call that 1500% if you felt like it, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. But just as a by the way, what happens to virtually every single marine species, of any family, if you drop them into a tank of pure water?

They die.

Is this supposed to make us all feel better?

4) This is the 2nd attention grabbing hype piece to be launched from this podunk Geography dept at Univ of Hawaii in one WEEK.. They have WAAAAAAY too much govt funding and arrogance to be grabbing headlines for these rehashes of tales of global woe.

You're one to be talking about arrogance. The authors of that study hailed from many of the world's premiere institutions for marine studies.

So no .. I got nothing.

We already knew that.


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03) Feely, R. A.; et al. (July 2004). "Impact of Anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3 System in the Oceans". Science. 305(5682): 362–366. Bibcode:2004Sci...305..362F. doi:10.1126/science.1097329. PMID 15256664.
04) Jacobson, M. Z. (2005). "Studying ocean acidification with conservative, stable numerical schemes for nonequilibrium air-ocean exchange and ocean equilibrium chemistry". Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 110: D07302. Bibcode:2005JGRD..11007302J. doi:10.1029/2004JD005220.
05) Hall-Spencer, J. M.; Rodolfo-Metalpa, R.; Martin, S.; et al. (July 2008). "Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification". Nature 454 (7200): 96–9. Bibcode:2008Natur.454...96H. doi:10.1038/nature07051. PMID 18536730.
06) Report of the Ocean Acidification and Oxygen Working Group, International Council for Science's Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR) Biological Observatories Workshop
07) Rosa, R.; Seibel, B. (2008). "Synergistic effects of climate-related variables suggest future physiological impairment in a top oceanic predator". P.N.A.S. 105(52): 20776–20780. Bibcode:2008PNAS..10520776R. doi:10.1073/pnas.0806886105.
08) Bibby, R.; et al. (2008). "Effects of ocean acidification on the immune response of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis". Aquatic Biology 2: 67–74.
09) Orr, James C.; et al. (2005). "Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms.". Nature 437 (7059): 681–686. Bibcode:2005Natur.437..681O. doi:10.1038/nature04095. PMID 16193043. Archived from the original on 2008-06-25.
10) Cornelia Dean (January 30, 2009). "Rising Acidity Is Threatening Food Web of Oceans, Science Panel Says". New York Times.
11) Robert E. Service (13 July 2012). "Rising Acidity Brings and Ocean Of Trouble". Science 337: 146–148. Bibcode:2012Sci...337..146S.
12) IAP (June 2009), Interacademy Panel (IAP) Member Academies Statement on Ocean Acidification, Secretariat: TWAS (the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World), Trieste, Italy.
13) "carbon cycle". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 11 Feb 2010.
14) Raven, J. A.; Falkowski, P. G. (1999). "Oceanic sinks for atmospheric CO2". Plant, Cell & Environment 22 (6): 741–755. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3040.1999.00419.x.
15) Cramer, W.; et al. (2001). "Global response of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function to CO2 and climate change: results from six dynamic global vegetation models". Global Change Biology 7 (4): 357–373. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2486.2001.00383.x.
16) Kump, Lee R.; Kasting, James F.; Crane, Robert G. (2003). The Earth System (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. pp. 162–164. ISBN 0-613-91814-2.
17) Key, R. M.; Kozyr, A.; Sabine, C. L.; Lee, K.; Wanninkhof, R.; Bullister, J.; Feely, R. A.; Millero, F.; Mordy, C. and Peng, T.-H. (2004). "A global ocean carbon climatology: Results from GLODAP". Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (4): GB4031. Bibcode:2004GBioC..18.4031K. doi:10.1029/2004GB002247.
