Of Trump or Obama WHO has created more jobs???

Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......
That’s easy... Trump!

Why didn’t you include a poll?
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The job creation numbers are basically a tie, but Trump is improving the pay increases.
Trump vs. Obama on jobs


Once again what did Obama do to create jobs?

God damn all he did was hold us back.

Supported and administered TARP, supported FED's monetary policies, passed Stimulus, bailed American Auto Industry, assured markets with stable leadership.


2 economists imagined a financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts. It’s … ugly.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Was that not Paulsen with the TARP? FED doesn't report to the Pres. The rest is subjective. Markets were better because bond prices were super low.

TARP began under Paulsen/Bush but implementation was overseen under Geithner/Obama that succeeded them. They were all on the same page more or less on this policy.

Timmy and Hank were the masterminds of TARP. Bush was the worst president ever. Good for him.
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......
Every president in history has done better than the Magic Kenyan....

Economically, he was fucking clueless.

Ahhh... How can a deity be "clueless"?
Remember what out of his own mouth he said in his first nomination speech?
“the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

Now we KNOW Trump is a braggart. Obnoxious. Queens New Yorker... and as such he has a very high opinion of himself.
BUT President Trump would never be so Narcissistic as to consider JUST his nomination to Presidency caused "the oceans to slow and
planet to heal"! Really???
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president
Lol, President Obama created more jobs per month, more jobs per quarter, and more jobs per year, than tRump has even come close to.

Only a dumb fuck like you would think cash for clunkers created jobs..

So tell us numb nuts why did Obama create jobs in red States and not blue?

How come a citizen in a red State could make $17 bucks working at McDonald's and a blue state person would only make minimum?
Huh? Are you just pulling these numbers outta yer ass or what?

Common history and knowledge I am pulling out of my ass, you fucker?
Yes, "needle dick". Even the notably right leaning Forbes says so. Pull yer head outta tRump's ass and breath some fresh air.

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama

If Obama created so many jobs why was the unemployment rate at 10% and only fell down after 8 years to what Bush had it a year before he left office?

Where did all these fucking jobs go?
Our trade deficit with China for 2018 is the largest it has ever been.

The tariffs have not yet had effect on the deficit, because China is resisting them. This isn't likely to continue though, because China knows it can't win a trade war with the US. They need us. We don't need them.

So after all is said and done, this trade deficit won't be a deficit at all, as US businesses operating in China will be find it no longer economical (over the longer run) to be there. You don't judge any war's result by conditions in the early part of that war.
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Neither....presidents do not create jobs, the private sector does.

quit giving the govermetn credit for what we the people do

True, but a president can kill jobs and Obama wins that one by a large margin.
The job creation numbers are basically a tie, but Trump is improving the pay increases.
Trump vs. Obama on jobs


Once again what did Obama do to create jobs?

God damn all he did was hold us back.

Supported and administered TARP, supported FED's monetary policies, passed Stimulus, bailed American Auto Industry, assured markets with stable leadership.


2 economists imagined a financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts. It’s … ugly.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Economist imaginations, is that really what you're going with? You commies just crack me up.


Umm yea, given that we don't the luxury of witnessing a world without Obama policies, we have to look at their estimated economic impact and imagine what it would be like without them.

Welcome to planet earth.

Yeah, because all the experts predictions have had such accuracy. ROFL You commies crack me up.

Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years, which would be about 1.1 million/year. Trump added 4.7 million jobs in 2 years, which averages to about 2.3 million/year.
Look at the graph, that includes 750000 lost in one early year.
Why don't you list Obamas last 2 and the cons first 2?
4.4mm v's 4.0?

Screw your graph, do the math.
Where in the hell did YOU ever read in my comments that I said TRUMP invented cracking?
Dumb shits like you don't ever use the Internet it sounds like!
American engineers William Merriam Burton and Robert E. Humphreys independently developed and patented a similar process as U.S. patent 1,049,667 on June 8, 1908
Cracking (chemistry) - Wikipedia
Idiot! See the date? 1908!
So what the hell did Trump or Obama have to do with it?
The BIG difference you idiots don't seem to comprehend is Trump/Bush etc. signing more federal leases than Obama!
Again under Obama who wanted the USA to be energy DEPENDENT... signed nearly 42% LESS leases! Do you understand the implications?
Of course not you are truly an example of the ignorance of Obamatrons!
Obama is a jihadist who sees middle east oil of Muslim majority countries as a good means of them controlling the US, as they did during his 8 years, and many years before that.

Trump is the one who turned that around, amd made the Us the #1 energy producer in the world.

You Lie! Obama increased US Oil production by more & laid more miles of oil pipeline than any president in history!
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Trump created more jobs for his family than Obama did.
Conservatives were outraged that Obama brought his mother in law in as a babysitter

No they weren't.
No, Michelle Obama's Mom Won't Receive a Pension for Living in the White House

It kind of looks like they were.
To quote your source, "as well as several other questionable news websites". IOW, nothing burger. Seriously, if you're going to pretend to speak for all Republicans, you're going to have to do a LOT better than that. But keep trying. Who knows, one day you might actually have a legitimate gripe. Not today, it looks like, but maybe some day.
Where in the hell did YOU ever read in my comments that I said TRUMP invented cracking?
Dumb shits like you don't ever use the Internet it sounds like!
American engineers William Merriam Burton and Robert E. Humphreys independently developed and patented a similar process as U.S. patent 1,049,667 on June 8, 1908
Cracking (chemistry) - Wikipedia
Idiot! See the date? 1908!
So what the hell did Trump or Obama have to do with it?
The BIG difference you idiots don't seem to comprehend is Trump/Bush etc. signing more federal leases than Obama!
Again under Obama who wanted the USA to be energy DEPENDENT... signed nearly 42% LESS leases! Do you understand the implications?
Of course not you are truly an example of the ignorance of Obamatrons!
Obama is a jihadist who sees middle east oil of Muslim majority countries as a good means of them controlling the US, as they did during his 8 years, and many years before that.

Trump is the one who turned that around, amd made the Us the #1 energy producer in the world.

You Lie! Obama increased US Oil production by more & laid more miles of oil pipeline than any president in history!

Obama increased US Oil production by more....than any president in history!

What did Obama do to help US oil production?

Be specific.
Glad this simple thread has made some Trump cultists "think" a bit about the difference between FACTS and the orange clown's DEMAGOGUERY ...............
These cultists will never admit to the stark reality on this forum.....but, ...........nonetheless.........lol
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years, which would be about 1.1 million/year. Trump added 4.7 million jobs in 2 years, which averages to about 2.3 million/year.
"Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years"

Prove it, imbecile....
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years, which would be about 1.1 million/year. Trump added 4.7 million jobs in 2 years, which averages to about 2.3 million/year.
"Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years"

Prove it, imbecile....

Which President Created the Most Jobs?
Kinda hard for DOW not to rise when it bottoms out under Obama. We forget how bad things were under Obama. Dow 7000. Unemployment 10%. Wow.

Above is an example of how Trump got votes from ignorant, uneducated, uninformed morons.
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......

Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years, which would be about 1.1 million/year. Trump added 4.7 million jobs in 2 years, which averages to about 2.3 million/year.
"Obama added 8.9 million jobs in 8 years"

Prove it, imbecile....

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

From your link, which president increased the debt the most?

Hussein Obama. 74% increase. And what did we get for it? He became known as the food stamp president.

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