O'Donnell questions separation of church, state

Constantly editing others' posts proves you are so fucking insecure you can only post by debating against yourself. No wonder you think you can debate.
was there actually anything in that post TO debate?

You missed the point of two different posts made by two different posters in one shot. Look on the bright sight. Your stoopidity is getting more efficient.
wrong again, benttight
shaman has never made a post with anything to debate
you have, at times, but him, never
No idiot I served time once for assault w/intent. Afterwards I worked for Red Adair in the well control business then later for Boots Hansen at Boots n Coots. Now I work for an engineering/construction firm and as I stated I also have investments in two businesses.

As for as shoveling horseshit? I've done that and still do on occasion but that's the price you pay for owning horses. Unless you're the type that would let your horses stand in fecal matter while stalled up, you've shovel horseshit too. Sad thing is I've never got paid for the shoveling I've done.

I haven't seen you offer up verification of your income or place of employment, so why should I?

You volunteered your bio so you should be prepared to back it up. Like I said, you're full of shit.

I'll back it up. Come down to Bonney, Texas any given weekend and I'll give you the grand tour of my businesses, my employment and my homestead. You can stay the weekend in the guest cottage and have free reign over all the facilites. pool, hot tub, tennis court etc...if you're a hunter then you should come down and hunt wild boar, dove, or you could wait a few weeks until deer season and/or duck season opens. If you like to fish I have three lakes stocked with crappie and Florida bass, just watch out for gators, or if you prefer you could fish for catfish in the Brazos river which borders my land on the west. I'm not into catfish so I don't know well how fishing for them would actually be.

And while your here I'll introduce you to the best Texas BBQ in the state and I'll even reimburse you your traveling expenses. Oh and you're welcome to bring a friend along.

Reimburse? No. Let me know when there are two paid round trip tix out of Logan.
You volunteered your bio so you should be prepared to back it up. Like I said, you're full of shit.

I'll back it up. Come down to Bonney, Texas any given weekend and I'll give you the grand tour of my businesses, my employment and my homestead. You can stay the weekend in the guest cottage and have free reign over all the facilites. pool, hot tub, tennis court etc...if you're a hunter then you should come down and hunt wild boar, dove, or you could wait a few weeks until deer season and/or duck season opens. If you like to fish I have three lakes stocked with crappie and Florida bass, just watch out for gators, or if you prefer you could fish for catfish in the Brazos river which borders my land on the west. I'm not into catfish so I don't know well how fishing for them would actually be.

And while your here I'll introduce you to the best Texas BBQ in the state and I'll even reimburse you your traveling expenses. Oh and you're welcome to bring a friend along.

Hey........myself and my roommate could use a vacation (she's a Texan).

Wanna extend the invite over to here? I'm in Amarillo and could make the drive in a day.

Full run of the facilities? Get to see what you actually do?

Hmm.......might be enough to change my opinion of you. Wanna put up a veteran for the weekend? Veteran's Day is coming.........

You know I'm tempted to invite you, but the thing is I already know that I don't like you. So I'm afraid I wouldn't be a gracious host. But your free to look me up, just ask anyone in Bonney where to find "Country" and they'll point you in the right direction. There's only about 350 residents here in Bonney so everybody pretty much knows everybody, I'd be easy enough to find.
Just out of curiosity Lonestar No Logic, what was your major at Sam Houston Institute of Technology?

Dingleberry picking?

For real.......got a link to the college so we can see what it's all about? All Google has is jokes about the place (at least for the first 3 pages).

I was prepared to give you an sincere answer, but then I read the second line. It's Sam Houston University not Sam Houston Institute of Technology as dickweed stated.

Damn is google too hard for you?

Here let me help you.

Sam Houston University is a college for teachers, yet you stated you'd worked for Red Adair (a personal hero of mine) who put out oil well fires.

Just out of curiosity, why did an oil well firefighter need a graduate from a teaching university?

And.........like I said.......Veterans Day is coming up. I'm originally from Montana so yeah, I like hunting and fishing, and Texas barbecue beats the hell out of Southern barbecue because Texas (like Montana) barbecues BEEF. Is the invite open for a poor 20 year veteran and their Texan room mate?
You volunteered your bio so you should be prepared to back it up. Like I said, you're full of shit.

I'll back it up. Come down to Bonney, Texas any given weekend and I'll give you the grand tour of my businesses, my employment and my homestead. You can stay the weekend in the guest cottage and have free reign over all the facilites. pool, hot tub, tennis court etc...if you're a hunter then you should come down and hunt wild boar, dove, or you could wait a few weeks until deer season and/or duck season opens. If you like to fish I have three lakes stocked with crappie and Florida bass, just watch out for gators, or if you prefer you could fish for catfish in the Brazos river which borders my land on the west. I'm not into catfish so I don't know well how fishing for them would actually be.

And while your here I'll introduce you to the best Texas BBQ in the state and I'll even reimburse you your traveling expenses. Oh and you're welcome to bring a friend along.