18) "Ocean acidification and the Southern Ocean" by the Australian Antarctic Division of the Australian Government
19) EPA weighs action on ocean acidification post at official blog of EPOCA, the European Project on Ocean Acidification
20) Review of Past IPCC Emissions Scenarios, IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (ISBN 0521804930).
21) Raven, J. A. et al. (2005). Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Royal Society, London, UK.
22) Anderson, Kevin; Bows, Alice (2011). "Beyond 'dangerous' climate change: emission scenarios for a new world". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Retrieved 2011-05-22.
23) Turley, C. (2008). "Impacts of changing ocean chemistry in a high-CO2 world". Mineralogical Magazine 72 (1): 359–362. doi:10.1180/minmag.2008.072.1.359.
24) Feely, R. A.; Sabine, C. L.; Hernandez-Ayon, J. M.; Ianson, D.; Hales B. (June 2008). "Evidence for upwelling of corrosive "acidified" water onto the continental shelf". Science 320 (5882): 1490–2. Bibcode:2008Sci...320.1490F. doi:10.1126/science.1155676. PMID 18497259.
25) Wootton, J. T.; Pfister, C. A. and Forester, J. D. (2008). "Dynamic patterns and ecological impacts of declining ocean pH in a high-resolution multi-year dataset". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (48): 18848–18853. Bibcode:2008PNAS..10518848W. doi:10.1073/pnas.0810079105. PMC 2596240. PMID 19033205.
26) "Ocean Growing More Acidic Faster Than Once Thought; Increasing Acidity Threatens Sea Life". Science Daily. 2008-11-26. Retrieved 26 November 2008.
27) UN: Oceans are 30 percent more acidic than before fossil fuels
28) "What is Ocean Acidification". NOAA. Retrieved 24 August 2013.
29) "Rate of ocean acidification the fastest in 65 million years". Physorg.com. 2010-02-14. Retrieved 2013-08-29.
30) [1]
31) Report: Ocean acidification rising at unprecedented rate
32) United States National Research Council, 2010. Ocean Acidification: A National Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Ocean
33) "The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification". JournalistsResource.org, retrieved 14 March 2012
34) Hönisch, Bärbel; Ridgwell, Andy; Schmidt, Daniela N. (2012). "The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification". Science 335 (6072): 1058–1063. Bibcode:2012Sci...335.1058H. doi:10.1126/science.1208277.
35) The Acid Ocean – the Other Problem with CO2 Emission
36) How Acidification Threatens Oceans from the Inside Out
37) Huffington Post, 9 July 2012, "Ocean Acidification Is Climate Change's 'Equally Evil Twin,' NOAA Chief Says," Ocean Acidification Is Climate Change's 'Equally Evil Twin,' NOAA Chief Says
38) Fiona Harvey, environment correspondent (2013-08-25). "Rising levels of acids in seas may endanger marine life, says study | Environment". The Guardian. Retrieved 2013-08-29.
39) Atkinson, M.J.; Cuet, P. (2008). "Possible effects of ocean acidification on coral reef biogeochemistry: topics for research". Marine Ecology Progress Series 373: 249–256. doi:10.3354/meps07867.
40) Thurman, H.V.; Trujillo, A.P. (2004). Introductory Oceanography. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-143888-0.
41) The Royal Society. Ocean Acidification Due To Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, The Clyvedon Press Ltd. (2005): 11.
42) Marubini, F.; Ferrier-Pagès, C.; Furla, P.; Allemand, D. (2008). "Coral calcification responds to seawater acidification: a working hypothesis towards a physiological mechanism". Coral Reefs 27 (3): 491–499. Bibcode:2008CorRe..27..491M. doi:10.1007/s00338-008-0375-6.
43) National Research Council. "Overview of Climate Changes and Illustrative Impacts." Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to Millennia. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2011. 1. Print.
44) Nienhuis, S.; Palmer, A.; Harley, C. (2010). "Elevated CO2 affects shell dissolution rate but not calcification rate in a marine snail". Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277 (1693): 2553–2558. doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.0206. PMC 2894921. PMID 20392726.
