Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries?

I think what you got is good and what I thought at first. However, some people are getting it again. This could be tied to not being able to make a vaccine for it the way they usually do. Now, they are trying to change our RNA so we can produce antibodies to fight it. The swine flu vaccine was able to be made the same year it broke out. COVID-19 looks to have mutated so it can't be fought the way other flus have been fought.
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We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries?

I think what you got is good and what I thought at first. However, some people are getting it again. This could be tied to not being able to make a vaccine for it the way they usually do. Now, they are trying to change our RNA so we can produce antibodies to fight it. The swine flu vaccine was able to be made the same year it broke out. COVID-19 looks to have mutated so it can't be fought the way other flus have been fought.

I've heard people asking that question, I've never heard anyone say you can get it twice. There have been some infections that persist in some people however it's pretty rare that after they are cleared they get the disease again.
I've heard people asking that question, I've never heard anyone say you can get it twice. There have been some infections that persist in some people however it's pretty rare that after they are cleared they get the disease again.

This one appears to have mutated more than the swine flu. It seems to act different and more insidious. For example, you can get it easily by casual touch or being close to someone who has it. If you get it, then you can't tell that you have it. You feel fine. You may not experience the symptoms up until two weeks. The virus wants to give you a chance to spread it. Then it hits and you just have to let it run its course as there are no vaccines. It doesn't give your body a chance to make the antibodies to fight it somehow. You're cured, but still have no immunity from it again. Otherwise, we'd have a vaccine for it.
we are a country of 320 million, and you're surprised at a count over one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, 8,500 caught it? .
Goddamn, I just can't take this much stupidity. Our country is a global embarrassment right now because of stupid shit like this.
We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries?

I think what you got is good and what I thought at first. However, some people are getting it again. This could be tied to not being able to make a vaccine for it the way they usually do. Now, they are trying to change our RNA so we can produce antibodies to fight it. The swine flu vaccine was able to be made the same year it broke out. COVID-19 looks to have mutated so it can't be fought the way other flus have been fought.

I've heard people asking that question, I've never heard anyone say you can get it twice. There have been some infections that persist in some people however it's pretty rare that after they are cleared they get the disease again.
So what we’re not getting is how many tests were given to see any new cases. Divide the total tests into the number found gives one a percentage. Now track that number daily to see the pattern. Why are we not getting that figure?
About the same number of people that killed each month by street thugs in Democrat controlled Chicago.
Two comparisons to gauge Trumps success vrs COVID19;
1) Were deaths kept lower than Europe's COVID19 deaths?
2) Were deaths kept lower than the number of people killed from criminal violence in Democrat controlled municipalities?

But no matter how effective Trump is compared to their circumstances or nations, to the TDS minions, it is always ORANGE MAN BAD!

Damn, deaths from COVID-19 surpassed the deaths from hornet, wasp and bee sting, which is 62 a year, on average.
The most current number of deaths in the US from coronavirus for the last 3 weeks is 161 as of 6 hours ago. If it remains at 161 every 3 weeks, the deaths for a year will be 2790. However the number of deaths have been doubling about ever 6 days which indicates the total for the year maybe a lot higher.
Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.
So one doctor on Fox today said that the reason for the uptick in cases is because many more people are finally getting tested. they may not be new infected people but people who just weren't initially counted. the tests need to catch up with the backlog missed. Again, doesn't mean shit. what matters are the deaths.
You're wrong, those deaths may be caused by Corvid-19 or other serious existing health problems. The attending doctor makes that decision and often the primary cause of death is little more than guess. On the hand, the test for the virus is far more accurate.

Even more important than the total number of cases or deaths is the number of confirmed new cases because when new cases are decreasing, it indicates that we're winning the fight, which is the ultimate goal.
I really hope we're winning the fight! :smile:
How can we fail with a president creating antivirals, vaccines, test kits, ventilators, and mask out of thin air.
Just heard this from a friend in Catalonia (part of Spain):

A fast salute from Spain before going to bed.

In Spain all people at home with few restrictions to go out. Just to buy food or take out your dog. Last night I need to walk a little as I’d been all day at home and had to skip to cop cars in the way back home. I felt like a criminal hiding from police… and we are only in the second day of confinement. :(

Hope you americans don’t have to take those measures. Here our health system is not designed for an outbreak like this and we are not able to build hospital at the speed of chinese. We kept our frontiers opened and thousands of Italians walked through our streets with total freedom and happened what had to happen. Matters of being European.

We’ll have to fight boring.

