Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Yang/Mayor Pete versus Romney/Huntsman would be pretty cool...but I'm hoping for a new crop of flesh, minus the lack of character ala Trump.

Mayor Pete?

I thought he was excellent, though a little young.

But the Democratic Party will have a big dilemma - a black/Indian woman v a gay man.

Oh, the tension!
Pete has been smashing GOP cult Misinformation on Fox for the last month. He earned his badge, and I also respect Veterans.

Romney shows he can defy a party on principle.

Yang is empirical and forward thinking.

Huntsman is a really good man.
Stop trolling. Romney is 76? He is done with politics after this. Nikki Haley will run in 2024

She's hamstrung with Trump baggage.
And she's gonna have a hard time running against an incumbent President Harris.
Perhaps. 2022 may be the key to 2024. If the DNC is smart (insert joke here) they should decide in the next 10 days that Burr and Perdue (NC and GA senators) are the targets. Johnson in PA and Toomey in WI are also good targets but those may be organically competitive given the recent trends where DEM governors won elections in both states. Anyway...field some rockstar candidates in all 4 places and do your best to win the Senate. When I say "rockstar" candidates...I am looking at Mark Kelly out here in AZ. He looks like he's going through 8 different types of hell half the time and he won the race. This isn't the best use of his talents but he was able to win because he's a brand name.

I don't mean her in name but Julianne Moore. I have no idea what she thinks about politics but she's from NC (army kid I think) and she'll have some name recognition. Emily Procter...also from NC. Chris Paul; NBA all-star. He's pretty astute politically.

The electorate is changing folks. While I don't embrace that celebrities are the way to go...they are the way to win elections more and more. Atlanta-metro has tons of people who can challenge of the same ilk.

**Edit--I forgot my point. LOL

Anyway, If you hold the house in 2022 and get the senate in 2022; then you can pass some legislation that will set up the 2024 run regardless of the nominee. If I'm Biden; you've got to govern but I think you govern with an eye on the midterms. Don't do a lot to alienate those who you don't have to alienate--something the blob never learned and look what it got him--and keep in mind the big picture.

The Democratic Party lost seats in the House and could not win the Senate, so 2022 is out of the question about taking the Senate and the Democratic Party could lose the House or at least lose more seats.

Pelosi must go as Speaker because she cost the Party this election but I also believe Mitch McConnell should go if the GOP want to make bigger gains in 2022...
They lost seats they improbably won in the huge Blue Wave of 2018. Nobody expected a Democrat to hold the seat in Oklahoma in that deep red district.

We haven’t lost the Senate yet.

2022 is a worse map for Republican Senators than 2020 is.

Mitch McConnell just won another 6 years. His grip on Senate Republicans is iron.

You know, you probably shouldn’t post about politics - you always look like an uninformed dumbass.
PA pollsters keeping Conservative poll watchers away, police baracade in PA. TRUMP POLL WATCHERS barred from watching the count. TRUMP WON PA, EASILY.
Trump is ahead by 2% and there are over a million ballots left to count. Settle down. You're being lied to.

WRONG, thats after the cheating libs counted thousands of ballots all for sleep joe last night w/o conservatives watching, they were barred and that is why Rudy filed suit in PA.
Trump is the only cheater in this race.

How and why President Trump cheats at golf — even when he’s playing against Tiger Woods

No, the dems are committing fraud on an epic scale. It is being exposed.
In the fever dreams of OANN? :lol:
trump ahead 400,000 in PA, only 14% to go and Trump loses PA? lmao. Nice try crooked lying libs! They never called PA last night but they called Cali and every other state that Biden was up with similar even less numbers.

So Fox News is part of your delusional conspiracy now?

They're circling the drain, Faun. :lol:
Looks like Georgia, Arizona, and a couple of other elections are in the realm of calling for recounts....

PA pollsters keeping Conservative poll watchers away, police baracade in PA. TRUMP POLL WATCHERS barred from watching the count. TRUMP WON PA, EASILY.
Trump is ahead by 2% and there are over a million ballots left to count. Settle down. You're being lied to.

WRONG, thats after the cheating libs counted thousands of ballots all for sleep joe last night w/o conservatives watching, they were barred and that is why Rudy filed suit in PA.
Trump is the only cheater in this race.

How and why President Trump cheats at golf — even when he’s playing against Tiger Woods

No, the dems are committing fraud on an epic scale. It is being exposed.
In the fever dreams of OANN? :lol:

No, not at all.
Trump’s lead in Georgia just dropped to 31,000. :laugh:
Correction: 23,000
Aaaand....back up to 30,000 ahead now with 98% reporting. :laugh:
View attachment 411507

You're such a dumbfuck, Buttplug.

You literally just posted an image showing:

Impeached Trump ................ 2,432,097
White House bound Biden ... 2,413,999


That's a difference of just 18,098 votes, but here you are, claiming that's a 30,000 vote lead.

Like I always say, conservatives should never go near numbers. They only hurt themselves every time they do.

Looks like Georgia, Arizona, and a couple of other elections are in the realm of calling for recounts....
As the Arizona official told Rachel last night, Arizona has been doing early/mail balloting for a long time and has it down. There won’t be a difference. Georgia has a crooked Governor, so who knows.
61k votes to be counted in GA. Trump's lead is 19k.

GA is swinging blue
He'd need a heavy % of all of the Votes left. I know they have trends of 70%+ percent, but if it's only something like in the 60s, he's toast.
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