45) Gattuso, J.-P.; Frankignoulle, M.; Bourge, I.; Romaine, S. and Buddemeier, R. W. (1998). "Effect of calcium carbonate saturation of seawater on coral calcification". Global and Planetary Change 18 (1–2): 37–46. Bibcode:1998GPC....18...37G. doi:10.1016/S0921-8181(98)00035-6.
46) Gattuso, J.-P.; Allemand, D.; Frankignoulle, M. (1999). "Photosynthesis and calcification at cellular, organismal and community levels in coral reefs: a review on interactions and control by carbonate chemistry". American Zoologist 39: 160–183.
47) Langdon, C.; Atkinson, M. J. (2005). "Effect of elevated pCO2 on photosynthesis and calcification of corals and interactions with seasonal change in temperature/irradiance and nutrient enrichment". Journal of Geophysical Research 110 (C09S07): C09S07. Bibcode:2005JGRC..11009S07L. doi:10.1029/2004JC002576.
48) Riebesell, Ulf; Zondervan, Ingrid; Rost, Björn; Tortell, Philippe D.; Zeebe, Richard E. and François M. M. Morel (2000). "Reduced calcification of marine plankton in response to increased atmospheric CO2". Nature 407 (6802): 364–367. doi:10.1038/35030078. PMID 11014189.
49) Zondervan, I.; Zeebe, R. E., Rost, B. and Rieblesell, U. (2001). "Decreasing marine biogenic calcification: a negative feedback on rising atmospheric CO2". Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15 (2): 507–516. Bibcode:2001GBioC..15..507Z. doi:10.1029/2000GB001321.
50) Zondervan, I.; Rost, B. and Rieblesell, U. (2002). "Effect of CO2 concentration on the PIC/POC ratio in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi grown under light limiting conditions and different day lengths". Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 272 (1): 55–70. doi:10.1016/S0022-0981(02)00037-0.
51) Delille, B.; Harlay, J., Zondervan, I., Jacquet, S., Chou, L., Wollast, R., Bellerby, R.G.J., Frankignoulle, M., Borges, A.V., Riebesell, U. and Gattuso, J.-P. (2005). "Response of primary production and calcification to changes of pCO2 during experimental blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi". Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (2): GB2023. Bibcode:2005GBioC..19.2023D. doi:10.1029/2004GB002318.
52) Kuffner, I. B.; Andersson, A. J., Jokiel, P. L., Rodgers, K. S. and Mackenzie, F. T. (2007). "Decreased abundance of crustose coralline algae due to ocean acidification". Nature Geoscience 1 (2): 114–117. Bibcode:2008NatGe...1..114K. doi:10.1038/ngeo100.
53) Phillips, Graham; Chris Branagan (2007-09-13). "Ocean Acidification – The BIG global warming story". ABC TV Science: Catalyst (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Retrieved 2007-09-18.
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57) Nimer, N. A.; Merrett, M. J. (1993). "Calcification rate in Emiliania huxleyi Lohmann in response to light, nitrate and availability of inorganic carbon". New Phytologist 123 (4): 673–677. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1993.tb03776.x.
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64) Hannah L. Wood, John I. Spicer and Stephen Widdicombe (2008). "Ocean acidification may increase calcification rates, but at a cost". Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275 (1644): 1767–1773. doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0343. PMC 2587798. PMID 18460426.
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66) Simpson, S. D.; et al. (2011). "Ocean acidification erodes crucial auditory behaviour in a marine fish". Biology Letters.
67) Acid In The Oceans: A Growing Threat To Sea Life by Richard Harris. All Things Considered, 12 August 2009.
68) Kwok, Roberta. "Ocean acidification could make squid develop abnormally". University of Washington. Retrieved 8/24/2013.
69) "Swiss marine researcher moving in for the krill". The Australian. 2008.
70) Some like it acidic April 17, 2013 Science News

