Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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I think it's fishy that the absentee ballots dropped off this weekend and Monday, in Arizona are all absentee ballots cast in the favor of Trump, and that Trump is insisting in Arizona only, to COUNT ALL ABSENTEE VOTES......

Weird, eh?

While calling to stop the count of absentee ballots, elsewhere.....

Did Trump goons stuff the absentee ballots at the last minute in Arizona???

I am NOT claiming such!

Just showing you that this speculation of fraud, can logically be conjured up on the Democratic side against the Republicans, as well..... :rolleyes:

Trump loves golf courses. Someone from NYC told me before the last election that if you go to all of Trump's golf courses, and add up the person with the most number of holes-in-one on all of Trump's golf courses, that person is - Trump! lol
I bet he three-putts constantly and slices every drive. Although I hear he can drive the ball pretty far. Probably puts his weight into it.
trump ahead 400,000 in PA, only 14% to go and Trump loses PA? lmao. Nice try crooked lying libs! They never called PA last night but they called Cali and every other state that Biden was up with similar even less numbers.

So Fox News is part of your delusional conspiracy now?

They're circling the drain, Faun. :lol:
So you prefer one party rule? Got it. Idiot.
I'd prefer 3or 4 party rule...with the office of President a non-partisan position. This might force Congress back into its designed role as the leading branch of Govt.

In truth..the Presidency has become too powerful. I think that's because its been forced to do Congress's job..and decide on issues not in the Presidents purview..via XO's.
Haven't heard a word about covid since November 3rd. Must be cured. Biden did it.
There were 100,000 cases Tuesday - a new daily record.

You're scared of a virus with a 99.6 percent recovery rate. We get it.
What’s the rate for grandma? Or does the “pro life” party only care about grandma when Democrats make ads of Paul Ryan pushing them over cliffs in their wheelchairs? :lol:

Lol, grandma. Tugging on the heart strings. Try again.
It looks like it's going to be a run-off for both senate seats in GA. The balance is currently 50-48 for the Republicans. It's very possible that the special election in GA will make it 50-50 or 52-48.
It looks like it's going to be a run-off for both senate seats in GA. The balance is currently 50-48 for the Republicans. It's very possible that the special election in GA will make it 50-50 or 52-48.
50/50--and Harris with the Hammer..oh my!

Now that..would please me!
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