OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Kavanaugh, the virgin rapist – The New Neo

Cracks me up all this shit. Indelible in the hippo-campus. But I can't remember who's house I was at, who brought me to the party, what month is was, what day it was, or how I got home.


Not One Woman has stepped forward and Refuted Kavanaugh's claim of being a Virgin until he met his wife.

That in itself is enough to throw this out, and throw these assholes and their accusations out on their ass.

They ought to be hauled out in handcuffs, because what is being done is criminal.

She hosts "Google Interns" in her house. Awful Trusting for someone who was s"o traumatized"

But this is the best line of this whole circus.....

At 15 she recalls saying to herself:

"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost

Male from Ohio and some of you others are idiots.

why penny? Unless Ford was raped daily-------why would she just "forget"
reasonable details. Her memory should be VERY SHARP for details unless
she was drunk-----in which case her memory cannot be trusted

Judge Kavanaugh

Brilliant, qualified judge - hailed by D-Schumer as 'the most qualified judge for the USSC', 'potentially the best judge on the USSC once certified'. Described as a 'Boy Scout', Kavanaugh has had an impeccable reputation among both Republicans and Democrats...until he was nominated by Donald Trump to be the next USSC Justice.

Diane Feinstein
Despicable low-life who climbed into bed with the ChiComm President and Party 20 years ago, used her position to award govt contract to ChiComm-owned Chinese business through her husband, making millions; harbored a Chinese spy / facilitated espionage against the US by China for 20 Years; went extremely public with an unsubstantiated rumor - betraying the woman who did NOT want this to go public and who did NOT want to be identified - for desperate political partisan stop Kavanaugh's confirmation. She has been 'roasted' for the desperate, despicable '11th-Hour' attempt to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh, unleashing the DNC Tactic of 'the Politics of Political Destruction', attempting to destroy Kavanaugh's word, reputation, life's work, family, and marriage along with his opportunity to become the next USSC Justice, all part of her 100% commitment to Obstruct anything and everything President Trump tries to accomplish - even if she has to destroy a good man to do it.

D-Mazie Hirono
Hawaiian Democrats who berated American men for not immediately believing the 'victim' despite all the problems with her claim; declared 'the burden of proof is on the accused rather than the accuser', insinuating the Un-American belief that one is 'Guilty until proven Innocent'

Christine Ford
1st Kavanaugh accuser - self-identified Trump/Conservative-hating, pu$$y hat-wearing, Womens' march participant and Liberal Extremist Activist; an admitted under-aged alcohol abuser in high school who claims to have had sex with over 50 boys in HS; claims she was attacked by Kavanaugh at a party she attended, admitting she was intoxicated - Can not remember the exact location, can not remember the exact month, can not remember the exact YEAR, details of her story continue to change, and the 4 individuals she claims were witnesses - 1 who supposedly saved her from being raped by Kavanaugh - have stated the incident she has described never happened.

Deborah Ramirez
2nd Kavanaugh Accuser - Admits attending a party, playing a drinking game, got drunk to the point she was lying on the floor and claimed someone exposed themselves to her as she lay there. She claims she remembers Kavanaugh 'pulling up his pants'; however, she stated in an interview that her memory was 'fuzzy' and 'contained gaps'.

Julie Swetnick
3rd Kavanaugh Accuser - Claims she attended numerous parties, claimed to have been gang-raped by boys who ' regularly' spike drinks / drugged girls then gang-raped them at these parties. Despite claiming to see this repeated criminal action she made no attempt to stop it, never reported the crimes to the authorities. Despite claiming she was gang-raped at one of these parties and despite continuing to be in danger of it happening again, Swetnick claims to have continued attending the parties.


It has been revealed that Stenwick is a bit of a freak, having had a restraining order placed on her for threatening the lives of her ex's wife and children. Ex-boyfriend Richard Vinneccy says Swetnick is not credible at all and that he has evidence proving what she claims is false; however, he stated he is going to speak to his lawyer before releasing that evidence.

