Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

Get real.

If Floyd had 2 times lethal fentanyl, he would've already been dead....

The coroner needed to make up something, and that's what was served up.

This was pre mediated first degree murder over something related to that nightclub, not race.

"They're going to kill me". Floyd knew how things worked at that nightclub....
Floyd was dying and would have died without Chauvin.
They didn't give you twice the lethal dose of fentanyl like Floyd had in his system.

There is no such thing as an automatic lethal dose of Fentanyl or any other drug. Tolerance for users is normal. What may be a lethal dose for a first time user may not even give a serious addict a buzz. That is the point of addiction. Your body becomes accustomed to the drug and you require an increasing dose to get the same effect.

The same is true of anyone who uses any kind of physiological modification substance. It is why smoking your Grandpa’s cigar made you sick as a child, but doesn’t as an experienced adult.

That is the problem with the claim of lethal limit. So to determine if it was an overdose among other things the ME examines the heart and lungs to look for signs. He or She examines the nose and throat looking for signs.

It isn’t just a simple blood test and done.

Finally. Your frankly stupid assertion that if it was a different location the “expert” would be emboldened to tell the “truth”. The trial would still be televised and everyone would know who this expert is. So this imaginary threat would still exist wouldn’t it?

But your assertion is laughable before we get there. There are more than 3,000 counties. Assume st least half of them have Coroners who are experienced and respected. Add in any who are coroners for cities. You have to assume there are at least two thousand. Plus professors of forensic medicine and all that. So figure at least two thousand potential experts. And somehow, according to you, they are all cowards. Not one will tell the truth?
He had twice the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system combined with meth. If you watch the police video you can see Floyd in panic because he could not breathe sitting in back of the police car. Nobody's knee was near him. That tells us it was not a knee but the drugs shutting down his body from overdose.

Correct, 30 years ago the officer would have not faced any charges because holding down an irate suspect with their knee was common police practice. The idea was to keep such a suspect from hurting themselves or others until the medics got to him.
So why wasn't he dead, if he had twice the lethal dose in his system? Amazing how he didn't die until he had a knee on his neck for almost 9 minutes.
What Chauvin did a lot of cops did years ago and were trained to do it. I was an avid fan of the show COPS and seen it many times. Not using the knee method is departmental policy and departmental policy does not make one guilty of murder.

As I stated earlier, a juror would have to fear for their lives if they voted not guilty, but the medical examiner was under the same pressure. Moving to another location where a medical examiner felt no threat may have came to the proper conclusion which was it was the drugs that killed Floyd. This was evident when Floyd was complaining about not being able to breathe sitting in the back of the police car.

Many things were legal in the past. And now they aren’t. Many things were authorized in the past. And now they are not. Change is the constant in our universe.

There was a time when police regularly beat confessions out of people. That doesn’t mean we should allow it today.

The rest is a continuation of your often stated ideal that everyone involved was a coward who would have told the truth, or done something different if only there were no dark people around.
If folks like you would have been on the jury, he would have walked out the Courtroom a free man. He probably would have received the Roy Bryand JW Milam Award.
No, if folks like me were on the jury, he would be serving time for manslaughter - not the overcharge to avoid more BLM violence.

And no clue who Roy Bryand is.
Many things were legal in the past. And now they aren’t. Many things were authorized in the past. And now they are not. Change is the constant in our universe.

There was a time when police regularly beat confessions out of people. That doesn’t mean we should allow it today.

The rest is a continuation of your often stated ideal that everyone involved was a coward who would have told the truth, or done something different if only there were no dark people around.

I never said they were cowards. Everybody should fear for their lives in a potentially violent situation. And I never said that the knee method should absolve the officer from charges, but only that it was used as a safe and effective method by police officers all across the country.

Who conducted the last three riots in this country? That's right, dark people. What group of people per capita leads in every violent criminal category in this country? That's right, dark people.

Therefore the jurors and the medical examiner had everything to fear. Blacks are the most violent people in our country.

But let me ask you this: do you think Floyd would be alive today if not for all the high level of drugs he ingested?
There is no such thing as an automatic lethal dose of Fentanyl or any other drug. Tolerance for users is normal. What may be a lethal dose for a first time user may not even give a serious addict a buzz. That is the point of addiction. Your body becomes accustomed to the drug and you require an increasing dose to get the same effect.

The same is true of anyone who uses any kind of physiological modification substance. It is why smoking your Grandpa’s cigar made you sick as a child, but doesn’t as an experienced adult.

That is the problem with the claim of lethal limit. So to determine if it was an overdose among other things the ME examines the heart and lungs to look for signs. He or She examines the nose and throat looking for signs.

It isn’t just a simple blood test and done.

Finally. Your frankly stupid assertion that if it was a different location the “expert” would be emboldened to tell the “truth”. The trial would still be televised and everyone would know who this expert is. So this imaginary threat would still exist wouldn’t it?

