Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

About the same number of people that killed each month by street thugs in Democrat controlled Chicago.
Two comparisons to gauge Trumps success vrs COVID19;
1) Were deaths kept lower than Europe's COVID19 deaths?
2) Were deaths kept lower than the number of people killed from criminal violence in Democrat controlled municipalities?

But no matter how effective Trump is compared to their circumstances or nations, to the TDS minions, it is always ORANGE MAN BAD!

Damn, deaths from COVID-19 surpassed the deaths from hornet, wasp and bee sting, which is 62 a year, on average.
About the same number of people that killed each month by street thugs in Democrat controlled Chicago.
Two comparisons to gauge Trumps success vrs COVID19;
1) Were deaths kept lower than Europe's COVID19 deaths?
2) Were deaths kept lower than the number of people killed from criminal violence in Democrat controlled municipalities?

But no matter how effective Trump is compared to their circumstances or nations, to the TDS minions, it is always ORANGE MAN BAD!

Damn, deaths from COVID-19 surpassed the deaths from hornet, wasp and bee sting, which is 62 a year, on average.
9,000 deaths WORLDWIDE out of a population of 7,000,000,000.

80,000 died from the flu two seasons ago in the USA alone

Last edited:
Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.
So one doctor on Fox today said that the reason for the uptick in cases is because many more people are finally getting tested. they may not be new infected people but people who just weren't initially counted. the tests need to catch up with the backlog missed. Again, doesn't mean shit. what matters are the deaths.
You're wrong, those deaths may be caused by Corvid-19 or other serious existing health problems. The attending doctor makes that decision and often the primary cause of death is little more than guess. On the hand, the test for the virus is far more accurate.

Even more important than the total number of cases or deaths is the number of confirmed new cases because when new cases are decreasing, it indicates that we're winning the fight, which is the ultimate goal.
dude, one needs an autopsy to know cause of death. If someone dies because they had pneumonia, they died because they had pneumonia. If they were sick with the virus, doesn't mean the virus killed them. that's a leap. People die from pneumonia all the time.
Wow. I remember the other day when it was 0. This is getting out of control.
More than 3,700 people have tested positive for the new COVID-19 disease in the U.S. and at least 71 have died. Globally, the death toll was just over 6,500 on Monday, with the weekend seeing an alarming spike in fatalities in three European nations grappling with aggressive outbreaks.
Coronavirus shutdowns spread across U.S. as death toll tops 70

How does that compare to other countries?

Are you blaming their leadership?

Well for one thing we've just reached the same death number as South Korea. And they've been dealing with it much longer.
South Korea seems to be in the later phase of the epidemic. New cases peaked on March 4th at 851. The number of new cases has dropped by 90% as of March 16th. For the same time period, new cases in the US have increased by 2800%. The epidemic in the US is just getting started. There are lots of reason why South Korea has been so successful while the US has made no progress, chief being the lack of attention in the earliest stages when there were only a few cases in two areas. The US lacked just about everything it needed to successful fight the epidemic, beginning with the attention of the nation's leadership, a comprehensive plan of action, the tools to fight the epidemic, trained people locally, and no plan to get those tools. We were simply caught with our pants down.
South Korea Coronavirus: 8,413 Cases and 84 Deaths - Worldometer
United States Coronavirus: 6,470 Cases and 110 Deaths - Worldometer

If you compare the size of population, at it's peak, we should have 5 times more infected and death than South Korea. If we are so unprepared, we should reach that number (42,000 infected, and 420 dead) in about two weeks.
About the same number of people that killed each month by street thugs in Democrat controlled Chicago.
Two comparisons to gauge Trumps success vrs COVID19;
1) Were deaths kept lower than Europe's COVID19 deaths?
2) Were deaths kept lower than the number of people killed from criminal violence in Democrat controlled municipalities?

But no matter how effective Trump is compared to their circumstances or nations, to the TDS minions, it is always ORANGE MAN BAD!

