Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Two days ago, the N.E & Great lakes were responsible for 65% of deaths.

As of end of reporting today.

320 out of 975 were the N.E.

Ohio and MI doing much better.

Combined with Illinois...about 120.

Texas was at 28

Arizona was at 16.
Arizona also had a large increase in number of cases today. Even more than new cases in New York for the day.

Yes, they did.

And this on the heels of a 1,100 case day.

There is some question about the spacing of the testing which may explain the spikes. But cases are higher than they have been on average.

Hospitalizations were at a record high.

They must all be in on the hoax.
Texas sees record uptick in COVID-19 cases as protests continue

Two of Texas' biggest cities are reporting an uptick in COVID-19 cases over the past several days as concerns mount over how protests sparked by the death of George Floyd may be increasing the spread of the virus.

Dallas County announced an additional 298 positive cases of the novel coronavirus on Friday, according to Dallas County Health and Human Services, bringing the total number of cases in the county to 11,541. Meanwhile, the city of Houston, in Harris County, announced there were 180 new cases on Thursday, bringing the total number of cases in the city to 8,231. There have been over 13,600 cases in Harris County, most in the state.

The total announced Friday in Dallas County was the highest single-day amount of cases since the start of the pandemic. The previous high came just one day earlier, on Thursday.

"We're seeing the numbers increasing. They're not increasing exponentially, but they're increasing linearly in time with the same steady pace," said Dr. David Persse, medical director for the Houston Fire Department. "So the optimizations are in fact, increasing our case counts."

Persse cautioned that the recent protests were unlikely to be the cause if there's a prolonged spike in cases.

"If it stays at this, this sort of same rate of increase, then I definitely won't say you can blame the protests," Persse said. "If anything, it's going to be the reopening of society and people becoming fatigued, if you will, with the precautions we've asked them to take."

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order June 3 for the state to move into phase three of reopening, allowing many business and activities to resume. The state has recorded over 71,000 cases and at least 1,788 deaths since the start of the pandemic, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Brazil and Mexico, again with high numbers.

U.S. at 706 (I guess that is good...sure is better).

New York at 29 ! I think that is a record low for them.

Overall, NE. + Great Lakes = 50%

AZ = 30

TX = 18.

75% of total deaths so nine countries. U.S.A. is #1 by a long shot.

Sweden reported 14
States with most new cases toady:

North Carolina

All higher than New York.

Last person sick with Coronavirus, in New Zealand, has been symptom free for 48 hours now. New Zealand is now going to return to normal domestically, while keeping stiff border restrictions in place. Anyone coming into New Zealand must be quarantined for 14 days, and typically only New Zealand residents or immediate family members of New Zealand residents are allowed in the country.

That's a victory for lockdowns and restrictions! This is where the United States could have been today with a leader like New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern! Unfortunately, were stuck with Donald Trump for seven more months.

Taiwan has only 6 people with coronavirus left. But Taiwan with 5 times the population of New Zealand, has had 1/3 as many cases of the virus and 1/3 as many deaths as New Zealand. Taiwan will likely be virus free soon as well and will then have the flexibility to allow its citizens a safe return to normal while keeping border restrictions in place.

The United States could have done this, but it failed terribly. Were stuck with this virus with no end in sight and will likely be dependent on a vaccine in order to return to normal. Donald Trump is the worst President in United States history. The United States will finally be able to dig its self out of the hole its in, in January 2021 with a A President Biden and a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate!
Several states not reporting anything yesterday (in terms of deaths).

AZ at 2.

New York at 41.

A lot of new cases in AZ. This is spread out across the state.....some are thinking it might just be the increase in testing.

Need to watch mortality.

AZ hasn't changed much in what they've done since the start of things.

Can't seem to keep this chart going down. Starting to see lots of new cases pop up in Arizona, California, Florida and others.
590 Deaths in the U.S. yesterday.

Top 3 states were from N.E. of 190

Great Lakes helped out with 64.

Texas reported 15.

Arizona reported 3.

Arizona cases were high again, but not as high as the last several days.

Several states in single digits.

14 states reporting zero.

Sweden at 35.
It's still early, but look who is on top of the new cases AGAIN today.

North Carolina

I'm seeing a pattern here.
Peak for daily covid-19 cases vs latest daily covid-19 case load:

United States - April 24 /39,072 - June 10 /20,852

Texas - June 10 /2,437 - June 10 /2,437

California - June 5 /3,600 - June 10 /2,897

Florida - June 4 /1,419 - June 10 /1,371

Illinois - May 12 /4,014 - June 10 /625

Washington - May 1 /834 - June 10 /164

Massachusetts - April 24 /4,946 - June 10 /267

Pennsylvania - April 24 /3,096 - June 10 /427

Ohio - April 19 /1,380 - June 10 /425

New York - April 15 /11,661 - June 10 /673

New Jersey - April 3 /4,305 - June 10 /486

Louisiana - April 2 /2,726 - June 10 /418

TEXAS/CALIFORNIA/FLORIDA - represent 1/3 of all new cases in the United States for June 10! All three states are seeing cases rise have seen new records for peak levels of spread within the past week!

From the above list you can that most of the states have done well in reducing the spread of covid-19, EXCEPT Texas, California and Florida. In the case of Texas it appears their restrictions were not strong enough and they have now be discarded. Florida as doing well, but is now opening up and the results are terrible. California is probably suffering from mass numbers of people that are violating restrictions.

If Texas were doing as well as New Jersey, they would only have 10% of the level of infections they had on April 3. Texas could have been down to 83 infections by today, but instead June 10, was a new peak for Texas at 2,437 cases.
Peak for daily covid-19 cases vs latest daily covid-19 case load:

United States - April 24 /39,072 - June 10 /20,852

Italy - March 21 /6,557 - June 10 /202

Spain - March 26 /8,271 - June 10 /314

France - March 31 /7,578 - June 10 /545

Germany - March 27 /6,933 - June 10 /311

United Kingdom - April 10 /8,681 - June 10 /1,003

Japan - April 11 /743 - June 10 /41

South Korea - March 3 /851 - June 10 /50

Australia - March 22 /537 - June 10 /9

Taiwan - March 20 /27 - June 10 /0 Only 3 new infections over the past month

New Zealand - March 28 /146 - June 10 /0 Virus Free - no active cases left.

As you can see above, most of the countries on June 10, 2020 are below 5% of their peak total earlier in the year. Contrast that with the United States that is currently(June 10) at 53% of its peak of total cases back on April 24.

SWEDEN like Texas just experienced its peak number of cases on JUNE 10, 2020 with 1,427 cases.

TEXAS AND SWEDEN are spreading coronavirus like crazy now compared to where they were in March.
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Arizona with 2nd highest number of cases.

Mobility is returning to close to normal.

They were always pretty mobile....some are surmising it is because people are indoors more now.....

They need to watch out.

Deaths are not yet following.

Utah has had a spike too. Opening was six weeks ago so there is a question as to why.

Sweden reporting 78 yesterday and 19 today. (deaths)

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