Of Trump or Obama WHO has created more jobs???

Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.
Oh quit with the data.
Don't you know, our wife cheater WWII Ike says Obamas were natural growth, the cons were not
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
So how come he created more jobs than the con?
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Neither....presidents do not create jobs, the private sector does.

quit giving the govermetn credit for what we the people do
I think traditionally, the Pres has little effect on jobs.
But now the vagina grabber creates jobs all over the place
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years, which would be about 1.1 million/year. Trump added 4.7 million jobs in 2 years, which averages to about 2.3 million/year.
Look at the graph, that includes 750000 lost in one early year.
Why don't you list Obamas last 2 and the cons first 2?
4.4mm v's 4.0?
You are 100% correct regarding "create an atmosphere".
So instead of creating a squashing atmosphere as Obama did (See my list of Obama's statements and policies), Trump has been
encouraging a flourishing atmosphere.

As I've pointed out Obama thwarted the one direct place to improve energy independence signing Federal oil/gas leases. He discouraged it.
During the last three fiscal years totally under Bush, there were 9,661 "new leases" granted for federal lands. For the three most recent fiscal years (which includes a few months of Bush's administration), there were 5,568 such new leases. This works out to a 42.4% decrease.
Take the same comparable periods for drilling permits on federal lands. There were 20,479 for the last three years under Bush, then 12,821 for the most recent three including much of Obama's first term. This is a 37.4% decrease.
Fact check: Oil and natural gas production under Obama - CNNPolitics

The one direct impact on energy independence a President has and OBAMA decreased it!
Trump made America the #1 energy producer in the world. A huge fact not talked about often enough, with impacts not only on economics, but on national security as well.
Trump invented cracking? Wow
Still have the WWII wife cheaters pic up there I see
Be afraid, be very afraid.
I hear the Chinese have plans to attack across our border

Where in the hell did YOU ever read in my comments that I said TRUMP invented cracking?
Dumb shits like you don't ever use the Internet it sounds like!
American engineers William Merriam Burton and Robert E. Humphreys independently developed and patented a similar process as U.S. patent 1,049,667 on June 8, 1908
Cracking (chemistry) - Wikipedia
Idiot! See the date? 1908!
So what the hell did Trump or Obama have to do with it?
The BIG difference you idiots don't seem to comprehend is Trump/Bush etc. signing more federal leases than Obama!
Again under Obama who wanted the USA to be energy DEPENDENT... signed nearly 42% LESS leases! Do you understand the implications?
Of course not you are truly an example of the ignorance of Obamatrons!
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Statistics lie and liars use statistics. The quality of jobs created under Trump made your dear leader look as clueless as he was. The vast majority of jobs your mulatto messiah created were low paying, part time, service jobs.


From the beginning of the recovery starting in 2010, there were fewer part time jobs when he left office in 2017.

12/09: 27,479,000
01/17: 27,385,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Just like I said, statistics lie and liars use statistics. Part time jobs were consistently higher throughout the maobama administration and would have been higher as a percentage of total work force participation since his work force participation was miserable for pretty much all of his tenure.

So keep trying to play your games commie, every one knows the pathetic performance of your mulatto messiah.

Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......
Obama inherited a recession darlin, losing 750000 jobs a month
Obama created more jobs in his last a 2 years than the con did in his first 2

First of all where is your proof? Your links. No one believes your personal subjective statements therefore a LIE

Yea... and here is what these jobs were!!!

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
The research by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

Now idiots like you never understood why they were part time!
Obamacare FORCED companies that
The Affordable Care Act requires businesses with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance
Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated by small businesses seeking to avoid Obamacare’s employer mandate, according to estimates in a new working paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Altogether between 28,000 and 50,000 businesses appear to have reduced their number of full-time employees from 2014 to 2016 because of the mandate.

The share of businesses with fewer than 50 employees grew between 2012 and 2016 to 45% from 37%.
Meanwhile, a June 2016 study determined that 500,000 workers in the retail, hospitality and food service sectors were forced involuntarily into part-time employment as companies sought to circumvent the employer mandate.
We would estimate that a few hundred thousand workers might be working part-time involuntarily as a result of the Affordable Care Act,” said Alec Phillips, an economist at the investment bank, in a research note. This is only a fraction of the 6.4 million workers employed part-time for economic reasons, he said, but would be a significant share of the “underemployment gap.”