In fact the main problem with the virus, apart of its letality 10 times higher than flu, is its exponential spreading. I like statistics and the numbers of infected follows this pattern. The result is a collapse of hospitals and the fast consumption of basic materials like globes, masks. No country is prepared to cope the pick of infections associated. In fact, here in Spain, in less than 2 weeks we were hearing about the first cases near our city, to hear about someone you know being infected and finally being confined at home. The spread really took us by surprise. Not closing the air traffic with infected countries has being an error.

Look at the graph of number of deaths here in Spain. Of course, we tend to live in more dense areas than USA, except big cities like NY, LA. And we live in high buildings with lots of families, far from your healthy individual houses in America. Dogs are a big value here now, because only people with pets are allowed to go out and walk. Even they caught someone who was renting his dog in internet.

IMAGE 2020-03-19 21:02:25.jpg
Wow. I remember the other day when it was 0. This is getting out of control.
More than 3,700 people have tested positive for the new COVID-19 disease in the U.S. and at least 71 have died. Globally, the death toll was just over 6,500 on Monday, with the weekend seeing an alarming spike in fatalities in three European nations grappling with aggressive outbreaks.
Coronavirus shutdowns spread across U.S. as death toll tops 70

How does that compare to other countries?

Are you blaming their leadership?

Well for one thing we've just reached the same death number as South Korea. And they've been dealing with it much longer.
South Korea seems to be in the later phase of the epidemic. New cases peaked on March 4th at 851. The number of new cases has dropped by 90% as of March 16th. For the same time period, new cases in the US have increased by 2800%. The epidemic in the US is just getting started. There are lots of reason why South Korea has been so successful while the US has made no progress, chief being the lack of attention in the earliest stages when there were only a few cases in two areas. The US lacked just about everything it needed to successful fight the epidemic, beginning with the attention of the nation's leadership, a comprehensive plan of action, the tools to fight the epidemic, trained people locally, and no plan to get those tools. We were simply caught with our pants down.
South Korea Coronavirus: 8,413 Cases and 84 Deaths - Worldometer
United States Coronavirus: 6,470 Cases and 110 Deaths - Worldometer

If you compare the size of population, at it's peak, we should have 5 times more infected and death than South Korea. If we are so unprepared, we should reach that number (42,000 infected, and 420 dead) in about two weeks.
One of the first things you learn in epidemiology is there is vast difference between nations and cultures that directly effect the spread of an epidemic. Also, a pandemic does not hit all nations equally or at the same time so it's almost impossible to look at statistics and compare nations until after the the pandemic has ended.

Just 3 weeks ago South Korea was reporting 850 new cases a day. This week they are reporting an average of 76 new cases a day. So how have they been so successful, without the draconian methods used in China, or massive lock downs. The key to their success has been the most expansive and well-organized testing program in the world, combined with extensive efforts to isolate infected people and trace and quarantine their contacts in the early stages. South Korea has been doing 5200 tests per million inhabitants while the US is testing at a rate of 74 tests per million. While both the US and South Korean were moving into the critical early stage of the virus expansion there success was like night and day. South Korea was prepared and organized, the US was short on tests kits, protective gear, reporting procedures, and trained personnel. Conflicting information was coming from the administration and the CDC. State and local health departments did not have the trained people or facilities to effectively trace down and if necessary, isolate people exposed to the virus. As one government healthcare offical said, it has been a huge cluster fuck that spanned the nation.

Much of South Korea's preparation is due to their experience with epidemics. As the saying goes this was not South Korea's first Rodeo. In the 2015 MERS epidemic, 2003 SARS, an several serve flu epidemics the South Korean government developed the plans, stock piled resources and trained people at local and the national level to deal with a massive epidemic. Hopefully the US will come out of this with a sense of the importance of being prepared for a nationwide epidemic.
Ok, we're ratcheting up pretty high now where new cases will be in the multitude of thousands per day. Currently looking at 7,324. We're about 300 behind France where we were a couple thousand behind them just a couple days ago. Yes, I know France has a smaller population I'm just demonstrating that our case count is going to look enormous from here on out until we're on the other side of the curve.

The good news is we're only at 115 deaths. However as our hospitals are over run I suspect that's going to change.
So one doctor on Fox today said that the reason for the uptick in cases is because many more people are finally getting tested. they may not be new infected people but people who just weren't initially counted. the tests need to catch up with the backlog missed. Again, doesn't mean shit. what matters are the deaths.
You're wrong, those deaths may be caused by Corvid-19 or other serious existing health problems. The attending doctor makes that decision and often the primary cause of death is little more than guess. On the hand, the test for the virus is far more accurate.

Even more important than the total number of cases or deaths is the number of confirmed new cases because when new cases are decreasing, it indicates that we're winning the fight, which is the ultimate goal.
I really hope we're winning the fight! :smile:
How can we fail with a president creating antivirals, vaccines, test kits, ventilators, and mask out of thin air.

