Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

The problem here is you do not "get it."

Chauvin KNEW that Coroner would rule he did not kill Floyd.

That Coroner had cleared Chauvin at least 6 prior times Chauvin killed someone.

Chauvin's "platoon" = Minneapolis GOON SQUAD

Good cops deserve to be defended. Chauvin is not a good cop. He is a politically enabled goon murderer thug and he chased Jesse Ventura years ago. Doesn't like 911 truthers....

Chauvin worked at the same night club as Floyd, yet the media never covered that at all.

That night club is a super elite bar for the political kids and rich kids and Chauvin was there to make sure the cocaine and whores never got "loose." He was paid a fortune for that, the real payoffs for his murders that the Coroner cleared.

Nobody wanted that Coroner fired = WHY - BLM never called for the Coroner to be replaced.

Defending Chauvin is like calling the USS Liberty an "accident..."
you have nothing
it was a politically motivated conviction
maxine waters tainted the jury
it was not justice
chauvin is innocent
left wingers are shallow
Floyd was a scumbag junkie who overdosed, plain and simple. His toxicology report proves that.

Chauvin tried to save his live, you stupid fucking racist commie moron. It's all on video. The stupid fake news lie that Chauvin choked him to death by keeping his knee of Floyd's neck for 8 minutes is a lie. The video evidence and medical science proves it's a lie beyond any doubt whatsoever.
You guys always make up baseless bullshit when you don’t get your way.

The medical examiner ruled it a homicide. Deal with it.
You guys always make up baseless bullshit when you don’t get your way.

The medical examiner ruled it a homicide. Deal with it.
Chauvin did not kill him, you fucking moron. His drug dealer killed him, dumbass. He died from a fentanyl overdose.

Chauvin risked his own life to try to save Floyd's life.

Fuck off, you disgusting obvious racist criminal piece of shit. It's extremely obvious that you hate white people and especially white cops because you are an anti-white racist and a criminal.
God almighty. For some reason you idiots won’t learn.

The possible defenses for Chauvin were examined. And he didn’t qualify for any of them.

1) Chauvin was following policy or procedure. He wasn’t. His trainer and chief of police said he wasn’t. Chauvin couldn’t find a single expert to say he was doing it right.

2) Cause of death dispute. This would require a Medical Examiner to certify and attest that the cause of death was Drugs not related to Chauvin. Not one ME could be found that would attest and swear under oath. The Defense Expert said he would list it as undetermined. And offered a lame assed observation that car exhaust could be a contributing factor.

I know. It irks you guys to no end. But he did it. He had a well financed defense team. And the Jury found him guilty.
Weigh in?

Don’t you grasp that it can be simultaneously true that the cop shouldn’t have had his knee on a suspects neck for so long AND that the suspect dies of other causes?

That hardly constitutes support for Chauvin.

The cause of death is determined by elected or appointed experts. We call those people Coroners, or Medical Examiners. They examine the evidence, the blood toxicology reports, the way the body was found, and any reports on what happened before the death.

These people write reports on the official cause of death. You can challenge their determination. However to be taken seriously you’ll need an expert of your own. Defense attorneys regularly hire such experts to dispute part or all of the determination of the Coroner for the area, be it State, County, or City.

Now the Chauvin Defense team hired an expert. This expert did not come to the conclusion that the death of Floyd was an overdose. The best he could do for the people paying his bills was say he would have ruled the death undetermined. In other words. We don’t know why Floyd died.

The nail in Chauvin’s coffin, the last nail, was when the Defense Coroner was subjected to Cross Examination. He essentially proved the Prosecution’s case.

None of the available experts. None of them from anywhere in the entire Country were willing to say it was an overdose. None. Zero. Think about that.

So you argue it was an overdose. Ever since this stupid thing started I’ve asked for someone, anyone to link to proof by showing the ME report that showed Overdose as cause of death.

Not one has ever been able to. At most they just tell me that everyone knows.

I was given Fentanyl by Paramedics when I broke my ankle. They did so to put my ankle in a splint before transporting me to the hospital. Somehow I didn’t die at the mere mention of this death drug.
The trial was not only unfair but unconstitutional. Every American has the right to a speedy trial with an unbiased jury. There is no way anybody that accepted the position as a juror did so without having a preconceived decision before the trial even started. Nobody in their right mind would have voted not-guilty for fear of their life or their family.

The trial should have been moved 50 miles out of town where the lowlifes could not be a threat to any jurors. Whether he was guilty or not is always debatable, but at least let the man have a fair trial.

How exactly would that have changed the evidence?

Chauvin was told not to do that. He did it.