But your assertion is laughable before we get there. There are more than 3,000 counties. Assume st least half of them have Coroners who are experienced and respected. Add in any who are coroners for cities. You have to assume there are at least two thousand. Plus professors of forensic medicine and all that. So figure at least two thousand potential experts. And somehow, according to you, they are all cowards. Not one will tell the truth?

MINNEAPOLIS — New documents filed in the George Floyd case give new information about the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's findings in Floyd's autopsy.

Handwritten notes of a law enforcement interview with Dr. Andrew Baker, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, say Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his system.

"If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3," Baker told investigators.

So yes, there is a lethal dose of fentanyl one can take. Correct, a user needs more and more to get high, and develops an immunity to the narcotic, but at some point, the body shuts down regardless how high or not high the user is. The human body only has so much to defend that body with. That's the reason for so many OD deaths in this country.

Lowlifes will not travel 50, 60 70 miles away to get at a medical examiner. They will if he's five or ten miles away.
If you can parrot it, it must be true. The religion was about RACE. The media wanted RACE. The Dems wanted RACE.

Did the media ever go inside and show us the club? NO

Any live feeds? NO

What did Chauvin and Floyd talk about for five minutes? You do not care... Maybe that nightclub where THEY BOTH WORKED

What was Chauvin's job there? Any curiosity why Chauvin worked there? Is it at all strange that a GOOD SQUAD COP would be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to work at a bar??

Chauvin was likely looking for a video from that bar of a politically connected kid breaking laws galore, and thought Floyd knew where it was....

You fucks are trying to liberate a fucking mass murdering Zionist Fascist who murdered many in Minneapolis knowing the Zionist Fascist coroner would rule he didn't cause death.

Chauvin is a disgrace to police and law enforcement everywhere.

WTF do you live anyway? Over here police often take part time security jobs at stores, bars, and even have their gun belt with handcuffs, police radio, the city uniform on. It's very common. It's the media that investigated their working relationship together interviewing the managers and that's what they found. They didn't know each other. They didn't work together, they only worked for the same company.
I never said they were cowards. Everybody should fear for their lives in a potentially violent situation. And I never said that the knee method should absolve the officer from charges, but only that it was used as a safe and effective method by police officers all across the country.

Who conducted the last three riots in this country? That's right, dark people. What group of people per capita leads in every violent criminal category in this country? That's right, dark people.

Therefore the jurors and the medical examiner had everything to fear. Blacks are the most violent people in our country.

But let me ask you this: do you think Floyd would be alive today if not for all the high level of drugs he ingested?

I don’t know. And you don’t know either.

But here is what I do know. I know that Chauvin wouldn’t have been convicted if he had not knelt on Floyd. If he had stopped kneeling on Floyd after a couple minutes. If he had stopped kneeling when Floyd complained of difficulty breathing. If he had stopped kneeling when Floyd became unconscious. If Chauvin had performed CPR when no pulse was found. If Chauvin had allowed the Paramedic standing there begging to be allowed to treat Floyd to perform CPR.

Chauvin is in prison not because of scary Black people. He is in prison because of his own actions. A chain of events, which at any point had he actually done what he was supposed to, what his training told him to. If he had at any point in that chain done what he was trained to, just one of those steps, he wouldn’t be in prison today.

Think about that for a moment. He was trained to take certain actions in certain situations. In every step of the disaster that day, he did not do what he was trained to do.

Maybe Floyd would have died on that day anyway. Maybe he would have died the next week, or month, or year. I don’t know. And frankly it doesn’t matter. Chauvin made his choices, and at each step he went with the wrong thing. If he had followed his training even one of those steps, then Chauvin might have lost his job as a cop, but he wouldn’t be a convict today.
If you can parrot it, it must be true. The religion was about RACE. The media wanted RACE. The Dems wanted RACE.

Did the media ever go inside and show us the club? NO

Any live feeds? NO

What did Chauvin and Floyd talk about for five minutes? You do not care... Maybe that nightclub where THEY BOTH WORKED

What was Chauvin's job there? Any curiosity why Chauvin worked there? Is it at all strange that a GOOD SQUAD COP would be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to work at a bar??

Chauvin was likely looking for a video from that bar of a politically connected kid breaking laws galore, and thought Floyd knew where it was....

You fucks are trying to liberate a fucking mass murdering Zionist Fascist who murdered many in Minneapolis knowing the Zionist Fascist coroner would rule he didn't cause death.

Chauvin is a disgrace to police and law enforcement everywhere.
Pure speculation.
Right. Violating department policy does not make him a murderer. Murdering Floyd is what makes him a murderer.

I have serious doubts whether he murdered anybody. The officer didn't come up with this technique last minute. I'm sure he used it with other suspects during his career without injury or fatalities. He just used it on the wrong person this time because Floyd had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

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