Reimburse? No. Let me know when there are two paid round trip tix out of Logan.

That's not how it's gonna work. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that, I don't trust you. I'll reimburse you for your tickets just bring the receipt.
At the debate O'Donnell started off with this Lonestar in her opening comments:
"I am the candidate that opposes recent Supreme Court decisions from radical judges as I am the family values candidate".
And guess what Lonestar? In the question segment this was the first question to her:
"Please name which recent Supreme Court case you oppose, on what grounds and what was the ruling of the court that you oppose?".
And guess what Lonestar? Her answer was "Well, I can not come up with any specific ones. Can you help me with that and give me one and I will give my opinion".
And you support this fraud? You,a military man should know better.
It gets better. She then went to speak at a law school and they asked her if she knew what was in the 6th, 8th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution.
And she had NO answer to it. She turned red and was understandably shaken and upset.
Only a fool would vote for her.
Most Ameiricans pick and choose very carefully before they vote. You act like a classic liberal Lonestar. You have no clue as to what these politicians KNOW. You base your entire opinion on IDEOLOGY only.
hey texas but hole surfer
I knew you had a GED
your as classy as a cowchip
Kudo's on getting your life straight after you were a jailbird.
I was raising two kids in private school while you were robbing people.
I for one am not shocked, a lot of successful conservatards are as cold hearted as you. though most of them didn't get the hardening in prison.

you'd need remedial education to make a serviceable idiot.
hey texas but hole surfer
I knew you had a GED
your as classy as a cowchip
Kudo's on getting your life straight after you were a jailbird.
I was raising two kids in private school while you were robbing people.
I for one am not shocked, a lot of successful conservatards are as cold hearted as you. though most of them didn't get the hardening in prison.

you'd need remedial education to make a serviceable idiot.

you on the other hand are a fully function idiot:lol:
Just out of curiosity Lonestar No Logic, what was your major at Sam Houston Institute of Technology?

Dingleberry picking?

For real.......got a link to the college so we can see what it's all about? All Google has is jokes about the place (at least for the first 3 pages).

I was prepared to give you an sincere answer, but then I read the second line. It's Sam Houston University not Sam Houston Institute of Technology as dickweed stated.

Damn is google too hard for you?

Here let me help you.

Sam Houston University is a college for teachers, yet you stated you'd worked for Red Adair (a personal hero of mine) who put out oil well fires.

Just out of curiosity, why did an oil well firefighter need a graduate from a teaching university?

And.........like I said.......Veterans Day is coming up. I'm originally from Montana so yeah, I like hunting and fishing, and Texas barbecue beats the hell out of Southern barbecue because Texas (like Montana) barbecues BEEF. Is the invite open for a poor 20 year veteran and their Texan room mate?

Educating you idiots is almost a full time job.

SHSU is a selective institution that offers 79 bachelor's degree programs, 54 master’s programs and five doctoral programs, including nationally recognized programs in Business, Fine Arts, Education, Mathematics and Criminal Justice. SHSU is classified as a “Doctoral Research University” by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.

Sam Houston University
both of you fuckwads can suck it.
that fucking GED as I correctly tagged him has had a running beaf with me and a bunch of liberals.
I'll admit right now I'd prob flunk freshman grammar if I had to take it over. Not many of you can manage an investment portfolio like this 50 yr old can. That too I'd bet on.


there's probably farm animals that could give you a good run for your money.

both of you fuckwads can suck it.
that fucking GED as I correctly tagged him has had a running beaf with me and a bunch of liberals.
I'll admit right now I'd prob flunk freshman grammar if I had to take it over. Not many of you can manage an investment portfolio like this 50 yr old can. That too I'd bet on.


there's probably farm animals that could give you a good run for your money.


fuck you del
At the debate O'Donnell started off with this Lonestar in her opening comments:
"I am the candidate that opposes recent Supreme Court decisions from radical judges as I am the family values candidate".
And guess what Lonestar? In the question segment this was the first question to her:
"Please name which recent Supreme Court case you oppose, on what grounds and what was the ruling of the court that you oppose?".
And guess what Lonestar? Her answer was "Well, I can not come up with any specific ones. Can you help me with that and give me one and I will give my opinion".
And you support this fraud? You,a military man should know better.
It gets better. She then went to speak at a law school and they asked her if she knew what was in the 6th, 8th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution.
And she had NO answer to it. She turned red and was understandably shaken and upset.
Only a fool would vote for her.
Most Ameiricans pick and choose very carefully before they vote. You act like a classic liberal Lonestar. You have no clue as to what these politicians KNOW. You base your entire opinion on IDEOLOGY only.

