The next Dimm POTUS should be impeached.

We will find the crime.

Sondland bought his ambassadorship from Trump for $1 million. Let’s go after Trump for that.
Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

Circling back to the old “it’s a campaign contribution” bullshit, eh?

In other words you got nothing. No one with an IQ above 70 would even try to make that argument in a court.

And yet, I get to sit back and watch him get impeached over it.

Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes!

Pyrrhic victory - Wikipedia

The House votes to "impeach" for crimes no one testifies to, and the Senate vaporized what's left of the Stalinist democrat Party
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

Government business is being done - note all of the breaks for votes during the process. Unlike Trump, who can only obsess about one thing at a time, Pelosi is able to walk, talk, and chew gum, at the same time. Women, by nature, are better able to multi-task than men, because we have to. Especially working women who are accustomed to balancing work obligations, managing family life and schedules, as well as meals laundry, etc., and social obligations, all while being perfectly groomed.
I have no need of your sexist claptrap moralizing. What bills has Pelosi put on Trump's desk?

The proper question is not what bills have gone to trump, but what bills were sent to the Senate and sat on by McConnell.

You would think by now, the commiecrats would have learned that payback is a bitch. But as we see with this farce they are proceeding with, they are too stupid to learn from past mistakes.

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo
They don't seem to be very smart, though they are obsessed with overturning the 2016 election.

Yep, and I hope the Republicans do the exact same to the next commie President. Then they'll be crying how awful it is the Republicans are using the stupidest thing to impeach a President.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I couldn't care less about Biden. Investigate him for all I care.

But Trump is still not legally allowed to solicit a foreign national to do it for him.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
What three year old rumor?...the one that Biden bragged about on video?....come on you really want to go back to the days of greased palms and dirty elected officials?....politicians should not bribe nations to give their kids ridiculously over paid do nothing jobs...whether you think its okay or not....
They keep talking about Trump delaying the military aid to Ukraine jeopardizing the country.

Did Obama give them anything when Crimea was annexed?


Fucking hypocrites. It’s sick. Obama was sucking Putin’s cock so he didn’t give Ukraine any aid.

Dimms are such bastards.


This is what happened when you have a president that is so fucking inept he doesn’t even know how to ask simple favor. Instead he have tons of people involved.

Results ...... bribery or extortion. = IMPEACHABLE

Without the decency of the democrats we don’t hear any of these corruptness of Trump..... spreading lies and conspiracy crap.

You can cry however you want Trump is the most corrupted disgusting president ever.

Derp derp derp derp

When Obama tells Medvedev “Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after my election.”....that’s mutha flocking collusion on a hot mic.

You fairy,

Plus, Obama killed hundreds of thousands of Brown people in Libya, Syria, Yemen....all Illegal regime change wars.

He is a fucking war criminal who should be tried and executed. That’s corruption, you simple racist. Someone says the N word and you shit your panties, but Obama commits fucking GENOCIDE, AND YOU DONT CARE.

That’s fucked.

Understand truth hurts.
I’ll vote for Obama on next election. If Obama had committed genocide. How come haters like you are the only one crying?

Obama was and is well respected with very high remarks both domestic and international. That’s a fact.

Trump is a the lousiest POTUS ever that made us bigots, racist, bully and laughing stock around the globe. That’s a fact.

Dude this whole Ukraine crap could have been very simple deal to accomplish but Trump is so amateur and stupid.
Who is his political opponent, and how did Trump conclude he was? Nobody knows who his opponent is going to be.

Because honest people (which Democrats are not) need to provide some kind of evidence of wrongdoing, not just because it looks so bad. It's clear why drug head was hired for a multi-million dollar paying job, but again, no evidence of what was provided in exchange for giving him that gravy job.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.

Yeah, them and some two dozen others.


Opponents have yet to be determined. Claiming quid pro joe is Trumps political rival is like saying every commiecrat is. Commiecrats like you for instance. LMAO

They both running for the same office, dumbfuck.

Yeah, them and some two dozen others.

You want to do this all night? I can copy and paste the same reply over and over if you wish. LMAO

I'm having second thought that she's a woman.

Uhm... Is he?

