Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.

We have now passed France, with 9236 cases. We now have the sixth most infections in the world, behind China, Italy, Iran, Spain and Germany.

Death toll is up to 150.

Oh, shit. I hadn't seen this yet. If we are sixth that means we jumped South Korea too.

I think we did that yesterday. We passed SK's death toll a few days ago.

Looks like we have about twice the number of new cases reported in the last 24h compared to what France reported.

Ok, I'e been going by this: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and yesterday we were at 6 thousand something and South Korea was ahead of France and us.
Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.

We have now passed France, with 9236 cases. We now have the sixth most infections in the world, behind China, Italy, Iran, Spain and Germany.

Death toll is up to 150.

Oh, shit. I hadn't seen this yet. If we are sixth that means we jumped South Korea too.

I think we did that yesterday. We passed SK's death toll a few days ago.

Looks like we have about twice the number of new cases reported in the last 24h compared to what France reported.

Ok, I'e been going by this: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and yesterday we were at 6 thousand something and South Korea was ahead of France and us.

At a quick glace that seems somewhat behind. Try this one.
Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.

We have now passed France, with 9236 cases. We now have the sixth most infections in the world, behind China, Italy, Iran, Spain and Germany.

Death toll is up to 150.

Oh, shit. I hadn't seen this yet. If we are sixth that means we jumped South Korea too.

I think we did that yesterday. We passed SK's death toll a few days ago.

Looks like we have about twice the number of new cases reported in the last 24h compared to what France reported.

Ok, I'e been going by this: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center and yesterday we were at 6 thousand something and South Korea was ahead of France and us.

At a quick glace that seems somewhat behind. Try this one.

Yep, looks more current. The one I've been using is getting slower on the uptake and is erroring out on occasion too.
Japan only has 7 cases per million and they are packed together.

We were around 6 per million about a week ago.

Course, that was before more testing got ramped up, so it wasn't realistic, no doubt still isn't.
Japan only has 7 cases per million and they are packed together.

We were around 6 per million about a week ago.

Course, that was before more testing got ramped up, so it wasn't realistic, no doubt still isn't.

Well japan has about 40% of our population and in a country the size of California. They are doing something better than us.
Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.
So one doctor on Fox today said that the reason for the uptick in cases is because many more people are finally getting tested. they may not be new infected people but people who just weren't initially counted. the tests need to catch up with the backlog missed. Again, doesn't mean shit. what matters are the deaths.
You're wrong, those deaths may be caused by Corvid-19 or other serious existing health problems. The attending doctor makes that decision and often the primary cause of death is little more than guess. On the hand, the test for the virus is far more accurate.

Even more important than the total number of cases or deaths is the number of confirmed new cases because when new cases are decreasing, it indicates that we're winning the fight, which is the ultimate goal.
A County Closes

>> Carolina Public Press also reported Tuesday that one North Carolina county has closed its borders and is now requiring residents to display permits. People wanting to get into Dare County need to show proof that they are permitted to be there while the statewide emergency lasts. The county, which is on the coast and is home to Manteo and the Outer Banks, does not have a confirmed case of the coronavirus right now. It is the only county in North Carolina to have made such a requirement at this time. <<​

Recalls the old Candid Camera prank where they set up a roadblock and told motorists that Delaware was closed
On average I watch 2 1/2 to 3 hours of news each day. An estimated 95% of the news these days concerns the ability of the government and the media to scare us citizens half to death with what they say will happen sometime in the future. The media stresses the anticipated shortage of hospital beds, ventilators, testing kits, swabs, masks, and other things. We are being told those afflicted with covid-19 will skyrocket and that the U.S. is where Italy was two weeks ago. The media says very little about about the successes in places like South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and elsewhere, successes we have a great chance of duplicating.

Note to the media: The U.S. is not a third world country and we have the best health systems in the world.

The media with all its great reporting on the coronavirus pandemic rarely mentions the death toll in the U.S., which stands at 135 after three months within a population of 327 million. Those who have died were in their 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. The youngest were in their early or mid-50s. The victims had health problems and most were in nursing homes or other facilities. Here's what we know about the 100 coronavirus deaths in the US - CNN

Little wonder why the media in its effort to create panic rarely mentions the miniscule death toll and the condition of the victims. We expect that older people with health problems will die from the complications caused by the common cold caused by the coronavirus.

The point being, this pandemic does not affect the general population.

The government and the media won't tells us that.

Governor Cuomo of New York came on again today as he does everyday to gives us his dire report. We got the sad news of the lack of testing while the number of cases shot up because of increased testing, the future shortage of hospital beds, ventilators, etc., etc. the reader knows the drill. For the second day in a row -- I have been tracking Cuomo for two days -- Cuomo failed to mention how many had died in his state. He doesn't want us to know. That would ruin the message.

As of two days ago (the latest report on the internet) with a population of 19.54 million, seven people in the state of New York have died of the coronavirus in three months. NY state deaths from coronavirus rises to seven - New York Daily News

Yeah, Cuomo doesn't want you to know that.
On average I watch 2 1/2 to 3 hours of news each day. An estimated 95% of the news these days concerns the ability of the government and the media to scare us citizens half to death with what they say will happen sometime in the future. The media stresses the anticipated shortage of hospital beds, ventilators, testing kits, swabs, masks, and other things. We are being told those afflicted with covid-19 will skyrocket and that the U.S. is where Italy was two weeks ago. The media says very little about about the successes in places like South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and elsewhere, successes we have a great chance of duplicating.

Note to the media: The U.S. is not a third world country and we have the best health systems in the world.

