Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

I don’t know. And you don’t know either.

But here is what I do know. I know that Chauvin wouldn’t have been convicted if he had not knelt on Floyd. If he had stopped kneeling on Floyd after a couple minutes. If he had stopped kneeling when Floyd complained of difficulty breathing. If he had stopped kneeling when Floyd became unconscious. If Chauvin had performed CPR when no pulse was found. If Chauvin had allowed the Paramedic standing there begging to be allowed to treat Floyd to perform CPR.

Chauvin is in prison not because of scary Black people. He is in prison because of his own actions. A chain of events, which at any point had he actually done what he was supposed to, what his training told him to. If he had at any point in that chain done what he was trained to, just one of those steps, he wouldn’t be in prison today.

Think about that for a moment. He was trained to take certain actions in certain situations. In every step of the disaster that day, he did not do what he was trained to do.

Maybe Floyd would have died on that day anyway. Maybe he would have died the next week, or month, or year. I don’t know. And frankly it doesn’t matter. Chauvin made his choices, and at each step he went with the wrong thing. If he had followed his training even one of those steps, then Chauvin might have lost his job as a cop, but he wouldn’t be a convict today.
I also know that a cop sat on the neck of a white man, and the white man died. Without googling, what is his name?
I don’t know. And you don’t know either.

But here is what I do know. I know that Chauvin wouldn’t have been convicted if he had not knelt on Floyd. If he had stopped kneeling on Floyd after a couple minutes. If he had stopped kneeling when Floyd complained of difficulty breathing. If he had stopped kneeling when Floyd became unconscious. If Chauvin had performed CPR when no pulse was found. If Chauvin had allowed the Paramedic standing there begging to be allowed to treat Floyd to perform CPR.

Chauvin is in prison not because of scary Black people. He is in prison because of his own actions. A chain of events, which at any point had he actually done what he was supposed to, what his training told him to. If he had at any point in that chain done what he was trained to, just one of those steps, he wouldn’t be in prison today.

Think about that for a moment. He was trained to take certain actions in certain situations. In every step of the disaster that day, he did not do what he was trained to do.

Maybe Floyd would have died on that day anyway. Maybe he would have died the next week, or month, or year. I don’t know. And frankly it doesn’t matter. Chauvin made his choices, and at each step he went with the wrong thing. If he had followed his training even one of those steps, then Chauvin might have lost his job as a cop, but he wouldn’t be a convict today.

Watch the videos. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe sitting in back of the squad car before he was near Chauvin's knee. That tells me drugs were shutting down his body. Because he couldn't breathe he was panicking which is why they pulled him out to hold him down.

I seriously doubt he knew when Floyd passed out or stopped physically breathing.
From what you have read, as compared to the 2 juries who actually heard the case.
And the jury knew that there was a large, angry mob of black people outside the courthouse, threatening to riot and burn and assault and murder if Chavin wasn’t made the sacrificial lamb.

The case should have been moved to where he could get a fair trial.
The thirty minutes the four officers struggled with Floyd to detain him is often overlooked in favor of political ideologies.

Knew this was coming. It has been a travesty of justice. No, Derek isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he was competent at his job. And since his conviction crime rates have been skyrocketing everywhere because police around the world have been goldbricking. (Not completely unexpected either)

Kinda like the nurse that was working with broken software in TN that got convicted of's caused nursing shortages everywhere.

Floyd was stoned on fentanyl. He was actively trying to escape for thirty minutes. He killed himself because of the physical exertion while stoned on fentanyl. Sending the police to jail for doing their job is a complete travesty of justice.
The thirty minutes the four officers struggled with Floyd to detain him is often overlooked in favor of political ideologies.

Knew this was coming. It has been a travesty of justice. No, Derek isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he was competent at his job. And since his conviction crime rates have been skyrocketing everywhere because police around the world have been goldbricking. (Not completely unexpected either)

Kinda like the nurse that was working with broken software in TN that got convicted of's caused nursing shortages everywhere.

Floyd was stoned on fentanyl. He was actively trying to escape for thirty minutes. He killed himself because of the physical exertion while stoned on fentanyl. Sending the police to jail for doing their job is a complete travesty of justice.
And even more than that….

The savage behavior that erupted in cities nationwide and for months on end was all designed to get blacks to the polls because….racism.

The BLM terror group, which Obama had invited to the White House, always planned to make a show after a cop killed a black man, but ideally it would have to be a decent, law-abiding black man who was not threatening police and was killed despite that.

