OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Kavanaugh, the virgin rapist – The New Neo

Cracks me up all this shit. Indelible in the hippo-campus. But I can't remember who's house I was at, who brought me to the party, what month is was, what day it was, or how I got home.


Not One Woman has stepped forward and Refuted Kavanaugh's claim of being a Virgin until he met his wife.

That in itself is enough to throw this out, and throw these assholes and their accusations out on their ass.

They ought to be hauled out in handcuffs, because what is being done is criminal.

She hosts "Google Interns" in her house. Awful Trusting for someone who was s"o traumatized"

But this is the best line of this whole circus.....

At 15 she recalls saying to herself:

"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost
Why do you right-wing nutters hate women so much?

The gop war on women continues unabated.
Have you thought that perhaps their respect for law and it's process is dominating their questions of candor accurate memories?

It is law that the person accusing another that their testimony be corroberated by individuals that would witnesses to the assault. Where is the corrobarating witnesses and testimony?

And a practical application common sense acknowledges the political atmosphere in this country is heightened by the fact that Trump won the election, leaving Democrats in anguished states and appauled that this president has the opportunity (or task) to nominate and secure two Supreme Court justices. Yes there is an all out war. Not the GOP on women but the liberals in Trump. From the moment he was elected, the mantra has been IMPEACH TRUMP!

For these reasons, it is imperative that proof of the assault be demanded. What proof has been given thus far? Psychological records include discussions of an assault but the attacker was not identified during the treatment. Strange.

Witnesses have declared that there was no party at that time where she claims the assault happened. Not one witness she says was there was able to corroberate her story. She cannot tell who took her to the party or took her home. Again, strange.

She had decades to report her story to police and have an investigation. She went through periods of relationship problems and trust and had a support team in place, yet still did not report this assault even when Kavanaugh was going to be a Federal judge. Yet now, it is important for her to tell her story. And we are expected to believe her without corraberation in a heightened negative political time for this president and block any Supreme Court justices.

Can't do it. In a courtroom, Kavanaugh would not be found guilty for lack of evidence. That is the least we can do.
I hope the hearings take a lunch break soon so that I can fix a fender on my car before getting back to the afternoon sessions.

It is lunchtime in D.C. now and even 1 hour late. They must be hungry and thirsty.
They ARE on break, 'til about 1:15p
One thing I’m not seeing:


I could have missed it, but I don’t know anyone who has been sexually assaulted that wouldn’t be angry. And if they are afraid, they would be anger because fear leads to anger.

Did I miss it?
yes, you did miss much

you're a pathetic individual, but you do admit I don’t know
OH, yor a reader of minds now....good to know.
Just like you, who has claimed she is lying since day one. So, no whining allowed by you.
I know she's lying.
She can't remember when or where it happened.
She claims an almost rape fucked up her mind forever.
She says she's afraid of flying but flew to Delaware last month.
Yeah, she's lying.
So I’m watching Fox and they are saying they should just release Lindsey Graham and let him tear her apart.
For those on Fox it’s all about ruining this woman. They don’t care what the truth is. They never did. That’s why they love Trump. The liar in chief.
Doesn't sound like it.
I was younger than this woman was (6), and was actually raped by an older juvenile (16), and the episode bothered me for weeks, but it didn't effect the rest of my life.
I think the fact that she was molested but not penetrated like I was, seems to me to be an exaggeration if she feels like she was violated. That act of being penetrated changes everything.

You were the 6 year old being raped? Or....wait....are you comparing her situation with you KNOWING about a 6 year old being raped.....not BEING the 6 year old being raped?
Kavanaugh, the virgin rapist – The New Neo

Cracks me up all this shit. Indelible in the hippo-campus. But I can't remember who's house I was at, who brought me to the party, what month is was, what day it was, or how I got home.


Not One Woman has stepped forward and Refuted Kavanaugh's claim of being a Virgin until he met his wife.

That in itself is enough to throw this out, and throw these assholes and their accusations out on their ass.

They ought to be hauled out in handcuffs, because what is being done is criminal.

