Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.

Yeah, it's alarming to see, but we knew weeks ago how serious this was going to be though I have to say I underestimated the economic impact. Knew it would be big, didn't think this may possibly be worse than the Great Depression.

Anyway, hearing about how bad it would be still does not prepare one when they are on the cusp of the worst of it.
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.

Once AGAIN for the dear retarded, I posted nothing about "thinking the number wouldn't go up". In fact I posted the direct opposite, several times. This is, again, why we strongly recommend LEARNING HOW THE FUCK TO READ.

If you're still confuserated, send for the FREE US Gummint publication #123, "How The Fuck to Read for Morons".
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.

Once AGAIN for the dear retarded, I posted nothing about "thinking the number wouldn't go up". In fact I posted the direct opposite, several times. This is, again, why we strongly recommend LEARNING HOW THE FUCK TO READ.

If you're still confuserated, send for the FREE US Gummint publication #123, "How The Fuck to Read for Morons".

It is getting rather frustrating.
Well, you've probably heard. Italy has surpassed China in the number of deaths.

Stay safe and stay away.
The government should be offering free surgical masks to the general public damn the cost as the human cost may be to high
Surgical masks do nothing to protect the wearer. You have it backwards, dumbass!

Actually, they do offer at least some limited protection, in that many viruses you are likely to encounter especially transmitted through the air from person to person are likely to be in aerosol suspension, and the mask material being absorbent to water will trap and hold at least some of these on contact reducing your exposure and keep those from passing through being inhaled. But you would need to throw the mask out and replace it with a fresh one every time you go out.

So yes, while a medical grade mask is no guarantee, it isn't a total waste of time neither. If you think about it, this is basically what it was designed to do and why doctors and dentists wear them.
Some words from a friend of mine who is a research scientist at the University of Delaware I thought I would pass on about Covid:

My University has basically closed and we are all working remotely. Kids are home. effectively sheltering in place as they say. We will see how things play out. First case in DE was actually at the university. they figure first exposure was sometime in mid February. 3 weeks ago, I had sore throat, then a fever, then a cough. Tested negative for flue and strep. But no one was testing for covid unless you had been to china, and frankly there were no tests anyway. Doing fine now, but the whole family has this little cough that will not go away. So we are staying inside. Will likely NEVER know if it was corona or something else. Lord knows the regular flu was really bad this year.

The point of this little story is that if there are one or two cases in your area, very likely it is spread through the population already. As they get more testing out there, the numbers are going to sky rocket. Despite what they are saying, there appears to be little rhyme or reason as to why some people get a severe case and others get the sniffles. Statistically the elderly and those with underlying conditions like diabetes and cancer(yeah I am special!) seem to get hit the hardest, but there are plenty of examples healthy folks in their 40s,50's and 60's that are on ventilators.

Also it is becoming increasingly clear that a major vector for the spread is coming from people that SHOW NO SYMPTOMS. The stuff seems to live for up to 2 days on plastic, 16 hours on metal and 8 hours on cardboard(they think it sucks the water out of the virus). There is some data suggesting that it might reside in the air for up to 8 hours or so. This is the information we are getting through my wife's contacts, as well as our own dr.s.

Dan is also correct, in that they will likely not rush a vaccine. there are several historic examples of vaccines for these type of viruses that actually make things worse. The last thing we need it to screw that up. so figure 18 months or so. Which also happens to be the time the government in planning to have to deal with this outbreak, based on the news reports.

There is no medicine, etc for this bug. Best thing to do is go old school with this, like when I was a kid. If you feel sick, stay home and treat the symptoms. Minimize contact with family members, drink lots of fluid, take Tylenol for the fever and decongestent, etc.. as needed. If you start having trouble breathing, call the dr. or get to the ER. about 80 % of the cases are mild to moderate(like the flu). the other 20 % are more severe.
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.

Once AGAIN for the dear retarded, I posted nothing about "thinking the number wouldn't go up". In fact I posted the direct opposite, several times. This is, again, why we strongly recommend LEARNING HOW THE FUCK TO READ.

If you're still confuserated, send for the FREE US Gummint publication #123, "How The Fuck to Read for Morons".
you're finished with that book are you?
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.

