Officer suspended for hitting woman...but who hit who first?

The basic fact that none of these people want to admit is that the Force backing up Law, is all the reality the Law has.

Take that away, and we are back in the Jungle.

And indeed, that would be an improvement to what we have now, because what we have now, is you defend youself against a barbarian, and then the force shows up and punishes you for that.

We as a society are in a powerdive towards crashing and burning.

EXACTLY. They want civil society, with no risk of harm enforcing civil society.

That's impossible. You can't have police confront violence criminals, and never have violence in confronting violent criminals.

It is not possible to have law enforcement that never hurts anyone. Can't happen.
EXACTLY. They want civil society, with no risk of harm enforcing civil society.

That's impossible. You can't have police confront violence criminals, and never have violence in confronting violent criminals.

It is not possible to have law enforcement that never hurts anyone. Can't happen.

I saw a video of a man in Portland, standing outside of a police station exit, with a hammer. He tried to attack a cop with the hammer when the cop opened the door.

While he was being beaten and arrested, the thing that got me, was the stupid bitch of a female rioter, standing there screaming about what the cops were doing, as though their violence was.. wrong.

THe complete disconnect between reality and their perceptions, is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Officer suspended after video shows him hitting woman at Florida airport

Officer suspended after video shows him hitting woman at Florida airport

In the video, which was posted on Twitter by South Florida filmmaker Billy Corbin, shows a Miami-Dade police officer, who was wearing a face mask, speaking to a Black woman inside an airport terminal on Wednesday.

The woman, who was not wearing a face mask, becomes irate, saying, “You acting like you white when you really Black...what you want to do?” She approaches the officer, and puts her face right next to his, the video shows. The officer then punches her in the face.

“She headbutted me,” the officer says as says as other officers rush in to handcuff her.
Video at link.

This woman was irate about a flight she was to be on. She screamed at the officer, getting closer and closer until her head hit his. She was definitely the aggressor. Should this officer be suspended? Should that woman be arrested? I'll be damned if she gets a penny in a lawsuit.
He should have gave her 3 warning shots in the chest before it degraded into him punching her in the head.
She never headbutted him. He had the right to tell her she would not board the plane but he did not have the right to strike her like this.

Before the proliferation of video nothing would have been done to him.
She touched him which is assault.

Ask Trump’s former campaign manager about the definition of assault. Mkay?
That's what a felony does to a person.

And, yes. She should be charged with a felony and hate crime. Tell me why you disagree.

She barely, if at all, touched the cop. No assault, no battery. Was she being an asshole? Absolutely! But being an asshole does not result in felony charges!
She barely, if at all, touched the cop. No assault, no battery. Was she being an asshole? Absolutely! But being an asshole does not result in felony charges!

You get in someone's face like that, especially combined with the verbal abuse, and it is a threat of violence.

Cops do not have to wait until they take damage to response to threats.

You want a safe, stable society? YOu can't have that kind of behavior allowed.

YOu allow it, you get what we have, random murder mobs in the streets.
The basic fact that none of these people want to admit is that the Force backing up Law, is all the reality the Law has.

Take that away, and we are back in the Jungle.

And indeed, that would be an improvement to what we have now, because what we have now, is you defend youself against a barbarian, and then the force shows up and punishes you for that.

We as a society are in a powerdive towards crashing and burning.
You don't want police to be respected. You want them to be feared. And, subsequently, not cooperated with. Not public servants but the best financed gang of thugs on the street. What caliber of man would enlist in such a repressive force? Te best and brightest?
You don't want police to be respected. You want them to be feared. And, subsequently, not cooperated with. Not public servants but the best financed gang of thugs on the street. What caliber of man would enlist in such a repressive force? Te best and brightest?
Fear creates cooperation.
You don't want police to be respected. You want them to be feared. And, subsequently, not cooperated with. Not public servants but the best financed gang of thugs on the street. What caliber of man would enlist in such a repressive force? Te best and brightest?

You look at a woman like that in the video. She is not capable of respecting Authority that is not backed up with force.

And she represents a significant portion of the population as we see, in the streets of our cities, as so many know that they do not need to fear any price for their crimes, they run rampant.

Define assault! Did she assault him when she spoke or when she made eye contact? Because she didn't touch him. He slugged her!
She touched him.
Considering the presence of COVID-19 it would be considered assault with a deadly weapon if she just breathed in him. God help her if she spit.
Being at fault in an accident is not an assault.
You are saying if it was an accident the black woman was not responsible.

but she was clearly out of control and crowding the cop

if she had maintained social distancing her head could not “accidentally” touch the cop

not to mention she was not wearing a mask
Did the officer do anything wrong? Was his reaction professional and exemplary of reasonable policing?
We have already said that he deserves a reprimand for slapping that woman

forfeiture of 1 to 3 days pay sounds about right

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