The dilemma was that the election was only a few months away, and the dozen or so blacks who were killed (out of millions of police encounters) were all lowlife thugs threatening cops with a gun. Time was a’.wasting, so when the rare case came up (usually only one or two a year) where an unarmed black died in police custody, they jumped into action. They weren’t going to let the fact that he was a violent ex-felon high on fentanyl derail their plans.

The fact is that this case had nothing to do with race - and that if Floyd had not defied police orders, and wasn’t high on drugs, and hadn’t just completed another crime, he would be alive today. (Maybe, if drugs or street violence hadn’t ended up getting him anyway.)
Pure speculation.


WHERE is the media coverage of that nightclub where both worked?

Different shifts? Get real, it is a NIGHT CLUB - Chauvin was the enforcer and Floyd was a peon.

Whether it is a mental problem or a character flaw, the SUB is absolutely exhibit a of believing what it wants to regardless of facts.

The accusation that Floyd was loaded with fentanyl he took long before he went to the store etc. is pathetic. Fentanyl kills immediately. It puts users in a DUH state if it isn't enough to kill. Floyd had no Fentanyl in him. It was put there by that coroner.

Fox News is a toxic disaster for conservatism, Republican Party, and America. Tucker Carlson is a Jew lying that he is a Catholic who immediately shouted down "conspiracy theories" after the 2020 election, refusing to have Rudy Guiliani speak. Tucker loves Chauvin, because Chauvin enables Zionist Fascism, which is what Fox News is really all about. The SUBS who trust Fox are not good Americans, they are not conservatives, they simply parrot lies they want to believe and endlessly toss truth that refutes the lies in the trash. They don't care about fiscal conservatism because they do not understand BASIC MATH. They are the only demographic that still believes 600F burning jet fuel caused a river of 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower. They are stupid useless treasonous sub humans and they want to believe Tucker and support Chauvin. Whether it is Chauvin or the Murderous Fraud Vax or service on the USS Liberty, the SUB ends up EXTERMINATED.

Cheering exactly who is wrecking America and exterminating conservatives = the SUB and Fox News
I have serious doubts whether he murdered anybody.
I don’t. The medical examiner concluded that the cause of death was a homicide. Case closed.

People around here with absolutely no medical knowledge, without conducting an autopsy on the body, think they know more than the guy who does this professionally? LoL
I don’t. The medical examiner concluded that the cause of death was a homicide. Case closed.

People around here with absolutely no medical knowledge, without conducting an autopsy on the body, think they know more than the guy who does this professionally? LoL

I never said that. What I did say is that it's very possible the medical examiner felt threatened when he made his conclusion which is why I think the case should have been moved far out of the city. Then there would be no question what he concluded.
I never said that. What I did say is that it's very possible the medical examiner felt threatened when he made his conclusion which is why I think the case should have been moved far out of the city. Then there would be no question what he concluded.
Yes, the fentanyl that may have helped Floyd to casually pass counterfeit was also the same fentanyl chemistry exacerbated due to the adrenaline rush at the time of arrest.
MINNEAPOLIS — New documents filed in the George Floyd case give new information about the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's findings in Floyd's autopsy.

Handwritten notes of a law enforcement interview with Dr. Andrew Baker, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, say Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his system.

"If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3," Baker told investigators.

So yes, there is a lethal dose of fentanyl one can take. Correct, a user needs more and more to get high, and develops an immunity to the narcotic, but at some point, the body shuts down regardless how high or not high the user is. The human body only has so much to defend that body with. That's the reason for so many OD deaths in this country.

Lowlifes will not travel 50, 60 70 miles away to get at a medical examiner. They will if he's five or ten miles away.

Your assertion is frankly. Idiotic.

If he had been found home, alone, then the death would be called an overdose. But he wasn’t found home alone.

As I mentioned in another response. The ME looks at the totality of the evidence. According to you all that matters is the levels of toxicity.

Imagine how stupid the ME would sound if he categorized a death as an overdose while half a dozen bullet holes were in the body. Oh those don’t matter. This individual was over the lethal limit on Fentanyl.

The conclusion has to be based upon the totality of evidence. If the body is hanging from the rafters with a noise around the neck you don’t categorize the death as an overdose. If you do you better be able to explain it before you are booted out of the job as coroner.
Watch the videos. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe sitting in back of the squad car before he was near Chauvin's knee. That tells me drugs were shutting down his body. Because he couldn't breathe he was panicking which is why they pulled him out to hold him down.

