OF COURSE: Bernie Sanders Wants $15 Minimum Wage But Guess How Much He Pays His Interns

He's not taking any corporation blood money either.... the average Sanders donation is < $50 a person... & I'm willing to bet the people on his campaign are seeing the bigger picture...

I admire Bernie for his refusal to benefit financially from his life-long career in politics - he's never had a real job - and for his refusal to accept "corporation blood money" but that is merely deflection.

The point of this thread, in case you missed it, is his two-faced position on a $15/hr "living wage" ... a wage he demands others pay their people while he does not.

Then find out the break downs of his allowance & thus how much he CAN pay those interns. That ain't my burden.

His allowance?

We are discussing his campaign (not Senate) interns who, according to the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign, start at $10.10/hr.

His campaign decides how much those interns are worth, just as any organization (including Walmart) and I, for one, am OK with that:

FriendsofBernieVT - Official Campaign
"All of our interns are paid on the campaign at least $10.10 / hr. I'm not sure how many are working for us at this point -- 10 or so perhaps."

More reddit blog bullshit.

Friendsofbernie is NOT Bernie, dingbat. This is a BLOG. Get that through your thick skull! This is not a credible SOURCE!

I already posted the only source you need, and that was from Bernie's website. There is only ONE internship that Bernie offers.

And that, quite simply, is not true.

I have no reason to doubt the veracity of that FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign claim.

I now have plenty to doubt yours.

My source is Bernie's official website, dingbat.
Summing up, the GOOPer outrage seems to be "Sanders pays his interns WAY MORE than any other candidate! WAAAAAAAH! That's worse than taking away the Snowflakes for Jesus!"

Another lame liar.

The bite is that a man who vigorously promotes the $15/hr min wage thing and has $26 mil in the bank pays his entry level people considerably less.

Interestingly, the list of Bernie's largest contributors reads like a who's who of labor unions.

So guess who would be the biggest beneficiary of that $15/hr min wage?

Answer: Union members whose contracts are min-wage plus based, that's who.
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Summing up, the GOOPer outrage seems to be "Sanders pays his interns WAY MORE than any other candidate! WAAAAAAAH! That's worse than taking away the Snowflakes for Jesus!"
It isnt so much 'outrage' as 'mild amusement at the dissonance of life'.
I admire Bernie for his refusal to benefit financially from his life-long career in politics - he's never had a real job - and for his refusal to accept "corporation blood money" but that is merely deflection.

The point of this thread, in case you missed it, is his two-faced position on a $15/hr "living wage" ... a wage he demands others pay their people while he does not.

Then find out the break downs of his allowance & thus how much he CAN pay those interns. That ain't my burden.

His allowance?

We are discussing his campaign (not Senate) interns who, according to the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign, start at $10.10/hr.

His campaign decides how much those interns are worth, just as any organization (including Walmart) and I, for one, am OK with that:

FriendsofBernieVT - Official Campaign
"All of our interns are paid on the campaign at least $10.10 / hr. I'm not sure how many are working for us at this point -- 10 or so perhaps."

More reddit blog bullshit.

Friendsofbernie is NOT Bernie, dingbat. This is a BLOG. Get that through your thick skull! This is not a credible SOURCE!

I already posted the only source you need, and that was from Bernie's website. There is only ONE internship that Bernie offers.

And that, quite simply, is not true.

I have no reason to doubt the veracity of that FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign claim.

I now have plenty to doubt yours.

My source is Bernie's official website, dingbat.

You mean his official SENATE (not prez campaign) website.

Funny you would leave that little fact out (and we both know why).

You fool no one but yourself ... an obviously easy task.
Then find out the break downs of his allowance & thus how much he CAN pay those interns. That ain't my burden.

His allowance?

We are discussing his campaign (not Senate) interns who, according to the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign, start at $10.10/hr.

His campaign decides how much those interns are worth, just as any organization (including Walmart) and I, for one, am OK with that:

FriendsofBernieVT - Official Campaign
"All of our interns are paid on the campaign at least $10.10 / hr. I'm not sure how many are working for us at this point -- 10 or so perhaps."

More reddit blog bullshit.

Friendsofbernie is NOT Bernie, dingbat. This is a BLOG. Get that through your thick skull! This is not a credible SOURCE!

I already posted the only source you need, and that was from Bernie's website. There is only ONE internship that Bernie offers.

And that, quite simply, is not true.

I have no reason to doubt the veracity of that FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign claim.

I now have plenty to doubt yours.

My source is Bernie's official website, dingbat.