Once AGAIN for the dear retarded, I posted nothing about "thinking the number wouldn't go up". In fact I posted the direct opposite, several times. This is, again, why we strongly recommend LEARNING HOW THE FUCK TO READ.

If you're still confuserated, send for the FREE US Gummint publication #123, "How The Fuck to Read for Morons".
we are a country of 320 million, and you're surprised at a count over one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, 8,500 caught it? .002656 percent? We shut down a nation for that percentage. total deaths is .000047% of the population. we put people out of work, millions lost 401k and IRA money.
Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that
You’re right Coronavirus is a not specific because it refers to a family of viruses that have crown-like spikes on their surface. However, practically everyone will understand your meaning if you use the term coronavirus. If you want a more specific term, Coronavirus-19 is specific to this virus which is what appears in government documents. If you’re virologist, you probably use the correct scientist name of virus, SARS-CoV-2. All these names are better than the Chinese Virus, not because it’s racist but because there are a number of viruses have originated in China. I noticed the president used the term Chinese Virus but Pence used the correct name Cornonavirus-19 which appears in other government documents he has signed. However, I suspect Trump followers and Fox News will be quick to pick up the term.

You're accusation that there was a coverup by the Chinese has a grain of truth in it, but only a grain. The first case of virus is believed to be a woman in Wuhan in November. It was recorded as a viral pneumonia of unknown causes. Several other cases appeared later that month but linkage was uncertain and the cause was unknown. In December, 2019, a series of pneumonia cases of unknown cause emerged in Wuhan, Hubei, China, with clinical presentations greatly resembling viral pneumonia.
Deep sequencing of analysis from lower respiratory tract samples indicated a novel coronavirus, which was named 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). On Dec 17, the WHO office in China was notified of the discover of a new coronavirus with a number of victims and spreading. It also appeared in a Chinese scientific journals in Dec. The story was released in English to the AP news service on Dec 31st. I suppose you could consider that the Chinese failing to report the cases in Nov and early Dec was a coverup. However, since those cases were just identified as a viral pneumonia which is very common in China and elsewhere, the WHO protocols were followed and they were not reported until the cause was identified. Had china put out a news release in Nov or early Dec. that they were experiencing an unusually high number of cases of a viral pneumonia of unknown origin and unknown cause, it would have been ignored because it is common occurrence in China.

The COVID-19 name was created in accordance with the WHO naming standards for new diseases.
Coronavirus | Human Coronavirus Types | CDC
Last edited:
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.

Once AGAIN for the dear retarded, I posted nothing about "thinking the number wouldn't go up". In fact I posted the direct opposite, several times. This is, again, why we strongly recommend LEARNING HOW THE FUCK TO READ.

If you're still confuserated, send for the FREE US Gummint publication #123, "How The Fuck to Read for Morons".
you're finished with that book are you?

Since you're asking, I'd like to know that too.

If not, when?
People need to go about their normal business and let the chips fall where they may

This cold virus doesnt justify this insanity.


Well. . . .

The administration does not share your POV.

Trump has invoked emergency War powers. IOW, he has taken it upon the Administration to control the economy, complete socialization, if they so chose. . .

Letter from President Donald J. Trump on Emergency Determination Under the Stafford Act | The White House

Trump labels himself ‘a wartime president’ combating coronavirus

Trump taps emergency powers as virus relief plan proceeds

Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.

Once AGAIN for the dear retarded, I posted nothing about "thinking the number wouldn't go up". In fact I posted the direct opposite, several times. This is, again, why we strongly recommend LEARNING HOW THE FUCK TO READ.

If you're still confuserated, send for the FREE US Gummint publication #123, "How The Fuck to Read for Morons".
you're finished with that book are you?

Actually, my mother taught me to read when I was four. Too bad yours didn't.
Michigan deaths from China Virus stands at less than 1%

330 cases with 3 deaths

And how many recoveries?

This is an important point. We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries? It's not good news. China, while they are no saints put in place draconian efforts to reduce the spread of the disease and so far their death vs recovery stats look like this:


Clearly their recovery rate is well above the death rate.

Italy, who like us got a slow start like we did and at least now they are taking the step of self isolation more seriously than we are. This is their outcome so far:


Not great. Recovery rate is still above the death rate but not by much.