And this, of course, may be added to the considerable lists of research on this topic which poster Old Rocks has posted here before me.

Experimental observations conflict with your precious models yet again....
Taken from wiki so you can understand...

"However, the strong acids used to simulate the natural increase in acidity which would result from elevated CO2 concentrations may have given misleading results, and the most recent evidence is that coccolithophores (E. huxleyi at least) become more, not less, calcified and abundant in acidic waters.[21] Interestingly, no change in the distribution of calcareous nanoplankton such as the coccolithophores can be attributed to acidification during the PETM.[21] Acidification did lead to an abundance of heavily calcified algae[22] and weakly calcified forams."

Paleocene?Eocene Thermal Maximum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But of course you will not read the study. 'Conservatives' never read articles that might disturb their little alternative reality.

Yeah, it's funny. You claim we don't read your studies but we do and invariably they are derived from yet more useless computer models. Then when we present papers with ACTUAL experimental DATA that show your acidification fears to be ridiculous, you ignore those.

olfraud, you're just simply a propaganda machine. You don't think because you don't want to.
1) DESPITE speculation to the contrary, you cannot harm baby oysters with EXTRAORDINATELY massive doses of CO2

The oyster industry says you're full of shit.

Acidic oceans killing Pacific oyster industry - Times Colonist
The oyster industry pleaded with Congress, which supplied money for new equipment. Over several years, the hatcheries tested their water using high-tech pH sensors. When the pH was low, baby oysters died within two days. By drawing water only when the pH was normal, shellfish production got back on track.

“They told us it was like turning on headlights on a car — it was so clear what was going on,” Feely said

Hmm, who do believe. The boots on the ground, or a tiny clique of babbling ivory tower political cultists? Gee, that's a tough one.

(It's good to be an independent. Since we don't have any cult leaders demanding that we fabricate a new reality, we can simply point at the real world and "win" every time.)

4) This is the 2nd attention grabbing hype piece to be launched from this podunk Geography dept at Univ of Hawaii in one WEEK.. They have WAAAAAAY too much govt funding and arrogance to be grabbing headlines for these rehashes of tales of global woe.

If the science contradicts your political cult, just invoke the great global socialist conspiracy. But it is useful, that conspiracy. Once you see someone invoke it, you know not to take them seriously.
The acidic oceans melted the oysters!! Eeeek!!

How many times will you AGWCulters post the same debunked story
Wait a second, the agw was absorbed by the oceans so maybe the oysters were both cooked in their shells AND acidified
"Contradicting my cult's politics" only equates to "debunked" in the mind of a cultist.

The real scientists are slogging away down in the mud of the real world. Denialists, OTOH, are up in their ivory towers, sniffing about how they're too good to get their hands dirty, and making excuses as to why the real world refuses to agree with their politics.
"Contradicting my cult's politics" only equates to "debunked" in the mind of a cultist.

The real scientists are slogging away down in the mud of the real world. Denialists, OTOH, are up in their ivory towers, sniffing about how they're too good to get their hands dirty, and making excuses as to why the real world refuses to agree with their politics.

All that slogging and still not one single lab experiment
1) DESPITE speculation to the contrary, you cannot harm baby oysters with EXTRAORDINATELY massive doses of CO2

The oyster industry says you're full of shit.

Acidic oceans killing Pacific oyster industry - Times Colonist
The oyster industry pleaded with Congress, which supplied money for new equipment. Over several years, the hatcheries tested their water using high-tech pH sensors. When the pH was low, baby oysters died within two days. By drawing water only when the pH was normal, shellfish production got back on track.

“They told us it was like turning on headlights on a car — it was so clear what was going on,” Feely said

Hmm, who do believe. The boots on the ground, or a tiny clique of babbling ivory tower political cultists? Gee, that's a tough one.

(It's good to be an independent. Since we don't have any cult leaders demanding that we fabricate a new reality, we can simply point at the real world and "win" every time.)

4) This is the 2nd attention grabbing hype piece to be launched from this podunk Geography dept at Univ of Hawaii in one WEEK.. They have WAAAAAAY too much govt funding and arrogance to be grabbing headlines for these rehashes of tales of global woe.

