Official Election results thread

Looks like another 2000, a complete moron candidate who wins the electoral college but doesn't win the popular vote.
That would be clinton, if she wins, because Trump is ahead with the popular vote by about 2.1 million.
Looks like the Republicans will hold all 3 branches of government.

The Democrats will get their wish: We'll soon have 9 judges on SCOTUS again! ;)
Looking back....

Liberals ridiculed Bush.

Liberals laughed at McCain/Palin.

But Trump? Fear. Soiled-panty, gut-wrenching FEAR!

Fear that regardless who wins is NOT GOING AWAY.
Well, the dems were not supposed to hold the Oval for 3 terms anyway.

What would you give to be a fly on the wall when Trump and Obama meet in the oval for the first time when he’s handing the keys over to him?
Still too close to call yet but Trump is already overperforming everywhere, not a lock but looks like Trump is going to win. Looks like Repubs will retain the Senate as well. This is shaping up to be a massive fuck up by the DNC.
Agreed about Trump overperforming. It appears the Democrats massively underread the frustration and angst Americans are feeling.

This is a huge repudiation of the Democratic party agenda. 8 years ago they promised hope and change, now Americans are demanding it since the Democrats failed to deliver.
I don't think we should jump to conclusions yet. Both are still in it, both have won their "must win" states so far.

Looks like Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Hampshire will be key.

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