Check it out, a Trump cultist being a whiny sexist shittains. Golly, what a surprise. They don't have issues with women at all, really they don't.

To call someone "sexist" you first have to know what sexist is.

  1. characterized by or showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
Now explain where have I shown prejudice, stereotype or discrimination against this (wo)man. :D
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Trump was investigated for collusion.

There was no collusion.

Obama and Hillary were instrumental in this accusation.

.....and they used foreign actors to help get dirt on Trump.

So that was illegal, right?
Oh please. If her testimony was more sided toward Trump, you'd be calling her a fascist bitch.

But it's not. She's told us the truth. Just like everyone else who has testified.

And you can't handle it.


Yes, we've heard the truth repeatedly. No quid pro quo ordered by Trump.

Sondland testified there was a quid pro quo, and that everyone knew about it. He even named names.

Yes, a "presumed" quid pro quo. He also testified that Trump never ordered one, and in fact when questioned, Trump ordered no quid pro quo.

LOL. Yes there is clear quid pro quo. No doubt.

Trump ordered no quid pro is a joke. What do you expect from a liar president?

Trump is a piece of art PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s false claim about Apple plant

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump tried to take credit Wednesday for opening a plant that’s been in business for years.

He also tried to blame House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for closing Congress, but she didn’t.

TRUMP: “Today I opened a major Apple Manufacturing plant in Texas that will bring high paying jobs back to America. Today Nancy Pelosi closed Congress because she doesn’t care about American Workers!” — tweet early Wednesday evening.

THE FACTS: Neither happened.

Trump visited a factory in Austin, Texas, that has made the Mac Pro for Apple since 2013.

Honey, they started the new expansion. No lie. Just a Perfect example of how the media lies-
Apple expands in Austin
Company Breaks Ground on New Campus, Begins Production of All-New Mac Pro

Out of the horses mouth
Sondland testified there was a quid pro quo, and that everyone knew about it. He even named names.

Yes, a "presumed" quid pro quo. He also testified that Trump never ordered one, and in fact when questioned, Trump ordered no quid pro quo.

Trump said, "Talk to Rudy." But, of course, Trump has blocked Rudy from testifying.

Yep......Rudy knows who is guilty of of course....the Democrats claim he's committing crimes.

Rudy is a senile old fart who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, and Rudy is committing crimes. Notice how his buddies, Lev and Parm are now going to jail? No, you're ignoring that.

... and still no Russian connection

Who is the Ukraine at war with? If the Ukraine doesn’t receive military aid, who does that benefit? Where did the Crowdstrike false propaganda story come from? Where did Guliani get his faked evidence on Maria Yovanovitch?
because the whistle blower came forward...
Exactly when did the unknown invisible alleged whistle blower come forward?? ... :dunno:
Days before trump released the funds.

trump released the funds 2 days after the House of Reps announced they were starting investigations into the hold on the funds and why they were being withheld.

The whistleblower submitted his complaint on August 12th.

The House started investigating the hold of funds on September 9th.

trump released the funds on September 11th.

The ONLY reason why trump released the funds was because of the whistleblower report and his conspiracy to bribe/extort the president of Ukraine was being exposed.

In other words, he was busted. Big time.
Poor, demented con. In reality, you have no clue if he's going to win the Democrats' nomination or not. So all you're really doing is spouting nonsensical babble.

And again, losing that race doesn't mean he's not running as a third party.

Deal with reality for once ... they're both running for president now. They're political rivals, no matter how stupid you are.

Yeah, that.

While the Ukraine shakedown was playing out, polls showed Biden was the strongest contender, the most likely to beat Trump. Damaging him so severely to knock him out of the race would have eliminated the strongest opponent from the race. That's the personal political benefit Trump was trying to acquire right there.

Not that there is any hope for the Trump sycophants to stop their suicide mission - the Dear Leader demands no less.

And we are still over 11 months away from the election. Nobody knows who Trump is going to run against.
They keep talking about Trump delaying the military aid to Ukraine jeopardizing the country.

Did Obama give them anything when Crimea was annexed?


Fucking hypocrites. It’s sick. Obama was sucking Putin’s cock so he didn’t give Ukraine any aid.