That is the real problem. Chauvin could have won the case if only the facts asserted on RW websites were actually true. The problem for Chauvin was that apparently everyone lied, including his own experts.

The location of the trial would not change the facts. The fact is that Chauvin was told not to kneel on a suspect like that. The facts are that he did not do what he was trained to do. The fact is that the trainer, the head of training, and the Chief of Police all testified that Chauvin should never have done it.

The fact is that not one Coroner anywhere in the nation was willing to testify that Floyd died from an overdose. Not one. So how was the Jury supposed to come to the conclusion that it was an overdose if nobody would testify to that alleged fact?

The Defense expert Coroner said that Chauvin was wrong to kneel on Floyd. Chauvin was wrong to continue kneeling after Floyd had lost consciousness. And Chauvin was wrong to kneel there instead of doing CPR. The Defense Medical Examiner testified that it was probable that Floyd would be alive if Chauvin had done or let someone else do CPR.

It wasn’t location that sank Chauvin. It was Chauvin.
How exactly would that have changed the evidence?

Chauvin was told not to do that. He did it.

That is the real problem. Chauvin could have won the case if only the facts asserted on RW websites were actually true. The problem for Chauvin was that apparently everyone lied, including his own experts.

The location of the trial would not change the facts. The fact is that Chauvin was told not to kneel on a suspect like that. The facts are that he did not do what he was trained to do. The fact is that the trainer, the head of training, and the Chief of Police all testified that Chauvin should never have done it.

The fact is that not one Coroner anywhere in the nation was willing to testify that Floyd died from an overdose. Not one. So how was the Jury supposed to come to the conclusion that it was an overdose if nobody would testify to that alleged fact?

The Defense expert Coroner said that Chauvin was wrong to kneel on Floyd. Chauvin was wrong to continue kneeling after Floyd had lost consciousness. And Chauvin was wrong to kneel there instead of doing CPR. The Defense Medical Examiner testified that it was probable that Floyd would be alive if Chauvin had done or let someone else do CPR.

It wasn’t location that sank Chauvin. It was Chauvin.

What Chauvin did a lot of cops did years ago and were trained to do it. I was an avid fan of the show COPS and seen it many times. Not using the knee method is departmental policy and departmental policy does not make one guilty of murder.

As I stated earlier, a juror would have to fear for their lives if they voted not guilty, but the medical examiner was under the same pressure. Moving to another location where a medical examiner felt no threat may have came to the proper conclusion which was it was the drugs that killed Floyd. This was evident when Floyd was complaining about not being able to breathe sitting in the back of the police car.
I was given Fentanyl by Paramedics when I broke my ankle. They did so to put my ankle in a splint before transporting me to the hospital. Somehow I didn’t die at the mere mention of this death drug.

They didn't give you twice the lethal dose of fentanyl like Floyd had in his system.
The cause of death is determined by elected or appointed experts. We call those people Coroners, or Medical Examiners. They examine the evidence, the blood toxicology reports, the way the body was found, and any reports on what happened before the death.

These people write reports on the official cause of death. You can challenge their determination. However to be taken seriously you’ll need an expert of your own. Defense attorneys regularly hire such experts to dispute part or all of the determination of the Coroner for the area, be it State, County, or City.

Now the Chauvin Defense team hired an expert. This expert did not come to the conclusion that the death of Floyd was an overdose. The best he could do for the people paying his bills was say he would have ruled the death undetermined. In other words. We don’t know why Floyd died.

The nail in Chauvin’s coffin, the last nail, was when the Defense Coroner was subjected to Cross Examination. He essentially proved the Prosecution’s case.

None of the available experts. None of them from anywhere in the entire Country were willing to say it was an overdose. None. Zero. Think about that.

So you argue it was an overdose. Ever since this stupid thing started I’ve asked for someone, anyone to link to proof by showing the ME report that showed Overdose as cause of death.

Not one has ever been able to. At most they just tell me that everyone knows.

I was given Fentanyl by Paramedics when I broke my ankle. They did so to put my ankle in a splint before transporting me to the hospital. Somehow I didn’t die at the mere mention of this death drug.
The cause of death is initially determined by a medical examiner or a coroner. But in the case under discussion, there were other factors. And despite the fact that Chauvin’s behavior was clearly improper, even if it did contribute to the victim’s death, that doesn’t necessarily mean it was the cause of that death.

It may have been. But absent his police conduct, the man could still be dead anyway. It appears the jury concluded otherwise. I’m ok with their verdict.