* Ex-boyfriend of third Kavanaugh accuser filed restraining order against her

2 Un-Identified Men
2 Men have come forward to the US Senate Committee informing Senator Grassley that after hearing the scant details Ford could remember of her attack they believe they were the ones involved in the encounter, not Kavanaugh, that he was mis-identified, a case of mistaken identity.

Stepping up to take on the cases for the 3 accusers are some 'heavy-hitters'...and some real scum bags: The Deep State Lawyers for Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and disgraced/fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe - 1 lawyer represented both Bill Clinton and Al Franken against accusations from women in Ford's position; the final sleazy lawyer represents the anti-Trump Porn Star, Stormy Daniels.


These geniuses have attempted to control everything about the hearing from the 1st minute they stepped in Ford's Lawyers:

- Claimed that placing her under oath to testify would be 'counter-productive to finding the out truth'. (Bwuhahahaha)

- Demanded she not be in the same room as Kavanaugh, attempting to deny him his right to meet his accuser -- DENIED.

- Demanded Kavanaugh be asked questions 1st followed by Ford with no rebuttal, denying Kavanaugh an opportunity to addressing Ford's claims - DENIED.


I almost forgot.....

Anticipating (correctly) that the Democrats would attack the 11-Man GOP senate Committee Panel no matter what happens during the hearing, calling them sexist, rude, insensitive, etc..., the GOP robbed the Democrats of the opportunity by bringing in one of THE premiere Sex Crime Prosecutors in the country to question Ford...the brilliant thing about it is not only is Mitchell an expert in what Ford and the others are accusing Kavanaugh of doing, Mitchell is also a WOMAN! :p

This, of course drove Democrats bat-shcmidt CRAZY, immediately causing Democrats to rail against the GOP, calling the move 'unfair', claiming bringing in an expert to question Ford was 'disrespectful', etc...

"The move allows the 11 Republicans on the committee — all white men — to avoid the image on national television of them grilling Dr. Blasey in a hearing on Thursday about the sexual assault she has accused Judge Kavanaugh of carrying out in high school."

Chief of the Special Victims Division of the Maricopa County attorney’s office in Arizona, an Arizona prosecutor specializing in sex crimes. "Ms. Mitchell has been recognized in the legal community for her experience and objectivity."

What We Know About Rachel Mitchell, the Prosecutor Set to Question Christine Blasey Ford

Wow, that’s a lot of conservative denial and storytelling before any testimony is heard.
A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.

She is actually very childlike and immature for her physical age and education/profession. She is answering in such a way that a 15yo would. Did she never grow up during those 32 years?

I enjoyed the redundant phrasing and poor grammar used in her opening statement. I was asking myself, "This person has a Doctorate?"
she also has ptsd
She shouldn't.

With dogs, those who are pet and cooed over every time they exhibit fear or anxiety develop into lunatics as well.
I’m watching a prosecutor say that they should take this case to trial.
There is no statute of limitations in Maryland for attempted rape.
And with all the evidence and all the witnesses and all the ladies coming forward there’s a very strong case here to get a guilty verdict for a case of attempted rape.
Remember the bill Cosby case had no forensic evidence at all.
Kavanaugh has decided to use a Clinton strategy -- I did not have sex with that woman … .

The difference is that Clinton was lying - Kavanaugh isn't, there was actually EVIDENCE against Clinton - there isn't any against Kavanaugh.....
Ford is a dingbat. Edith Bunker only dumber.

She can't even remember what happened last month. She has the Hillary defense, selective memory.

It's time to get the other people she claims were at the party to testify.
That wont happen. The repubs have already crashed and burned. If they get Judge under testimony it may very well end up with Drumpf getting impeached.
A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.

She is actually very childlike and immature for her physical age and education/profession. She is answering in such a way that a 15yo would. Did she never grow up during those 32 years?

I enjoyed the redundant phrasing and poor grammar used in her opening statement. I was asking myself, "This person has a Doctorate?"
she also has ptsd
She shouldn't.
She has ptsd
Jury instructions on credibility of a witness. Failure on most of them.