The media with all its great reporting on the coronavirus pandemic rarely mentions the death toll in the U.S., which stands at 135 after three months within a population of 327 million. Those who have died were in their 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. The youngest were in their early or mid-50s. The victims had health problems and most were in nursing homes or other facilities. Here's what we know about the 100 coronavirus deaths in the US - CNN

Little wonder why the media in its effort to create panic rarely mentions the miniscule death toll and the condition of the victims. We expect that older people with health problems will die from the complications caused by the common cold caused by the coronavirus.

The point being, this pandemic does not affect the general population.

The government and the media won't tells us that.

Governor Cuomo of New York came on again today as he does everyday to gives us his dire report. We got the sad news of the lack of testing while the number of cases shot up because of increased testing, the future shortage of hospital beds, ventilators, etc., etc. the reader knows the drill. For the second day in a row -- I have been tracking Cuomo for two days -- Cuomo failed to mention how many had died in his state. He doesn't want us to know. That would ruin the message.

As of two days ago (the latest report on the internet) with a population of 19.54 million, seven people in the state of New York have died of the coronavirus in three months. NY state deaths from coronavirus rises to seven - New York Daily News

Yeah, Cuomo doesn't want you to know that.
Most of the terrible outcomes mentioned in media assumes a worst case scenario which is based on the assumption that we do nothing which is not realistic because we are doing a lot.
This stuff has a huge impact if you are vulnerable to it.

This woman is a dance instructor and has some kind of autoimmune trouble, but she and her children got this and are in a very bad way.

But I guess it's just her bad luck?

Mika Lynne Morford

I am 37 years old. This has been the longest, most intense sickness of my life. I have gotten worse every day and am barely able to breathe with the help of a nebulizer and steroids. My 16 year old daughter and 20 month old son both have the same symptoms and are in respiratory distress. We are waiting & watching & praying to avoid pneumonia with them and trying to keep them out of the hospital....

My 15 year old son & husband both had one day of feeling “under the weather”, barely enough to mention. A mild sore throat & slightly tired. For the rest of us, it’s a much different story. As an immune compromised person, I am in the high risk category but they would not test me until today when I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I needed to know. What I have learned is that the information coming out is all new. They don’t know or understand this virus. If my kids were not safe, others are not either. We will not risk exposing anyone else. Please take this seriously and stay at home. If you’ve been in contact with my family over the last month, watch for symptoms. Do not wait. By the time I knew how sick I was, I was too sick to do anything about it.​
Triple shot from moonbattery incoming

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Ah 1

Spreading Coronavirus at LGBT Winter Party Festival
If members of the gay community don’t hesitate to spread HIV (not to mention chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, herpes, syphilis, human papillomavirus, psychiatric issues, rectal prolapse, anal cancer, etc), why would they restrict their self-indulgence over coronavirus? “Boomer Remover” mostly only kills old people anyway. So they held a massive party that ended just last week:

The Winter Party Festival, an annual, weeklong LGBTQ festival in Miami, saw thousands and thousands of attendees this year.

It wrapped up on March 10. Since then, several attendees have tested Wuhan-positive.

The National LGBTQ Task Force is responsible for organizing the festival.

The organization has not yet announced how many of its attendees have tested positive for COVID-19.

Executive director Rea Carey says they made hand sanitizer available, and attempts to deflect responsibility with the Democrat talking point of denouncing the government for not making enough testing available.

Also, as the Miami Herald observes, the revelers did their part to prevent the spread of the disease by using “a hands-free handshake” that “involved jazz hands” — before getting down to the main business of indulging in obscene sexual practices with promiscuous strangers from across the country.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

What's wrong with you fruit loops ?....cant miss a gay freak gathering can yas ...disgusting diseased riddled animals
Ah 2

Philadelphia Police Give Looters Green Light

The Philadelphia Police Department may be taking the Wuhan virus as an opportunity to follow California (where shoplifting is effectively legal now) and New York (where demented bail reform has resulted in a crime wave) down the rabbit hole toward anarchy. An internal memorandum leaked to local media indicates that effective yesterday, those who commit any of a list of crimes will be released after their identity has been established unless they are specifically deemed to pose a threat to public safety.

The crimes include:

• All narcotics offenses

• Theft from persons

• Retail theft

• Theft from auto

• Burglary

• Vandalism

• All bench warrants

• Stolen auto

• Economic crimes (bad checks, fraud)

• Prostitution

Theoretically, a detective will follow up after the virus has passed.

As Big League Politics reports:

Such a policy could actually prove to be a looter’s best dream, as if enough citizens take advantage of the opportunities for arrest-free property crimes it’ll be all but impossible for the Philadelphia police department to follow up in weeks or possibly months and book them on account of crimes committed during the coronavirus epidemic.

We saw how little impetus was required to inspire hoarders. There is a thin line between a hoarder and a looter. Philadelphia businesses will be lucky to avoid more scenes like this.

On a tip from Stormfax.


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Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that
Stuart Varney on Fox News just said point blank "The economy is collapsing".

So we are JUST A FEW DAYS into virus panic. I don't see people in the street dying. I don't see ERs stacked up with bodies. I don't see a fight for vents.

I DO see grocery shortages. I DO personally know people who are out of a job. Within days.

The panic should start now. About the economy. If we don't right THIS ship, and soon, it's over. On the economic front.
Granny got possum...

... wrapped up against...

... Chinese bio-weaponry.

I think I follow...eating weird animals can make you virus.

I still wouldn't be surprised if it came from that biological germ lab. All it takes is one mistake. These people have been eating that crap for hundreds/thousands of years.

I tend to agree with you. No way China will cop to it.
Even better if our own deranged, politically controlled media continue to blame our president.

It's almost looks like, leftist media, and left in general, hate Trump so much that they're taking Chinese side that is accusing US for the virus. They're not openly saying it, but its on the tips of their tongues.

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