She hosts "Google Interns" in her house. Awful Trusting for someone who was s"o traumatized"

But this is the best line of this whole circus.....

At 15 she recalls saying to herself:

"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost

Fear of embarrassment that they actually had sex with a low life POS like Kavanaugh.

You would just call them a liar anyhow.
A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.

She is actually very childlike and immature for her physical age and education/profession. She is answering in such a way that a 15yo would. Did she never grow up during those 32 years?

I enjoyed the redundant phrasing and poor grammar used in her opening statement. I was asking myself, "This person has a Doctorate?"
OH, yor a reader of minds now....good to know.
Just like you, who has claimed she is lying since day one. So, no whining allowed by you.
I know she's lying.
She can't remember when or where it happened.
She claims an almost rape fucked up her mind forever.
She says she's afraid of flying but flew to Delaware last month.
Yeah, she's lying.
Which,like I said, you decided long ago. I'm not sure who you think you are fooling...
OH, yor a reader of minds now....good to know.
Just like you, who has claimed she is lying since day one. So, no whining allowed by you.
I know she's lying.
She can't remember when or where it happened.
She claims an almost rape fucked up her mind forever.
She says she's afraid of flying but flew to Delaware last month.
Yeah, she's lying.
My mom was afraid of flying. Terrified, she'd shake and tremble. But we got her on planes.

It is law that the person accusing another that their testimony be corroberated by individuals that would witnesses to the assault. Where is the corrobarating witnesses and testimony?

And a practical application common sense acknowledges the political atmosphere in this country is heightened by the fact that Trump won the election, leaving Democrats in anguished states and appauled that this president has the opportunity (or task) to nominate and secure two Supreme Court justices. Yes there is an all out war. Not the GOP on women but the liberals in Trump. From the moment he was elected, the mantra has been IMPEACH TRUMP!

For these reasons, it is imperative that proof of the assault be demanded. What proof has been given thus far? Psychological records include discussions of an assault but the attacker was not identified during the treatment. Strange.

Witnesses have declared that there was no party at that time where she claims the assault happened. Not one witness she says was there was able to corroberate her story. She cannot tell who took her to the party or took her home. Again, strange.

She had decades to report her story to police and have an investigation. She went through periods of relationship problems and trust and had a support team in place, yet still did not report this assault even when Kavanaugh was going to be a Federal judge. Yet now, it is important for her to tell her story. And we are expected to believe her without corraberation in a heightened negative political time for this president and block any Supreme Court justices.

Can't do it. In a courtroom, Kavanaugh would not be found guilty for lack of evidence. That is the least we can do.
Ford has NEVER said he raped her. Everything she is saying today is totally believable. She is credible and as honest about this as one can be. We need Mark Judge to testify. He's the second guy present during this terrible attack. If Kavanaugh doesn't admit he did this how could we possibly make him a federal judge. Even if he admits he did it (drunk or not) he has dug his hole and it's too deep to get out of. He can never be trusted again! He needs to at least redeem himself to save whatever reputation he has left.

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I have participated in job interviews before. None of them involved witnesses testifying against me.

The allegation makes it a Court, not an interview.

The consequences make it a court as well, and not just an interview.
And the consequences are that he either gets the job or not.

You really think that is the only consequence?

If you really believe all the stories about him, wouldn't you want him Impeached from the DC Circuit?

You really think his career would keep going if he is turned down from the SC because of this?

Oh, wait, character assassination in the pursuit of politics is OK for political hacks like you because the ends justify the means.
No more no less than anyone else who has unpleasant stuff pop up during their job interview. If you are being interviewed for a job and they find that you've done X bad thing.....don't you think your current job should be in jeopardy?

Find me another interview that is done in front of AN ENTIRE NATION, and you may have a smidge of a point.

On what evidence would he be impeached?
Pretty much every Supreme Court nominee being interviewed by every Senate Judicial Committee.
A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.

She is actually very childlike and immature for her physical age and education/profession. She is answering in such a way that a 15yo would. Did she never grow up during those 32 years?

I enjoyed the redundant phrasing and poor grammar used in her opening statement. I was asking myself, "This person has a Doctorate?"
she also has ptsd

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