OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns

U.S. Congress

Internships are available in many Members’ Washington, DC, and district or state offices, as well
as in congressional committees’ offices. Internships are generally unpaid and offered year-round.

BERNIE'S interns for his VT & DC offices actually get paid $12 an hour MORE than they normally would.
Golly, yes, $12 an hour is $12 an hour more than nothing. Who knew? Why isn't he putting his money where his mouth is?

Yep, it's $12 more than what Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and Ted Cruz are paying.
Bears repeating.
I guess I was wrong about you.

Evidently you are neither smart enough to know that Bernie has Senate interns AND prez campaign interns (and that they are paid different rates) nor honest enough to admit it.

I also note you failed to find any support for your $12/hr claim about his campaign interns.

Your GOOGLE not working? :lmao:

Get this through your thick skull, there are not two separate paid internships, there's only ONE. He pays ALL of his interns $12 an hour. I do not give two shits what your reddit blog says.
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U.S. Congress

Internships are available in many Members’ Washington, DC, and district or state offices, as well
as in congressional committees’ offices. Internships are generally unpaid and offered year-round.

BERNIE'S interns for his VT & DC offices actually get paid $12 an hour MORE than they normally would.
Golly, yes, $12 an hour is $12 an hour more than nothing. Who knew? Why isn't he putting his money where his mouth is?

Yep, it's $12 more than what Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and Ted Cruz are paying.
Bears repeating.

Bernie pays $12 more an hour than those nasty Republican's. Who you gonna vote for? lol

Watch the cockroaches vote for Raid. :)

Luddly Neddite
how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

"Twitchy"? Do you ever consult a primary source for your "information"?

It's good to know Sanders scares you, though.
Internships are not full time jobs. This is much ado about nothing. These are temporary jobs for college students to gain experience and learn about the legislative and representative process.

So far, Bernie is paying $12 more an hour that those nasty Republican's. Go Bernie!

And this is the problem with uninformed responses.

It is difficult to get a straight answer because Bernie's website does not mention intern wages but a "Sander's 4 Prez" blog at Redit proudly states his Vermont interns (which number about 10) are paid $10.10/hr while his Senate staff interns are paid $12 ... the official gov't stipend for all interns.

The bottom line remains Bernie's hypocritical promotion of "a living wage" ($15/hr) while his campaign is paying $10.10/hr.

Evidently someone directing the campaign info is bright enough to keep the hard info on the down-low as it would obviously be an embarrassment if our #1 socialist got caught playing "do what I say, not what I do."

He's not taking any corporation blood money either.... the average Sanders donation is < $50 a person... & I'm willing to bet the people on his campaign are seeing the bigger picture...

I admire Bernie for his refusal to benefit financially from his life-long career in politics - he's never had a real job - and for his refusal to accept "corporation blood money" but that is merely deflection.

The point of this thread, in case you missed it, is his two-faced position on a $15/hr "living wage" ... a wage he demands others pay their people while he does not.

Then find out the break downs of his allowance & thus how much he CAN pay those interns. That ain't my burden.
So we have a liberal like Sanders saying one thing then doing another? They have been doing that since Clinton took office in 92.
U.S. Congress

Internships are available in many Members’ Washington, DC, and district or state offices, as well
as in congressional committees’ offices. Internships are generally unpaid and offered year-round.

BERNIE'S interns for his VT & DC offices actually get paid $12 an hour MORE than they normally would.
Golly, yes, $12 an hour is $12 an hour more than nothing. Who knew? Why isn't he putting his money where his mouth is?

Your reading comp sucks. Bernie has NO CONTROL over what - if anything - his interns are paid.
Liar, he can write anyone a check he wants to. No law against it.
Cheap bastards themselves AND it's always someone else's fault too.

You are being ridiculous. If the money ain't there... <--- follow the dots...
The point of this thread, in case you missed it, is his two-faced position on a $15/hr "living wage" ... a wage he demands others pay their people while he does not.

Has the minimum wage been raised to $15 an hour? No? Then STFU until it is. How much is your candidate paying his interns? We'll wait.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that Sanders is the only candidate who's refused PAC money.
how does anyone vote for these people/hypocrites in that party of liars and of nothing but class warfare.

November 11, 2015


Bernie Sanders is running around the country demanding a $15 minimum wage. Surely he pays his employees as much as he’s demanding other employers should, right?

Wrong. See the tweets below, via Twitchy:

ALL of this jokers tweets at the site
OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns - Progressives Today

"Twitchy"? Do you ever consult a primary source for your "information"?

It's good to know Sanders scares you, though.

THATS what it was- 'twitchy'... I thought it was a tweet. Either one is stuuuuuuuupid to go on.
So we have a liberal like Sanders saying one thing then doing another? They have been doing that since Clinton took office in 92.
No, you have a fantasy fed by Stephanie's "Twitchy" source.

Sanders is a Democratic socialist who is campaigning on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. It hasn't happened yet, and I suspect if such a bill were put before Congress you'd be one of the people yowling against it. Until then, your outrage is misplaced.

Traditionally, campaign volunteers were just that - volunteers. People who could spare the time to campaign for a candidate. They did not get paid. Hillary's following that model. Go bitch at her.

I'm told none of the GOP candidates pay their interns anything.

Go bitch at them.

Outrage du jour. :rolleyes:
I guess I was wrong about you.

Evidently you are neither smart enough to know that Bernie has Senate interns AND prez campaign interns (and that they are paid different rates) nor honest enough to admit it.

I also note you failed to find any support for your $12/hr claim about his campaign interns.

