O'Donnell questions separation of church, state

I'm not ashamed of anything. Fact is, I'm rather proud of my educational background.

then state up podunk boy

Here's my bio. and more fodder for you to hurl lame ass insults with.

I quit school at 15 never attended high school, I was incarerated in the Texas Dept. of Corrections at 18 for assault w/intent it's also where I aquired a GED, upon my release at the age of 20 after having served three of a five year sentence I attended Sam Houston University courtesy of Red Adair. I worked for Red until he retired and sold out to Boots n Coots. I stayed with them until I retired after twenty years of faithful employment. I'm now employed at an engineering firm of which I am paid extremely well. I co-own two businesses and I have amassed several thousand acres of land, some of which I raise cattle on and some I sold five years ago for 1.7 mil. to a housing developer. And on my worst day I could outsmart the likes of you.

Rough start. NICE follow-through. Guys like flopspin might see fit to mock you, now. But I am impressed with the fact that you turned a tough beginning into such a solid life.
then state up podunk boy

Here's my bio. and more fodder for you to hurl lame ass insults with.

I quit school at 15 never attended high school, I was incarerated in the Texas Dept. of Corrections at 18 for assault w/intent it's also where I aquired a GED, upon my release at the age of 20 after having served three of a five year sentence I attended Sam Houston University courtesy of Red Adair. I worked for Red until he retired and sold out to Boots n Coots. I stayed with them until I retired after twenty years of faithful employment. I'm now employed at an engineering firm of which I am paid extremely well. I co-own two businesses and I have amassed several thousand acres of land, some of which I raise cattle on and some I sold five years ago for 1.7 mil. to a housing developer. And on my worst day I could outsmart the likes of you.

Rough start. NICE follow-through. Guys like flopspin might see fit to mock you, now. But I am impressed with the fact that you turned a tough beginning into such a solid life.

Well you know life is full of choices and some choices we make are good and some are bad and I honestly don't have any regrets about the choices I've made, for the simple fact that they made me into the person I am today. I've raised five children to the age of majority as a single parent after my wife died giving birth to my youngest and only son 20 years ago come December. I'm thankful I had friends like Red who not only helped me with a college education and a job, but also was instrumental in getting me pardoned by Gov. Mark White. As for flopspin? Let him mock away. That's the only thing liberals do well.
hey texas but hole surfer
I knew you had a GED
your as classy as a cowchip
Kudo's on getting your life straight after you were a jailbird.
I was raising two kids in private school while you were robbing people.
I for one am not shocked, a lot of successful conservatards are as cold hearted as you. though most of them didn't get the hardening in prison.
hey texas but hole surfer
I knew you had a GED
your as classy as a cowchip
Kudo's on getting your life straight after you were a jailbird.
I was raising two kids in private school while you were robbing people.
I for one am not shocked, a lot of successful conservatards are as cold hearted as you. though most of them didn't get the hardening in prison.

Please learn the difference between *your* and *you're*. Especially when you're saying your intelligence is superior to someone else's.
hey texas but hole surfer
I knew you had a GED
your as classy as a cowchip
Kudo's on getting your life straight after you were a jailbird.
I was raising two kids in private school while you were robbing people.
I for one am not shocked, a lot of successful conservatards are as cold hearted as you. though most of them didn't get the hardening in prison.

Seems to me that a person who is constantly putting other posters' education down has some self esteem issues.

Kind of an educational closet case.

But I bet that kind of "put down the educated cause they're really stupid" schtick goes down well in most of Texas.
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both of you fuckwads can suck it.
that fucking GED as I correctly tagged him has had a running beaf with me and a bunch of liberals.
I'll admit right now I'd prob flunk freshman grammar if I had to take it over. Not many of you can manage an investment portfolio like this 50 yr old can. That too I'd bet on.
hey texas but hole surfer
I knew you had a GED
your as classy as a cowchip
Kudo's on getting your life straight after you were a jailbird.
I was raising two kids in private school while you were robbing people.
I for one am not shocked, a lot of successful conservatards are as cold hearted as you. though most of them didn't get the hardening in prison.

I've never robbed anyone in my life you dimwitted fuck. As far as your ad hom attacks? Like water off a ducks back! But hey, at least try to be original with your attacks.
I lived in Houston I'm familiar with Sam Houston institute of technology
SHIT!! What did you study, cow chip tossing
I'm not ashamed of anything. Fact is, I'm rather proud of my educational background.

then state up podunk boy

Here's my bio. and more fodder for you to hurl lame ass insults with.

I quit school at 15 never attended high school, I was incarerated in the Texas Dept. of Corrections at 18 for assault w/intent it's also where I aquired a GED, upon my release at the age of 20 after having served three of a five year sentence I attended Sam Houston University courtesy of Red Adair. I worked for Red until he retired and sold out to Boots n Coots. I stayed with them until I retired after twenty years of faithful employment. I'm now employed at an engineering firm of which I am paid extremely well. I co-own two businesses and I have amassed several thousand acres of land, some of which I raise cattle on and some I sold five years ago for 1.7 mil. to a housing developer. And on my worst day I could outsmart the likes of you.

You're full of shit. You did time off and on and now you probably shovel horseshit to pay for the electric bill in the trailer given to you for shelter. The proof you are lying is you wont let anyone verify your place of employment and income.

Im self employed with my own biz in residential construction and im constantly weeding out fuckwads like you.
yeah he lost me with several thousand acres, that's usually what jailbirds do. LOFL
then state up podunk boy

Here's my bio. and more fodder for you to hurl lame ass insults with.

I quit school at 15 never attended high school, I was incarerated in the Texas Dept. of Corrections at 18 for assault w/intent it's also where I aquired a GED, upon my release at the age of 20 after having served three of a five year sentence I attended Sam Houston University courtesy of Red Adair. I worked for Red until he retired and sold out to Boots n Coots. I stayed with them until I retired after twenty years of faithful employment. I'm now employed at an engineering firm of which I am paid extremely well. I co-own two businesses and I have amassed several thousand acres of land, some of which I raise cattle on and some I sold five years ago for 1.7 mil. to a housing developer. And on my worst day I could outsmart the likes of you.

You're full of shit. You did time off and on and now you probably shovel horseshit to pay for the electric bill in the trailer given to you for shelter. The proof you are lying is you wont let anyone verify your place of employment and income.

Im self employed with my own biz in residential construction and im constantly weeding out fuckwads like you.

Why the fuck would ANYONE let anybody else "verify" private information off of some internet message board conversation?

In any event, logically (and curvelight is unfamiliar with actual logic), it is invalid to claim that proof is somehow derived by the unwillingness to provide private information.
who would have pegged you for a violent mutha fucker. LOFL

Lucky you don't live close, hell another stint in prison would be worth meeting you on a dark street.

you come without a weapon and you'll go home crying like you did in jail. I'll show your cow chip tossing jailbird ass what a martial artist does with unskilled loudmouths.:lol:

I've never used a weapon against another human being in my life.

You wouldn't know a martial artist if Jet Li kicked you in your ass.
Lucky you don't live close, hell another stint in prison would be worth meeting you on a dark street.

you come without a weapon and you'll go home crying like you did in jail. I'll show your cow chip tossing jailbird ass what a martial artist does with unskilled loudmouths.:lol:

I've never used a weapon against another human being in my life.

You wouldn't know a martial artist if Jet Li kicked you in your ass.

bring it Texasfudgepacker I'm right next door in Louisiana. I'm on record officiall telling you as I'm required by law to do that I have a black belt. I boxed in hs and wrestled in college if you meat head enough to come there are plenty gym's nearby that love comedy tough guy.

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