If you can find anywhere in this thread where I at anytime said I supported O'Donnell, then you may have a point.
I'll back it up. Come down to Bonney, Texas any given weekend and I'll give you the grand tour of my businesses, my employment and my homestead. You can stay the weekend in the guest cottage and have free reign over all the facilites. pool, hot tub, tennis court etc...if you're a hunter then you should come down and hunt wild boar, dove, or you could wait a few weeks until deer season and/or duck season opens. If you like to fish I have three lakes stocked with crappie and Florida bass, just watch out for gators, or if you prefer you could fish for catfish in the Brazos river which borders my land on the west. I'm not into catfish so I don't know well how fishing for them would actually be.

And while your here I'll introduce you to the best Texas BBQ in the state and I'll even reimburse you your traveling expenses. Oh and you're welcome to bring a friend along.

Hey........myself and my roommate could use a vacation (she's a Texan).

Wanna extend the invite over to here? I'm in Amarillo and could make the drive in a day.

Full run of the facilities? Get to see what you actually do?

Hmm.......might be enough to change my opinion of you. Wanna put up a veteran for the weekend? Veteran's Day is coming.........

You know I'm tempted to invite you, but the thing is I already know that I don't like you. So I'm afraid I wouldn't be a gracious host. But your free to look me up, just ask anyone in Bonney where to find "Country" and they'll point you in the right direction. There's only about 350 residents here in Bonney so everybody pretty much knows everybody, I'd be easy enough to find.

You know.....I've determined that there is a lot of stuff that you've posted on here that I don't agree with or like, and have stated so rather firmly.

However.........I'm always willing to meet someone face to face to discuss things, because knowing what someone is thinking over a messageboard is much different than meeting them face to face.

My Grandfather once told me that if I truly wanted to get to know someone the quickest way to do that was to go camping with them for a couple days. By the way, that is one of the truest things I'd heard.

Now, if you're rich and offering someone who obviously disagrees with you, and you'd extended an invite (as well as offered to pay transportation costs), well......since I've been sparring with you a lot longer than they have, I thought maybe I could be included.

But........if your bias is so much that you are unwilling to possibly open your mind a bit and listen to someone who has a similar but different view of the world than you, it's your stuff.

But, thought all you rich people supported the troops. I guess not, because you can't extend an invite to a 20 year vet (and yeah.....you'd be able to verify that I really DID retire), then okay.

Have a happy Veteran's Day anyway.
O'Donnell questions separation of church, state - Politics - Decision 2010 - msnbc.com

"Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?" O'Donnell asked him.

When Coons responded that the First Amendment bars Congress from making laws respecting the establishment of religion, O'Donnell asked: "You're telling me that's in the First Amendment?"

Her comments, in a debate aired on radio station WDEL, generated a buzz in the audience.

I thought these Tea Party candidates were all about Constitutionalism? WTF???:eek:

Do you have a link to the transcript or a video of that? I need to see it in its full context.

That being said in this current incomplete context O'donnel is a bonehead.

Hello?!?!?!?! Its the constitution "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

If she doesn't know that then she looks like she is just jumping on the tea party bandwagon and not partaking in any tea party principles.
Hey........myself and my roommate could use a vacation (she's a Texan).

Wanna extend the invite over to here? I'm in Amarillo and could make the drive in a day.

Full run of the facilities? Get to see what you actually do?

Hmm.......might be enough to change my opinion of you. Wanna put up a veteran for the weekend? Veteran's Day is coming.........

You know I'm tempted to invite you, but the thing is I already know that I don't like you. So I'm afraid I wouldn't be a gracious host. But your free to look me up, just ask anyone in Bonney where to find "Country" and they'll point you in the right direction. There's only about 350 residents here in Bonney so everybody pretty much knows everybody, I'd be easy enough to find.

You know.....I've determined that there is a lot of stuff that you've posted on here that I don't agree with or like, and have stated so rather firmly.

However.........I'm always willing to meet someone face to face to discuss things, because knowing what someone is thinking over a messageboard is much different than meeting them face to face.

My Grandfather once told me that if I truly wanted to get to know someone the quickest way to do that was to go camping with them for a couple days. By the way, that is one of the truest things I'd heard.

Now, if you're rich and offering someone who obviously disagrees with you, and you'd extended an invite (as well as offered to pay transportation costs), well......since I've been sparring with you a lot longer than they have, I thought maybe I could be included.

But........if your bias is so much that you are unwilling to possibly open your mind a bit and listen to someone who has a similar but different view of the world than you, it's your stuff.

But, thought all you rich people supported the troops. I guess not, because you can't extend an invite to a 20 year vet (and yeah.....you'd be able to verify that I really DID retire), then okay.

Have a happy Veteran's Day anyway.

You're right I extended an invitation to curvelight of whom I have a disagreement with.

I find it rude and uncouth to have been ask for an invite, If I had wanted to invite just anyone and everyone I would have stated it that way.

And I find it appalling that you would use your alleged service as a means of guilting a person into doing something. I don't give a rat's ass if you served or not, there are lot of veterans in this country that I do not like and would never give them the honor of inviting them into my home.

You're really a disgrace to all veterans.

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