Damn, deaths from COVID-19 surpassed the deaths from hornet, wasp and bee sting, which is 62 a year, on average.
88 black folks died in Chicago since this virus hit. Still no one addressing it. 150 for the virus nationwide. can't you imagine the numbers from Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson, LA, NY. you think the number would reach 150? I do. and yet crickets. Hey black folks, wake the fk up and see your demofk brothers don't care about your races deaths.
Well for one thing we've just reached the same death number as South Korea. And they've been dealing with it much longer.

and we're a much larger country.
Which would have no effect on the rate of spread. In fact, our lower population density would slow the spread compared to South Korea, all else being equal.

We are way behind the curve, compared to South Korea, when it comes to combatting the spread and testing.
You should move to South Korea.

You should move to Blindland, where everybody's vision is so bad they need everything written in great big HEY LOOKA ME fonts.
You should go back to China. We don't like Foreigners telling us what to do.

I agree with Pogo on this.

If you rely in large bold fonts to get the attention, and not on substance, then you really have no much to say. Although I agree with many of your posts, this looks like a screaming to me, and I usually just skip over it.
Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.
So one doctor on Fox today said that the reason for the uptick in cases is because many more people are finally getting tested. they may not be new infected people but people who just weren't initially counted. the tests need to catch up with the backlog missed. Again, doesn't mean shit. what matters are the deaths.
You're wrong, those deaths may be caused by Corvid-19 or other serious existing health problems. The attending doctor makes that decision and often the primary cause of death is little more than guess. On the hand, the test for the virus is far more accurate.

Even more important than the total number of cases or deaths is the number of confirmed new cases because when new cases are decreasing, it indicates that we're winning the fight, which is the ultimate goal.
I really hope we're winning the fight! :smile:
Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that

Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that

Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN
Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that

Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN

china virus. I'll say it to you all day dude. fk you I disdain people who preach like you.
Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that

Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN

"that was then"


It's only "racist" when Trump does it. :D

By the way, those "racist attacks on Asians" started right after media called it Chinese Wuhan corona virus.
Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that

Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN

china virus. I'll say it to you all day dude. fk you I disdain people who preach like you.

I doubt anyone listens to you anyway.

In the mean time I have Japanese relatives in my family and would prefer they not have to deal with the open wound of bigotry the right pusses out of.
Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that

Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN

china virus. I'll say it to you all day dude. fk you I disdain people who preach like you.

I doubt anyone listens to you anyway.

and yet here you are.

China Virus.
Ah 3

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus”
“Coronavirus” isn’t a specific term, because the common cold can be a coronavirus. But you won’t often hear the media refer to it as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” let alone “Chinese Red Death” or “Kung Flu” — even though these terms would be more apt.

Via NOQ Report:

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

Deranged by political correctness and obsessive hatred of Trump (who has called it “the Chinese Virus”), the liberals who run the media reject these terms in favor of the vague “coronavirus” or awkward “COVID-19.” More descriptive terms are denounced as racist and xenophobic. However,

No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Here a Chinese propaganda service exploits political correctness to bully people into pretending not to notice that the virus came from China:
China Xinhua News


Racism is not the right tool to cover your own incompetence

11:19 PM - Mar 16, 2020

In effect, every time the media says “COVID-19” instead of “Wuhan virus,” it is complying with China’s tyrannical communist party, which helped the virus spread by trying to cover it up.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily. Tip from Grumpy Cat.

Fuck you you chinese yellow monkey....... shit eating disease spreading commie rats ...
Eh how's that

Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN

china virus. I'll say it to you all day dude. fk you I disdain people who preach like you.

I doubt anyone listens to you anyway.

and yet here you are.

China Virus.

You omitted the most important part of my post.
Media was first that called it Wuhan corona virus.

That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN

china virus. I'll say it to you all day dude. fk you I disdain people who preach like you.

I doubt anyone listens to you anyway.

and yet here you are.

China Virus.

You omitted the most important part of my post.

talk the software folks on their quote process if you feel I omitted something. I merely quoted your post. It is a feature in the forum. you should use it.
That was then. Now it has a name and now is also not the time to scapegoat Asians who have been under attack by so called Americans.

This is not what we need right now.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US - CNN
china virus. I'll say it to you all day dude. fk you I disdain people who preach like you.

I doubt anyone listens to you anyway.
and yet here you are.

China Virus.

You omitted the most important part of my post.
talk the software folks on their quote process if you feel I omitted something. I merely quoted your post. It is a feature in the forum. you should use it.

Sure you did.
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.

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