How does the US compare?


Bad. Italy is facing severe shortages and they are now forced to pick winners and losers. This could be us in a week.

While I expect the recovery rate to far surpass the death rate for all three countries eventually, we're not off to a good start.
Michigan deaths from China Virus stands at less than 1%

330 cases with 3 deaths

And how many recoveries?

This is an important point. We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries? It's not good news. China, while they are no saints put in place draconian efforts to reduce the spread of the disease and so far their death vs recovery stats look like this:

View attachment 313454

Clearly their recovery rate is well above the death rate.

Italy, who like us got a slow start like we did and at least now they are taking the step of self isolation more seriously than we are. This is their outcome so far:

View attachment 313455

Not great. Recovery rate is still above the death rate but not by much.

How does the US compare?

View attachment 313456


While I expect the recovery rate to far surpass the death rate for all three countries eventually, we're not off to a good start.

This will improve with time. It takes longer for a human to subdue the virus than it takes the virus to subdue the human, so all those countries with a longer history --- China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain France --- have had more time to pile up recovery numbers. China has more than twenty times as many recoveries as deaths. South Korea approximately the same. Germany, three times as many. They're all still finding new infections but the victims who got infected the longest time ago have had the time to recover.

The US numbers are still behind --- 176/108 --- which indicates our first infections were more recent. When we start seeing the recovery number outpace the death number, and the latter not be able to keep pace, we can figure the worst has passed. So we sit, and we wait.
Michigan deaths from China Virus stands at less than 1%

330 cases with 3 deaths

And how many recoveries?

This is an important point. We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries? It's not good news. China, while they are no saints put in place draconian efforts to reduce the spread of the disease and so far their death vs recovery stats look like this:

View attachment 313454

Clearly their recovery rate is well above the death rate.

Italy, who like us got a slow start like we did and at least now they are taking the step of self isolation more seriously than we are. This is their outcome so far:

View attachment 313455

Not great. Recovery rate is still above the death rate but not by much.

How does the US compare?

View attachment 313456

Bad. Italy is facing severe shortages and they are now forced to pick winners and losers. This could be us in a week.

While I expect the recovery rate to far surpass the death rate for all three countries eventually, we're not off to a good start.

You expect... now you're some fucking scientist or expert on subject?

Look at the time line, Italy is almost a month behind China who hid the outbreak for two months, and we're nearly a month behind Italy.
Michigan deaths from China Virus stands at less than 1%

330 cases with 3 deaths

And how many recoveries?

This is an important point. We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries? It's not good news. China, while they are no saints put in place draconian efforts to reduce the spread of the disease and so far their death vs recovery stats look like this:

View attachment 313454

Clearly their recovery rate is well above the death rate.

Italy, who like us got a slow start like we did and at least now they are taking the step of self isolation more seriously than we are. This is their outcome so far:

View attachment 313455

Not great. Recovery rate is still above the death rate but not by much.

How does the US compare?

View attachment 313456

Bad. Italy is facing severe shortages and they are now forced to pick winners and losers. This could be us in a week.

While I expect the recovery rate to far surpass the death rate for all three countries eventually, we're not off to a good start.

You expect... now you're some fucking scientist or expert on subject?

Look at the time line, Italy is almost a month behind China who hid the outbreak for two months, and we're nearly a month behind Italy.

True, but it's not a straight "one to one" comparison. Countries/regions that contract the virus later have the advantage of being able to look back at the earlier ones and assess what they did that worked, what they did that didn't work, what they failed to do, etc, and be more prepared. That's exactly why we're isolating right now --- because we're anticipating.
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.
we went from no testing to testing to additional testing. why would you think the number wouldn't go up as tests increased? more pathetic tds in such a critical time. stay pathetic friend, you are allowed in our country.

Once AGAIN for the dear retarded, I posted nothing about "thinking the number wouldn't go up". In fact I posted the direct opposite, several times. This is, again, why we strongly recommend LEARNING HOW THE FUCK TO READ.

If you're still confuserated, send for the FREE US Gummint publication #123, "How The Fuck to Read for Morons".
you're finished with that book are you?

Actually, my mother taught me to read when I was four. Too bad yours didn't.
You have a mother?!

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