Dimms are such bastards.


This is what happened when you have a president that is so fucking inept he doesn’t even know how to ask simple favor. Instead he have tons of people involved.

Results ...... bribery or extortion. = IMPEACHABLE

Without the decency of the democrats we don’t hear any of these corruptness of Trump..... spreading lies and conspiracy crap.

You can cry however you want Trump is the most corrupted disgusting president ever.

Derp derp derp derp

When Obama tells Medvedev “Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after my election.”....that’s mutha flocking collusion on a hot mic.

You fairy,

Plus, Obama killed hundreds of thousands of Brown people in Libya, Syria, Yemen....all Illegal regime change wars.

He is a fucking war criminal who should be tried and executed. That’s corruption, you simple racist. Someone says the N word and you shit your panties, but Obama commits fucking GENOCIDE, AND YOU DONT CARE.

That’s fucked.

Understand truth hurts.
I’ll vote for Obama on next election. If Obama had committed genocide. How come haters like you are the only one crying?

Obama was and is well respected with very high remarks both domestic and international. That’s a fact.

Trump is a the lousiest POTUS ever that made us bigots, racist, bully and laughing stock around the globe. That’s a fact.

Dude this whole Ukraine crap could have been very simple deal to accomplish but Trump is so amateur and stupid.

maobama will be the invisible president of history, everything he did with his pen and phone is vanishing. There will be a small asterisk by his name, *first half black president. LMAO

Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma-US-Ukraine Corruption Case[/B

As reported on Wednesday the head of Burisma Holdings was indicted this week in Ukraine!

Ukrainian Prosecutor General indicted Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky

The claim alleges that Hunter Biden and his partners received $16.5 million over several years for their ‘services’ in Ukraine.

Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden took a lucrative post on the Burisma Board in 2014. Hunter Biden was making millions from the corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas company.

Funny how liberals can see the collusion with Russia when their darling Muller spent almost three years and never could see it. I guess that is the same feelings based modality that allows Shits libs to call people “witnesses” who Never Saw Anything.

Oh Please Stop.

There’s no collusion. We are not talking about collusion.......... but 100% clear evidence that Russia interferes and rape our democracy in 2016 presidential election. That’s a fact. Proved by intelligence agencies hired by inept Trump.

And, Ukrainians also did. In fact several countries tried other than Russia tried, one does not exclude the other.


That is only coming out from Trump and his followers plus his cartels. Nobody else.
Your proof is WHAT?

Nunez was in charge before Sciff could have mentioned that a long time ago. Don’t you think?
WRONG! GOP ID has increased since the 2016 election while Dems have remained flat.

No, totally wrong. You did notice that your link showed the opposite of what you claimed, right?

1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The 8-percentage-point Democratic advantage in leaned partisan identification is wider than at any point since 2009, and a statistically significant shift since 2016, when Democrats had a 4-point edge (48% to 44%).

Worst for you is how the democratic advantage is much larger among the young. Party ID is essentially fixed by age 30. If it changes, it changes in the liberal direction, since individuals get more liberal as they age. Republicans only do well with old white men, the group that is shrinking the fastest.
Sondland testified: ""Mr. Giuliani expressed those requests directly to the Ukrainians. Mr. Giuliani also expressed those requests directly to us," Sondland told the House Intelligence Committee. "We all understood that these prerequisites for the White House call and White House meeting reflected President Trump’s desires and requirements.""

Edit- removed sumpin

And reality shows, the call happened, a meeting in NY happened, WH meeting hasn't happened, YET, and what has Ukraine done? Come on commie give us the facts, what has Ukraine done?


Ukraine has gotten lucky because the whistleblower complaint blew up Trump's bribery scheme. You didn't know?

When you pretend failure equals innocence, you should just talk among yourselves.

ROFLMFAO, the WH call happened on 25 July, you claimed that was a condition, tell us when the CIA rat lies came to light again. You commies just love painting yourselves into corners and then try to lie your way out.


I've seen no one claim the phone call was a 'condition'. Congress was notified of the whistle blower complaint on 9/9/19. Funds were released on 9/11/19, a couple of days before Zelensky was due to announce an investigation. The bribery scheme failed. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. Haven't you watched any of the testimony?