I seriously doubt he knew when Floyd passed out or stopped physically breathing.

Well when Chauvin couldn’t find a pulse or get a response should have been a big fucking neon sign that there was a problem. When a paramedic is standing there begging to be allowed to help the man should have been a clue.
Chauvin's attorney, William Mohrman, argued Wednesday that because video and reports of Floyd's death were so widely publicized, kicking off nationwide protests, the jury was essentially 'poisoned.'
The defense is also demanding that the court assign a new venue for a new trial.
Chauvin was sentenced to 22- and-a-half-years in prison for the murder of Floyd, and last July, he was given another 21 years on federal charges of civil rights violations.
'You can't hold a trial in a community where the jurors are looking at the possibility of a riot in the event the jury acquits the defendant,' Mohrman said.

April 19 (Reuters) - The judge overseeing the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Monday harshly criticized U.S. Representative Maxine Waters' remarks on the case, saying she might have given the defense grounds for appeal in the event of a conviction.
Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill said during the closing moments of Chauvin's trial that it was abhorrent of Waters, a Democrat from California, to tell protesters it would be unacceptable for the former officer to be acquitted of murdering George Floyd.

Officer Chauvin did not get a fair trial.
The racist Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters tampered with the jury by going to Wisconsin and making treats of more Left-Wing violence if she was not satisfied with the verdict.
It was a politically motivated verdict.
If it had not been an election year and if George Floyd had been white people would have never heard of him.

Good luck with that. Appeals courts are loathe to overturn the verdict of a jury based on the jury's judgment. Usually it has to be a legal mistake by the judge or some piece of evidence that was discovered or withheld.

Chavin is arguing that the jury's judgment was invalid.

That is a strategy with a *very* low success rate.
Your assertion is frankly. Idiotic.

If he had been found home, alone, then the death would be called an overdose. But he wasn’t found home alone.

As I mentioned in another response. The ME looks at the totality of the evidence. According to you all that matters is the levels of toxicity.

Imagine how stupid the ME would sound if he categorized a death as an overdose while half a dozen bullet holes were in the body. Oh those don’t matter. This individual was over the lethal limit on Fentanyl.

The conclusion has to be based upon the totality of evidence. If the body is hanging from the rafters with a noise around the neck you don’t categorize the death as an overdose. If you do you better be able to explain it before you are booted out of the job as coroner.

The only point behind my post is that yes, Floyd did have a more than lethal dose of fentanyl in his system when he died. Which means there is a good possibility that's what killed him.
Good luck with that. Appeals courts are loathe to overturn the verdict of a jury based on the jury's judgment. Usually it has to be a legal mistake by the judge or some piece of evidence that was discovered or withheld.

Chavin is arguing that the jury's judgment was invalid.

That is a strategy with a *very* low success rate.

Murder is when you deliberately kill somebody. Manslaughter is when you took physical action against somebody, but in no way meant to kill them, sort of like you agreed to leave the bar with an adversary to fight in the alley and he died.

I seen no evidence that was Chauvin's intent. He had no reason to want to kill Floyd.
Well when Chauvin couldn’t find a pulse or get a response should have been a big fucking neon sign that there was a problem. When a paramedic is standing there begging to be allowed to help the man should have been a clue.

It's been a while since I seen the video, but I don't recall Chauvin ever taking his pulse, nor do I remember paramedics trying to help and Chauvin refusing.
Murder is when you deliberately kill somebody. Manslaughter is when you took physical action against somebody, but in no way meant to kill them, sort of like you agreed to leave the bar with an adversary to fight in the alley and he died.

I seen no evidence that was Chauvin's intent. He had no reason to want to kill Floyd.

Those aren't even issues of appeal. So they'll be irrelevant to the legal outcomes of his case.
Those aren't even issues of appeal. So they'll be irrelevant to the legal outcomes of his case.

True, but I think a real impartial judge might take that into consideration. This was a trial in the public court, not in the court of law. This was evident by the Governor sending out the National Guard on the day of the verdict.
The only point behind my post is that yes, Floyd did have a more than lethal dose of fentanyl in his system when he died. Which means there is a good possibility that's what killed him.

Oh bullshit. Even the Defense ME didn’t say that. Not one in the nation was willing to say that.

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