OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

A job interview with witnesses testifying under oath against the candidate?

Nobody is buying that bullshit.
Absolutely it's a job interview......he's applying for a very very very very very important government job.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
It is a job interview and meets the same standards

If you applied for a job and a woman from your past cane forward and said you had tried to rape her.

Would you be hired?


Job interviews are not conducted in view of the entire country in the Senate Chambers.

You lose.
Job interviews for the Supreme Court can and do. You don't think it's important enough for us to all look in?
Let's summarize Ford's testimony given under questioning:

Do you remember the events?


What did you do before the party?
Don't remember

Who else was at the party?
Don't remember

How many people were at the party?
Don't remember

How did you get home?
Don't remember

Where were you?
Don't remember

Did you tell anyone?
Yes. Very few people

Who were they?
Don't remember

You remember them turning the music up?

Did they turn it down?
Don't remember.

If the music was so loud no one could hear you, then how did you hear them walking down the stairs and then talking to people before you left?
I don't understand the question.

Here is a map. Can you show me your house?
I don't remember my address

Did you talk to or see anyone after that party? No.

Well just my friend.

Actually I saw Mike too. And I remember he looked terrified and he knew what he had done.

When was this?
I don't remember

Ford: I got my driver's license at 15 and then drove myself to parties.

Prosecutor: wasn't the legal driving age 16?

Ford: yes.

Prosecutor: how did you get here. It has been reported that you are terrified of flying.

Ford: airplane. It took alot of courage to get on the airplane. I needed support from friends and family.

Prosecutor: how did you get here in August?


You fly often?

I got to Delaware every year to see my family.

Your resume lists travel as a hobby. Is that true?


Have you been to Costa Rica, Hawaii, French Polynesia, etc....


How did you get there?


[I swear I did not make these next questions and answers up]
Did you want to come forward and be in the public?

Then why did you contact WaPo?
Because people on the beach who don't know about things told me to.

Who advised you to contact your senator and WaPo?
Beach friends.

Do you talk to the WaPo?
Yes. Under an encrypted app and off the record.

Did you talk to any member of congress or staff members about your allegations before the letter to Feinstein?
Yes. I met with staff and my congresswoman.

What did you talk about with them?
I described the incident and what my options were about how to get my story relayed forward.

Why did you take the polygraph?
I was advised to

By whom?
(lawyer interrupts and claims privilege)

Where did you take the polygraph?
An airport hotel conference room

Why there?
I was rushing from my grandmothers funnels to the airport.

Who paid for the polygraph?
I don't know.

Did you?

Did anyone?
I don't know
TGINH...thank god its not hillary! she would have picked another Ruthless Bad Girl Ginnersbeg

they should be thanking god that trump picked such a moderate. trump should punish the con job dems by picking an extremist like Amy Coney Barrett!
At some point Trump the CEO will see he needs to withdraw Kavanaugh's nomination.
Rachel Maddow said his nomination was hurtling towards the sun. I wonder what that means?
What is being reported / revealed is like the sun - the Democrats want you to avert your eyes and NOT look at the facts because 'it will burn out your eyes'....DON'T LOOK! :p
One thing I’m not seeing:


I could have missed it, but I don’t know anyone who has been sexually assaulted that wouldn’t be angry. And if they are afraid, they would be anger because fear leads to anger.

Did I miss it?
People here have misrepresented what Ford has said, but we have transcripts

I had never told the details to anyone until May 2012, during a couples counseling session. The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed an extensive remodel of our home, and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why
I wanted to have a second front door, I described the assault in detail. I recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the U.S. Supreme Court and spoke a bit about his background. My husband recalls that I named my attacker as Brett Kavanaugh.
Absolutely it's a job interview......he's applying for a very very very very very important government job.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
It is a job interview and meets the same standards

If you applied for a job and a woman from your past cane forward and said you had tried to rape her.

Would you be hired?


Job interviews are not conducted in view of the entire country in the Senate Chambers.

You lose.
Job interviews for the Supreme Court can and do. You don't think it's important enough for us to all look in?

It's not a job interview. It's a political process.

You lose.
People here have misrepresented what Ford has said, but we have transcripts

I had never told the details to anyone until May 2012, during a couples counseling session. The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed an extensive remodel of our home, and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why
I wanted to have a second front door, I described the assault in detail. I recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the U.S. Supreme Court and spoke a bit about his background. My husband recalls that I named my attacker as Brett Kavanaugh.
Of course he remembers it. Democrats told him to.
At some point Trump the CEO will see he needs to withdraw Kavanaugh's nomination.
Rachel Maddow said his nomination was hurtling towards the sun. I wonder what that means?
I guess you could take that two ways.
Dean, my chance to view has been interrupted a lot. Are they done with Ford? Will the prosecutor sum up the point of all her questions, or did I miss that?
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
It is a job interview and meets the same standards

If you applied for a job and a woman from your past cane forward and said you had tried to rape her.

Would you be hired?


Job interviews are not conducted in view of the entire country in the Senate Chambers.

You lose.
Job interviews for the Supreme Court can and do. You don't think it's important enough for us to all look in?

It's not a job interview. It's a political process.

You lose.
It's both, of course.

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