You mean his official SENATE (not prez campaign) website.

Funny you would leave that little fact out (and we both know why).

You fool no one but yourself ... an obviously easy task.

And this is from a concerned Bernie supporter from reddit.

I message the moderators to get it removed because misinformation is bad because it causes people to regurgitate false talking points, robs people of making an informed vote/decision, and hurts the credibility of the entire subreddit. You don't want to be like Fox News, you want the actual truth to be the reasons you support a candidate.

One moderator responds saying he personally knows people who are paid CAMPAIGN interns. I am incredibly skeptical for many reasons.

I just wanted to know if someone could provide some evidence for this moderator's claim. I hope this post will not be removed in the spirit of the truth, transparency, and respect for people who come here who want to learn about Bernie Sanders. You don't want to this subreddit to be intentionally deceiving people. Bernie Sanders would not approve of this.

Does Bernie Sanders have paid CAMPAIGN internships? • /r/SandersForPresident

They are skeptical because there is no credible source.
His allowance?

We are discussing his campaign (not Senate) interns who, according to the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign, start at $10.10/hr.

His campaign decides how much those interns are worth, just as any organization (including Walmart) and I, for one, am OK with that:

FriendsofBernieVT - Official Campaign
"All of our interns are paid on the campaign at least $10.10 / hr. I'm not sure how many are working for us at this point -- 10 or so perhaps."

More reddit blog bullshit.

Friendsofbernie is NOT Bernie, dingbat. This is a BLOG. Get that through your thick skull! This is not a credible SOURCE!

I already posted the only source you need, and that was from Bernie's website. There is only ONE internship that Bernie offers.

And that, quite simply, is not true.

I have no reason to doubt the veracity of that FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign claim.

I now have plenty to doubt yours.

My source is Bernie's official website, dingbat.

You mean his official SENATE (not prez campaign) website.

Funny you would leave that little fact out (and we both know why).

You fool no one but yourself ... an obviously easy task.

And this is from a concerned Bernie supporter from reddit.

I message the moderators to get it removed because misinformation is bad because it causes people to regurgitate false talking points, robs people of making an informed vote/decision, and hurts the credibility of the entire subreddit. You don't want to be like Fox News, you want the actual truth to be the reasons you support a candidate.

One moderator responds saying he personally knows people who are paid CAMPAIGN interns. I am incredibly skeptical for many reasons.

I just wanted to know if someone could provide some evidence for this moderator's claim. I hope this post will not be removed in the spirit of the truth, transparency, and respect for people who come here who want to learn about Bernie Sanders. You don't want to this subreddit to be intentionally deceiving people. Bernie Sanders would not approve of this.

Does Bernie Sanders have paid CAMPAIGN internships? • /r/SandersForPresident

They are skeptical because there is no credible source.


The OP of that Reddit thread was complaining because low-info posters (like you) were claiming Sander's campaign interns are getting the same $12/hr as his Senate interns. As there is no official word from the campaign on the matter, the next best thing seems to be from the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign.

These are friends of Bernie and I see little reason they would lie about it.
More reddit blog bullshit.

Friendsofbernie is NOT Bernie, dingbat. This is a BLOG. Get that through your thick skull! This is not a credible SOURCE!

I already posted the only source you need, and that was from Bernie's website. There is only ONE internship that Bernie offers.

And that, quite simply, is not true.

I have no reason to doubt the veracity of that FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign claim.

I now have plenty to doubt yours.

My source is Bernie's official website, dingbat.

You mean his official SENATE (not prez campaign) website.

Funny you would leave that little fact out (and we both know why).

You fool no one but yourself ... an obviously easy task.

And this is from a concerned Bernie supporter from reddit.

I message the moderators to get it removed because misinformation is bad because it causes people to regurgitate false talking points, robs people of making an informed vote/decision, and hurts the credibility of the entire subreddit. You don't want to be like Fox News, you want the actual truth to be the reasons you support a candidate.

One moderator responds saying he personally knows people who are paid CAMPAIGN interns. I am incredibly skeptical for many reasons.

I just wanted to know if someone could provide some evidence for this moderator's claim. I hope this post will not be removed in the spirit of the truth, transparency, and respect for people who come here who want to learn about Bernie Sanders. You don't want to this subreddit to be intentionally deceiving people. Bernie Sanders would not approve of this.

Does Bernie Sanders have paid CAMPAIGN internships? • /r/SandersForPresident

They are skeptical because there is no credible source.


