Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Haven't heard a word about covid since November 3rd. Must be cured. Biden did it.
There were 100,000 cases Tuesday - a new daily record.

You're scared of a virus with a 99.6 percent recovery rate. We get it.
That's 1.6 plus million Americans killed by it. DEAD AS A DOOR NAIL.

The infection rate spread is 10 TIMES greater than the Flu.... because it is spread asymptomatic vs the flu
Media fed bullshit.
Trump is asking the Supreme Court to halt the vote count in PA.

That will fail.

Before it can go to SCOTUS, it has to go through state courts first.

It's kind of bizarre, actually.

Trumpy Bear is hilarious. Here's his most recent tweet.

Of course, his supporters are chanting STOP THE COUNT!! in states where he's ahead and COUNT THE VOTES!! in states where he's behind. Very duplicitous just like Don the Con. Maybe from now on Trumpy should add a disclaimer - - - STOP THE COUNT!! *unless I'm behind :D
Haven't heard a word about covid since November 3rd. Must be cured. Biden did it.
There were 100,000 cases Tuesday - a new daily record.

You're scared of a virus with a 99.6 percent recovery rate. We get it.
That's 1.6 plus million Americans killed by it. DEAD AS A DOOR NAIL.

The infection rate spread is 10 TIMES greater than the Flu.... because it is spread asymptomatic vs the flu

1.6 million haven't died from it.
Well, that would help. His habit of running to court for every blessed thing is annoying as hell.

Yeah, Donald is the most litigious SOB on the planet. Of course, he threatens a lot and doesn't follow through.
Both campaigns are fundraising for legal fees now - Watch that money go straight into Donald's pocket OR to pay his personal legal fees!
Lot of lawyers don't want to work for Trumpy Bear because often they don't get paid.
His options on finding great lawyers are diminishing. At this point he's down to the ambulance chasers. ;)

Yeah, he stiffs his contractors all the time. You hear that a lot down here.

trump ahead 400,000 in PA, only 14% to go and Trump loses PA? lmao. Nice try crooked lying libs! They never called PA last night but they called Cali and every other state that Biden was up with similar even less numbers.

So Fox News is part of your delusional conspiracy now?

They're circling the drain, Faun. :lol:
So you prefer one party rule? Got it. Idiot.
I'd prefer 3or 4 party rule...with the office of President a non-partisan position. This might force Congress back into its designed role as the leading branch of Govt.

In truth..the Presidency has become too powerful. I think that's because its been forced to do Congress's job..and decide on issues not in the Presidents purview..via XO's.
I agree with you. I am an Independent and a Centrist. Neither party really wants me. LOL

Is there an orphan party?
Kornacki, just now: 40% of Georgia’s ballots come from the 9 counties in Atlanta. Those 9 counties are overwhelmingly Democratic. Mailed ballots are overwhelmingly Democratic.

So there you go.

I'm convinced that Steve Kornacki IS the Energizer Bunny.
The man is an animal - getting by on maybe 3 hours sleep a day.
Doubt if he leaves the building. Bet they set up a cot for him behind the Big Board. :laugh:
Looks like Georgia, Arizona, and a couple of other elections are in the realm of calling for recounts....
As the Arizona official told Rachel last night, Arizona has been doing early/mail balloting for a long time and has it down. There won’t be a difference. Georgia has a crooked Governor, so who knows.

It was unbefuckinglievable that Brian Kemp didn't recuse himself as Secretary of State when he stole the election from Abrams.

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