But again, arguing otherwise doesn’t constitute “support” for what Chauvin did.
What Chauvin did a lot of cops did years ago and were trained to do it. I was an avid fan of the show COPS and seen it many times. Not using the knee method is departmental policy and departmental policy does not make one guilty of murder.
It wasn’t department policy.

Several of his fellow police officers, including his former instructor, testified that Chauvin’s neck restraint move was not aligned with his training.

you have nothing
it was a politically motivated conviction
maxine waters tainted the jury
it was not justice
chauvin is innocent
left wingers are shallow


You have an allegation that Floyd was 2.5 times lethal dose fentanyl

What is your evidence of that?

Face it, you either are for truth and justice or you are for Zionist Fascism. Zionist Fascism in a Zionist Dem city means GOON SQUADS above the law offing whoever they are told to...

You are trying to release someone who murders for Zionist Fascism and was completely above the law in Minnesota doing so....

Did you cheer when Jew Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to AQ?
He had twice the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system combined with meth. If you watch the police video you can see Floyd in panic because he could not breathe sitting in back of the police car. Nobody's knee was near him. That tells us it was not a knee but the drugs shutting down his body from overdose.

Correct, 30 years ago the officer would have not faced any charges because holding down an irate suspect with their knee was common police practice. The idea was to keep such a suspect from hurting themselves or others until the medics got to him.
Also, the police report outlines how they put Floyd in the back of the patrol car while he shouted about being claustrophobic. Floyd was bashing his head against the windows in the back of the patrol car so they had to take him out and lay him on the ground. They found traces of drugs in the backseat where his spittle drooled out as well. Floyd was on his way to room temperature way before Chauvin's actions.
I read media reports on that. The reports said that they didn't know each other. Not only did Chauvin and Floyd work different shifts, but Floyd worked outside basically parking cars and Chauvin worked inside in case trouble broke out in the bar. If they did run into each other it was a Hi/ bye type of thing. No relevance to the case at all.

If you can parrot it, it must be true. The religion was about RACE. The media wanted RACE. The Dems wanted RACE.

Did the media ever go inside and show us the club? NO

Any live feeds? NO

What did Chauvin and Floyd talk about for five minutes? You do not care... Maybe that nightclub where THEY BOTH WORKED

What was Chauvin's job there? Any curiosity why Chauvin worked there? Is it at all strange that a GOOD SQUAD COP would be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to work at a bar??

Chauvin was likely looking for a video from that bar of a politically connected kid breaking laws galore, and thought Floyd knew where it was....

You fucks are trying to liberate a fucking mass murdering Zionist Fascist who murdered many in Minneapolis knowing the Zionist Fascist coroner would rule he didn't cause death.

Chauvin is a disgrace to police and law enforcement everywhere.
Good point. The two men involved knew each other well.

This could be both incriminating or exculpatory, but why wasn't this relationship even addressed during the trial?

If Floyd had killed Chauvin's dog, or fucked Chauvin's wife, or vice versa- it would have provided context.

Get real.

If Floyd had 2 times lethal fentanyl, he would've already been dead....

The coroner needed to make up something, and that's what was served up.

This was pre mediated first degree murder over something related to that nightclub, not race.

"They're going to kill me". Floyd knew how things worked at that nightclub....
How do Democrats steal elections?

From big cities, where they cheat like hell. Minneapolis is just such a cheat city. It is Dem Dem Dem Dem across the board, mostly Zionist Fascists like the Mayor and the Gov and the City Council.

As they realize they will never lose control, they install corruption in every aspect of the big city, including police. Michael Bloomberg's GOON SQUAD was planting drugs on people according to actual NYPD. San Diego PD claimed over 100 times that a suspect "charged them with a knife" and were cleared, including twice where the police gunshots were IN THE BACK of the deceased. DA Bonnie Dumanis had SDPD round up participants in a 911 Truth protest and detain/force medicate them.

In response to such corruption, really dumb and Zionist Fascist "Republicans" have somehow made Zionist Fascist Officer Derrick Chauvin a hero. Let's let him out. His knee to neck did not kill Floyd, because my beaked birdbrain can and wants to parrot a fellow LEFT WING DEM ZIONIST FASCIST "coroner" who says Floyd was loaded with fentanyl never mind he was thinking clearly enough to articulate what would happen "They're gonna kill me." Chauvin had a fascist SMIRK on his face as he murdered Floyd, knowing HE WOULD GET OFF because his fellow Zionist Fascist coroner would rule he was not cause of death....

It is a fucking disgrace that anyone REPUBLICAN would defend Derrick Chauvin. Derrick Chauvin would kill any one of you for $$$$ and not blink an eye doing it...

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