Obamacare has led to rise in involuntary part-time employment, Goldman Sachs finds
Just like I said, statistics lie and liars use statistics. Part time jobs were consistently higher throughout the maobama administration and would have been higher as a percentage of total work force participation since his work force participation was miserable for pretty much all of his tenure.

So keep trying to play your games commie, every one knows the pathetic performance of your mulatto messiah.


Believe what you choose to believe, Tigger....I really don't give a fuck if you remain the biased, racist, idiot that you are....lol
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Statistics lie and liars use statistics. The quality of jobs created under Trump made your dear leader look as clueless as he was. The vast majority of jobs your mulatto messiah created were low paying, part time, service jobs.


47% of the jobs created under Obama were HIGH-PAYING ones....

The typical middle class income in the U.S. is just over $56,000 a year. Economist Joseph Brusuelas of RSM, an accounting and audit firm, has taken a close look at jobs added in the Obama economy. He defines "high wage" as a job that has a median salary of $58,000 or more a year (so just above the median income).

Yes, there are a lot of assumptions that go into a calculation like this. For example, earning $58,000 in Cleveland takes you a lot further than earning the same amount in New York or San Francisco. But it's a reasonable assessment of how good the jobs are are under the Obama economy.

How good were the 10.9 million jobs under Obama?

Brusuelas found that 47% of the jobs created since January 2010 (he argues that's when you start to see the effects of Obama's policies) have been in the high-wage category.

Thanks for proving my point LMAO

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

A lot of Obama’s jobs were in the public sector. He increased debt to get people working.
You Lie! Obama Reduced Government Jobs!

The job creation numbers are basically a tie, but Trump is improving the pay increases.
Trump vs. Obama on jobs


Once again what did Obama do to create jobs?

God damn all he did was hold us back.

Supported and administered TARP, supported FED's monetary policies, passed Stimulus, bailed American Auto Industry, assured markets with stable leadership.


2 economists imagined a financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts. It’s … ugly.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

A lot of Obama’s jobs were in the public sector. He increased debt to get people working.
You Lie! Obama Reduced Government Jobs!


Umm dummy, these numbers support nothing of what you claimed.

Government jobs contracted under Obama. Learn that fact.

Did you not read my follow up post? I apologized for my error in misreading the link? Why do you have to be such a douchebag?
Just like I said, statistics lie and liars use statistics. Part time jobs were consistently higher throughout the maobama administration and would have been higher as a percentage of total work force participation since his work force participation was miserable for pretty much all of his tenure.

So keep trying to play your games commie, every one knows the pathetic performance of your mulatto messiah.


Believe what you choose to believe, Tigger....I really don't give a fuck if you remain the biased, racist, idiot that you are....lol

Tissue? LMAO

The job creation numbers are basically a tie, but Trump is improving the pay increases.
Trump vs. Obama on jobs


Once again what did Obama do to create jobs?

God damn all he did was hold us back.

Supported and administered TARP, supported FED's monetary policies, passed Stimulus, bailed American Auto Industry, assured markets with stable leadership.


2 economists imagined a financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts. It’s … ugly.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Was that not Paulsen with the TARP? FED doesn't report to the Pres. The rest is subjective. Markets were better because bond prices were super low.
The job creation numbers are basically a tie, but Trump is improving the pay increases.
Trump vs. Obama on jobs


Once again what did Obama do to create jobs?

God damn all he did was hold us back.

Supported and administered TARP, supported FED's monetary policies, passed Stimulus, bailed American Auto Industry, assured markets with stable leadership.


2 economists imagined a financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts. It’s … ugly.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Economist imaginations, is that really what you're going with? You commies just crack me up.

That's an easy question, Obama the Nimrod has zero entrepreneurial experience and thus has created a grand total of ZERO jobs throughout his career, Daffy Don on the other hand has created quite a few throughout his career as an entrepreneur.


Here endth the lesson.
Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2 & Trump Exploded Government Jobs, Spending & Size of Government!
Obama Reduced them All. Clinton & Obama Created More Private Sector Jobs Than Republicans Ford, Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2 & Trump COMBINED!!!


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