If the science contradicts your political cult, just invoke the great global socialist conspiracy. But it is useful, that conspiracy. Once you see someone invoke it, you know not to take them seriously.

Those oyster farmers have been whining for a decade now.. But their problems are their own.. They have been allowed to import and raise non-native species on the conditions that the waters they are in are SOOOOO COLD --- they can't even pro-create.. That's why they must RAISE THEM from sputum.. They are BY DEFINITION, out of their natural enviroment and on the edge of existence.

The idiot farmers with your TAX DOLLARS measured HIGH CO2 when the water was COLDER. Because COLD water retains more CO2. Their problem is they are raising the wrong species because the Marine Fisheries INSISTS --- they cannot use a species that will THRIVE in native waters..

And when NOAA TESTED these species --- they found NO IMPACT from MASSIVE doses of CO2 on the youngins (controlled for temp).. Whine away....

You need to see the actual EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE?? It's in a thread on this forum..
Funny how actual EXPERIMENTS cut thru the BullShit isn't it?

You got nothing here on oysters... Except maybe some lemon juice..
Last edited:
Lab study? Not a problem.

A developmental and energetic basis linking larval oyster shell formation to acidification sensitivity - Waldbusser - 2013 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

In contrast, you don't seem to have any study at all. You just have flac mangling a limited and inconclusive study, and then making up a great conspiracy so he has an excuse to ignore the real world.

Good luck with that, and with the your whole "THE REAL WORLD IS A SOCIALIST CONSPIRACY!" thing. Now we see how the oyster farmers are also a bunch of socialists. Just who on this planet is not part of the great global socialist conspiracy? To denialists, that list of non-socialists is getting ever smaller.
STFU... From my 2012 thread at http://www.usmessageboard.com/5592008-post1.html

All that press about oysters not surviving a 0.04 change in PH on the West Coast due to SUVs and CO2? Put it on hold. The science is just now being done.

What we really have here is not EVIDENCE, but suspicion. And as usual in AGW science a bias towards leaping to conclusions. Couple of facts,

1) THis entire oyster dust-up is NOT about native marine life -- it's about farming. A bunch of bubbahs with a lot invested in oyster farming who can't seem to make a NON-NATIVE species grow fast enough to make a profit..

2) Tons of money available for research into OA so these farmers lock into a theory about CO2 causing their problems, alert the press, recruit the useful idiots.. GET THE F'ing MONEY! Have free diagnosis of your business problem..

3) Encourage researcher to include RIDICULOUS levels of pCO2 tolerances in their studies to guarantee the proper outcome. Sit back and wait for the magic to happen.

WHOOPS -- the plan doesn't work..


Ocean acidification and emerging diseases in the Pacific Northwest | Roberts Lab

In the Pacific Northwest the environment has changed in a manner
that has contributed to increase mortality of bivalve larvae in
hatcheries and also appears to have decreased natural
recruitment. Several factors have been attributed to this
problem including temperature, ocean acidification, and
re-emerging pathogens. We are testing the impact of single and
multiple biotic and abiotic stressors (i.e. decreased pH) on
larval bivalves with a focus the Pacific oyster. In addition,
population level effects of ocean acidification will be
determined using select SNP markers.

Several local shellfish hatcheries, upon which nearly the entire
bivalve culture industry relies, have experienced severe losses
(e.g. up to 59%) over the past two years. Several factors have
been attributed to this problem including temperature, ocean
acidification, and re-emerging pathogens. Given the large-scale
environmental change observed in our marine ecosystems and the
relationship of host stress response and pathogen virulence with
environmental conditions, it is critical to examine the problems
facing bivalve larvae from a regional perspective by
systematically assessing how the environment influences the
spread of disease and the ability of oysters to effectively
respond to stress.