Really? Again, what did Ukraine do to get the call?
"We all understood that these prerequisites for the White House call and White House meeting reflected President Trump’s desires and requirements."
And FYI the aid was released the day before the senate was due to vote on releasing aid, because republicans said they supported it. Neither the CIA rat or the commies in the house had anything to do with it.


Congress had already authorized the aid. Why would the Senate vote on releasing it?

"Sondland said he informed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that he had spoken to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky before the July 25 call between Mr. Trump and Zelensky, recalling he had told Zelensky he should mention his intention "to run a fully transparent investigation and will 'turn over every stone.'"

I had missed that even the call had a price, but I expect Zelensky fulfilled a commitment when he said, " I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be conducted openly and candidly. That I can assure you." You know, because they had been talking about it for weeks.
You at least have to come up with a serious charge. With actual witnesses and shit.
Already done.

And you still sound ridiculous. No, all anyone has to do is subpoena. So your claim is the great president and his gang wont testify, because there is no reason to clear themselves.

Listen to yourself. How can you not see how stupid you sound?
LoL, what’s the charge?

If the dems are so dumb ass stupid to proceed with this the actual trial is going to be a blood bath.
They keep talking about Trump delaying the military aid to Ukraine jeopardizing the country.

Did Obama give them anything when Crimea was annexed?


Fucking hypocrites. It’s sick. Obama was sucking Putin’s cock so he didn’t give Ukraine any aid.

Dimms are such bastards.


This is what happened when you have a president that is so fucking inept he doesn’t even know how to ask simple favor. Instead he have tons of people involved.

Results ...... bribery or extortion. = IMPEACHABLE

Without the decency of the democrats we don’t hear any of these corruptness of Trump..... spreading lies and conspiracy crap.

You can cry however you want Trump is the most corrupted disgusting president ever.

Derp derp derp derp

When Obama tells Medvedev “Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after my election.”....that’s mutha flocking collusion on a hot mic.

You fairy,

Plus, Obama killed hundreds of thousands of Brown people in Libya, Syria, Yemen....all Illegal regime change wars.

He is a fucking war criminal who should be tried and executed. That’s corruption, you simple racist. Someone says the N word and you shit your panties, but Obama commits fucking GENOCIDE, AND YOU DONT CARE.

That’s fucked.

Understand truth hurts.
I’ll vote for Obama on next election. If Obama had committed genocide. How come haters like you are the only one crying?

Obama was and is well respected with very high remarks both domestic and international. That’s a fact.

Trump is a the lousiest POTUS ever that made us bigots, racist, bully and laughing stock around the globe. That’s a fact.

Dude this whole Ukraine crap could have been very simple deal to accomplish but Trump is so amateur and stupid.

maobama will be the invisible president of history, everything he did with his pen and phone is vanishing. There will be a small asterisk by his name, *first half black president. LMAO


Droned the fuck out of the Middle East. POS.
"Fiona Hill’s testimony is riddled with speculation and guesses about any role that Mr. Mulvaney played with anything related to Ukraine. She bases much of her testimony about him on things allegedly heard from unnamed staffers, guards in the West Wing, and “many people.” The fact is that Ms. Hill has never met Mr. Mulvaney other than in passing, and has never discussed anything with him regarding Ukraine. We have no idea why Ms. Hill believes Mr. Mulvaney was so heavily involved, especially in light of Ambassador Sondland’s contrary testimony that he only spoke very infrequently to Mr. Mulvaney and had zero substantive conversations with him about Ukraine. This inquiry continues to be a sham. No court in this country would give any weight to testimony about Mr. Mulvaney as speculative as Ms. Hill’s. Neither should Congress or the public."— Mulvaney attorney Bob Driscoll

There is a simple solution to all this. Mick Mulvaney should appear before the impeachment hearings to clear his name. Will that happen? Of course not, and neither will Bolton, Pompeo, or Giuliani, or anyone close to Trump who is aware of the issues.

Theoretically, those close to Trump would b exculpatory witnesses presenting his side. But Trump won't allow that to happen. Why is that?

The answer to that question is quite simple.

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