OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns

Other Allowances
Senate Interns Senators may employ interns during the academic year and during the summer. Senators determine their own financial arrangements for interns.
from the pdf link.
It is sinful how much Congressman receive on top of their salaries.

Bernie has NO control whether an intern gets paid, or how much.
What prevents Sanders from paying these interns a living wage? Would it be illegal?
Not from what I read-
U.S. Congress

Internships are available in many Members’ Washington, DC, and district or state offices, as well
as in congressional committees’ offices. Internships are generally unpaid and offered year-round.

BERNIE'S interns for his VT & DC offices actually get paid $12 an hour MORE than they normally would.
Golly, yes, $12 an hour is $12 an hour more than nothing. Who knew? Why isn't he putting his money where his mouth is?

Your reading comp sucks. Bernie has NO CONTROL over what - if anything - his interns are paid.
Is he handcuffed or something? What prevents Sanders from paying these interns a living wage? Would it be illegal?

He has to follow the standards the OPM sets forth.
Minimum wage earners aren't supposed to be trying to raise families either. But explain how it's not possible to pay them whatever Bernie wants? I don't get it.
Since when? Because you say so?
No because I live in reality. Only retards think a starting wage is good to go for a family.
Ice, I agree with you to a point. The reality is that just because you and I would not do it does not mean that isn't what has been happening or will happen. We can't just make this claim because we don't like it.
It isn't a wild claim, it's reality. Almost everybody started with low pay, people used to understand you waited until you could afford a family to start one. Now, it's expected right out of the gate with no consideration of what the help is actually worth.

No. Wages have remained flat or stagnant since 1979. Manufacturing began to be shipped out and any of the low skill jobs were filled with undocumented workers. Historically people didn't wait to have children unless you belonged to a very special little upper middle class group. Even then you could get shipped off for a 9 month period and brought back home after the baby was born. It's why "family planning" was such a big deal.

I see no reason why tax payers should foot the bill because places like Walmart don't want to pay their employees.
You aren't even good at this. The internship was set up long ago, it isn't a recent Republican fabrication. The point your pea brain refuses to accept is that Bernie is a hypocrite and not paying his workers what he demands of others. Go to hell Bernie! Along with the rest of the lying, hypocritical, leftist assholes.
You're an idiot, but I do enjoy fake outrage with my morning coffee.

It's really fucking odd that you'd be trashing Bernie for paying $12 more an hour than those nasty Republican's.
You're a liar, I never said I was outraged. I pointed out the hypocrisy and your answer is Republicans are evil. Go figure. Like all Democrats have paid interns.
Okay, you're just a whiny little bitch, and Bernie still pays $12 more an hour that those nasty Republican's.
But not what he's advocating for everyone else. Including Hillary, who pays them nothing.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality

They each pay their interns $0

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality, clash over foreign policy
Use bigger letters, you shrill bitch. I've never heard any of them decry income inequality, it's the way it's supposed to be in a free society. Hillary and Bernie are the ones with the consistency problems.
Wages have remained flat or stagnant since 1979. Manufacturing began to be shipped out and any of the low skill jobs were filled with undocumented workers. Historically people didn't wait to have children unless you belonged to a very special little upper middle class group. Even then you could get shipped off for a 9 month period and brought back home after the baby was born. It's why "family planning" was such a big deal.

I see no reason why tax payers should foot the bill because places like Walmart don't want to pay their employees.
Walmart does pay their employees in this reality. But historically people waited to have kids or they lived on a farm and the kids pulled their weight. Wages are flat because the glory days passed when US workers could command top dollar and bennies. The rest of the world started catching up technologically and Americans were no longer the only show in town. Germany and Japan got going, then China and now we either compete or try to borrow our way to prosperity.
You're an idiot, but I do enjoy fake outrage with my morning coffee.

It's really fucking odd that you'd be trashing Bernie for paying $12 more an hour than those nasty Republican's.
You're a liar, I never said I was outraged. I pointed out the hypocrisy and your answer is Republicans are evil. Go figure. Like all Democrats have paid interns.
Okay, you're just a whiny little bitch, and Bernie still pays $12 more an hour that those nasty Republican's.
But not what he's advocating for everyone else. Including Hillary, who pays them nothing.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality

They each pay their interns $0

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality, clash over foreign policy
Use bigger letters, you shrill bitch. I've never heard any of them decry income inequality, it's the way it's supposed to be in a free society. Hillary and Bernie are the ones with the consistency problems.

Moron, I just provided you with a link

Here's Marco Rubio on ways to reverse income inequality. HE PAYS HIS INTERNS $0

And just in case moron can't do math, that's $12 less an hour than Bernie.

You're a liar, I never said I was outraged. I pointed out the hypocrisy and your answer is Republicans are evil. Go figure. Like all Democrats have paid interns.
Okay, you're just a whiny little bitch, and Bernie still pays $12 more an hour that those nasty Republican's.
But not what he's advocating for everyone else. Including Hillary, who pays them nothing.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality

They each pay their interns $0

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality, clash over foreign policy
Use bigger letters, you shrill bitch. I've never heard any of them decry income inequality, it's the way it's supposed to be in a free society. Hillary and Bernie are the ones with the consistency problems.