More specifically we will test the impact of single and multiple
biotic and abiotic stressors on larval bivalves with a focus on
the most economically important regional species, the Pacific
oyster (Crassostrea gigas). In order to assess the impact of
biotic and abiotic environmental factors on bivalve health, we
will also assess the abundance of oysters and other larvae in
Willapa, Dabob, and Netarts Bays in relation to water quality
parameters (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity,
alkalinity, chlorophyll A, and pathogen load). The specific
rsearch objectives are to: 1) Characterize the interrelationship
of altered environmental conditions, pathogen, and oyster
response under controlled conditions and 2) Identify factors in
Pacific Northwest hatcheries and in the wild that are associated
with poor oyster larvae survival.

Progress Reports: Ocean acidification and emerging diseases in the Pacific Northwest | Roberts Lab

Wild-collected adult C. gigas were strip spawned and gametes
(separate eggs and sperm) were pooled. Fertilizations occurred
in water equilibrated to two different pCO2: 380 ppm (current
levels) and 840 ppm (near end-of-century estimation). <<WOW!!!>>
Fertilization times were staggered and there were 3 fertilization
times per treatment with 3 replicates per time (9 replicates per
treatment). Developing embryos were sampled at times
post-fertilization that correspond to important stages in
development: 1 h, 2h, 5h, 17h, and 24h. We collected data on the
proportion of larvae that had reached cleavage, hatching, etc.
for the different time points. We found that the larvae
developing in the 840 ppm treatment were slower to develop than
larvae at 380 ppm.

In collaboration with the Northwest Fisheries Science Center
(NOAA, NWFSC) we reared larvae until 48 hours post-fertilization
at 4 different pCO2 treatments: 280 ppm (pre-industrial levels),
380 ppm (current day), 750 ppm (projected mid-century), 2000 ppm
(pessimistic end-of-century). <<MORE POISON Dr. Frankenstein>>
There were 6 replicates per treatment.
As described above, adult wild-collected oysters were strip spawned and larvae were monitored in the different
treatments for the ability to reach developmental milestones,
percent fertilization, morphological abnormalities, and swimming
activity. At 24 hours post-fertilization larvae were also
assessed for percent calcification using polarized light. Also
at 24 hours post-fertilization we took samples of larvae from 3
larval chambers per treatment to store for gene expression

We found that C. gigas larvae in this experiment had
the greatest success of calcification at 380 ppm and the poorest
at 2000 ppm. Calcification at 280 and 750 ppm decreased when
compared to 380 ppm, but the majority of the larvae were fully

<<Lemme repeat a part of that>>
Calcification at 280 and 750 ppm decreased when
compared to 380 ppm, but the majority of the larvae were fully
<<They couldn't hack the pre-industrial level of CO2>>

The greatest proportion of larvae with normal
morphology was observed at 380 ppm and the greatest incidence of
abnormal morphology was observed at 2000 ppm. Gene expression
analysis of hsp70 revealed elevated expression at 750 ppm when
compared with 380 ppm, but decreased expression at 2000 ppm
compared to 750 ppm. One intepretation of this is that the
larval stress response reaches a threshold in its ability to
respond to this stressor in water that in greater that 750 ppm

Disease susceptibility of Pacific oyster larvae at elevated &#55349;&#57095;atm
CO2 levels- Disease challenges were performed exposing C. gigas
larvae to a combination of elevated &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2 and Vt. These
experiments examined C. gigas larval susceptibility to vibriosis
caused by Vt at three &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2 levels (ambient (~380), 750 and
2000 ppm &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2). Specialty gas mixtures of air and CO2 (2000
and 750 ppm &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2) (Praxair, Inc.) were used to produce
elevated &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2 conditions.