Among the factors that you may consider are:
•How well could the witness see, hear, or otherwise perceive the
things about which the witness testified?
•How well was the witness able to remember and describe what
•What was the witness’s behavior while testifying?
•Did the witness understand the questions and answer them
•Was the witness’s testimony influenced by a factor such as bias
or prejudice, a personal relationship with someone involved in
the case, or a personal interest in how the case is decided?
•What was the witness’s attitude about the case or about
•Did the witness make a statement in the past that is consistent or
inconsistent with his or her testimony?
•How reasonable is the testimony when you consider all the other
evidence in the case?
•[Did other evidence prove or disprove any fact about which the
witness testified?]
•[Did the witness admit to being untruthful?]
•[What is the witness’s character for truthfulness?]
•[Has the witness been convicted of a felony?]
•[Has the witness engaged in [other] conduct that reflects on his
or her believability?]
Oh...this is a court of law? a trial?

Answer: no it is's a job interview. An extremely important job, but a job interview nonetheless.

You’ve been arguing over this the entire thread, why does it matter? If it’s so important to call it a job interview call it a “job interview under oath.”
Because it's for a very very very very important government position. I sure can't understand why some people want to deny that the entire purpose of this job interview is to determine the Committee's recommendation to the Senate as to whether to vote this guy in (hire him) or not vote him in (not hire him).
Kavanaugh is doomed.

The GOP could not see this coming.

The DEM's were given a gift.

Unless the GOP works fast with a Plan B they may lose the Senate and this chance to seat a second strict constructionist Justice on the SCOTUS.
Ford is a dingbat. Edith Bunker only dumber.

She can't even remember what happened last month. She has the Hillary defense, selective memory.

It's time to get the other people she claims were at the party to testify.

Hey, in no way whatsoever compare this Ford character to Edith Bunker...…….Edith could kick her ass
At the end of the day there is no evidence. It's still her word versus his. If she brought this up years ago I'd be inclined to believe her. But I have a very hard time finding her credible based on the timing. She only brought this up when it became political.
What does Franken or a secrete cookie recipe have to do with this thread?
Projection, my dear boy. You and snowflakes try to accuse others of doing what you / Democrats do / have done and of being who you / Democrats are.

Clinton, Franken the Pervs in the Senate who formed a committee to pay off their victims with tax dollars rather than STOP their criminal sexual crimes against women, Ellison.....

By attempting to claim it is the GOP, not the Democrats, who are the sexual predators who have been preying on women for decades you are just peeing into a fan set on 'hi' / spitting into the wind....

That post (#375) is nothing but pure TROLL shit; you, me, and everyone here knows that.
Because it's for a very very very very important government position. I sure can't understand why some people want to deny that the entire purpose of this job interview is to determine the Committee's recommendation to the Senate as to whether to vote this guy in (hire him) or not vote him in (not hire him).
The point of this debate over job interview v. court is the standard of proof.
What I found telling was the questions put to Ford about whether she gave her medical transcripts to a reporter who was writing the article that broke the story. If she did...something she suddenly can't remember...then it's hard to claim that those would be privileged and not disclosable...which allows a look at Ford's medical and mental history.
Kavanaugh has decided to use a Clinton strategy -- I did not have sex with that woman … .

The difference is that Clinton was lying - Kavanaugh isn't, there was actually EVIDENCE against Clinton - there isn't any against Kavanaugh.....
Let me post this again:

I’m watching a prosecutor say that they should take this case to trial.
There is no statute of limitations in Maryland for attempted rape.
And with all the evidence and all the witnesses and all the ladies coming forward there’s a very strong case here to get a guilty verdict for a case of attempted rape.
Remember the bill Cosby case had no forensic evidence at all.
Kavanaugh has decided to use a Clinton strategy -- I did not have sex with that woman … .

The difference is that Clinton was lying - Kavanaugh isn't, there was actually EVIDENCE against Clinton - there isn't any against Kavanaugh.....
Let me post this again:

I’m watching a prosecutor say that they should take this case to trial.
There is no statute of limitations in Maryland for attempted rape.
And with all the evidence and all the witnesses and all the ladies coming forward there’s a very strong case here to get a guilty verdict for a case of attempted rape.
Remember the bill Cosby case had no forensic evidence at all.
There is no evidence, only claims by Trump haters.

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