Moron, I just provided you with a link

Here's Marco Rubio on ways to reverse income inequality. HE PAYS HIS INTERNS $0

And just in case moron can't do math, that's $12 less an hour than Bernie.
Moron, he pays the same as Shrillary and most others while not suffering from the consistency issues of Sanders.
Quiet, nutbar. Most interns don't get paid at all. these are students, not people raising a family.
You seem to think they should be grateful for getting paid at all!
Yes, they should be. Most interns don't get paid at all. What they get from the internship itself is much more valuable than the few dollars they might make while interning.

But why am I even bothering to try to explain this to you.
You're a liar, I never said I was outraged. I pointed out the hypocrisy and your answer is Republicans are evil. Go figure. Like all Democrats have paid interns.
Okay, you're just a whiny little bitch, and Bernie still pays $12 more an hour that those nasty Republican's.
But not what he's advocating for everyone else. Including Hillary, who pays them nothing.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality

They each pay their interns $0

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality, clash over foreign policy
Use bigger letters, you shrill bitch. I've never heard any of them decry income inequality, it's the way it's supposed to be in a free society. Hillary and Bernie are the ones with the consistency problems.

Moron, I just provided you with a link

Here's Marco Rubio on ways to reverse income inequality. HE PAYS HIS INTERNS $0

And just in case moron can't do math, that's $12 less an hour than Bernie.

And most of these kids interning are political science majors, who jump at the chance to intern for free in a presidential campaign.
Okay, you're just a whiny little bitch, and Bernie still pays $12 more an hour that those nasty Republican's.
But not what he's advocating for everyone else. Including Hillary, who pays them nothing.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality

They each pay their interns $0

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality, clash over foreign policy
Use bigger letters, you shrill bitch. I've never heard any of them decry income inequality, it's the way it's supposed to be in a free society. Hillary and Bernie are the ones with the consistency problems.

Moron, I just provided you with a link

Here's Marco Rubio on ways to reverse income inequality. HE PAYS HIS INTERNS $0

And just in case moron can't do math, that's $12 less an hour than Bernie.
Moron, he pays the same as Shrillary and most others while not suffering from the consistency issues of Sanders.

I'm convinced that Ben Carson has performed a lobotomy on you.

If Marco Rubio is fighting against income inequality (cough, cough) and is paying his interns $0, shouldn't he be held to the same standards?


And Bernie still pays $12 more an hour than those nasty Republican's.
Okay, you're just a whiny little bitch, and Bernie still pays $12 more an hour that those nasty Republican's.
But not what he's advocating for everyone else. Including Hillary, who pays them nothing.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality

They each pay their interns $0

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality, clash over foreign policy
Use bigger letters, you shrill bitch. I've never heard any of them decry income inequality, it's the way it's supposed to be in a free society. Hillary and Bernie are the ones with the consistency problems.

Moron, I just provided you with a link

Here's Marco Rubio on ways to reverse income inequality. HE PAYS HIS INTERNS $0

And just in case moron can't do math, that's $12 less an hour than Bernie.

And most of these kids interning are political science majors, who jump at the chance to intern for free in a presidential campaign.

True, and there is a lot of competition for these internship positions.

On that note, I'd like to see all of these intern positions paid, that way lower income students will also be able to participate.
But not what he's advocating for everyone else. Including Hillary, who pays them nothing.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality

They each pay their interns $0

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio decry income inequality, clash over foreign policy
Use bigger letters, you shrill bitch. I've never heard any of them decry income inequality, it's the way it's supposed to be in a free society. Hillary and Bernie are the ones with the consistency problems.

Moron, I just provided you with a link

Here's Marco Rubio on ways to reverse income inequality. HE PAYS HIS INTERNS $0

And just in case moron can't do math, that's $12 less an hour than Bernie.
Moron, he pays the same as Shrillary and most others while not suffering from the consistency issues of Sanders.

I'm convinced that Ben Carson has performed a lobotomy on you.

If Marco Rubio is fighting against income inequality (cough, cough) and is paying his interns $0, shouldn't he be held to the same standards?


And Bernie still pays $12 more an hour than those nasty Republican's.
I don't think you understand what Rubio believes and your redirection to him is weak shit. Bernie doesn't practice what he preaches.
Really? There is a budget set forth for expenditures. No government agency or department can spend more than what they allotted. In case you didn't realize it... but Bernie, or any other Senator or Rep aren't 'bosses' that can pay based on what they bring in from day to day or month to month. Everything is set forth from base pay to 'locality' pay... & that comes from the OPM.
So he can't pay the help because the government won't let him? I'm still waiting for you to support that.

So weasel boy... Where does the money come from 'eh? He can't go to the OPM & say,
' please sir, may I have some more? '. You think he's a multi millionare like most of his colleagues? Or his 'outside DC' competitors in this race? LOL. He has his VT residence & a DC apt. DC alone takes boku bucks to live.

What is Bernie Sanders’ Net Worth?

Tom GerencerJun 22, 2015
Net Worth
Bernie Sanders’ net worth is $528,014. Our Bernie Sanders net worth calculations come from analyzing his U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms...'

What is Bernie Sanders' Net Worth? - Money Nation

So, unless you can link him being able to do it, I'll be happy to see what you got.

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