No significant differences in larval susceptibility was detected
at elevated either elevated &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2 when compared to ambient

Although LD50 values are lower for prodissoconch I larvae
at 2000 &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2, no significant differences were detected when
compared to ambient or 750 &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2 (Table 5). Figures 3a and 3b
illustrate proportions of larval survival at both larval stages
over 72 hours of exposure. Again, no significant differences in
larval survival was seen at elevated &#55349;&#57095;atm CO2.
Further statistical analyses are still underway to further validate these
findings. <<I BET -- NOAA must be fuming>>

Oyster Larvae Growth and Calcification at Three Different pCO2-
Experimental conditions were maintained using a flow-through
seawater system in Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. Three
experimental treatments were chosen to correspond with dissolved
CO2 levels of 400, 700 or 1000 ppm in the atmosphere. These
levels correspond to near current ambient oceanic conditions,
projections for mid-century pCO2, and end-of-century,
respectively (IPCC 2007).

Larval size (shell height and hinge length) was similar across
experimental treatments after 24 hours, however by day 3 larvae
grew significantly larger (height and length) in the Ambient and
MidCO2 compared to the HighCO2 treatment. Between days 1 and 3
larvae increased in size under Ambient conditions (shell height,
P < 1e-7) and MidCO2 conditions (shell height, P < 1e-7; Figure
4). Developmental rate did not vary across treatments.

As part of second experiment, C. gigas juveniles were exposed to
6 different levels of pCO2 (the same as above) for 1 month. At
the end of the month, oysters were sampled for transcriptomics,
proteomics, and histology. A subset of the oysters were subjected
to mechanical stress and similarly sampled. The goal of the
mechanical stress was to simulate a general secondary stressor to
see if OA affects response to other stress. Another group of
oysters from each treatment was subjected to one of three
temperatures representing thermal stress: 44°C (lethal
temperature, or LT), 43°C (LT-1°C), or 42°C (LT-2°C). Mortality
was monitored over a week and any surviving oysters were sampled
at the end of the week.

There was slightly more shell growth at ambient conditions
compared to all elevated pCO2 conditions, although there was no
overall consistent trend in the effect of pCO2 on shell growth.

We also accomplished preliminary proteomics on one sample to
ensure that we will be able to sequence and identify proteins.
The sequencing was successful and we were able to annotate almost
300 peptides.
Round an round we go, yet again. Now it`s back to the old "ocean acidification".
1.) a pH of 8.14 is a long way from "acidic".
2.) that pH 8.25 "base line" is based on an estimate
3.) Ocean pH varies by as much as 0.3 pH units due to natural sources which have nothing to do with CO2 but are due to Sulfur and volcanic activity.
4.) pH is the negative decade log of the Hydrogen Ion concentration expressed in grams per liter.
Which is for pH 8.25 a H+ concentration of 0000000056234 grams per liter
and for 8.14 a [H+] of 000000007244 grams per liter.
The other 9999.99999993 grams in ocean water are just that...water and minerals.
The IPCC is trying amongst other excuses to "explain" the 15 year temperature stall on the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption + reflective airborne particulate from coal burning...both contribute a huge amount of sulfuric acid precipitation. Yet there is no mention of sulfuric acid when it comes to "ocean acidification".
No matter what the doomsday scenario these freak-outs blame them all on mankind and CO2.
Typical again is how a "change" nine places behind the decimal point is blown up and expressed as a 30% change.
Just like all of their other graphs...where a fractional increment on the Y axis is blown up more than 10, or even 100 times, when they want to show an "increase". With the pH it`s a Y-axis magnification factor of no less than 1 billion times... but all the other data is washed and "averaged" until the shot-gun scatter variation fits the curve that can "correlate" just about anything under the sun with ppm CO2.
Just and plot any of their graphs using their raw data spread with the same Y- axis magnification... You would need a sheet of graph paper the size of Australia.
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In terms of hydrogen ion concentration it would have 10 ^(8.179-7) or 10^1.179 or ~15 times the level. You might call that 1500% if you felt like it, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. But just as a by the way, what happens to virtually every single marine species, of any family, if you drop them into a tank of pure water?

They die.