Your GOOGLE not working? :lmao:

Get this through your thick skull, there are not two separate paid internships, there's only ONE. He pays ALL of his interns $12 an hour. I do not give two shits what your reddit blog says.

The source of that $10.10/hr wage used the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign Screen Name which is the grassroots organization connected to his campaign.
I see neither reason to doubt the veracity of the blogger or the info provided (quote below).

You have the right to kick and scream all you like but I do notice you have failed to provide any support for your claim that his campaign (not Senate) interns are paid more than stated:

[–]FriendsofBernieVT - Official Campaign
All of our interns are paid on the campaign at least $10.10 / hr. I'm not sure how many are working for us at this point -- 10 or so perhaps.
THATS what it was- 'twitchy'... I thought it was a tweet. Either one is stuuuuuuuupid to go on.

It must be a good day for Stephanie. She usually uses Breitbart or that hate site, the Federalist, as her source.
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I'm told none of the GOP candidates pay their interns anything.

Go bitch at them.

Outrage du jour. :rolleyes:
But how many Republicans support a $15 an hour minimum wage?

The thing isnt so much the pay itself so much as it is the 'do as I say not as I do' factor.
I guess I was wrong about you.

Evidently you are neither smart enough to know that Bernie has Senate interns AND prez campaign interns (and that they are paid different rates) nor honest enough to admit it.

I also note you failed to find any support for your $12/hr claim about his campaign interns.

Your GOOGLE not working? :lmao:

Get this through your thick skull, there are not two separate paid internships, there's only ONE. He pays ALL of his interns $12 an hour. I do not give two shits what your reddit blog says.

The source of that $10.10/hr wage used the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign Screen Name which is the grassroots organization connected to his campaign.
I see neither reason to doubt the veracity of the blogger or the info provided (quote below).

You have the right to kick and scream all you like but I do notice you have failed to provide any support for your claim that his campaign (not Senate) interns are paid more than stated:

[–]FriendsofBernieVT - Official Campaign
All of our interns are paid on the campaign at least $10.10 / hr. I'm not sure how many are working for us at this point -- 10 or so perhaps.

You idiot. Of course you don't see any reason to doubt a blogger from the internet. You are a low information voter.

Go get me a damn link to Bernie's site. I want that damn link, and I want it now! :)
The point of this thread, in case you missed it, is his two-faced position on a $15/hr "living wage" ... a wage he demands others pay their people while he does not.

Has the minimum wage been raised to $15 an hour? No? Then STFU until it is. How much is your candidate paying his interns? We'll wait.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that Sanders is the only candidate who's refused PAC money.

You remain an inveterate A-hole.

Bernie happily accepts union PAC money.

I happen to like Bernie. He has an annoyingly abrasive delivery and we disagree on economic policy but he is clearly a man of integrity and despite its many abject failures, has maintained his socialist stance his entire adult life.

That said there is clearly something hypocritical about his braying for a $15/hr min wage when while given the opportunity to put his campaign money where his mouth is (it's not really even his money), he pays considerably less.

I'm not a bit surprised one such as you can not see the hypocrisy or that you would want those who do to STFU.

Needless to say I do not take orders from inveterate A-holes.
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I'm told none of the GOP candidates pay their interns anything.

Go bitch at them.

Outrage du jour. :rolleyes:
But how many Republicans support a $15 an hour minimum wage?

The thing isnt so much the pay itself so much as it is the 'do as I say not as I do' factor.

Except it isn't that. A $15 minimum wage would apply to permanent jobs that people take to support themselves and their families, not a temporary job that's traditionally a volunteer position and that could end with the first Democratic primary or carry all the way through to Election Day.

Again, let me know how much the other candidates are paying their interns. For that matter, let me know how much Citibank and Goldman Sachs pay their interns, many of whom are expected to put in 60-hour weeks (I'll make it easy for you: zero).
The point of this thread, in case you missed it, is his two-faced position on a $15/hr "living wage" ... a wage he demands others pay their people while he does not.

Has the minimum wage been raised to $15 an hour? No? Then STFU until it is. How much is your candidate paying his interns? We'll wait.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that Sanders is the only candidate who's refused PAC money.

You remain an inveterate A-hole.

I happen to like Bernie. He has an annoyingly abrasive delivery and we disagree on economic policy but he is clearly a man of integrity and despite its many abject failures, has maintained his socialist stance his entire adult life.

That said there is clearly something hypocritical about his braying for a $15/hr min wage when while given the opportunity to put his campaign money where his mouth is (it's not really even his money), he pays considerably less.

I'm not a bit surprised one such as you can not see the hypocrisy or that you would want those who do to STFU.

Needless to say I do not take orders from inveterate A-holes.

Well, at least unlike most message board inhabitants you know there's no "a" in hypocrisy. That you don't understand why it's not applicable to Sanders campaign is not something I can help you with.

Oh, wait, here's an example: If any of the other candidates (who pay their interns nothing) makes a public statement to the effect of "Bernie Sanders wants a $15 minimum wage but only pays his interns $12," that would be hypocrisy.

I hope that helps.
Minimum wage earners aren't supposed to be trying to raise families either. But explain how it's not possible to pay them whatever Bernie wants? I don't get it.
Since when? Because you say so?
No because I live in reality. Only retards think a starting wage is good to go for a family.
So you made up a rule. Lots of people end up in low paying jobs who have families. But Iceweasel says they are not supposed to be there.
So why exactly are interns not expected to make money but burger flippers are supposed to expect as much or more compensation as our police , military and firemen?
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