The OP of that Reddit thread was complaining because low-info posters (like you) were claiming Sander's campaign interns are getting the same $12/hr as his Senate interns. As there is no official word from the campaign on the matter, the next best thing seems to be from the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign.

These are friends of Bernie and I see little reason they would lie about it.

It's a blog, dummy. Even bloggers with good intentions get things wrong. Until you can show me something official from Bernie's site, I'm going with the info straight from his website, which says interns get paid $12 an hour.
And that, quite simply, is not true.

I have no reason to doubt the veracity of that FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign claim.

I now have plenty to doubt yours.

My source is Bernie's official website, dingbat.

You mean his official SENATE (not prez campaign) website.

Funny you would leave that little fact out (and we both know why).

You fool no one but yourself ... an obviously easy task.

And this is from a concerned Bernie supporter from reddit.

I message the moderators to get it removed because misinformation is bad because it causes people to regurgitate false talking points, robs people of making an informed vote/decision, and hurts the credibility of the entire subreddit. You don't want to be like Fox News, you want the actual truth to be the reasons you support a candidate.

One moderator responds saying he personally knows people who are paid CAMPAIGN interns. I am incredibly skeptical for many reasons.

I just wanted to know if someone could provide some evidence for this moderator's claim. I hope this post will not be removed in the spirit of the truth, transparency, and respect for people who come here who want to learn about Bernie Sanders. You don't want to this subreddit to be intentionally deceiving people. Bernie Sanders would not approve of this.

Does Bernie Sanders have paid CAMPAIGN internships? • /r/SandersForPresident

They are skeptical because there is no credible source.


The OP of that Reddit thread was complaining because low-info posters (like you) were claiming Sander's campaign interns are getting the same $12/hr as his Senate interns. As there is no official word from the campaign on the matter, the next best thing seems to be from the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign.

These are friends of Bernie and I see little reason they would lie about it.

It's a blog, dummy. Even bloggers with good intentions get things wrong. Until you can show me something official from Bernie's site, I'm going with the info straight from his website, which says interns get paid $12 an hour.

You mean from his Senate website.

I take to mean you have nothing from his campaign website and haven't the integrity to admit it.

Regardless, the fact remains that he bellows loudly for others to pay $15/hr while he, when given the chance to put his campaign money where his mouth is, pays considerably less.

Case closed.
Interns get paid?

Many do. Being an intern doesn't mean you work for free.

It doesn't mean you get paid either. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are not paying their interns.

The question to which I responded implied that no interns were paid. While it may not mean you get paid, it doesn't automatically mean you don't.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio aren't running around the country supporting a $15/hour minimum wage either.

If Bernie thinks that a $15/hour minimum is such a good thing, set the example.
Interns get paid?

Many do. Being an intern doesn't mean you work for free.

It doesn't mean you get paid either. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are not paying their interns.

The question to which I responded implied that no interns were paid. While it may not mean you get paid, it doesn't automatically mean you don't.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio aren't running around the country supporting a $15/hour minimum wage either.

If Bernie thinks that a $15/hour minimum is such a good thing, set the example.

He wants it raised to $15 by 2020, starting with $9 by next year. Where is the hypocrisy, you big dummy?
Interns get paid?

Many do. Being an intern doesn't mean you work for free.

It doesn't mean you get paid either. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are not paying their interns.

The question to which I responded implied that no interns were paid. While it may not mean you get paid, it doesn't automatically mean you don't.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio aren't running around the country supporting a $15/hour minimum wage either.

If Bernie thinks that a $15/hour minimum is such a good thing, set the example.

He wants it raised to $15 by 2020, starting with $9 by next year. Where is the hypocrisy, you big dummy?

It's not the when but the what that matters.
My source is Bernie's official website, dingbat.

You mean his official SENATE (not prez campaign) website.

Funny you would leave that little fact out (and we both know why).

You fool no one but yourself ... an obviously easy task.

And this is from a concerned Bernie supporter from reddit.

I message the moderators to get it removed because misinformation is bad because it causes people to regurgitate false talking points, robs people of making an informed vote/decision, and hurts the credibility of the entire subreddit. You don't want to be like Fox News, you want the actual truth to be the reasons you support a candidate.

One moderator responds saying he personally knows people who are paid CAMPAIGN interns. I am incredibly skeptical for many reasons.

I just wanted to know if someone could provide some evidence for this moderator's claim. I hope this post will not be removed in the spirit of the truth, transparency, and respect for people who come here who want to learn about Bernie Sanders. You don't want to this subreddit to be intentionally deceiving people. Bernie Sanders would not approve of this.