They don't die primarily because of pH.. Do they? There's this stuff called salt that comes into play..

Anyway.. OF COURSE it has something to do with the topic.. If the oceans are gonna be FEET HIGHER in 2100 -- that all came from a RELATIVELY extremely ACID source.. And probably swamps the contribution from anthro CO2.

((That's butchers science since fresh water is pH neutral.. But to a warmer, 8.1 is ocean "acidification" --- so be it. Communicate on THEIR terms. Even if it hurts.))

Thanks for the correction.. The 7000% was the comparision to a guess for grapefruit juice that I made in the past.

And to rebutt your assertion that ocean acidification just "raises the mean of NATURAL fluctuations".. That would hardly matter if the VARIANCE is considerably larger than the mean increase..
Wouldn't it? We should actually SURVEY some marine zones MORE THAN WE HAVE -- before we launch off into speculative changes for every sq Kmeter of the ocean -- like they did in this report.

I love the way "climate science" has seen and surveyed every Cubic KMeter of the oceans.. And pretend to have those numbers for the past hundred years as well.
1) DESPITE speculation to the contrary, you cannot harm baby oysters with EXTRAORDINATELY massive doses of CO2

The oyster industry says you're full of shit.

Acidic oceans killing Pacific oyster industry - Times Colonist
The oyster industry pleaded with Congress, which supplied money for new equipment. Over several years, the hatcheries tested their water using high-tech pH sensors. When the pH was low, baby oysters died within two days. By drawing water only when the pH was normal, shellfish production got back on track.

“They told us it was like turning on headlights on a car — it was so clear what was going on,” Feely said

Hmm, who do believe. The boots on the ground, or a tiny clique of babbling ivory tower political cultists? Gee, that's a tough one.

(It's good to be an independent. Since we don't have any cult leaders demanding that we fabricate a new reality, we can simply point at the real world and "win" every time.)

4) This is the 2nd attention grabbing hype piece to be launched from this podunk Geography dept at Univ of Hawaii in one WEEK.. They have WAAAAAAY too much govt funding and arrogance to be grabbing headlines for these rehashes of tales of global woe.

If the science contradicts your political cult, just invoke the great global socialist conspiracy. But it is useful, that conspiracy. Once you see someone invoke it, you know not to take them seriously.

Yeah, this bullshit has already been debunked. Below are just a very few of the stories that deal with the fact that bacterial and viral infections are the underlying cause of the issues...and have been since the 1980's.

Katama Bay oyster farms in Edgartown have been closed due to an outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp), the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Department of Fish and Game, Division of Marine Fisheries announced Monday. - See more at: Katama Bay Oyster Farms Closed Due to Bacterial Outbreak | The Vineyard Gazette - Martha's Vineyard News

The Norwalk virus(NV) is widely known as a cause of nonbacterial food poisoning, infant diarrhea, and acute gastroenteritis in the winter months between November and March. While it is strongly suspected that NV that is excreted by humans flows into coastal seawaters via rivers and wastewater treatment facilities to contaminate oysters that are grown in farms in the area, light has yet to be shed on the behavior of this virus in the natural environment. We therefore conducted a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) survey of NV levels in the aquatic environment of the oyster bed area of the Shima region in Mie Prefecture, whereupon the NV was detected in marine sediment, oysters, and mule clams even during the summer months, when food poisoning is infrequent. In order to assess their similarity to human-derived strains, the detected viruses and their human-derived counterparts were subjected to genetic analysis, whereupon some of the detected viruses were found to be remarkably similar to those that were previously detected in humans infected with NV.

Oyster beds in Plymouth, Kingston, Duxbury, and Marshfield are closed until further notice because a pathogen that can cause nausea, fever, and other ailments has been linked to those areas, state officials said Friday.

Oyster beds closed in Plymouth, Kingston, Duxbury, Marshfield - Metro - The Boston Globe

[Contamination of oyster sea farm with the Norw... [Nihon Rinsho. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI

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