I have no doubt they were manufactured by thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops and are even as we speak being distributed by three million illegals.
Ok, we've surpassed 10k by the end of the weekend we very well could be at 20k or more. Hang in there, distance, wash hands, etc. Looks like it's us, Germany, Spain and Iran who are experiencing the largest number of new cases.

The most concerning aspect of that is how little time it took. We are one of only six countries with over ten thousand cases, over 1400 new ones in the last 24h. The density is now 32 infections per 1M population. A week or so ago when I first opened that chart it was around 6.

Probably posted this before but the NYT is keeping a national map updated here. And they've suspended their paywall for COVID19.

Yeah, it's alarming to see, but we knew weeks ago how serious this was going to be though I have to say I underestimated the economic impact. Knew it would be big, didn't think this may possibly be worse than the Great Depression.

Anyway, hearing about how bad it would be still does not prepare one when they are on the cusp of the worst of it.
The real shame is that most of the deaths and economic damage to the nation could have been avoided if we had a plan for dealing with a potential nationwide epidemic. We needed the trained personnel at both the state and federal level, and the resources stockpiled to carry out a nationwide testing, reporting, and quarantining program. With the first case in every state, there should have been extensive tracing of contacts, testing, and quarantining. Second, we needed and did not have the leadership in the White House that recognized that you don't wait till the river comes over the levy to start sandbagging. Of course, the president now realizes that it's not a hoax and it's not just the flu, but it's just a bit late.
We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries?

I think what you got is good and what I thought at first. However, some people are getting it again. This could be tied to not being able to make a vaccine for it the way they usually do. Now, they are trying to change our RNA so we can produce antibodies to fight it. The swine flu vaccine was able to be made the same year it broke out. COVID-19 looks to have mutated so it can't be fought the way other flus have been fought.

I've heard people asking that question, I've never heard anyone say you can get it twice. There have been some infections that persist in some people however it's pretty rare that after they are cleared they get the disease again.
One of the "experts", I think he was answering questions at a press conference said, if this virus behaves as other similar viruses do, then a person who recovers from Covid 19 will have an immunity. What we don't know is how long it will last, a few weeks, years, or a life time.
We can talk about mortality and recovery rates how do they compare to each other and how do we compare so far to other countries?

I think what you got is good and what I thought at first. However, some people are getting it again. This could be tied to not being able to make a vaccine for it the way they usually do. Now, they are trying to change our RNA so we can produce antibodies to fight it. The swine flu vaccine was able to be made the same year it broke out. COVID-19 looks to have mutated so it can't be fought the way other flus have been fought.

I've heard people asking that question, I've never heard anyone say you can get it twice. There have been some infections that persist in some people however it's pretty rare that after they are cleared they get the disease again.
One of the "experts", I think he was answering questions at a press conference said, if this virus behaves as other similar viruses do, then a person who recovers from Covid 19 will have an immunity. What we don't know is how long it will last, a few weeks, years, or a life time.

Would that that recoverd person could just walk around and spread that immunity. We could pay him/her to just go everywhere, shake hands and sneeze on people.
Trump consistently uses half measures.

Trump announced recently he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during war. That same day, "I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!"

That way, for those who approved the move he can say he invoked the wartime act because he is a "wartime President." To those who opposed the move, Trump can say "I really didn't mean it."

Trump consistently wants it both ways. He sometimes makes a fair stand-up comic when he does this.

Referring to a vaccine for malaria (caused by a parasite) working on covid-19 (caused by a virus), Trump said that if it works, it will be a game changer. Then he added, "Or maybe not." Trump's medical expert got up to the mike quickly to explain testing of the vaccine will take months.

Trump said his government is not a "shipping clerk" when criticizing governors trying to obtain supplies. Then he said governors are doing a"fantastic job" getting supplies and Trump's FEMA director said his agency was shipping supplies to the states.

Many times Trump avoids unpleasant facts.

When asked about the travel ban imposed by his state department, Trump referred the reporter to the state department and refused to to talk about it.

When asked about the use of bandanas by health caregivers, Trump said he hasn't seen that and he turned the matter over to Pence. The bandana issues have been in the media for days.

Trump said we should have known about this months ago. China reported the virus to the WHO in December. The U.S. government became aware of the virus in January.

Jan 22
“We have it totally under control. ... It’s going to be just fine.”
— Donald Trump

How did this incompetent man become our President? He is a joke.
In an "abundance of caution" L.A. County just shut down close to 95% of all economic activity. All that remains open are grocery stores, pharmacies, financial institutions, caregivers, mail services and restaurants serving takeout and delivery orders, among others.

189 deaths in three months within a population of 327 million. That's the approximate death rate for common cold complications in the sick and elderly.

Is the cure worse than the disease? You damn betcha.

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