Does Bernie Sanders have paid CAMPAIGN internships? • /r/SandersForPresident

They are skeptical because there is no credible source.


The OP of that Reddit thread was complaining because low-info posters (like you) were claiming Sander's campaign interns are getting the same $12/hr as his Senate interns. As there is no official word from the campaign on the matter, the next best thing seems to be from the FriendsofBernie VT - Official Campaign.

These are friends of Bernie and I see little reason they would lie about it.

It's a blog, dummy. Even bloggers with good intentions get things wrong. Until you can show me something official from Bernie's site, I'm going with the info straight from his website, which says interns get paid $12 an hour.

You mean from his Senate website.

I take to mean you have nothing from his campaign website and haven't the integrity to admit it.

Regardless, the fact remains that he bellows loudly for others to pay $15/hr while he, when given the chance to put his campaign money where his mouth is, pays considerably less.

Case closed.

He is not paying anyone below the wage increase he has suggested, you moron.

The Pay Workers a Living Wage Act phases in a $15 minimum wage by 2020 over 5 steps, increasing to $9 in 2016, $10.50 in 2017, $12.00 in 2018, $13.50 in 2019, and $15 in 2020. After 2020, the minimum wage will be indexed to the median hourly wage. The tipped minimum wage will be gradually eliminated.


case closed
Summing up, the GOOPer outrage seems to be "Sanders pays his interns WAY MORE than any other candidate! WAAAAAAAH! That's worse than taking away the Snowflakes for Jesus!"
He shouldnt tout that everyone else should pay 15.00 an hour then.

And... Please list the millions upset about red cups while you are at it. As far as I know that BS is a PR stunt put out by Starbucks management and nothing else.
Interns get paid?

Many do. Being an intern doesn't mean you work for free.

It doesn't mean you get paid either. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are not paying their interns.

The question to which I responded implied that no interns were paid. While it may not mean you get paid, it doesn't automatically mean you don't.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio aren't running around the country supporting a $15/hour minimum wage either.

If Bernie thinks that a $15/hour minimum is such a good thing, set the example.
When do libs ever set the example?
Summing up, the GOOPer outrage seems to be "Sanders pays his interns WAY MORE than any other candidate! WAAAAAAAH! That's worse than taking away the Snowflakes for Jesus!"
It isnt so much 'outrage' as 'mild amusement at the dissonance of life'.
And hypocracy of Bernie Sanders, Starbucks and libs in general.

There seems to be a considerable correlation between conservatism and the inability to spell "hypocrisy." Small wonder.

Thank you for confirming that your real gripe is "Sanders pays his interns WAY MORE than any other candidate! WAAAAAAAH!"

Are you a Trumpist or a Carsonite? How much is your PAC-supported candidate paying his interns? Take your time.
Interns get paid?

Many do. Being an intern doesn't mean you work for free.

It doesn't mean you get paid either. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are not paying their interns.

The question to which I responded implied that no interns were paid. While it may not mean you get paid, it doesn't automatically mean you don't.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio aren't running around the country supporting a $15/hour minimum wage either.

If Bernie thinks that a $15/hour minimum is such a good thing, set the example.
When do libs ever set the example?

That's the point. They can come up with all sorts of ideas that involves someone else being forced to foot the bill when not one ounce of government involvement is needed for what they want done to get done. If they support someone having healthcare that can't afford it, all that is needed is for them to find those people and pay their premiums. The government isn't needed for that. Them doing it is all that is necessary. They don't. Many say they would gladly pay more in taxes to help those in need. If they care so much, why do they need to be told to do something they claim is absolutely necessary. Why wouldn't they just do it.
Interns get paid?

Many do. Being an intern doesn't mean you work for free.

It doesn't mean you get paid either. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are not paying their interns.

The question to which I responded implied that no interns were paid. While it may not mean you get paid, it doesn't automatically mean you don't.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio aren't running around the country supporting a $15/hour minimum wage either.

If Bernie thinks that a $15/hour minimum is such a good thing, set the example.
When do libs ever set the example?

That's the point. They can come up with all sorts of ideas that involves someone else being forced to foot the bill when not one ounce of government involvement is needed for what they want done to get done. If they support someone having healthcare that can't afford it, all that is needed is for them to find those people and pay their premiums. The government isn't needed for that. Them doing it is all that is necessary. They don't. Many say they would gladly pay more in taxes to help those in need. If they care so much, why do they need to be told to do something they claim is absolutely necessary. Why wouldn't they just do it.

Trick question: Do you know what year this is?

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